Hillary's lying and obvious brain injury should disqualify her.


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
But it won't. The democrats screwed her over 6 years ago and now will try and make it up.


The stroke was real thus the glasses when she was screeching before Congress.

“The only thing that makes her a rock star is that people keep calling her one.”
– Jonah Goldberg, National Review.

  1. the IJReview website, “It [Ready for Hillary] has raised more than $11 million in a year, and has spent most of it during the midterm elections. And as of late November, the super PAC was already in debt. According to a Federal Election Commission disclosure, the PAC had.. [less than] $900,000 in the bank and still owed on a $1 million loan. The loan was from Amalgamated, the go-to bank for Democratic candidates and super PACs looking for a loan to run their campaigns.” She can’t sell books, she can’t fill auditoriums and she can’t line up donations. And this is the woman we are all supposed to believe is the unavoidable democrat nominee for the White House in 2016? That’s all democrats have to offer?!

    The Washington Post says, “Clinton’s 49-point lead is actually her worst performance of the year in Post-ABC polls, with her support slipping 10 points over the course of four surveys this year… Clinton’s lead is not likely to be this big one year from now. Once candidates (including Clinton) actually announce their candidacies and debates are held, Democrats will become more familiar with their options and some will certainly pick other candidates.”

    The Inquisitr reports, “Hillary Clinton praised the Obama administration for concluding a landmark deal re-establishing economic relations between the United States and [Communist] Cuba, saying that the normalization of relations between the two countries is beneficial for the Cuban people.” However, with nothing changing for citizens of Cuba, Clinton failed to explain how it would be beneficial. According to Business Insider, Clinton expressed her approval over the recent lift of several restrictions between the U.S.-Cuba relations, describing it as a major step towards improving human rights under the Castro regime. “Despite good intentions, our decades-long policy of isolation has only strengthened the Castro regime’s grip on power. As I have said, the best way to bring change to Cuba is to expose its people to the values, information, and material comforts of the outside world.” However, nothing in the President’s agreement with Castro will expose the Cuban people to values, information or comforts that others know. Words, just words.

    • Hillary Clinton Pisses Veterans Off
    the Daily Caller, “As veterans, when we have friends who are still on active duty still going back to these conflicts without a clear mission it very much upsets us,” Dan Caldwell, Marine Corps veteran and legislative director for Concerned Veterans for America, told The Daily Caller News Foundation. ”The fact remains that Hillary Clinton was at the table and helped craft, drive, and implement a lot of these failed national security policies. She cannot walk away from that, and she cannot hide from that.” Caldwell said that Clinton has tried to spin her involvement with the botched foreign policy maneuvers of the Obama administration, but he said veterans won’t forget Hillary’s failures if she runs for president.

    Fox News reports, “The State Department has failed to turn over government documents covering Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state that The Associated Press and others requested under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act ahead of her presumptive presidential campaign. They include one request AP made four years ago and others pending for more than one year. The agency already has missed deadlines it set for itself to turn over the material. The State Department denied the AP’s requests, and rejected the AP’s subsequent appeals, to release the records sought quickly under a provision in the law reserved for journalists requesting federal records about especially newsworthy topics…” So, what is Hillary trying so hard to hide this time?!

    Sara Noble at the Independent Sentinel reports, “Hillary Clinton wants us to show “respect”, “understanding” and “empathy” for our enemies like ISIS, the people who want to kill us and bring the war to us. The very same people who behead babies, cut children in half, crucify teenagers, enslave women, and torture everyone. Hopefully this will kill her candidacy because she will be an incompetent president. She calls it “smart power.” That’s a misnomer for you…”

    the Washington Postal headline above Jennifer Rubin’s article. Rubin points out her Hillaryness is no friend of Israel. The liberal Brookings Institution (where blogger turned Secretary of State Susan Rice worked) is hosting a forum on Israel and Hillary is attending. “She gleefully joined in the ongoing pile-on concerning Israel’s housing, blithely referring to apartments in Jerusalem neighborhoods certain to be in the Jewish state in any peace agreement as “settlements.” She ignored an existing agreement between the United States and Israel that allowed for new building that did not expand the footprints of Israeli housing in disputed areas. She routinely exaggerated the extent of building, ignoring Israel’s restraint and its self-imposed ban on new building. (She continued to do so after leaving office.) While the United States did veto on her watch a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning Israel for building, it came with a denunciation of Israel unprecedented in its harshness…” Jewish voters need to wake up in 2016 and realize democrats are not their friends.

