Hillary's corruption isn't news, and is just a visable symptom of a larger rot


Senior Member
May 5, 2014
Hillary is nothing more, and nothing less, than an Iconic Example of the Corruption of the American Democratic Party and the Political Left.

As a Head of State, a Figure Head for the Corrupt State, Obama or Hillary? Meh, what really is the difference?

Oh sure, Obama Hates and discriminates against White People, and Hillary hates and discriminates against Men....

Neither will reduce the ridiculous, unsustainable Government spending, re-invigorate American Manufacturing and so our economy, or secure the borders from an Obama invited wave of racial hatred filled destitute moochers.

The Executive Figure Head of the Month, be it Obama or Hillary, at the top of the absolute Corruption of American Government is just a symptom and visible indicator of the rot across the spectrum underneath.

The real battle is getting rid of the under lying corrupt actors such as:

Valerie Jarret, Bill Ayers, Andy Van Jones, Louis Lerner, Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano, Kathleen Sebelius, Rohm Emanuel, Steven T. Miller, Ed Montgomery, Paul Volcker, William J. Jefferson, Martin Gruenberg, Gina McCarthy, Al Sharpton, Steven Chu, Susan Rice, Jonathan Gruber, ...

The hordes of such corrupt officials are countless.

Yes, in 2016, for the future survival of America, we need to defeat the Democrats in the Presidential Election.

But, we will not save America without cleaning out the decades corrupt Democratic Party appointed apparatchiks and brutal thug political correctness enforcers.

Question for Debate:

What List of Corrupt Leftie Officials would you remove from their Offices in 2017?

Take the List of Leftists... and you have the list of corrupt individuals. Start at the top of the list and begin removing those people from all sense of governance.

And where the removal of those people is complete.... "THE PROBLEM" will be solved.
Remove all the corrupt lefties, and they would have no one left.

Not even Kerry, who is still valiantly attempting to surrender to Iran, even after the representatives from France, Russia, and China have given up and gone home.
Remove all the corrupt lefties, and they would have no one left.

Not even Kerry, who is still valiantly attempting to surrender to Iran, even after the representatives from France, Russia, and China have given up and gone home.

Kerry has a long history of surrendering for the US; going back 50 years...
Remove all the corrupt lefties, and they would have no one left.

Not even Kerry, who is still valiantly attempting to surrender to Iran, even after the representatives from France, Russia, and China have given up and gone home.

Kerry has a long history of surrendering for the US; going back 50 years...

Yeah, he even attempted to surrender for us to North Vietnam in Paris back during the Vietnam War..... while still in the U S Navy.
Remove all the corrupt lefties, and they would have no one left.

Not even Kerry, who is still valiantly attempting to surrender to Iran, even after the representatives from France, Russia, and China have given up and gone home.
Whatta you mean, not even Kerry? ESPECIALLY that traitor son of a bitch. He was/IS a traitor/LIAR. And will always be a chicken traitor.


Kerry is, however, the IDEAL Secretary of State in the Obama administration. The SoB is willing to SURRENDER to anybody, any year, any time of day of any week, anywhere in their country, from ISIS to the crips and bloods.
Remove all the corrupt lefties, and they would have no one left.

Not even Kerry, who is still valiantly attempting to surrender to Iran, even after the representatives from France, Russia, and China have given up and gone home.
Then you would have all the corruption on the right, as there is no evidence the GOP is any less corrupt than the Dems.
Here is an example of the kind of Corrupt Politician I'm talking about, a local guy from my state of New Mexico, who was known to be corrupt for years, and finally broke the last straw:

New Mexico Sen. Phil Griego resigns from Senate KOB.com
New Mexico Sen. Phil Griego resigns from Senate

Updated: 03/14/2015 10:26 PM | Created: 03/14/2015 4:37 PM
By: The Associated Press


New Mexico Sen. Phil Griego has resigned.

The Democratic senator handed in his letter of resignation Saturday to Secretary of State Diana Duran's office as well as the chief clerk of the Senate.

In the letter, Griego says he has decided to step down effective immediately.

Griego says the action is necessary "to avoid a major distraction to the important work that needs to be accomplished for the families and children throughout the state of New Mexico."

Griego has drawn scrutiny for a real estate deal involving a state-owned building in Santa Fe.

Griego was one of several lawmakers who approved the sale of the building. The buyer ended up hiring Griego to manage the sale.

