Hillary's team came up with the cover phrase "Marked Classified"

You mean our primary campaigning? That's just what political parties have to go through sometimes. We have several "flavors" of Republicans under the Big Tent and they are vying for control of the platform. Unlike your party who are marching firmly in lockstep with Chairman Mao. When the dust settles we will unite behind the candidate who wins because none of us think Hillary should be the next president. Right now it looks ugly... it's been ugly... more ugly that it probably needed to be thanks to Trump, but in the end I think it will be a good thing. We need to go through this and set the right course for our future.

Guy, your party is not having a "primary campaign", you are having a major rift between the establishment and the rank and file. When the dust settles, you will either have an establishment choice that none of you are happy with losing to Hillary (but you get to complain again you lost because you didn't nominate a "real conservative").

The Religious Nuts are willing to accept a thrice-married guy because they want to win sooooooo bad they are willing to throw their principals out the window. Meanwhile Trump has tapped into the populist vein of the party the Establishment hates. And unlike Buchanan and Huckabee, they can't smoosh this one down this time.
You mean our primary campaigning? That's just what political parties have to go through sometimes. We have several "flavors" of Republicans under the Big Tent and they are vying for control of the platform. Unlike your party who are marching firmly in lockstep with Chairman Mao. When the dust settles we will unite behind the candidate who wins because none of us think Hillary should be the next president. Right now it looks ugly... it's been ugly... more ugly that it probably needed to be thanks to Trump, but in the end I think it will be a good thing. We need to go through this and set the right course for our future.

Guy, your party is not having a "primary campaign", you are having a major rift between the establishment and the rank and file. When the dust settles, you will either have an establishment choice that none of you are happy with losing to Hillary (but you get to complain again you lost because you didn't nominate a "real conservative").

The Religious Nuts are willing to accept a thrice-married guy because they want to win sooooooo bad they are willing to throw their principals out the window. Meanwhile Trump has tapped into the populist vein of the party the Establishment hates. And unlike Buchanan and Huckabee, they can't smoosh this one down this time.
Are you drinking again??
I don't know why she did what... that hasn't been explained really. It appears she violated several Federal laws in the handling of classified material. The scope of that is undetermined as of now but the FBI is investigating. Her supporters claim this is all a political show but the FBI doesn't generally get involved in political showmanship. There usually has to be some pretty serious things going on for them to launch an investigation.

If you don't really know what she did, why are you acting like she is obviously guilty?

Of course, the FBI gets involved in political showmanship.

I do find it hilarious that the Right who used to call the FBI 'Jack booted thugs" when they wanted to take David Koresh's guns away are now praising their objectivity. It's just too funny.
Again, it shouldn't take nearly a year to "investigate" something that is clear cut as you say it is. If it takes a year to determine if a crime was committed, most reasonable people aren't going to think one was.

Well the reason it's taken so long is because Clinton has simply obfuscated and failed to cooperate with the investigation. It's the typical Clinton game plan. Stall, delay, make up excuses, claim you've turned everything over, make them prove you haven't, stall and delay some more, try to run as much clock as you can, turn over bits and pieces, claim you need more time... then eventually you can claim, after enough time has passed, that no one really cares about it because it's "old news" and we need to move on.

And hey... We already KNOW what the story line from Clinton and her sycophants will be.... this is all that "right wing conspiracy" stuff, ginned up by those who have a political grudge. Even if she is frog-marched away in shackles you'll never forgive us for bringing such a good woman down. We'll hear that shit for the next 20 years.
So, if I'm understanding the totality of the wingnut argument, it's that--in order to avoid transparency--she hid her departmental communications in a place where any hacker could expose them for all to see? Have I got that right?

I don't know why she did what... that hasn't been explained really. It appears she violated several Federal laws in the handling of classified material. The scope of that is undetermined as of now but the FBI is investigating. Her supporters claim this is all a political show but the FBI doesn't generally get involved in political showmanship. There usually has to be some pretty serious things going on for them to launch an investigation.