    From the Washington Postal: “Hillary Rodham Clinton’s environmental problem will be on full display in back-to-back events scheduled here Monday evening. First, Clinton will appear at a fundraiser for Sen. Mary Landrieu (La.), an embattled Democrat who favors construction of the massive Keystone XL oil pipeline opposed by environmentalists. Just two hours later, Clinton is due back on a different stage to deliver a speech to the League of Conservation Voters – a mainstream environmental group that strenuously opposes Keystone…”

    “Her candidacy makes sense only if voters will be in the mood for a third Obama term.” By George Will
Hillary's Brian Williams moment:

Clinton had said during a March 2008 speech that, while visiting Bosnia in 1996 as first lady, she remembered “landing under sniper fire.” A greeting ceremony had to be cancelled, she said, as her party “ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.”

Videotape instead showed Clinton, her daughter Chelsea and their entourage simply striding across a tarmac with smiles and greeting a retinue of well-wishers.
Reagans dementia didn't seem to affect him. Hey maybe if we elect a 2nd mentally handicapped President republicans will be happy again!
Reagans dementia didn't seem to affect him. Hey maybe if we elect a 2nd mentally handicapped President republicans will be happy again!

I am glad to see that you realize that even if he had dementia he was heads and shoulders above anything the left had/has to offer. I don't even know who is in the wings for the dummy democrats, Pocahontas? If only the dummies would have nominated her instead of Obama they would have had a 16 year lock on the WH. Now all they got is a brain injured senior citizen of no accomplishments.
I'm kind of surprised the Democrats are putting all their eggs in the fragile Billary basket. She ain't no Spring Chicken and not so much healthy. Her smartest move was latching onto Slick Willie and riding his coat-tails. Does anyone, even the most Kool-aid drunken Liberal believe Billary would have been anything higher than a city mayor on her own? She sucks and she lies like a rug.

However I was Very impressed she was able to help get her and Bill back from "Flat broke" leaving the WH. Nothing like a string of $200K+ speaking engagements to refill the cookie jar.
so this is your brilliant strategy. HOpe the other side's candidate gets sick?
so this is your brilliant strategy. HOpe the other side's candidate gets sick?

I don't hope for anyone to get sick, but I do believe she is. I think she may be in rehab right now. Or laying low until the sex slave thing blows over.
so this is your brilliant strategy. HOpe the other side's candidate gets sick?
That's not what I wrote was it? To be more clear, I'm surprised it is the DEMOCRATIC strategy to basically make it a one horse race with a less than robust horse. I don't like her at all, but I don't hope she gets sick. That is different.
so this is your brilliant strategy. HOpe the other side's candidate gets sick?

I don't hope for anyone to get sick, but I do believe she is. I think she may be in rehab right now. Or laying low until the sex slave thing blows over.

Or just realizing she doesn't have to saturate the airwaves when she doesn't have a major opponent.

YOu do realize no one cares about this 'sex slave' thing outsides the Right Wing Fever Swamps, right?

That's not what I wrote was it? To be more clear, I'm surprised it is the DEMOCRATIC strategy to basically make it a one horse race with a less than robust horse. I don't like her at all, but I don't hope she gets sick. That is different.

Again, the GOP is having a many horse race because the only thing that unites you at this point is how much you hate, hate, hate Obama.
so this is your brilliant strategy. HOpe the other side's candidate gets sick?

I don't hope for anyone to get sick, but I do believe she is. I think she may be in rehab right now. Or laying low until the sex slave thing blows over.
She did not have a stroke you idiot.

How do you know that? What was her sickness the first time she tried to get out of testifying about how she screwed up Benghazi?

Just in case you get time from your appearing on the show "the Doctors." Maybe you can respond to the following:

CURL Why Hillary Clinton s health matters - Washington Times

Hillary is even more secretive about her health. On Dec. 7, 2012, she disappeared from view — without a word. Three days passed before the State Department said the secretary of state was “under the weather” as it announced she would cancel a planned trip to the Middle East.

