Hillary's Date With the FBI On Saturday

I don't give a damn if she used her own email or not. The loserterians and anti-government assholes must never see the white house again. I'll be voting for her even if she is serving time.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
Hillary's 4TH of JULY surprise, after testifying on Saturday....

I bet for the first time in her life, she will remain silent.

If the bitch were smart, she would take the fifth on every question. But somehow, I don't buy into this nonsense. She seems FAR too damned "uppity" about NOT being indicted. I truly believe she already has been informed that no charges will be filed - that this is all just a show.

I guess we have no choice but to wait and see.

I've been watching these two since they left Arkansas. Never in the history of this country has there been two more despicable assholes in the public sector. They are crooks, thieves, rapists, abusers and (possibly) murderers and they have gotten away with it all. I don't see anyway that the bitch doesn't walk from this giving the American people the finger.

I just don't see it.

I just can't see her walking away from this one, there's too much evidence of her guilt in the public domain, then maybe I'm just an optimist.
  • Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch just made Hillary’s email problems even worse....FBI NOW has MORE to work on...a CONSPIRACY!
    Wapo ^ | 7/1/2016 | Frank Cillizza
    A big part of politics is appearances and perceptions. If something looks bad, people will likely conclude it is bad — even if there's no actual evidence or proof of its relative badness. Politicians know this; it's why they don't wear funny hats or get in tanks (anymore). And it's why Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch should have known better when they huddled privately at the Phoenix airport earlier this week. Lynch is the nation's top cop and, as such, oversees the FBI, which is conducting an investigation into whether Hillary Clinton or any of her associates broke...
How many times do you need to be lied to before you wise up?
When will you catch on to the pattern. They rile you up, string you along while raising your expectations and then they kick you out of the car at 30 mph. Yet you get back in the car everytime. Wake up. You're the battered wife.

Your party has lied to you so consistently and often that now you're ripping apart the party over it. Yet when it comes to these political hit jobs, you all jump right on board and follow every crumb they and the RW media drop only to be let down. How many times will you be fooled?

This investigation is all but done and the results will be no different than any other in the last 20+ years.
I bet for the first time in her life, she will remain silent.

If the bitch were smart, she would take the fifth on every question. But somehow, I don't buy into this nonsense. She seems FAR too damned "uppity" about NOT being indicted. I truly believe she already has been informed that no charges will be filed - that this is all just a show.

I guess we have no choice but to wait and see.

I've been watching these two since they left Arkansas. Never in the history of this country has there been two more despicable assholes in the public sector. They are crooks, thieves, rapists, abusers and (possibly) murderers and they have gotten away with it all. I don't see anyway that the bitch doesn't walk from this giving the American people the finger.

I just don't see it.

I just can't see her walking away from this one, there's too much evidence of her guilt in the public domain, then maybe I'm just an optimist.

I wish I could agree with you, but this bitch has this shit figured out - and has had it figured out since her days of sucking Saul Alinsky's dick.
I bet for the first time in her life, she will remain silent.

If the bitch were smart, she would take the fifth on every question. But somehow, I don't buy into this nonsense. She seems FAR too damned "uppity" about NOT being indicted. I truly believe she already has been informed that no charges will be filed - that this is all just a show.

I guess we have no choice but to wait and see.

I've been watching these two since they left Arkansas. Never in the history of this country has there been two more despicable assholes in the public sector. They are crooks, thieves, rapists, abusers and (possibly) murderers and they have gotten away with it all. I don't see anyway that the bitch doesn't walk from this giving the American people the finger.

I just don't see it.

I just can't see her walking away from this one, there's too much evidence of her guilt in the public domain, then maybe I'm just an optimist.

I wish I could agree with you, but this bitch has this shit figured out - and has had it figured out since her days of sucking Saul Alinsky's dick.

Yeah, but eventually the piper catches up to you, you can't dance for free forever.
I bet for the first time in her life, she will remain silent.

If the bitch were smart, she would take the fifth on every question. But somehow, I don't buy into this nonsense. She seems FAR too damned "uppity" about NOT being indicted. I truly believe she already has been informed that no charges will be filed - that this is all just a show.

She can't take the fifth. That will look almost as bad as an indictment.
Here's the scoop:

1) Bill talked to the FBI and asked that they submit their findings without any recommendation.

2) Bill caught Loretta on the Tarmac and told her that the FBI would soon be submitting their findings whether a recommendation.

3) Loretta told us she would follow whatever recommendation the FBI gives her...knowing that there won't be any recommendation.

4) The FBI will meet with Hillary on her turf to let her be the first to know...so she can spend all day Sunday spackling the cracks in her face for a Tuesday news conference.

Hillary is off the hook.
I bet Lynch will be there ... to make sure the questioning doesn't go too far, too deep.
I bet for the first time in her life, she will remain silent.

If the bitch were smart, she would take the fifth on every question. But somehow, I don't buy into this nonsense. She seems FAR too damned "uppity" about NOT being indicted. I truly believe she already has been informed that no charges will be filed - that this is all just a show.

She can't take the fifth. That will look almost as bad as an indictment.
No, as long as there is no indictment or prosecution - which Lynch & Obama will never allow - Libs will claim it was all a RW Conspiracy.

The Conspiracy, however, has already been made, based on what is at stake for Obama and Lynch. If Hillary is indicted...and Trump wins the WH:

Obama's Legacy is dead...all of his Executive Orders are in jeopardy of being teversed through new Executive Order....Obamacare is in jeopardy....

Lynch does NOT keep her job past November...

All of this conflict of interest...
All this at stake...
...and these two control what happens to Hillary.

The lawless era in America continues...
Nothing happens to Hillary.
It think the fix is in myself, but this wonderfully entertaining Airport Episode may have put it back in the undecided category.

There are more questions to be answered, even if only Fox News will ask them.

For example, who in the Hell told the F. B. I. agents to order the Public at Large not to take pictures of the event? After all, this isn't the old Soviet Union.

If he is not corrupt, it is a question James Comey surely has asked of his Agents there on the tarmac and of his Attorney General.

And when were they told to pull this Gestapo Stunt?

Our Attorney General says it was a "chance meeting".

Did she know Wild Bill was waiting on the ground before her plane landed?

Wouldn't he have picked up his cell and called and said "I'm waiting on you down here", at the very least.

That's not a "Chance Meeting". Its a chance to realize that meeting him would be highly unethical, and refuse...rather than instruct you F. B. I. Agents to order the Citizens and the Press not to take pictures of a tax-payer owned jet and events occurring outside of it on a Public Airport.

Did she know before she ever got on her plane? If she did, she must resign because she lied to the American People by calling it a "Chance Meeting".

Did Hillary know? She absolutely must be asked this question next time she shows her crooked haggard face in Public.

She will say NO, of course....and that may actually be the truth (50/50)...we are, after all, dealing with Wild Bill Clinton--one of the great rogues in all of history. If she didn't know, will she throw furniture and tchotchke at him?

Ain't it a hoot? Its what you get with the Clintons. Corruption, and if you can have a sense of humor while the greatest society ever is being turned into a Banana Republic, you also get Entertainment.

There is certainly some fact-checking going on right now, to see if this meeting was planned. If James Comey is not corrupt, he likely already knows...from his Agents---the ones with the Attorney General on the Tarmac--he is their boss.

If James Comey is not corrupt.....if.

If he is: Its Banana Republic Time.
Seems like whatever they get involved in,with gets a bad smell about it.they play so close to the edge of legality,morality.
Rational thinking would say they have indeed crossed the line.
Bills convictions is just more proof.

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