Hillary's team came up with the cover phrase "Marked Classified"


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Very clever. That's the mantra, isn't it? No emails "marked classified" were on Hillary's private server. Well no shit, because as anyone that has dealt with classified documents can tell you, they are never marked CLASSIFIED. They are marked Proprietary, Confidential, Secret, Top Secret or UNCLASSIFIED. So that's the ridiculous little game of words she is playing. There were no emails marked CLASSIFIED but there were many emails marked TOP SECRET and above. That should be game over, but with the Obama administration, the useless Liberal media, and a complicit Attorney General it's anyone's guess what will happen to her.
Very clever. That's the mantra, isn't it? No emails "marked classified" were on Hillary's private server. Well no shit, because as anyone that has dealt with classified documents can tell you, they are never marked CLASSIFIED. They are marked Proprietary, Confidential, Secret, Top Secret or UNCLASSIFIED. So that's the ridiculous little game of words she is playing. There were no emails marked CLASSIFIED but there were many emails marked TOP SECRET and above. That should be game over, but with the Obama administration, the useless Liberal media, and a complicit Attorney General it's anyone's guess what will happen to her.
that's a lie....and you know it.

nothing was marked secret or top secret, or sensitive etc, nothing was marked with any of those classified standings...
she turned the server over on Aug 13 ... 5 months ago.

if they haven't found anything by now logic says they found nothing .. it took Gowdy 9 investigations to find nothing.

Just admit it ladies, you hate anything Clinton.
nothing was marked secret or top secret, or sensitive etc, nothing was marked with any of those classified standings...

she turned the server over on Aug 13 ... 5 months ago.

if they haven't found anything by now logic says they found nothing .. it took Gowdy 9 investigations to find nothing.

We don't know what the FBI has found on her wiped hard drive. That is still under investigation and the details will be released to the Justice Department in due time.

Care, I will remind you that it is a violation of federal law to have ANY internal government correspondence on your private server. That she did this, is not in question. If she had classified material on her server, it is a major felony and one she can go to prison for.
I agree but don't hold your breath for any charges to be leveled against that POS.

General Patreaus was brought up on charges and he's a four star general.

Hillary is a Dem running for President so don't look for her to be held accountable for anything.

She and her negligent State Department got away with the deaths of four men at Benghazi. Does anyone think she will be held accountable for emails no matter how secret they were???

And remember. Justice isn't equal in this country when it comes to politicians and wannabe politicians and regular folks.
Very clever. That's the mantra, isn't it? No emails "marked classified" were on Hillary's private server. Well no shit, because as anyone that has dealt with classified documents can tell you, they are never marked CLASSIFIED. They are marked Proprietary, Confidential, Secret, Top Secret or UNCLASSIFIED. So that's the ridiculous little game of words she is playing. There were no emails marked CLASSIFIED but there were many emails marked TOP SECRET and above. That should be game over, but with the Obama administration, the useless Liberal media, and a complicit Attorney General it's anyone's guess what will happen to her.

or most people sensibly realize it's just not that big of a deal. You guys are carrying on like she was e-mailing this stuff to Kim Jong Um.

Instead, she did exactly what Colin Powell did, use a private server because government servers are about 20 years out of date.

It's kind of like when you guys spent 70 million dollars investigating her husband, and the only thing you could come up with was "he lied about a blow job", and most Americans looked at that and said, "Well, of course he did."

Here's a crazy idea. How about you guys -

1) Don't nominate a Crazy Person.
2) Actually challenge her on the ISSUES.
I agree but don't hold your breath for any charges to be leveled against that POS.

General Patreaus was brought up on charges and he's a four star general.

Hillary is a Dem running for President so don't look for her to be held accountable for anything.

Petreaus was given a slap on the wrist. His real punishment was losing his job and getting the Stink-Eye from Mrs. Petreaus for the next ten years.

She and her negligent State Department got away with the deaths of four men at Benghazi. Does anyone think she will be held accountable for emails no matter how secret they were???

You guys had 8 investigations trying to pin Benghazi on her, and came up with nothing. But no matter how often you prove it's a weather balloon, you'll always have a nut insisting it was a flying saucer.

And remember. Justice isn't equal in this country when it comes to politicians and wannabe politicians and regular folks.

Regular folks probably break more laws than Hillary did. It's just no one calls them on it. Imagine how much trouble we'd all be in if the IRS Audited ALL of our 1040's with an intent to catch us doing SOMETHING.

