
What I don't like about Hillary being a candidate is that we will have another Democrat candidate that is expected to be treated with kid gloves. Republican candidates don't get treated that way, just ask Palin, Bachmann or Cain. Only Dems will accuse people of racism or sexism for treating their candidates like any other.

Hillary has already hinted that her campaign would focus on how unfair women are treated. Even if she were elected, it would continue the same way Obama kept playing the race card.
Hillary is qualified for the same reason Mitt Romney was qualified to be President after he lost to the Republican candidate who lost to the least qualified candidate ever.


That's wonderful...now tell me WHY they lost to the least qualified ever.

Romney lost because the Right can no longer speak truthfully to save its life. Even when it is in the right. The Right compulsively lies and attacks.

It's like Jake Starkey on steroids
Benghazi derangement disqualifies the GOP, not Hillary.

Tell us again how the crowd spontaneously rose up in anger over a video nobody saw and grabbed their mortars and RPG's and headed to the Consulate

I love that story!
I choose to listen to what a candidate says they will actually do, and determine if they are capable of making those things happen. Then I decide if I want those things to happen.

My default position has always been to go with the Republican candidate. But since the GOP has gone completely psychotic, I have not voted since 2004.

I still pay attention to politics in case one or the other party comes to a semblence of sanity. As long as I have been politically aware, the Democratic Party has never been sane. The GOP once was, but started to come unhinged in the 90s, and became fully psycho after 9/11.

Hillary struck me as old school liberal back in 2007 when she began talking about confiscating the "excess profits" of oil companies. (And of course as far back as 1994 with HillaryCare.)

You see, that "excess profits" thing is a sound reason to oppose Hillary. And she specifically targeted oil companies. That kind of thing can be the basis for a sane debate on her merits.

Instead, we get stupid attack topics like this one which are not interested in any kind of substance or truth.

Find out where Hillary stands on things. Find out what she would do or not do. Then debate those things.

Substance. Get some real substance in your political lives, for chrissakes.
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Why is she the most qualified to be president, when she lost the nomination to the least qualified candidate ever?

No link...just logic.
She'll be the best qualified presidential candidate that we have had in generations. Her knowledge of the Congress, the Whitehouse, and Washington politics is as good as it gets. She on a first name basis with most heads of state. There isn't a single republican candidate in the last republican primary that would even come close to her qualifications.
Hillary Clinton addressing the DNC in late 2007:

And I expect to be busy in the White House in January 2009 because once and for all we are going to provide quality, affordable, universal health care coverage to every single American. [applause].

Now I know some people say, what is Hillary Clinton doing talking about health care? [audience reaction]. Well Dr. Dean knows, this is one of my favorite subjects, and I learned a lot about what we need to do to get it done. It's a big difference between calling for it, impassioned speeches about it, presenting legislation that embodies your hopes and dreams, and another thing to put together the political coalition to actually make it happen. [applause].

The same, the same is true with energy independence. The Democrats know what needs to be done. Again, we're working to try to push this agenda forward. The other day the oil companies reported the highest profits in the history of the world. I want to take those profits and I want to put them into a strategic energy fund that will begin to fund alternative smart energy alternatives and technologies that will begin to actually move us toward the direction of independence. [applause].
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Why is she the most qualified to be president, when she lost the nomination to the least qualified candidate ever?

No link...just logic.
She'll be the best qualified presidential candidate that we have had in generations. Her knowledge of the Congress, the Whitehouse, and Washington politics is as good as it gets. She on a first name basis with most heads of state. There isn't a single republican candidate in the last republican primary that would even come close to her qualifications.

Her experience in getting Americas killed, covering-up for her adultering husband, and miserable failures as Secy of State should not be overlooked either.
Benghazi derangement disqualifies the GOP, not Hillary.

Tell us again how the crowd spontaneously rose up in anger over a video nobody saw and grabbed their mortars and RPG's and headed to the Consulate

I love that story!

Many Americans are baffled at how a low-budget, horribly produced, vaguely pornographic, Islam-defaming movie that almost nobody had heard of on Sept. 10 became the flashpoint for dangerous, sometimes deadly riots around the world starting Sept. 11. And not even the whole movie — just a 14-minute clip uploaded to YouTube, one of a gazillion clips that litter the videographic graveyard at the popular website. There are lots of unanswered questions surrounding the movie, Innocence of Muslims, and its fallout, but it's clear that the eruption was months in the making. Here, a look at some key dates in the saga of the clip viewed around the world:

Sept. 8
Egyptian television firebrand Sheik Khaled Abdalla airs part of the the Arabic version of the clip on local channel Al Nas, condemning it harshly. The trailer's YouTube view-count skyrockets.

The anti-Islam-film riots: A timeline - The Week
Benghazi derangement disqualifies the GOP, not Hillary.

