
Hillary was just raising money to do good things around the world! I don't know why you guys have an issue with these oil rich countries giving to her foundation. It's not like she would ever show them preferred treatment! You act like she would give them your tax dollars or something!!

UGH!! Stupid repukes!!!
What I don't like about Hillary being a candidate is that we will have another Democrat candidate that is expected to be treated with kid gloves. Republican candidates don't get treated that way, just ask Palin, Bachmann or Cain. Only Dems will accuse people of racism or sexism for treating their candidates like any other.

Hillary has already hinted that her campaign would focus on how unfair women are treated. Even if she were elected, it would continue the same way Obama kept playing the race card.

When has the right ever treated anybody with kid gloves? Vile, hateful bastards all.
What I don't like about Hillary being a candidate is that we will have another Democrat candidate that is expected to be treated with kid gloves. Republican candidates don't get treated that way, just ask Palin, Bachmann or Cain. Only Dems will accuse people of racism or sexism for treating their candidates like any other.

Hillary has already hinted that her campaign would focus on how unfair women are treated. Even if she were elected, it would continue the same way Obama kept playing the race card.

When has the right ever treated anybody with kid gloves? Vile, hateful bastards all.

Let's go to the center and let them be the radical assholes. Let's support infrastructure, science, r&d, education and minimum wage.
Benghazi derangement disqualifies the GOP, not Hillary.

Benghazi done fucked up her shit, for sure!

She knows it.

Only fools don't.


Nope. Only fools think they can hurt Hillary with Benghazi any more. Your retard hacks whose piss you've been drinking tipped their hand right out of the gate. They are not the slightest bit interested in the truth. They are the opposite side of the same coin Obama is on.

"Obama watched while they died".

"Stand down order."

Their own mountains of manufactured bullshit gave them away. It's all one big hatchet job, and it is hurting the GOP more than helping it. They are repulsing people who would otherwise vote GOP.

Pound sand.

And if you can't answer Trey Gowdy's questions then you need to STFU.

All those questions have been answered multiple times.
We can pretend to be centrists!!! That's Hillary's ticket! We are Democrats we can be everything to everyone during election season --- and continue our march to the left!! Our base will buy anything we sell!!
Why is she the most qualified to be president, when she lost the nomination to the least qualified candidate ever?

No link...just logic.

That "least qualified President" beat the best available Republican by a 2:1 margin

What does that say about Republicans?
Why is she the most qualified to be president, when she lost the nomination to the least qualified candidate ever?

No link...just logic.

That "least qualified President" beat the best available Republican by a 2:1 margin

What does that say about Republicans?
It says there's more stupid democrats than there are lazy republicans.
Why is she the most qualified to be president, when she lost the nomination to the least qualified candidate ever?

No link...just logic.

Hillary is qualified for the same reason Mitt Romney was qualified to be President after he lost to the Republican candidate who lost to the least qualified candidate ever.


Truth be told, and more fool me, I voted for Obumble over Mittens, because, by then, he had four years as President under his belt, even if he wasn't doing very well, and because I didn't trust Mister Forty-Seven Percent to do the Right Thing by the American People, although I had only marginally less despairing hopes that Obumble might.

But, on reflection, at least Mittens had a Governship on his resume... at least he had governed a large, heavily populated State, and an old and prestigious one at that, and had dealt with a Legislature and a Court System, and had served as the Commander-in-Chief of a State's own Army (National Guard) - he had prior experience in governance on a fairly large scale, and needed to merely scale-up, in order to function. Merely scaling-up is easier than having to fumble one's way through O(n)-the-J(ob)-T(raining) on the taxpayer's dime.

Hillary has been an intimate observer of governance on both the State and National level but she hasn't done it herself, other than to abandon her native State of Illinois, and her adopted State of Arkansas, and to settle in New York, and to ride to the Senate on Bubba's coat-tails, until she could begin to make some headway on her own. Her appointment as Secretary of State was a bone tossed to her as a consolation prize for losing the 2008 primaries. She snapped-up that bone, at the expense of foreign policy and overseas staff.

She and her husband are the most scandal-plagued and potentially (unproven) corrupt and dissolute tag-team couple to ever 'grace' the American political landscape.

Both Democrats and Republicans can serve-up far better candidates - including women.

Please, God, no more of the Clintons. Let them live-out their lives and drift into history, and let the rest of us put them behind us.

Enough already.
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Looks like Hillary will make her announcement on Sunday

Great day for America
Why is she the most qualified to be president, when she lost the nomination to the least qualified candidate ever?

No link...just logic.

Why? Well, for liberals there are two reasons. She is woman ( :eusa_think: ) and she is a Democrat, moving to the left until and if she wins the throne. Not to worry, though, Bill will be there to answer that phone call at 3 in the morning.

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