So what you guys are doing is trying to pin her for receiving e-mails (not sending them) from other people who didn't bother to check if they might get classified at a later date first.

Okay, now I realize that you guys live in a stew of hate, but try to think like a regular person. Would you want to be held accountable for anything that shows up in your e-mail box someone else sent?
Care, I will remind you that it is a violation of federal law to have ANY internal government correspondence on your private server. That she did this, is not in question. If she had classified material on her server, it is a major felony and one she can go to prison for.

Can you please point out to me ANYONE who has gone to jail for doing that?

Anyone? A single case?


The problem is that the regulations haven't kept up with the technology. they are trying to apply the law for paper documents to the electronic age.

The fact is, "secure government servers" were hacked millions of times last year.

No sensible person is going to send Hillary to prison for getting an e-mail some other bureaucrat stamped "Classified" later on.
Care, I will remind you that it is a violation of federal law to have ANY internal government correspondence on your private server. That she did this, is not in question. If she had classified material on her server, it is a major felony and one she can go to prison for.

Can you please point out to me ANYONE who has gone to jail for doing that?

Anyone? A single case?


The problem is that the regulations haven't kept up with the technology. they are trying to apply the law for paper documents to the electronic age.

The fact is, "secure government servers" were hacked millions of times last year.

No sensible person is going to send Hillary to prison for getting an e-mail some other bureaucrat stamped "Classified" later on.

Sorry all, but I think Ole Joe here has made a compelling case for Hillary. His facts are pretty accurate, and if we believe in "fairness in law," then the e-mail scandal will not, nor should it, send Hillary to jail.

Now, will it derail her candidacy? That is a totally different question, and it will depend upon how it is worded. If the word "incompetent" is used anywhere, or any version of it in the report as pertaining to her, she is done. I, of course; expect it to be worded and spun as a "mistake."

Still folks, be careful what you wish for, and I sincerely mean it! Think our chances are good now? Well, what if she is forced to drop, and instead of Bernie being elevated, they push in Warren or Biden to take her place? The whole race would change significantly, and if it is Trump like many of my conservative friends on here want, you will again be back to-------> A rich out of touch guy running against a pure, relatively poor lefty who is for the people! We would be defending Trump constantly.

No, if you want to win, you want Hilly or Bernie as the DNC standard bearer, and nobody coming off the bench. You don't think for a second that all of these people running on the GOP side are doing it, knowing in advance they were going to lose to Hillary, do you? Of course not! So keep it Hilly, and celebrate in November! If you are going to hammer her with new revelations, make it a late October surprise so it is to late to change horses. Wishing for it now is counter productive-)
Very clever. That's the mantra, isn't it? No emails "marked classified" were on Hillary's private server. Well no shit, because as anyone that has dealt with classified documents can tell you, they are never marked CLASSIFIED. They are marked Proprietary, Confidential, Secret, Top Secret or UNCLASSIFIED. So that's the ridiculous little game of words she is playing. There were no emails marked CLASSIFIED but there were many emails marked TOP SECRET and above. That should be game over, but with the Obama administration, the useless Liberal media, and a complicit Attorney General it's anyone's guess what will happen to her.
that's a lie....and you know it.

nothing was marked secret or top secret, or sensitive etc, nothing was marked with any of those classified standings...

LMAO- She said its a political attack.


Clinton brushes off report that her private server contained highly classified intel

Clinton was referring to a letter sent by Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III to leaders on congressional intelligence committees last week detailing the findings from a review of Clinton's emails, a spokeswoman for the inspector general confirmed to CNN.
Two government agencies flagged emails on Clinton's server as containing classified information, the inspector general said, including some on "special access programs," which are a subset of the highest "Top Secret" level of classification, but are under subject to more stringent control rules than even other Top Secret information."
Clinton's spokesman, Brian Fallon, told Bloomberg that the campaign believes McCullough and Republican senators worked together to make sure the report would become public.
"It is suspect from the beginning that the intelligence community inspector general is continuing to reveal materials and surface allegations while the Justice Department review is going on," Fallon told Bloomberg. "It's completely fair to suspect that the intelligence community inspector general is not operating in good faith."
Hillary Clinton brushes off report that her private server contained highly classified intel - CNNPolitics.com
Very clever. That's the mantra, isn't it? No emails "marked classified" were on Hillary's private server. Well no shit, because as anyone that has dealt with classified documents can tell you, they are never marked CLASSIFIED. They are marked Proprietary, Confidential, Secret, Top Secret or UNCLASSIFIED. So that's the ridiculous little game of words she is playing. There were no emails marked CLASSIFIED but there were many emails marked TOP SECRET and above. That should be game over, but with the Obama administration, the useless Liberal media, and a complicit Attorney General it's anyone's guess what will happen to her.
that's a lie....and you know it.

nothing was marked secret or top secret, or sensitive etc, nothing was marked with any of those classified standings...