Tell us again how the crowd spontaneously rose up in anger over a video nobody saw and grabbed their mortars and RPG's and headed to the Consulate

I love that story!

Many Americans are baffled at how a low-budget, horribly produced, vaguely pornographic, Islam-defaming movie that almost nobody had heard of on Sept. 10 became the flashpoint for dangerous, sometimes deadly riots around the world starting Sept. 11. And not even the whole movie — just a 14-minute clip uploaded to YouTube, one of a gazillion clips that litter the videographic graveyard at the popular website. There are lots of unanswered questions surrounding the movie, Innocence of Muslims, and its fallout, but it's clear that the eruption was months in the making. Here, a look at some key dates in the saga of the clip viewed around the world:

Sept. 8
Egyptian television firebrand Sheik Khaled Abdalla airs part of the the Arabic version of the clip on local channel Al Nas, condemning it harshly. The trailer's YouTube view-count skyrockets.

The anti-Islam-film riots: A timeline - The Week

I saw the movie.
It was fucking hilarious! The Muslims - and people of your ilk - have no sense of humor.
Benghazi derangement disqualifies the GOP, not Hillary.

Tell us again how the crowd spontaneously rose up in anger over a video nobody saw and grabbed their mortars and RPG's and headed to the Consulate

I love that story!

Many Americans are baffled at how a low-budget, horribly produced, vaguely pornographic, Islam-defaming movie that almost nobody had heard of on Sept. 10 became the flashpoint for dangerous, sometimes deadly riots around the world starting Sept. 11. And not even the whole movie — just a 14-minute clip uploaded to YouTube, one of a gazillion clips that litter the videographic graveyard at the popular website. There are lots of unanswered questions surrounding the movie, Innocence of Muslims, and its fallout, but it's clear that the eruption was months in the making. Here, a look at some key dates in the saga of the clip viewed around the world:

Sept. 8
Egyptian television firebrand Sheik Khaled Abdalla airs part of the the Arabic version of the clip on local channel Al Nas, condemning it harshly. The trailer's YouTube view-count skyrockets.

The anti-Islam-film riots: A timeline - The Week

"To underscore that these protests are rooted in an internet video, and not a broader failure of policy." -- Obama memo lying about Benghazi attack
What I don't like about Hillary being a candidate is that we will have another Democrat candidate that is expected to be treated with kid gloves. Republican candidates don't get treated that way, just ask Palin, Bachmann or Cain. Only Dems will accuse people of racism or sexism for treating their candidates like any other.

Hillary has already hinted that her campaign would focus on how unfair women are treated. Even if she were elected, it would continue the same way Obama kept playing the race card.
Surely, you're not saying Republicans treated Obama with kid gloves. Republicans have started on Hillary even thou she hasn't announced her candidacy and the election isn't for 2 1/2 years.
Hillary is qualified for the same reason Mitt Romney was qualified to be President after he lost to the Republican candidate who lost to the least qualified candidate ever.


That's wonderful...now tell me WHY they lost to the least qualified ever.

Romney lost because the Right can no longer speak truthfully to save its life. Even when it is in the right. The Right compulsively lies and attacks.

Not true, loserboy. It's the Left that has followed Goebbels instructions to the point that they can't even see the truth anymore.

Democrats are the ones that claimed that Boehner Demands Medicare, Social Security And Medicaid Cuts To Raise Debt Limit when he didn't.

Democrats are the ones that claimed that ror more than 200 years, their party has led the fight for civil rights when that's obviously not true.

Democrats claim that they are concerned for the needy and less privileged while their policies and the inflation they cause eats away at their spending power. And, why don't Democrats place a priority on maintaining benefits to the less privileged?

Democratic Rep. Yvette Clarke went on The Colbert Report in September 2012 and said that Brooklyn still had slavery in 1898, five decades after New York abolished slavery, and three decades after the Civil War ended. Did you denounce that lie?

You're a joke and not worth reading.
That's wonderful...now tell me WHY they lost to the least qualified ever.

Romney lost because the Right can no longer speak truthfully to save its life. Even when it is in the right. The Right compulsively lies and attacks.

Not true, loserboy. It's the Left that has followed Goebbels instructions to the point that they can't even see the truth anymore.

Democrats are the ones that claimed that Boehner Demands Medicare, Social Security And Medicaid Cuts To Raise Debt Limit when he didn't.

Democrats are the ones that claimed that ror more than 200 years, their party has led the fight for civil rights when that's obviously not true.

Democrats claim that they are concerned for the needy and less privileged while their policies and the inflation they cause eats away at their spending power. And, why don't Democrats place a priority on maintaining benefits to the less privileged?

Democratic Rep. Yvette Clarke went on The Colbert Report in September 2012 and said that Brooklyn still had slavery in 1898, five decades after New York abolished slavery, and three decades after the Civil War ended. Did you denounce that lie?

You're a joke and not worth reading.

G's borderline mentally ill... he makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

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