Hillary's lying and obvious brain injury should disqualify her.

so this is your brilliant strategy. HOpe the other side's candidate gets sick?

I don't hope for anyone to get sick, but I do believe she is. I think she may be in rehab right now. Or laying low until the sex slave thing blows over.

Or just realizing she doesn't have to saturate the airwaves when she doesn't have a major opponent.

YOu do realize no one cares about this 'sex slave' thing outsides the Right Wing Fever Swamps, right?

That's not what I wrote was it? To be more clear, I'm surprised it is the DEMOCRATIC strategy to basically make it a one horse race with a less than robust horse. I don't like her at all, but I don't hope she gets sick. That is different.

Again, the GOP is having a many horse race because the only thing that unites you at this point is how much you hate, hate, hate Obama.
That's a liberal for ya. You don't care that one of your own having sex with little girls. Explains a lot about your integrity.

They didn't care when a sitting POTUS went on national TV and shook his finger in our collective faces and lied out his ass. Lied denying a woman her Constitutional rights. They caring about women, blacks, the poor or anyone else they say they represent ends when their power is threatened. At least Republicans had the moral compass to throw out Nixon for a far less heineous crime.
Neither were great I will admit but the true damage to the country came with Clinton, the worse ever, and Obama a close second.

Uh, no, not really.

The Bushes' Wars, bank scandals, recessions, and fumbled responses to natural disasters were a lot worse for the country than Clinton lying about a blow job.

That you can't see the difference tells a lot about you.
That's a liberal for ya. You don't care that one of your own having sex with little girls. Explains a lot about your integrity.

1) No one has accused Clinton of having sex with little girls.

2) the person who has made the accusations against others (Prince Andrew, Dershowitz) has not told us her name, or offered us any proof of her claims.

So what was that you were babbling about 'integrity".

Here's the thing. Back in the 1990's, I was one of you crazy Wingnuts, and I used to scream loudly about Waco and Monica and all the other fake scandals you guys go on about.

Then we got Dubya in there, and he showed us how really fucked up things can get. in 2008, I had an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K and a job that paid 20% less than the one I had previously. That's how fucked up Bush made things.

I would LOVE to be the worst thing to be worried about is a president lying about a blow job.
They didn't care when a sitting POTUS went on national TV and shook his finger in our collective faces and lied out his ass. Lied denying a woman her Constitutional rights. They caring about women, blacks, the poor or anyone else they say they represent ends when their power is threatened. At least Republicans had the moral compass to throw out Nixon for a far less heineous crime.

I find it amusing that you Republicans are whining about how Paula Jones, who really didn't have a case, didn't get her "constitutional right', when your party wants to pass draconian tort reform to keep people who got legs cut off by incompetent doctors from suing. Oh, my God, Paula Jones had to see a DICK. That was definitely worth a million dollars. It wasn't like she didn't know what a dick looked like.


Sorry, guy, what Nixon did was a lot worse than lying about a blow job.
That's a liberal for ya. You don't care that one of your own having sex with little girls. Explains a lot about your integrity.

1) No one has accused Clinton of having sex with little girls.

2) the person who has made the accusations against others (Prince Andrew, Dershowitz) has not told us her name, or offered us any proof of her claims.

So what was that you were babbling about 'integrity".

Here's the thing. Back in the 1990's, I was one of you crazy Wingnuts, and I used to scream loudly about Waco and Monica and all the other fake scandals you guys go on about.

Then we got Dubya in there, and he showed us how really fucked up things can get. in 2008, I had an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K and a job that paid 20% less than the one I had previously. That's how fucked up Bush made things.

I would LOVE to be the worst thing to be worried about is a president lying about a blow job.
Sounds like you're a failure of a person, that's not Bush's fault. I bought a house I could afford, and it's paid for. Oh, and Clinton is a sexual predator, so if you don't think he would screw those girls, I've got some land to sell you on the moon.
They didn't care when a sitting POTUS went on national TV and shook his finger in our collective faces and lied out his ass. Lied denying a woman her Constitutional rights. They caring about women, blacks, the poor or anyone else they say they represent ends when their power is threatened. At least Republicans had the moral compass to throw out Nixon for a far less heineous crime.