LMAO- She said its a political attack.


Clinton brushes off report that her private server contained highly classified intel

Clinton was referring to a letter sent by Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III to leaders on congressional intelligence committees last week detailing the findings from a review of Clinton's emails, a spokeswoman for the inspector general confirmed to CNN.
Two government agencies flagged emails on Clinton's server as containing classified information, the inspector general said, including some on "special access programs," which are a subset of the highest "Top Secret" level of classification, but are under subject to more stringent control rules than even other Top Secret information."
Clinton's spokesman, Brian Fallon, told Bloomberg that the campaign believes McCullough and Republican senators worked together to make sure the report would become public.

"It is suspect from the beginning that the intelligence community inspector general is continuing to reveal materials and surface allegations while the Justice Department review is going on," Fallon told Bloomberg. "It's completely fair to suspect that the intelligence community inspector general is not operating in good faith."
Hillary Clinton brushes off report that her private server contained highly classified intel - CNNPolitics.com

the vast right wing conspiracy lives on --LOL
Very clever. That's the mantra, isn't it? No emails "marked classified" were on Hillary's private server. Well no shit, because as anyone that has dealt with classified documents can tell you, they are never marked CLASSIFIED. They are marked Proprietary, Confidential, Secret, Top Secret or UNCLASSIFIED. So that's the ridiculous little game of words she is playing. There were no emails marked CLASSIFIED but there were many emails marked TOP SECRET and above. That should be game over, but with the Obama administration, the useless Liberal media, and a complicit Attorney General it's anyone's guess what will happen to her.
that's a lie....and you know it.

nothing was marked secret or top secret, or sensitive etc, nothing was marked with any of those classified standings...
But those weren't the terms she agreed to, were they???

Maybe you should read the NDA the stupid bitch signed!!!!
I agree but don't hold your breath for any charges to be leveled against that POS.

General Patreaus was brought up on charges and he's a four star general.

Hillary is a Dem running for President so don't look for her to be held accountable for anything.

Petreaus was given a slap on the wrist. His real punishment was losing his job and getting the Stink-Eye from Mrs. Petreaus for the next ten years.

She and her negligent State Department got away with the deaths of four men at Benghazi. Does anyone think she will be held accountable for emails no matter how secret they were???

You guys had 8 investigations trying to pin Benghazi on her, and came up with nothing. But no matter how often you prove it's a weather balloon, you'll always have a nut insisting it was a flying saucer.

And remember. Justice isn't equal in this country when it comes to politicians and wannabe politicians and regular folks.

Regular folks probably break more laws than Hillary did. It's just no one calls them on it. Imagine how much trouble we'd all be in if the IRS Audited ALL of our 1040's with an intent to catch us doing SOMETHING.

So what you guys are doing is trying to pin her for receiving e-mails (not sending them) from other people who didn't bother to check if they might get classified at a later date first.

Okay, now I realize that you guys live in a stew of hate, but try to think like a regular person. Would you want to be held accountable for anything that shows up in your e-mail box someone else sent?
You know if I were driven to defend this woman I would be selective in my reporting as well. But if someone had the time to do a full investigation of Hillary and Bill since their shady Arkansas days I think their opinion would begin to slant strongly towards corrupt and criminal. Yes, I do believe a number of these highly suspicious deaths over the years point to subterfuge and criminal acts. No, I am not going to go research all the details because trying to convince a couple of liberals on this board is no motivation at all. So you go your way and I will go mine. But this one website at least plants some seeds to consider. SEEDS I said, hardly and exhaustive list of reasons people like me would never trust that lying criminal or her husband. The Clinton Foundation, that is a morsel all on its own. Of course it does not bother you that the media or the justice dept will never want to expose her. You insist on saying you are right, they are saints, and we are the idiots in the room.

Website Exposes This Gigantic List Of Clinton Scandals

Clintons turn IRS into ‘gestapo’
During Bill Clinton’s second term, reports surfaced that prominent conservative groups had been subjected to audits while there was no indication that any corresponding organizations on the political left had been targeted by the IRS.

