Hillary's Date With the FBI On Saturday

Just a security review, right? Nothing to see here.

EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton Scheduled To Meet With FBI On Saturday

Former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton is scheduled to meet Saturday with the FBI, a source close to the investigation into her private email server tells The Daily Caller. The source went on to suggest the interview may take place at her Washington, D.C. home.

This is great news! It will soon be over.

It will never be over

Especially, when Hillary wins in November
The FBI will talk to Hillary and issue a report that says.......Hillary should not have maintained a private server, but it was no crime

Hillary will say how sorry she is and promise not to do it again
President Hillary Clinton:
"Good morning everyone. I would like to introduce you to the Vice President. Loretta Lynch".
You read it first here my friends.
Chelsea Clinton gives birth to baby boy, her second child - CNNPolitics.com
She just had her second-

Probably just going to talk about the grandkids....

Why does everyone including, the AG keep using plural terms for the hildabitches grandchild. They do only have one, right? Or does willie have some others no one knows about?
The little brat looks just like her grandfather Webb.
"Mommy. When are we going to visit Grandma again?
Why are there always men with guns up in towers where she lives?"
EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton Scheduled To Meet With FBI On Saturday
I'm loving this.
At last Hillary has met her Waterloo.
The FBI KNOWS the HONEST answer to every question they are going to ask her.
ONE fucking lie! Just ONE! and the bitch loses the White House.
If she thinks she can bullshit her way out of this she's a fucking bigger idiot than we all know she is.
Watch for Bill to show up uninvited along with Hillary's usual team of asslickers.
They won't get in the fucking front door!
How's those indictments coming along?
Probably just going to talk about the grandkids....

Yep. Or talking about having a heart condition and playing golf in 110 degree heat.....
strokes, traps and sudden death.... :cool:
It's Comey who needs to watch his back.
Given the number of people who have got in the Clinton's way and committed suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head multiple times.

One damned thing I am POSITIVE of - you do NOT want to piss the Clintons off....

This guy didn't suddenly commit suicide - but he was "silenced" nonetheless"

Silenced! 18-year audit halts radio talker!
Chuck Harder was an absolute idiot who predicted that the world would come to an end on y2k. Fleecing dumbtards with selling crap like generators.
His final programs were of people relentlessly calling in on the failure of his prophetic doom
If he claims he was harassed by the IRS he's probably full of crap.
The radio station here in Burley quit carrying him a week after his doom and gloom never came to pass.
His programs were like watching paint dry.
But on Jan 2 2000 His show was bedlam
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EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton Scheduled To Meet With FBI On Saturday
I'm loving this.
At last Hillary has met her Waterloo.
The FBI KNOWS the HONEST answer to every question they are going to ask her.
ONE fucking lie! Just ONE! and the bitch loses the White House.
If she thinks she can bullshit her way out of this she's a fucking bigger idiot than we all know she is.
Watch for Bill to show up uninvited along with Hillary's usual team of asslickers.
They won't get in the fucking front door!
How's those indictments coming along?

Any day now
EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton Scheduled To Meet With FBI On Saturday
I'm loving this.
At last Hillary has met her Waterloo.
The FBI KNOWS the HONEST answer to every question they are going to ask her.
ONE fucking lie! Just ONE! and the bitch loses the White House.
If she thinks she can bullshit her way out of this she's a fucking bigger idiot than we all know she is.
Watch for Bill to show up uninvited along with Hillary's usual team of asslickers.
They won't get in the fucking front door!

the fix is in
EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton Scheduled To Meet With FBI On Saturday
I'm loving this.
At last Hillary has met her Waterloo.
The FBI KNOWS the HONEST answer to every question they are going to ask her.
ONE fucking lie! Just ONE! and the bitch loses the White House.
If she thinks she can bullshit her way out of this she's a fucking bigger idiot than we all know she is.
Watch for Bill to show up uninvited along with Hillary's usual team of asslickers.
They won't get in the fucking front door!
How's those indictments coming along?