I understand that mishandling state secrets is a serious allegation. And I realize that serious allegations have to be investigated. But what hasn't yet materialized is any concrete evidence that state secrets were mishandled. Until there is, the case against her will have to rely on innuendo. As it is now.
I don't know why she did what... that hasn't been explained really. It appears she violated several Federal laws in the handling of classified material. The scope of that is undetermined as of now but the FBI is investigating. Her supporters claim this is all a political show but the FBI doesn't generally get involved in political showmanship. There usually has to be some pretty serious things going on for them to launch an investigation.

If you don't really know what she did, why are you acting like she is obviously guilty?

Of course, the FBI gets involved in political showmanship.

I do find it hilarious that the Right who used to call the FBI 'Jack booted thugs" when they wanted to take David Koresh's guns away are now praising their objectivity. It's just too funny.

Because she is obviously guilty. Stop trying to derail the thread again to talk about David Koresh. We're talking about Hillary Clinton... I know they are both wackos but let's try to remain focused.
I don't know why she did what... that hasn't been explained really. It appears she violated several Federal laws in the handling of classified material. The scope of that is undetermined as of now but the FBI is investigating. Her supporters claim this is all a political show but the FBI doesn't generally get involved in political showmanship. There usually has to be some pretty serious things going on for them to launch an investigation.

If you don't really know what she did, why are you acting like she is obviously guilty?

Of course, the FBI gets involved in political showmanship.

I do find it hilarious that the Right who used to call the FBI 'Jack booted thugs" when they wanted to take David Koresh's guns away are now praising their objectivity. It's just too funny.

Because she is obviously guilty. Stop trying to derail the thread again to talk about David Koresh. We're talking about Hillary Clinton... I know they are both wackos but let's try to remain focused.
Joey is drunk off of socialism Koolaid
So, if I'm understanding the totality of the wingnut argument, it's that--in order to avoid transparency--she hid her departmental communications in a place where any hacker could expose them for all to see? Have I got that right?

I don't know why she did what... that hasn't been explained really. It appears she violated several Federal laws in the handling of classified material. The scope of that is undetermined as of now but the FBI is investigating. Her supporters claim this is all a political show but the FBI doesn't generally get involved in political showmanship. There usually has to be some pretty serious things going on for them to launch an investigation.

I understand that mishandling state secrets is a serious allegation. And I realize that serious allegations have to be investigated. But what hasn't yet materialized is any concrete evidence that state secrets were mishandled. Until there is, the case against her will have to rely on innuendo. As it is now.

Well that's because there is an ongoing investigation of which there have been over 100 witnesses sworn to non-disclosure. No one can talk about any of this until the FBI concludes it's investigation. The few things we do know is, there was a clear violation of Federal law regarding the handling of sensitive material. Eventually, all of the "evidence" will be a matter of public record and we'll see for ourselves. Right now, we're waiting for the FBI to finish the investigation,
Again, it shouldn't take nearly a year to "investigate" something that is clear cut as you say it is. If it takes a year to determine if a crime was committed, most reasonable people aren't going to think one was.

Well the reason it's taken so long is because Clinton has simply obfuscated and failed to cooperate with the investigation. It's the typical Clinton game plan. Stall, delay, make up excuses, claim you've turned everything over, make them prove you haven't, stall and delay some more, try to run as much clock as you can, turn over bits and pieces, claim you need more time... then eventually you can claim, after enough time has passed, that no one really cares about it because it's "old news" and we need to move on.

And hey... We already KNOW what the story line from Clinton and her sycophants will be.... this is all that "right wing conspiracy" stuff, ginned up by those who have a political grudge. Even if she is frog-marched away in shackles you'll never forgive us for bringing such a good woman down. We'll hear that shit for the next 20 years.