Covering Bill’s dirty deeds
Amid allegations of sexual assault against Bill Clinton that cast a negative light on the political power couple, Hillary reportedly aided her husband not only by publicly defending him, but by using shady – and potentially criminal – tactics in an effort to delegitimize his accusers.

Looting the White House
After Clinton’s second term came to a close, the couple reportedly attempted to take roughly $190,000 worth of furniture and other items from the White House – on top of causing about $14,000 in vandalism damage to the presidential mansion.
Filegate: FBI files on GOP enemies
The Clintons reportedly gained confidential tax records on many of their political rivals, a scheme in which Judicial Watch claimed Hillary played a central role.

Hillary’s ‘Muslim Brotherhood princess’
Huma Abedin, a confidant who served as Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, was linked to the Muslim Brotherhood – specifically through the al-Qaeda connections of both her mother and father.
Vince Foster’s 1993 death
Family friend and White House counsel Vince Foster was himself embroiled in at least a few of the Clintons’ early scandals until his suspicious death. Initially ruled a suicide, the circumstances of Foster’s death have led to significant speculation in the decades since.

Emailgate: ‘She should go to prison for this’
One of the more recent scandals involves Hillary Clinton’s admitted use of a personal email server to share official correspondences during her stint as secretary of state.

Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets
Judicial Watch initially released a report suggesting Chinese corporations supported Bill Clinton’s 1996 reelection effort in exchange for technology secrets.

Travelgate: Always room for friends
During the Clinton administration, the Clintons reportedly laid off the White House travel office staff so that they could fill the department with family members and friends.

Whitewater: Jail for friends, but not Clintons
One of the most identifiable Clinton scandals involved an investigation into a real estate deal that later encompassed accusations of improper campaign donations and the couple’s potential involvement in Foster’s death.

‘Landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia
Hillary Clinton has faced criticism for her since-debunked 2008 claim that, more than a decade earlier, she was touring war-torn Bosnia in a helicopter as it sustained sniper fire. While she described a very dramatic landing, news footage of the event showed no such threat existed.

12. Hillary’s ‘missing’ law firm billing records
More than 100 pages of pertinent information went missing ahead of a 1994 federal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s involvement in the Watergate scandal. When the documents did surface two years later, it was revealed that she was in contact with many of the scandal’s central figures.

Pardongate: Hillary Senate contributions
The wife of one convicted tax cheat pardoned by Bill Clinton at the end of his second term responded by becoming a major contributor to Hillary’s 2000 campaign to become a New York senator.

Hillary’s cash cows and 9,987 percent profit
A series of investments in cattle futures was seriously profitable for a young Hillary Clinton. Between 1978 and 1979, a $1,000 investment turned into a nearly $100,000 profit, a success subsequently linked to a Clinton supporter who also happened to be a high-level player at Tyson Foods.

Clinton body count: ‘You find dead people’
Foster was not the only suspicious death linked to the Clintons. In addition to those who met an untimely end after crossing the powerful couple, many others on their wrong side also ended up behind bars.

Hillary’s radical pal, Saul Alinsky
Reports indicate community organizer and author of Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky, was a major influence on a young Hillary Clinton. She was involved in Alinsky’s group, Industrial Areas Foundation, for decades after the radical activist’s death.

Hillary laughs about defending child rapist
Audio unveiled decades after it was recorded revealed Hillary Clinton celebrating the fact that an accused child rapist she represented was set free in 1975 – despite the fact that she insinuated that she believed him to be guilty of the crime.

Hillary ca$hes in: Iranian fundraising
The Clinton Foundation reportedly received numerous financial contributions from a group accused of serving as an agent of the Iranian government.

Clinton Foundation: Scandals keep coming
The Clintons’ nonprofit organization has faced controversy far beyond the Iranian connection, including accusations of tax fraud and a secretive deal believed to have facilitated the release of nuclear material to Russia.

Benghazi: 4 American lives lost
A scandal that continues to incite passions involves then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, lambasted for her perceived inaction before, during, and after a 2012 attack that killed four Americans in Libya.

Peter Franklin Paul: Another Hillary friend goes to prison
Paul was an entertainment executive and major financial supporter of Hillary Clinton’s 2000 Senate bid. He has since become an outspoken critic after accepting a plea deal and serving three years in prison for what he contended was retaliation for calling attention to fraud within Clinton’s fundraising methods.