I find it amusing that you Republicans are whining about how Paula Jones, who really didn't have a case, didn't get her "constitutional right', when your party wants to pass draconian tort reform to keep people who got legs cut off by incompetent doctors from suing. Oh, my God, Paula Jones had to see a DICK. That was definitely worth a million dollars. It wasn't like she didn't know what a dick looked like.


Sorry, guy, what Nixon did was a lot worse than lying about a blow job.

Nope, you can not deflect from the very FACT that Clinton lied. Jones settled out of court for a large sum of money after Clinton was found to be lying. Clinton also lost his law license for 5 years because of his lying. Doesn't matter what you lie about when under oath it is a lie. If he would have just told the truth it would have blown over in a NY minute.

Nixon tried to cover for a stupid blotched break in, Clinton lied denying Jones her rights, I think the latter is worse especially when Clinton wagged his finger in your face and lied, lied and lied. And he did it so condescendingly. Smug bastard.
They didn't care when a sitting POTUS went on national TV and shook his finger in our collective faces and lied out his ass. Lied denying a woman her Constitutional rights. They caring about women, blacks, the poor or anyone else they say they represent ends when their power is threatened. At least Republicans had the moral compass to throw out Nixon for a far less heineous crime.

I find it amusing that you Republicans are whining about how Paula Jones, who really didn't have a case, didn't get her "constitutional right', when your party wants to pass draconian tort reform to keep people who got legs cut off by incompetent doctors from suing. Oh, my God, Paula Jones had to see a DICK. That was definitely worth a million dollars. It wasn't like she didn't know what a dick looked like.


Sorry, guy, what Nixon did was a lot worse than lying about a blow job.
Are you also a sexual predator? She just saw a dick? Really? I bet rape victims would have a different opinion. Why do you hate women? My gosh, your really a pig headed piece of shit.
Clinton lying about a blow job.
all those blow jobs resulted in the "Twin Towers" to be attacked, and brought down in an instant.

Cliton signed off on the terrorists getting pilot training. :up:
They didn't care when a sitting POTUS went on national TV and shook his finger in our collective faces and lied out his ass. Lied denying a woman her Constitutional rights. They caring about women, blacks, the poor or anyone else they say they represent ends when their power is threatened. At least Republicans had the moral compass to throw out Nixon for a far less heineous crime.

I find it amusing that you Republicans are whining about how Paula Jones, who really didn't have a case, didn't get her "constitutional right', when your party wants to pass draconian tort reform to keep people who got legs cut off by incompetent doctors from suing. Oh, my God, Paula Jones had to see a DICK. That was definitely worth a million dollars. It wasn't like she didn't know what a dick looked like.


Sorry, guy, what Nixon did was a lot worse than lying about a blow job.

Nope, you can not deflect from the very FACT that Clinton lied. Jones settled out of court for a large sum of money after Clinton was found to be lying. Clinton also lost his law license for 5 years because of his lying. Doesn't matter what you lie about when under oath it is a lie. If he would have just told the truth it would have blown over in a NY minute.

Nixon tried to cover for a stupid blotched break in, Clinton lied denying Jones her rights, I think the latter is worse especially when Clinton wagged his finger in your face and lied, lied and lied. And he did it so condescendingly. Smug bastard.
Libs loved the finger wagging, wanted to sniff the stinky pinky.
Sounds like you're a failure of a person, that's not Bush's fault. I bought a house I could afford, and it's paid for. .

I did just fine when Clinton was president. I bought I house I could afford, too. That's not my fucking point.

What I can't afford is losing $40,000 if i had to move for some reason because Bush wrecked the housing market.

As opposed to the house I bought when Clinton was president, and I was able to sell it for twice what I paid for it.

Oh, and Clinton is a sexual predator, so if you don't think he would screw those girls, I've got some land to sell you on the moon.