Critics say it was unethical for him to profit from a legislative action.

According to the BernCo News Release, the Bernalillo County Commission is accepting applications from individuals interested in representing State

Senate District 39.

Everybody and his brother knew the guy was corrupt, yet for years, the Democratic Corruption Inc Machine protected him.

Well, in 2017, we will have both an opportunity, but also a requirement to clear out the garbage that has been festering in our country's management for decades.

Unlike the Republicans, when caught in shenanigans and often outright fraud, graft, and bribery, the Democrats do NOT clean up their own party. Just ask Charlie Wrangle, Barney Frank, and William J. Jefferson.

If we do not seize upon the 2017 opportunity to clean up, the fact that a non-Democrat holds the White House Executive position really won't mean much.

So, we need a set of Lists of who is corrupt enough to be removed, when we'll have the power to do so.

Look carefully at the last 15 years of history of the political parties, and you'll find that Republicans who are found in shenanigans, and there have been many, are held accountable for their problems, and leave the public venue.

But not Democrats!

And once they learned they could hide behind the race-card, or the "Blame-Bush", or the "I don't recall...", they liked what they achieved, and doubled, and then tripled it!

America, it is time to clean house!

"Hillary's corruption isn't news, and is just a visable symptom of a larger rot"

The only rot is the lies propagated by you and others on the right.
Hillary is nothing more, and nothing less, than an Iconic Example of the Corruption of the American Democratic Party and the Political Left.

As a Head of State, a Figure Head for the Corrupt State, Obama or Hillary? Meh, what really is the difference?

Oh sure, Obama Hates and discriminates against White People, and Hillary hates and discriminates against Men....

Neither will reduce the ridiculous, unsustainable Government spending, re-invigorate American Manufacturing and so our economy, or secure the borders from an Obama invited wave of racial hatred filled destitute moochers.

The Executive Figure Head of the Month, be it Obama or Hillary, at the top of the absolute Corruption of American Government is just a symptom and visible indicator of the rot across the spectrum underneath.

The real battle is getting rid of the under lying corrupt actors such as:

Valerie Jarret, Bill Ayers, Andy Van Jones, Louis Lerner, Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano, Kathleen Sebelius, Rohm Emanuel, Steven T. Miller, Ed Montgomery, Paul Volcker, William J. Jefferson, Martin Gruenberg, Gina McCarthy, Al Sharpton, Steven Chu, Susan Rice, Jonathan Gruber, ...

The hordes of such corrupt officials are countless.

Yes, in 2016, for the future survival of America, we need to defeat the Democrats in the Presidential Election.

But, we will not save America without cleaning out the decades corrupt Democratic Party appointed apparatchiks and brutal thug political correctness enforcers.

Question for Debate:

What List of Corrupt Leftie Officials would you remove from their Offices in 2017?

They are the results of the apathy of the American people.

Not the cause of the apathy.
They are the results of the apathy of the American people.

Not the cause of the apathy.

First, not every Democratic Party elected office holder is corrupt, and quite a number of them are not out on the far left fringe. You may not agree with the decisions made by many Democrats, but if they are adhering to the LAW and not abusing the powers of their official office, they should be left in office until voted out, or replaced by the appointment from a new elected office holder.

Second, many of the most destructive Lefties in our government are not elected, but rather appointed, and these are much more difficult to root out of their positions because of their not being periodically held accountable to the voters. In 2017, it is likely that we will have a rare opportunity to "Clean House", and remove many of these corrupt, illegal actors, who are not vulnerable to voter removal. This is the point of this thread, and the OP.

Third, some of the corrupt, bad actors, whether elected or appointed, while they have made bad decisions, and acted in bad faith, have not crossed the line into actual illegal actions of abuse of official powers. These office holders will have to left in place until the voters put into office, elected officials in a position to appoint new replacements through legal process means in the natural cycle of official appointments.

The point of the OP is to request that we begin logging a list of those officials, particularly of Appointed Offices, where there has been clear violations of the LAW and/or abuse of official powers, such as we have seen in Jonathan Gruber,, Eric Holder and Louis Lerner.

Surely these three are not the only such appointed apparatchiks who should suffer the full weight of the LAW and JUSTICE!

We will need to act quickly and definitively, because with the inevitable swing of the political pendulum, the opportunity to act will not last long.


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