
If Hillary is qualified to be President, then can we assume that all Burger King Managers are also qualified?

They would be better qualified.
if i had a cat, that cat would be better qaulified.

The democratic party doesn't think so...They will be the ones coming out in 2016 to put Hillary into the white house.

Why did they stay home in 2014? You libs are funny! :laugh:
The Left tends to believe Hillary is qualified for the exact same reason that she is actually completely unqualified to be POTUS..... her gender.

The Left would like people to believe that being a woman is somehow sufficient qualification for being POTUS under the same reasoning that being black made Barrack Obama qualified to be President.... namely that it fits in with their anti-white, anti-male, and anti-traditionalist leanings.

While Barrack Obama's race was not and shouldn't have been a disqualifying factor, Hillary Rodham-Clinton's gender IS. Women have no proper place in politics and never have. It's that simple.

While I do not agree with your comment that women has no proper place in politics, I do believe that Hilary's campaign is counting on vast amount of women voting for Hilary because she is a woman. Certainly some women will vote for her strictly on the basis of gender, but not as many as she would hope. I believe most women are very astute and will not consider her gender nearly as much as the African-American community did when electing Obama. Also, the label of sexist, for not supporting Hilary, does not have as much of a negative connotation as did the label racist during the Obama campaign.
What are Hillary's top 5 career accomplishments that tell us she's presidential material?

No one, and I mean no one, has been able to answer that one. Not even Hillary can name any accomplishments.

The attack on Libya?
Gun running to Syria?
Fast and furious?
Her work to get our troops out of Iraq?
Her work to arm the isis?

I wish i could go back into time and change a line in "Its a wonderful life" i would tell the little girl to say " Every Time Hillary Clinton Deletes an email, A Liberal Gets A Cankle Sore".
Hillary is qualified for the same reason Mitt Romney was qualified to be President after he lost to the Republican candidate who lost to the least qualified candidate ever.


That's wonderful...now tell me WHY they lost to the least qualified ever.

Romney lost because the Right can no longer speak truthfully to save its life. Even when it is in the right. The Right compulsively lies and attacks.

I sort of agree. Mitt was probably the most qualified candidate we've had since .... BushI. He was proven a success in political and biz levels. I'd say BushII, but honestly the guy rode dad's coattails his entire life.

But, the gop is hostage to pretty fringe views. I mean is the candidate going to have to say let's get rid of EPA and Dept of Interior? Is the litmus test going to be not using any money from taxing docs and hospitals and insurers to pay for healthcare? The fringe sort of require anyone who's been a responsible adult to repudiate responsibility.

Whether one like's Hill or not, she's succeeded in political life, made money in corporate America, two term senator and S of State. If that resume doesn't do it for you, your dislike of her has nothing to do with the resume.

I think her age is an issue. Not so much health, but can she connect with voters? But, then Garfield pretty much had TR just to campaign for him. Who knows the future?

I think Hilary lags in the likability department. Hubby Bill, despite his many faults, was a genuinely likable guy who you could have a beer with. Hilary is shrill, conniving and generally a cold person who I wouldn't walk across the street to talk to. And don't forget in this day and age voting really does come down to what can the candidate give me. Unfortunately, Hilary has a credibility gap and people do not trust her. Even if she does promise everybody the world no one will believe that she has any intention of delivering.
You do realize that is only in two states don't ya?

A whopping 16 EVs out of 538

I realize that you're a desperate hack.

The criminal conspiracy is done. IF you dims even nominate Hilllary, you are fools. She is a crook from top to bottom, and will be trashed.

I think it would be hilarious if you morons nominate her, and she ends up indicted before the general. You'd vote for her anyway, but the comedy would be precious...

Not only does she lack credibility but she does not come off as a nice or genuine person. People want to trust the person who is the president. Her cold demeanor and manipulative manor may play well in NY and in DC but it will not get you elected on Mainstreet USA.
Why is she the most qualified to be president, when she lost the nomination to the least qualified candidate ever?

No link...just logic.
i have an idea. lets get sarah palin to fill in for Hillary, and she can take all of the questions for her, and she will answer them just like Hillary will, only Sarah will bring out the truths. {but she doesnt have to wear pant suits and a wig}.

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