
Tell us again how the crowd spontaneously rose up in anger over a video nobody saw and grabbed their mortars and RPG's and headed to the Consulate

I love that story!

Many Americans are baffled at how a low-budget, horribly produced, vaguely pornographic, Islam-defaming movie that almost nobody had heard of on Sept. 10 became the flashpoint for dangerous, sometimes deadly riots around the world starting Sept. 11. And not even the whole movie — just a 14-minute clip uploaded to YouTube, one of a gazillion clips that litter the videographic graveyard at the popular website. There are lots of unanswered questions surrounding the movie, Innocence of Muslims, and its fallout, but it's clear that the eruption was months in the making. Here, a look at some key dates in the saga of the clip viewed around the world:

Sept. 8
Egyptian television firebrand Sheik Khaled Abdalla airs part of the the Arabic version of the clip on local channel Al Nas, condemning it harshly. The trailer's YouTube view-count skyrockets.

The anti-Islam-film riots: A timeline - The Week

I saw the movie.
It was fucking hilarious! The Muslims - and people of your ilk - have no sense of humor.

In reality it was a 14 minute trailer. So poorly overdubbed that it was kinda funny. But the humorousness of the thing wasn't the question. It was how did the video cause the religionist to riot. Clearly it was by word of mouth, not by viewing.
Tell us again how the crowd spontaneously rose up in anger over a video nobody saw and grabbed their mortars and RPG's and headed to the Consulate

I love that story!

Many Americans are baffled at how a low-budget, horribly produced, vaguely pornographic, Islam-defaming movie that almost nobody had heard of on Sept. 10 became the flashpoint for dangerous, sometimes deadly riots around the world starting Sept. 11. And not even the whole movie — just a 14-minute clip uploaded to YouTube, one of a gazillion clips that litter the videographic graveyard at the popular website. There are lots of unanswered questions surrounding the movie, Innocence of Muslims, and its fallout, but it's clear that the eruption was months in the making. Here, a look at some key dates in the saga of the clip viewed around the world:

Sept. 8
Egyptian television firebrand Sheik Khaled Abdalla airs part of the the Arabic version of the clip on local channel Al Nas, condemning it harshly. The trailer's YouTube view-count skyrockets.

The anti-Islam-film riots: A timeline - The Week

"To underscore that these protests are rooted in an internet video, and not a broader failure of policy." -- Obama memo lying about Benghazi attack

More willful lies Frankie, or are you just parroting lies?

It was not a memo from the President. (Not is the actual email a smoking gun.)

The key line in the Rhodes email is that the emphasis of team spin should be to “underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy.” He’s talking about protests, plural, because hell was breaking out all over the Middle East, and the leading theory was that an anti-Islamic video had helped stir it up. Aides were also directed to portray Obama as “steady and statesmanlike.” Later Rhodes writes that the goal is “[t]o reinforce the President and Administration’s strength and steadiness in dealing with difficult challenges.”
Benghazi derangement disqualifies the GOP, not Hillary.

Benghazi done fucked up her shit, for sure!

She knows it.

Only fools don't.


Nope. Only fools think they can hurt Hillary with Benghazi any more. Your retard hacks whose piss you've been drinking tipped their hand right out of the gate. They are not the slightest bit interested in the truth. They are the opposite side of the same coin Obama is on.

"Obama watched while they died".

"Stand down order."

Their own mountains of manufactured bullshit gave them away. It's all one big hatchet job, and it is hurting the GOP more than helping it. They are repulsing people who would otherwise vote GOP.
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You want to REALLY hurt Hillary, you have to have intelligence. And I am afraid that is sorely lacking on the Right these days. The Right has boiled down its core to mindless minions with memories like that of goldfish and the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker. All the smart people have left.
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Benghazi derangement disqualifies the GOP, not Hillary.

Benghazi done fucked up her shit, for sure!

She knows it.

Only fools don't.


Nope. Only fools think they can hurt Hillary with Benghazi any more. Your retard hacks whose piss you've been drinking tipped their hand right out of the gate. They are not the slightest bit interested in the truth. They are the opposite side of the same coin Obama is on.

"Obama watched while they died".

"Stand down order."

Their own mountains of manufactured bullshit gave them away. It's all one big hatchet job, and it is hurting the GOP more than helping it. They are repulsing people who would otherwise vote GOP.

What would you consider Hillary's top three accomplishments as Secretary of State?
Benghazi derangement disqualifies the GOP, not Hillary.

Benghazi done fucked up her shit, for sure!

She knows it.

Only fools don't.


