
What I don't like about Hillary being a candidate is that we will have another Democrat candidate that is expected to be treated with kid gloves. Republican candidates don't get treated that way, just ask Palin, Bachmann or Cain. Only Dems will accuse people of racism or sexism for treating their candidates like any other.

Hillary has already hinted that her campaign would focus on how unfair women are treated. Even if she were elected, it would continue the same way Obama kept playing the race card.
Surely, you're not saying Republicans treated Obama with kid gloves. Republicans have started on Hillary even thou she hasn't announced her candidacy and the election isn't for 2 1/2 years.

Have we treated him with kid gloves? No. Has he demanded it? Yes.
Why is she the most qualified to be president, when she lost the nomination to the least qualified candidate ever?

No link...just logic.

She's over 35 and is a natural born citizen

No, that just makes her qualified to run, not to actually do the job.

Perhaps, but when they elected Obama, the Democrats demonstrated that they don't care about being qualified to actually do the job.

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