Hillary's chances just went out the window

Trump announces he'd pick Ted Cruz as running mate.

H/T to The Hill via The Right Scoop:

Donald Trump on Tuesday named Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) when asked about his possible running mate in 2016.

“Ted Cruz is now agreeing with me 100 percent,” he said when asked about his vice presidential pick, according to Lifezette.

“Well, I like him,” Trump told radio host Laura Ingraham during her broadcast. “He’s backed everything I’ve said.”

Unlike most of the Republican presidential hopefuls, Cruz has mostly refrained from attacking Trump, even appearing alongside him at a rally in September against the Iran nuclear deal.

The pair has also struck similar tones on topics such as border security and illegal immigration.

O.K.....that's scary.
Trump announces he'd pick Ted Cruz as running mate.

H/T to The Hill via The Right Scoop:

Donald Trump on Tuesday named Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) when asked about his possible running mate in 2016.

“Ted Cruz is now agreeing with me 100 percent,” he said when asked about his vice presidential pick, according to Lifezette.

“Well, I like him,” Trump told radio host Laura Ingraham during her broadcast. “He’s backed everything I’ve said.”

Unlike most of the Republican presidential hopefuls, Cruz has mostly refrained from attacking Trump, even appearing alongside him at a rally in September against the Iran nuclear deal.

The pair has also struck similar tones on topics such as border security and illegal immigration.

O.K.....that's scary.

What's scarier is the Hildabeast and ANYONE she chooses
Everyone who believes Trump will be the next POTUS should stay home on 11/08/16.
You underestimate the stupidity of the American voter....don't believe me? who did they vote for the last two POTUS elections?
Who did they vote for before? You know, the one who ignored the August 2001 PDBs and "kept us safe" according to his idiot brother Jeb
You underestimate the stupidity of the American voter....don't believe me? who did they vote for the last two POTUS elections?
Who did they vote for before? You know, the one who ignored the August 2001 PDBs and "kept us safe" according to his idiot brother Jeb

BBBUUUTTTTT BOOOOOOSH!!!!!!!!!! So tired, so old, so worn out....so typical of a pansy leftist loon
Hillary's chances of being our next president went out the window with the attack in Paris. No American with any sense would vote for her now.
No Americans with any sense would have voted for her before the Paris attacks, either.

But liberals would have. And probably still will.

Why do you point out what has always been true?
Trump announces he'd pick Ted Cruz as running mate.

H/T to The Hill via The Right Scoop:

Donald Trump on Tuesday named Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) when asked about his possible running mate in 2016.

“Ted Cruz is now agreeing with me 100 percent,” he said when asked about his vice presidential pick, according to Lifezette.

“Well, I like him,” Trump told radio host Laura Ingraham during her broadcast. “He’s backed everything I’ve said.”

Unlike most of the Republican presidential hopefuls, Cruz has mostly refrained from attacking Trump, even appearing alongside him at a rally in September against the Iran nuclear deal.

The pair has also struck similar tones on topics such as border security and illegal immigration.

So Cruz is blowing Trump. No surprise there. That's how you get hired.
You underestimate the stupidity of the American voter....don't believe me? who did they vote for the last two POTUS elections?
Who did they vote for before? You know, the one who ignored the August 2001 PDBs and "kept us safe" according to his idiot brother Jeb

BBBUUUTTTTT BOOOOOOSH!!!!!!!!!! So tired, so old, so worn out....so typical of a pansy leftist loon

Another Junior high school dropout who thinks American history started in 2009. There are low information voter's, there are unibrow voters and then there's you
Trump announces he'd pick Ted Cruz as running mate.

H/T to The Hill via The Right Scoop:

Donald Trump on Tuesday named Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) when asked about his possible running mate in 2016.

“Ted Cruz is now agreeing with me 100 percent,” he said when asked about his vice presidential pick, according to Lifezette.

“Well, I like him,” Trump told radio host Laura Ingraham during her broadcast. “He’s backed everything I’ve said.”

Unlike most of the Republican presidential hopefuls, Cruz has mostly refrained from attacking Trump, even appearing alongside him at a rally in September against the Iran nuclear deal.

The pair has also struck similar tones on topics such as border security and illegal immigration.
So let me get this straight...

Trump spends four years screaming that Obama was not eligible to be President because he was born outside the U.S.

Then he picks someone born in Canada as running mate

Can't make this shit up
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I always thought Trump would choose Putin as his running mate


Jesus I feel like a one man band refuting the lies continually perpetrated by the left. When was this written,1960? I guess the Boston bombers come under another classification. What a whopper!Muslim 'Refugees' and Terrorism in America
Don't be too sure about this hurting Hilary. She may be immoral and unethical, but she is not dumb. She will promote her time as Secretary of State and her many connections from the Clinton foundation as proof that she is the most qualified candidate to handle foreign affairs. And if she starts sliding she can always hint that she can ask bill. This is why Ben Carson is going to have such a hard row to hoe. He has zilch on this issue. Don't underestimate this.
I guess the Boston bombers come under another classification.

Were they refugees? Did they come here after 9/11?

Eh, let's imagine that the answer were 'yes' to both questions. Two out of 750,000 people. That makes for 0.00026% of a chance that a future terrorist is let in. For comparison, there are 1909 known planets in the galaxy. Only one of them is known to have life. At 0.052% the chances of finding an inhabited planet are 200x as likely as a terrorist popping up among refugees.
Hillary's chances of being our next president went out the window with the attack in Paris. No American with any sense would vote for her now. The French are not safe and neither are we. No one will trust her to answer that 3 AM call. She is toast.
Not to mention She alrdy failed that test

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