Watergate: Fired for being a ‘liar’
As a House Judiciary Committee staffer in 1974, Hillary Clinton helped investigate the Watergate scandal that led to Richard Nixon’s resignation. She was soon fired by a supervisor who described her as an “unethical, dishonest lawyer.”
I'm amused by the liberal talking point that there's "nothing to see here!" in regards to Hillary Clinton choosing to conduct official business through a private server. In case you've all forgotten (and it seems that is the case!) the REASON why laws exist making it illegal to conduct official business on "secret" servers is that we decided after the Nixon White House shenanigans that we wanted to know what our elected officials were up to! You're not allowed to do what Hillary DID because it opens the door for corruption. When our elected officials can conduct their business secretly through a shadow network it allows them to do things they shouldn't do...like lie to us...or break other laws...and not get caught doing so.

Let's be honest here, folks...Hillary Clinton wasn't working off another server because there was something lacking in the official servers...she was working off that private server because she could control the information that was on it and not have that information become public. It's why she deleted 50,000 e-mails. Anyone claiming anything else is laughably naive.
She should have been arrested already. If she were a Republican like Petraeus, she'd be wearing cuffs right now. But it looks like Hussein is going with 'Party before Country.' He's decided to cover for one of his own.

And they really do need to investigate the 'Clinton Foundation' as well. I believe laws have been broken. Her and her perv husband should be held accountable.
So forget all the partisan sniping...this comes down to a very simple question...

Are we going to allow our government officials to conduct public business secretly or not? If you let Hillary slide on this you'll get what you deserve no matter who runs the country, Democrat...Republican...Liberal or Conservative!
I agree but don't hold your breath for any charges to be leveled against that POS.

General Patreaus was brought up on charges and he's a four star general.

Hillary is a Dem running for President so don't look for her to be held accountable for anything.

Petreaus was given a slap on the wrist. His real punishment was losing his job and getting the Stink-Eye from Mrs. Petreaus for the next ten years.

She and her negligent State Department got away with the deaths of four men at Benghazi. Does anyone think she will be held accountable for emails no matter how secret they were???

You guys had 8 investigations trying to pin Benghazi on her, and came up with nothing. But no matter how often you prove it's a weather balloon, you'll always have a nut insisting it was a flying saucer.

And remember. Justice isn't equal in this country when it comes to politicians and wannabe politicians and regular folks.

Regular folks probably break more laws than Hillary did. It's just no one calls them on it. Imagine how much trouble we'd all be in if the IRS Audited ALL of our 1040's with an intent to catch us doing SOMETHING.

So what you guys are doing is trying to pin her for receiving e-mails (not sending them) from other people who didn't bother to check if they might get classified at a later date first.

Okay, now I realize that you guys live in a stew of hate, but try to think like a regular person. Would you want to be held accountable for anything that shows up in your e-mail box someone else sent?
You know if I were driven to defend this woman I would be selective in my reporting as well. But if someone had the time to do a full investigation of Hillary and Bill since their shady Arkansas days I think their opinion would begin to slant strongly towards corrupt and criminal. Yes, I do believe a number of these highly suspicious deaths over the years point to subterfuge and criminal acts. No, I am not going to go research all the details because trying to convince a couple of liberals on this board is no motivation at all. So you go your way and I will go mine. But this one website at least plants some seeds to consider. SEEDS I said, hardly and exhaustive list of reasons people like me would never trust that lying criminal or her husband. The Clinton Foundation, that is a morsel all on its own. Of course it does not bother you that the media or the justice dept will never want to expose her. You insist on saying you are right, they are saints, and we are the idiots in the room.

Website Exposes This Gigantic List Of Clinton Scandals

Clintons turn IRS into ‘gestapo’
During Bill Clinton’s second term, reports surfaced that prominent conservative groups had been subjected to audits while there was no indication that any corresponding organizations on the political left had been targeted by the IRS.

Covering Bill’s dirty deeds
Amid allegations of sexual assault against Bill Clinton that cast a negative light on the political power couple, Hillary reportedly aided her husband not only by publicly defending him, but by using shady – and potentially criminal – tactics in an effort to delegitimize his accusers.

Looting the White House
After Clinton’s second term came to a close, the couple reportedly attempted to take roughly $190,000 worth of furniture and other items from the White House – on top of causing about $14,000 in vandalism damage to the presidential mansion.
Filegate: FBI files on GOP enemies
The Clintons reportedly gained confidential tax records on many of their political rivals, a scheme in which Judicial Watch claimed Hillary played a central role.

