Hillary's astounding foreign policy speech in 3 words

Trump is bad.

That pretty well sum up her limitless expertise?

She made a substantive case why.
Only to her lemmings like yourself

Name something she got wrong in her speech.
No reason to believe anything she says... Even under sniper fire.

Point to something in her speech that isn't true. You got into this thread, the least you could do is stay on topic.

Why do you keep running away, loopy kunt?
I know she is...
She made a substantive case why.
Only to her lemmings like yourself

Name something she got wrong in her speech.
No reason to believe anything she says... Even under sniper fire.

Point to something in her speech that isn't true. You got into this thread, the least you could do is stay on topic.

Why do you keep running away, loopy kunt?
I know she is...

Still can't do it, huh? Completely unable to discuss any of the content of Clinton's speech in detail. I don't blame you, she made Trump look like a moron, a complete hack.
Only to her lemmings like yourself

Name something she got wrong in her speech.
No reason to believe anything she says... Even under sniper fire.

Point to something in her speech that isn't true. You got into this thread, the least you could do is stay on topic.

Why do you keep running away, loopy kunt?
I know she is...

Still can't do it, huh? Completely unable to discuss any of the content of Clinton's speech in detail. I don't blame you, she made Trump look like a moron, a complete hack.
You asked me if the Hildabeast was a loopy kunt, I said yes you agreed...
Name something she got wrong in her speech.
No reason to believe anything she says... Even under sniper fire.

Point to something in her speech that isn't true. You got into this thread, the least you could do is stay on topic.

Why do you keep running away, loopy kunt?
I know she is...

Still can't do it, huh? Completely unable to discuss any of the content of Clinton's speech in detail. I don't blame you, she made Trump look like a moron, a complete hack.
You asked me if the Hildabeast was a loopy kunt, I said yes you agreed...

No, I called you a loopy kunt. Still unable to say what you didn't like about the merit of Clinton's speech.
No reason to believe anything she says... Even under sniper fire.

Point to something in her speech that isn't true. You got into this thread, the least you could do is stay on topic.

Why do you keep running away, loopy kunt?
I know she is...

Still can't do it, huh? Completely unable to discuss any of the content of Clinton's speech in detail. I don't blame you, she made Trump look like a moron, a complete hack.
You asked me if the Hildabeast was a loopy kunt, I said yes you agreed...

No, I called you a loopy kunt. Still unable to say what you didn't like about the merit of Clinton's speech.
The teleprompter made the speech...
The loopy kunt was just going through the motions. Lol
And Trump's response? He knocked her fucking dick in the dirt. I'm not sure she realizes yet who she's fucking with.

He shit and then fell back in it. All he has is insults. She hit him with what he actually said. He has no reasonable response or excuse for that.
Point to something in her speech that isn't true. You got into this thread, the least you could do is stay on topic.

Why do you keep running away, loopy kunt?
I know she is...

Still can't do it, huh? Completely unable to discuss any of the content of Clinton's speech in detail. I don't blame you, she made Trump look like a moron, a complete hack.
You asked me if the Hildabeast was a loopy kunt, I said yes you agreed...

No, I called you a loopy kunt. Still unable to say what you didn't like about the merit of Clinton's speech.
The teleprompter made the speech...
The loopy kunt was just going through the motions. Lol

So you agree with what she said?
Point to something in her speech that isn't true. You got into this thread, the least you could do is stay on topic.

Why do you keep running away, loopy kunt?
I know she is...

Still can't do it, huh? Completely unable to discuss any of the content of Clinton's speech in detail. I don't blame you, she made Trump look like a moron, a complete hack.
You asked me if the Hildabeast was a loopy kunt, I said yes you agreed...

No, I called you a loopy kunt. Still unable to say what you didn't like about the merit of Clinton's speech.
The teleprompter made the speech...
The loopy kunt was just going through the motions. Lol

The horror, Clinton and her team that the tenacity to write a fucking speech ahead of time. Trump tried that once, he had problems with the teleprompter. All he has is bizarre rants, personal feuds and outright lies. (I love that line)

But again, what was untrue about Clinton's speech?
Trump is bad.

That pretty well sum up her limitless expertise?
It was a bitch fest,all the said was Trump is bad,using the usual misquotes,and spin, she blubbered out her opion,which she has ever right to.she spun this as her putting out her policies,instead she just pointed her finger and blubbered out Trump is bad.

Cite the misquotes.

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And Trump's response? He knocked her fucking dick in the dirt. I'm not sure she realizes yet who she's fucking with.

He shit and then fell back in it. All he has is insults. She hit him with what he actually said. He has no reasonable response or excuse for that.

Bingo. Her speech was so effective because all she did was repeat The Donald's own words...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump is bad.

That pretty well sum up her limitless expertise?

She made a substantive case why.
Only to her lemmings like yourself

Name something she got wrong in her speech.
No reason to believe anything she says... Even under sniper fire.

Typical RWNJ. Won't believe what trump actually advocates, even when there is video of him doing it.
Trump is bad.

That pretty well sum up her limitless expertise?

That pretty well sums up what you have said about Trump too. Did you change your mind and now support his crazy candidacy? You know he is a clown who should never even be close to the presidency, but you just can't get past your habit of hating anyone who doesn't have an R beside their name. Hillary might not be your first choice, but you have to admit she is hundreds of times better than Trump.
Well then, in your own words tell us one foreign policy of hers that Hillary discussed in that speech.

Just one? Easy peasy!

She said she worked closely with Japan and South Korea to create a missile defense system able to shoot down a North Korean warhead.

What has Trump done? Oh, yeah. He shared a green room with Putin for a few minutes. :lol:
I wonder if she stole it from Poland to give to them?
Nope. She got one for them, too!

Clinton confirms plans for missile base in Poland | European Dialogue

Meanwhile, Trump blows a golf course deal...
You sure got a bad case of Trumpites. See a doctor & request a pill to lower your hack levels before it's too late.
The facts suck for you, eh? You're the one who brought up Poland!

What was Trump doing while Clinton was arranging a missile base in Poland?

Oh, yeah. He was bilking the middle class at Trump U.
wasn't that at the same time Clinton was bilking the middle class for charity foundation employees salaries?
Hard to believe a 70M a year charity that only donates less than 15% to the needy needs millions of dollars, wouldntya think? But yea, hack on trump and his lack of political history. It does WONDERS for your argument :thup:
All the lefties have done is bitch about trumps lack of substance with actual issues and his insulting. That was almost all this bitch did. And you people call trump supporters the dumb ones :rofl:
Watched the Hill-Beasts' speech, billed as a foreign policy speech.
Heard nuthin' about foreign policy (no surprise, there...);
And the MSM liberal media swooned over every word, because, in reality, it was only an 'attack Trump' diatribe.

BTW, did Hill-Beast give a news conference (as in taking any and all questions after her diatribe? Nope, as usual, with a capital N!) When was her last genuine news conference? (If you guessed longer than 180 days ago, you might win a Gumby....).
Meanwhile, Trump takes any and all questions, almost on a weekly basis! You might not like his answers, but he holds himself 'out there', nontheless............that's called transparency!

Hill-Beast supporters are begging for a rehearsed, ungenuine Prez, who is a congenital liar, willing to firmly entrench corruption in the Gov't. At least, Obie, as far as corruption goes, has been a lightweight, compared to what we'll get with 'Granny Crony';, namely, continued Obama-like policies, but with a heavy and irreperable level of corruption!!!

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