Hillary's Date With the FBI On Saturday

No one on the planet expects anything to happen to Hillary and
Bill's meeting with the AG pretty much confirms it...
EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton Scheduled To Meet With FBI On Saturday
I'm loving this.
At last Hillary has met her Waterloo.
The FBI KNOWS the HONEST answer to every question they are going to ask her.
ONE fucking lie! Just ONE! and the bitch loses the White House.
If she thinks she can bullshit her way out of this she's a fucking bigger idiot than we all know she is.
Watch for Bill to show up uninvited along with Hillary's usual team of asslickers.
They won't get in the fucking front door!
She spent 3 1/2 hours this morning being interviewed by the FBI. She will not discuss what happened.
EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton Scheduled To Meet With FBI On Saturday
I'm loving this.
At last Hillary has met her Waterloo.
The FBI KNOWS the HONEST answer to every question they are going to ask her.
ONE fucking lie! Just ONE! and the bitch loses the White House.
If she thinks she can bullshit her way out of this she's a fucking bigger idiot than we all know she is.
Watch for Bill to show up uninvited along with Hillary's usual team of asslickers.
They won't get in the fucking front door!
She spent 3 1/2 hours this morning being interviewed by the FBI. She will not discuss what happened.

neither has the FBI

Out of respect for the investigative process, she will not comment further on her interview," Nick Merrill, a Clinton spokesman, said in a statement.
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I bet for the first time in her life, she will remain silent.

If the bitch were smart, she would take the fifth on every question. But somehow, I don't buy into this nonsense. She seems FAR too damned "uppity" about NOT being indicted. I truly believe she already has been informed that no charges will be filed - that this is all just a show.

I guess we have no choice but to wait and see.

I've been watching these two since they left Arkansas. Never in the history of this country has there been two more despicable assholes in the public sector. They are crooks, thieves, rapists, abusers and (possibly) murderers and they have gotten away with it all. I don't see anyway that the bitch doesn't walk from this giving the American people the finger.

I just don't see it.

I just can't see her walking away from this one, there's too much evidence of her guilt in the public domain, then maybe I'm just an optimist.

I would love to say that I agree with you (being an optimist) but I just can't. I have seen these Clintons for (what seems like) forever. They have been a porch in the public sector for as long as I can remember. I just can't see the bitch being charged with anything.

I would LOVE to see an honest and open DOJ - but I mean really! We all know how the "game" is played in DC, don't we?
I really thought today was the day when they finally slapped the cuffs on that evil witch....

hillary the witch.jpg
FBI appears convinced she'll have something to say.

Else why would they have called in The Dog Whisperer?

They're also expecting Slick so have called in a DW from France who is fluent in Poodle.
EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton Scheduled To Meet With FBI On Saturday
I'm loving this.
At last Hillary has met her Waterloo.
The FBI KNOWS the HONEST answer to every question they are going to ask her.
ONE fucking lie! Just ONE! and the bitch loses the White House.
If she thinks she can bullshit her way out of this she's a fucking bigger idiot than we all know she is.
Watch for Bill to show up uninvited along with Hillary's usual team of asslickers.
They won't get in the fucking front door!

Aren't you forgetting something important?
Since Hillary's FBI interview was "voluntary" - you can bet she was extremely well prepared. Go Hillary!!!!!
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The FBI blew it when they refused to waterboard Sec Clinton

Bush would not have been so kind
I really thought today was the day when they finally slapped the cuffs on that evil witch....

View attachment 80164
Indictments coming down any day now, any day..............................................

I bet for the first time in her life, she will remain silent.

If the bitch were smart, she would take the fifth on every question. But somehow, I don't buy into this nonsense. She seems FAR too damned "uppity" about NOT being indicted. I truly believe she already has been informed that no charges will be filed - that this is all just a show.

I guess we have no choice but to wait and see.

I've been watching these two since they left Arkansas. Never in the history of this country has there been two more despicable assholes in the public sector. They are crooks, thieves, rapists, abusers and (possibly) murderers and they have gotten away with it all. I don't see anyway that the bitch doesn't walk from this giving the American people the finger.

I just don't see it.

I just can't see her walking away from this one, there's too much evidence of her guilt in the public domain, then maybe I'm just an optimist.

I would love to say that I agree with you (being an optimist) but I just can't. I have seen these Clintons for (what seems like) forever. They have been a porch in the public sector for as long as I can remember. I just can't see the bitch being charged with anything.

I would LOVE to see an honest and open DOJ - but I mean really! We all know how the "game" is played in DC, don't we?

If that's the case, there is no hope of the rule of law. We'll see what happens.
Per CNN: Clinton campaign says FBI meeting was "voluntary"...
Like the bitch called the "CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION!" an "REVIEW".
Did you know 'squaws' make more money when they leave their false teeth at home?
Just saying.

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