Hillary’s ‘Muslim Brotherhood princess’
Huma Abedin, a confidant who served as Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, was linked to the Muslim Brotherhood – specifically through the al-Qaeda connections of both her mother and father.
Vince Foster’s 1993 death
Family friend and White House counsel Vince Foster was himself embroiled in at least a few of the Clintons’ early scandals until his suspicious death. Initially ruled a suicide, the circumstances of Foster’s death have led to significant speculation in the decades since.

Emailgate: ‘She should go to prison for this’
One of the more recent scandals involves Hillary Clinton’s admitted use of a personal email server to share official correspondences during her stint as secretary of state.

Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets
Judicial Watch initially released a report suggesting Chinese corporations supported Bill Clinton’s 1996 reelection effort in exchange for technology secrets.

Travelgate: Always room for friends
During the Clinton administration, the Clintons reportedly laid off the White House travel office staff so that they could fill the department with family members and friends.

Whitewater: Jail for friends, but not Clintons
One of the most identifiable Clinton scandals involved an investigation into a real estate deal that later encompassed accusations of improper campaign donations and the couple’s potential involvement in Foster’s death.

‘Landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia
Hillary Clinton has faced criticism for her since-debunked 2008 claim that, more than a decade earlier, she was touring war-torn Bosnia in a helicopter as it sustained sniper fire. While she described a very dramatic landing, news footage of the event showed no such threat existed.

12. Hillary’s ‘missing’ law firm billing records
More than 100 pages of pertinent information went missing ahead of a 1994 federal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s involvement in the Watergate scandal. When the documents did surface two years later, it was revealed that she was in contact with many of the scandal’s central figures.

Pardongate: Hillary Senate contributions
The wife of one convicted tax cheat pardoned by Bill Clinton at the end of his second term responded by becoming a major contributor to Hillary’s 2000 campaign to become a New York senator.

Hillary’s cash cows and 9,987 percent profit
A series of investments in cattle futures was seriously profitable for a young Hillary Clinton. Between 1978 and 1979, a $1,000 investment turned into a nearly $100,000 profit, a success subsequently linked to a Clinton supporter who also happened to be a high-level player at Tyson Foods.

Clinton body count: ‘You find dead people’
Foster was not the only suspicious death linked to the Clintons. In addition to those who met an untimely end after crossing the powerful couple, many others on their wrong side also ended up behind bars.

Hillary’s radical pal, Saul Alinsky
Reports indicate community organizer and author of Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky, was a major influence on a young Hillary Clinton. She was involved in Alinsky’s group, Industrial Areas Foundation, for decades after the radical activist’s death.

Hillary laughs about defending child rapist
Audio unveiled decades after it was recorded revealed Hillary Clinton celebrating the fact that an accused child rapist she represented was set free in 1975 – despite the fact that she insinuated that she believed him to be guilty of the crime.

Hillary ca$hes in: Iranian fundraising
The Clinton Foundation reportedly received numerous financial contributions from a group accused of serving as an agent of the Iranian government.

Clinton Foundation: Scandals keep coming
The Clintons’ nonprofit organization has faced controversy far beyond the Iranian connection, including accusations of tax fraud and a secretive deal believed to have facilitated the release of nuclear material to Russia.

Benghazi: 4 American lives lost
A scandal that continues to incite passions involves then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, lambasted for her perceived inaction before, during, and after a 2012 attack that killed four Americans in Libya.

Peter Franklin Paul: Another Hillary friend goes to prison
Paul was an entertainment executive and major financial supporter of Hillary Clinton’s 2000 Senate bid. He has since become an outspoken critic after accepting a plea deal and serving three years in prison for what he contended was retaliation for calling attention to fraud within Clinton’s fundraising methods.

Watergate: Fired for being a ‘liar’
As a House Judiciary Committee staffer in 1974, Hillary Clinton helped investigate the Watergate scandal that led to Richard Nixon’s resignation. She was soon fired by a supervisor who described her as an “unethical, dishonest lawyer.”

this guy wrote the RW talking points book ... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and is boring the board with cliff notes.

what dolt.

nobody cares.

It would be nice if the freakshow would STFU until they had something solid on Clinton. This conjecture BS is really really O-L-D.
So forget all the partisan sniping...this comes down to a very simple question...

Are we going to allow our government officials to conduct public business secretly or not? If you let Hillary slide on this you'll get what you deserve no matter who runs the country, Democrat...Republican...Liberal or Conservative!

if Clinton was the ONLY politician who used a private server I would agree ... BUT SHE ISN'T AND WASN'T !!!

but the RW conspiracy/hipocracy animals have their fangs attached to her butt and won't let go .. and they're foaming at the mouth.

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