Hillary's seizures

There was a photo on some site of her being helped up a flight of stairs, the old hag isn't well
i dont know how Hillary will be able to climb the stairs on Air Force one. maybe they will give her that wheel chair that brings her up?

Why isn't Air Force One subject to handicap laws in the first place? Laws are for little people. But yea, Hillary might could use the ramp!
This would be better but she needs a DemoRAT senator to always follow her...in case she get motion sickness and collapses!

one of these days, Hillary will be on a long escalater with her staff of 20,,,then has another brain freeze, then falls/collapses onto her staff, and pretty much takes them all out like bowling pins
Wow. WP calling this merely a joke. No, the joke was the cover-up. What she did and how she did it is just completely out of place.


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