Any day now
EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton Scheduled To Meet With FBI On Saturday
I'm loving this.
At last Hillary has met her Waterloo.
The FBI KNOWS the HONEST answer to every question they are going to ask her.
ONE fucking lie! Just ONE! and the bitch loses the White House.
If she thinks she can bullshit her way out of this she's a fucking bigger idiot than we all know she is.
Watch for Bill to show up uninvited along with Hillary's usual team of asslickers.
They won't get in the fucking front door!
Dream on.
EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton Scheduled To Meet With FBI On Saturday
I'm loving this.
At last Hillary has met her Waterloo.
The FBI KNOWS the HONEST answer to every question they are going to ask her.
ONE fucking lie! Just ONE! and the bitch loses the White House.
If she thinks she can bullshit her way out of this she's a fucking bigger idiot than we all know she is.
Watch for Bill to show up uninvited along with Hillary's usual team of asslickers.
They won't get in the fucking front door!
The investigation is about whether she and other previous secretaries if state misused email. You guys never mention them. This is another Republican witch hunt, and guys like you fall for it.
Hillary walked out of the FBI interview without handcuffs

I thought she was guilty of high treason?
EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton Scheduled To Meet With FBI On Saturday
I'm loving this.
At last Hillary has met her Waterloo.
The FBI KNOWS the HONEST answer to every question they are going to ask her.
ONE fucking lie! Just ONE! and the bitch loses the White House.
If she thinks she can bullshit her way out of this she's a fucking bigger idiot than we all know she is.
Watch for Bill to show up uninvited along with Hillary's usual team of asslickers.
They won't get in the fucking front door!
The investigation is about whether she and other previous secretaries if state misused email. You guys never mention them. This is another Republican witch hunt, and guys like you fall for it.

It was more of an investigation of whether classified information was compromised
EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton Scheduled To Meet With FBI On Saturday
I'm loving this.
At last Hillary has met her Waterloo.
The FBI KNOWS the HONEST answer to every question they are going to ask her.
ONE fucking lie! Just ONE! and the bitch loses the White House.
If she thinks she can bullshit her way out of this she's a fucking bigger idiot than we all know she is.
Watch for Bill to show up uninvited along with Hillary's usual team of asslickers.
They won't get in the fucking front door!
The investigation is about whether she and other previous secretaries if state misused email. You guys never mention them. This is another Republican witch hunt, and guys like you fall for it.
There is no question about it. The FBI is just trying to figure out who did what and when. Hillary is already implicated. The specific charges are yet to be decided.
I've been interviewed by the FBI for my security clearance. All this meeting was just part of the discovery portion. I think they've already done most of the investigation and they're interviewing her so they can compare notes. If she lies to them and they know it, she'll be charged with Obstruction.
EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton Scheduled To Meet With FBI On Saturday
I'm loving this.
At last Hillary has met her Waterloo.
The FBI KNOWS the HONEST answer to every question they are going to ask her.
ONE fucking lie! Just ONE! and the bitch loses the White House.
If she thinks she can bullshit her way out of this she's a fucking bigger idiot than we all know she is.
Watch for Bill to show up uninvited along with Hillary's usual team of asslickers.
They won't get in the fucking front door!
The investigation is about whether she and other previous secretaries if state misused email. You guys never mention them. This is another Republican witch hunt, and guys like you fall for it.
There is no question about it. The FBI is just trying to figure out who did what and when. Hillary is already implicated. The specific charges are yet to be decided.
I've been interviewed by the FBI for my security clearance. All this meeting was just part of the discovery portion. I think they've already done most of the investigation and they're interviewing her so they can compare notes. If she lies to them and they know it, she'll be charged with Obstruction.

If she lies to them and they know it, she'll be charged with Obstruction.

That may be what happens in a normal investigation....
But Bill Clinton and AG Lynch have come to terms on an agreement...
Why else did they meet for 30 minutes....

That's my take on it anyway.




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