Nope. Only fools think they can hurt Hillary with Benghazi any more. Your retard hacks whose piss you've been drinking tipped their hand right out of the gate. They are not the slightest bit interested in the truth. They are the opposite side of the same coin Obama is on.

"Obama watched while they died".

"Stand down order."

Their own mountains of manufactured bullshit gave them away. It's all one big hatchet job, and it is hurting the GOP more than helping it. They are repulsing people who would otherwise vote GOP.

Fucckkkked her shit up, gooooood.

Lyin dishonorable c-word.
Benghazi derangement disqualifies the GOP, not Hillary.

Benghazi done fucked up her shit, for sure!

She knows it.

Only fools don't.


Nope. Only fools think they can hurt Hillary with Benghazi any more. Your retard hacks whose piss you've been drinking tipped their hand right out of the gate. They are not the slightest bit interested in the truth. They are the opposite side of the same coin Obama is on.

"Obama watched while they died".

"Stand down order."

Their own mountains of manufactured bullshit gave them away. It's all one big hatchet job, and it is hurting the GOP more than helping it. They are repulsing people who would otherwise vote GOP.

Pound sand.

And if you can't answer Trey Gowdy's questions then you need to STFU.
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What qualifies one to be President? Dumbya Bush was Governor of Texas and he turned out to be one of the worst if not the worst President.

Have you been nodding off, snorting penis, since Obama was elected the first time? You consider him - a fucking "Community Organizer," one of the greats in the White House? Do the world a favor and jump off a fucking building.

I would rate Obama about the same as Bill Clinton some good and some bad. Bush was 99% bad.
What qualifies one to be President? Dumbya Bush was Governor of Texas and he turned out to be one of the worst if not the worst President.

Have you been nodding off, snorting penis, since Obama was elected the first time? You consider him - a fucking "Community Organizer," one of the greats in the White House? Do the world a favor and jump off a fucking building.

I would rate Obama about the same as Bill Clinton some good and some bad. Bush was 99% bad.

And you are 100% incorrect.

And who said that smoking herb negatively affected one's mental functions?
What qualifies one to be President? Dumbya Bush was Governor of Texas and he turned out to be one of the worst if not the worst President.

Have you been nodding off, snorting penis, since Obama was elected the first time? You consider him - a fucking "Community Organizer," one of the greats in the White House? Do the world a favor and jump off a fucking building.

I would rate Obama about the same as Bill Clinton some good and some bad. Bush was 99% bad.
So much that happens during a president's term in office is total beyond his control. Bush, who I think was incompetent had the misfortune of having 911. It totally changed everything. Remember Bush campaigned on a platform of conservative domestic changes, education, taxes, governmental reforms. His real weakness was foreign policy. Suddenly he was pushed into dealing with global terrorism, something he was ill equipped to handle. Some of our presidents such as Cleveland and Polk don't get very high marks but if you look carefully at them, they did some pretty remarkable things. I have to wonder, if 911 had occurred in 2008, what would have been Obama's response.
What qualifies one to be President? Dumbya Bush was Governor of Texas and he turned out to be one of the worst if not the worst President.

In response to the 9-11 under his watch, he did not say, "At this point, what difference does it make?"
What qualifies one to be President? Dumbya Bush was Governor of Texas and he turned out to be one of the worst if not the worst President.

In response to the 9-11 under his watch, he did not say, "At this point, what difference does it make?"

We now know he said, "How can I use this tragedy to attack Iraq?"

President Bush enjoys nearly complete support from the opposition with regards to capturing or Killing those responsible. Democrats in congress acted like patriots in the following days. The Republican leader unpatriotically tried to used the attack in Benghazi as a political tool. One of the reasons he lost.

What did President Bush say about bin Laden a few months into the wars?
Why is she the most qualified to be president, when she lost the nomination to the least qualified candidate ever?

No link...just logic.

:lmao: As of yesterday, she isn't.

The camera caught many empty seats at a rally Hillary Clinton is headlining in College Park, Maryland:

Hillary Clinton, a possible candidate for president of the United States, had not come out to speak yet, but was expected to take the stage shortly.

Many Empty Seats at Hillary Rally in Maryland The Weekly Standard
Why is she the most qualified to be president, when she lost the nomination to the least qualified candidate ever?

No link...just logic.

:lmao: As of yesterday, she isn't.

The camera caught many empty seats at a rally Hillary Clinton is headlining in College Park, Maryland:

Hillary Clinton, a possible candidate for president of the United States, had not come out to speak yet, but was expected to take the stage shortly.

Many Empty Seats at Hillary Rally in Maryland The Weekly Standard

It was a Larry Hogan rally. Clinton was just there to show her support. I doubt you will see any of her major rallies poorly attended.

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