Was it Hillary that stalled on releasing information to the public? Or was it Kerry's State Dept. You don't find it odd that the decision to keep the 22 e-mails classified was made within days of Obama meeting with the two Democratic front-runners, to talk--among other things--about their respective views on foreign policy? And that, days before the Iowa Caucus?
Well the reason it's taken so long is because Clinton has simply obfuscated and failed to cooperate with the investigation. It's the typical Clinton game plan. Stall, delay, make up excuses, claim you've turned everything over, make them prove you haven't, stall and delay some more, try to run as much clock as you can, turn over bits and pieces, claim you need more time... then eventually you can claim, after enough time has passed, that no one really cares about it because it's "old news" and we need to move on.

Yup. And the thing is, they are usually right. Because more often than not, you guys have oversold the seriousness of the charge to start with. Remember when Ken Starr supposedly started out investigating a corrupt land deal and 70 million dollars later all he could prove was Clinton lied about a blow job? I do.

One of the things I asked if for you guys to cite a case where someone had been imprisoned for doing what Hillary is accused of doing, and none of you have found a case on point. The best you can find was a guy who lost his job for putting a bunch of classified info and driving around Afghanistan with it and all that happened to him was he lost his job.

And hey... We already KNOW what the story line from Clinton and her sycophants will be.... this is all that "right wing conspiracy" stuff, ginned up by those who have a political grudge. Even if she is frog-marched away in shackles you'll never forgive us for bringing such a good woman down. We'll hear that shit for the next 20 years.

What we've been hearing for the LAST 20 years from you guys is how corrupt the Clintons are. In fact, people have made whole cottage industries out of distracting dumb rednecks living next to toxic waste dumps about how this matters to their lives all that much.

But the Clintons always beat you. Must suck to be you.
Well that's because there is an ongoing investigation of which there have been over 100 witnesses sworn to non-disclosure. No one can talk about any of this until the FBI concludes it's investigation. The few things we do know is, there was a clear violation of Federal law regarding the handling of sensitive material. Eventually, all of the "evidence" will be a matter of public record and we'll see for ourselves. Right now, we're waiting for the FBI to finish the investigation,

We're waiting for the FBI to cover it's ass. Because you know when Hillary is President, she's going to remember the name of everyone involved in this fiasco.

Reality, if the FBI had something, they'd have released it by now. They'd have leaked it.
But the Clintons always beat you.

They don't beat ME they beat the law... they manage to kill off enough witnesses and drag things out until they can get their cronies into positions of power to make things go away. They've been beating the rap for years but I think it's about to catch ol' Hil... Bubba is probably chuckling as he peruses through his little black book for potential dates once the old hag is sent off to the pokey.
Reality, if the FBI had something, they'd have released it by now.

No, reality is... when the FBI finishes it's investigation it will release the information or hand down criminal indictments.
They don't beat ME they beat the law... they manage to kill off enough witnesses and drag things out until they can get their cronies into positions of power to make things go away. They've been beating the rap for years but I think it's about to catch ol' Hil... Bubba is probably chuckling as he peruses through his little black book for potential dates once the old hag is sent off to the pokey.

Yup, when you go into that level of crazy, there's just no taking you seriously anymore.

Sorry, man, no Jury from a DC Jury Pool is going to convict Hillary. You all seem to forget Ken Starr had two DC Grand Juries who all looked at him like this...


And failed to indict Clinton no matter how many times he tried. Then he got a white Grand Jury from a Virginia suburb to try, and they pretty much looked at him the same way.

MOre than likely, they will take their pile of horseshit to the Justice Department, and someone there will say, "Please!" And you'll be back here screaming the fix was in while she is sworn in as the 45th President.
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I'm amused by the liberal talking point that there's "nothing to see here!" in regards to Hillary Clinton choosing to conduct official business through a private server. In case you've all forgotten (and it seems that is the case!) the REASON why laws exist making it illegal to conduct official business on "secret" servers is that we decided after the Nixon White House shenanigans that we wanted to know what our elected officials were up to! You're not allowed to do what Hillary DID because it opens the door for corruption. When our elected officials can conduct their business secretly through a shadow network it allows them to do things they shouldn't do...like lie to us...or break other laws...and not get caught doing so.