Was he convicted of being a sexual predator. Because all you guys came up with were a lot of accusers of questionable veracity. Like Kathleen Wiley, who was called a liar by Charles Ray (who had to clean up Ken Starr's mess.) Or Juanita Brodderick,who swore out an affidavit she never had sex with Clinton before she started claiming a rape no one remembers her talking about.

Sounds to me like you're a failure with women, and are jealous of a guy who can score.
all those blow jobs resulted in the "Twin Towers" to be attacked, and brought down in an instant.

Cliton signed off on the terrorists getting pilot training.

Clinton also tried to take military action against bin Laden in 1998.

Republicans accused him of "Wagging the Dog" and made snarky remarks about an aspirin factory.

Of course, it would have been nice if Bush did more than go fishing after he was told an attack was imminent.
Sounds like you're a failure of a person, that's not Bush's fault. I bought a house I could afford, and it's paid for. .

I did just fine when Clinton was president. I bought I house I could afford, too. That's not my fucking point.

What I can't afford is losing $40,000 if i had to move for some reason because Bush wrecked the housing market.

As opposed to the house I bought when Clinton was president, and I was able to sell it for twice what I paid for it.

Oh, and Clinton is a sexual predator, so if you don't think he would screw those girls, I've got some land to sell you on the moon.

Was he convicted of being a sexual predator. Because all you guys came up with were a lot of accusers of questionable veracity. Like Kathleen Wiley, who was called a liar by Charles Ray (who had to clean up Ken Starr's mess.) Or Juanita Brodderick,who swore out an affidavit she never had sex with Clinton before she started claiming a rape no one remembers her talking about.

Sounds to me like you're a failure with women, and are jealous of a guy who can score.
Lol, those women just saw a dick against their will right? Oh and in 2006 Bush warned about the housing bubble about to burst, due to carter and Clinton thinking that everyone should own a home.
all those blow jobs resulted in the "Twin Towers" to be attacked, and brought down in an instant.

Cliton signed off on the terrorists getting pilot training.

Clinton also tried to take military action against bin Laden in 1998.

Republicans accused him of "Wagging the Dog" and made snarky remarks about an aspirin factory.

Of course, it would have been nice if Bush did more than go fishing after he was told an attack was imminent.
So Clinton was a weak leader? Thanks for bringing that up.
Lol, those women just saw a dick against their will right? Oh and in 2006 Bush warned about the housing bubble about to burst, due to carter and Clinton thinking that everyone should own a home.

Bush considered increased home ownership to be a positive accomplishment of his administration.

Does anybody think that The Bitch of Benghazi's record of corruption, lies and incompetence is going to deter even one Moon Bat from voting for her if she wins the Moon Bat nomination?

These Moon Bats are not exactly known for their intelligence.

So Clinton was a weak leader? Thanks for bringing that up.

Well, no, he just had to deal with a Congress more interested in outing his sex ife than fighting America's enemies.
And balancing the budget. They were first worried about his shady deals, he lied so much they happened to run across the obvious. That he couldn't keep his dick in his pants. Anyway if he was a faithful husband, he wouldn't of got into trouble but we know liberals can't be good citizens.
Sounds like you're a failure of a person, that's not Bush's fault. I bought a house I could afford, and it's paid for. .

I did just fine when Clinton was president. I bought I house I could afford, too. That's not my fucking point.

What I can't afford is losing $40,000 if i had to move for some reason because Bush wrecked the housing market.

As opposed to the house I bought when Clinton was president, and I was able to sell it for twice what I paid for it.

Oh, and Clinton is a sexual predator, so if you don't think he would screw those girls, I've got some land to sell you on the moon.

Was he convicted of being a sexual predator. Because all you guys came up with were a lot of accusers of questionable veracity. Like Kathleen Wiley, who was called a liar by Charles Ray (who had to clean up Ken Starr's mess.) Or Juanita Brodderick,who swore out an affidavit she never had sex with Clinton before she started claiming a rape no one remembers her talking about.

Sounds to me like you're a failure with women, and are jealous of a guy who can score.

You bought on a bubble created by the democrats, boo hoo for you. The prices after the bubble went where they would have been without the bubble created by democrats. And if you look they are even higher then nominal.


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