ABC News put out this mysterious entry in a timeline on what happened next: “Sometime early the week of Dec. 9: Clinton faints and falls while at home.” There’s never been any independent confirmation of that, nor did America’s crackerjack media do anything more than write down what State officials claimed.

Four days later, Hillary was diagnosed with a concussion. Then, on Dec. 15, State Department spokesman Philippe Reines said: “While suffering from a stomach virus, Secretary Clinton became dehydrated and fainted, sustaining a concussion.”

State Department garage, and collapsed while boarding a flight in Yemen in 2011.

Hillary returned to work on Jan. 7, 2013, and two weeks later, when she testified, wore extremely thick glasses. Just a week later, she left her Cabinet post and became a private citizen, ending questions about her health.

But like so many times before, out came the Clintonian lies. Hillary said she was just fine, no worries, just a little tumble at home, a little concussion, a little right transverse sinus venous thrombosis. Yet it turns out that it “required six months of very serious work to get over” a “terrible

Read more: CURL Why Hillary Clinton s health matters - Washington Times
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so this is your brilliant strategy. HOpe the other side's candidate gets sick?

I don't hope for anyone to get sick, but I do believe she is. I think she may be in rehab right now. Or laying low until the sex slave thing blows over.

Or just realizing she doesn't have to saturate the airwaves when she doesn't have a major opponent.

YOu do realize no one cares about this 'sex slave' thing outsides the Right Wing Fever Swamps, right?

That's not what I wrote was it? To be more clear, I'm surprised it is the DEMOCRATIC strategy to basically make it a one horse race with a less than robust horse. I don't like her at all, but I don't hope she gets sick. That is different.

Again, the GOP is having a many horse race because the only thing that unites you at this point is how much you hate, hate, hate Obama.

Cool you duels, no one hates Obama but nice projection.
so this is your brilliant strategy. HOpe the other side's candidate gets sick?
That's not what I wrote was it? To be more clear, I'm surprised it is the DEMOCRATIC strategy to basically make it a one horse race with a less than robust horse. I don't like her at all, but I don't hope she gets sick. That is different.

Democrats are united behind Hillary, much like the Nazis united behind Hitler.
Hillary's lying and obvious brain injury should disqualify her.

brain damage and lying are perfect qualifications for a person to be a liberdemo, only one other factor makes them perfect for the presidency...., CHEATING !!
Hillary's lying and obvious brain injury should disqualify her.

brain damage and lying are perfect qualifications for a person to be a liberdemo, only one other factor makes them perfect for the presidency...., CHEATING !!

All they need is someone who can still read a teleprompter and follow orders. that is why even with Hillary's obvious limitations and baggage there is no one else in the wings.
All they need is someone who can still read a teleprompter and follow orders. that is why even with Hillary's obvious limitations and baggage there is no one else in the wings.

You guys area about to nominate Jeb Bush, a guy whose dad and brother were the worst presidents of my lifetime.
All they need is someone who can still read a teleprompter and follow orders. that is why even with Hillary's obvious limitations and baggage there is no one else in the wings.

You guys area about to nominate Jeb Bush, a guy whose dad and brother were the worst presidents of my lifetime.

Neither were great I will admit but the true damage to the country came with Clinton, the worse ever, and Obama a close second.
so this is your brilliant strategy. HOpe the other side's candidate gets sick?

I don't hope for anyone to get sick, but I do believe she is. I think she may be in rehab right now. Or laying low until the sex slave thing blows over.

Or just realizing she doesn't have to saturate the airwaves when she doesn't have a major opponent.

YOu do realize no one cares about this 'sex slave' thing outsides the Right Wing Fever Swamps, right?

That's not what I wrote was it? To be more clear, I'm surprised it is the DEMOCRATIC strategy to basically make it a one horse race with a less than robust horse. I don't like her at all, but I don't hope she gets sick. That is different.

Again, the GOP is having a many horse race because the only thing that unites you at this point is how much you hate, hate, hate Obama.
That's a liberal for ya. You don't care that one of your own having sex with little girls. Explains a lot about your integrity.

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