Let's be honest here, folks...Hillary Clinton wasn't working off another server because there was something lacking in the official servers...she was working off that private server because she could control the information that was on it and not have that information become public. It's why she deleted 50,000 e-mails. Anyone claiming anything else is laughably naive.
“Laughably naïve” is an understatement. How about knowingly lying to themselves? It is quite frustrating having to argue with those unwilling to be forthright.

Both sides lie but the Lefts’ lying is too often their only defense. (imo) So many of their values or beliefs are counter to what heaven would preach. Not that conservatism or Christianity doesn’t have a host of dishonest leaders or hypocrites, granted, poor record. It is their teachings, I believe, that are more often the right answer.
Who decides which State Dept. emails are classified? Would it be the Secretary of State, by any chance? Or do underlings have more authority?
Hillary didn't do anything wrong no matter how much you want to pretend she did.

Apparently the FBI disagrees with you because they are reportedly preparing criminal indictments. We already know just from what has been leaked that she has violated Federal laws. This is unlike previous scandals she can blame off on her underlings, her fingerprints are all over it and she has to be held accountable.

If the FBI had anything, they'd have indicted her by now. The real problem they have is that while SENDING classified information is a technical offense, receiving it probably isn't, particularly if it is n't clearly marked "classified".

Honestly, its like you clowns learned nothing from Whitewater, where you spent years and years investigating side issues, hoping to roll someone against the Clintons and just ruined a lot of people's lives.

Dept of State hasn't released all the emails yet, so the investigation is still ongoing. What you fail to understand, is the improper storage and allowing access to classified information is a violation of law even if done through neglect. Each document, and at this point there are 1300+ individual documents found improperly stored on an unsecured server, is a violation of law. Considering the hildabitches high profile, the FBI will take what ever time is necessary to make sure every (i) is dotted and every (t) is crossed before they release their report to the AG for prosecution. BTW, the FBI doesn't indict, that is left to the AG.
Damn, I'm sorry, here I thought you was old enough not to need a nanny anymore. God, how could I have been so mistaken.

Grown ups look to themselves to make their own lives better, not bought and paid for politicians. Now I'm really curious, what do you want to be when you grow up?

I think you miss my point, guy. A president who fucks up the economy is going to have an effect on me no matter how much I prepare.

YOu see, back in 2000, I used to be one of you Right Wing Assholes who said, "Subornation of perjury" and "Obstruction of Justice" and thought Bill Lying about a Blow Job was the worst thing- EVER!!!! I told myself that the fact that I just flipped my house for twice what I paid for it in 1987 and the fact my Salary had doubled since I left the Army was due to my hard work and dedication, not because we managed to keep out of wars and recessions.

And then Dubya got in, and two wars and two recessions later, I had an underwater mortgage on my current home, my 401K was busted, and after my employer illegally fired me after I had a medical issue, I took a 25% cut in pay. IN short, Dubya fucked up, well, everything.

But Gosh Darn, he didn't lie about a blow job. That was the important thing. He lied about why we went into a war with a country that wasn't a treat to us. He lied about his tax cuts for the rich boosting the economy.

I am finally, finally at a point where I've clawed my way back to where I was before Bush fucked it all up, and I've even gotten a little ahead of that. Now all I need to do is make sure one of you guys don't get in there and fuck it all up all over again.

Funny, none of that happened to me. I wonder what the difference is, could it possibly have been I made better decisions? Every point in my life, when things got tough financially, can be traced to a poor decision I made, I learned and moved on. I didn't blame anyone else and today, even in retirement, I don't owe anyone anything.
So, if I'm understanding the totality of the wingnut argument, it's that--in order to avoid transparency--she hid her departmental communications in a place where any hacker could expose them for all to see? Have I got that right?

I don't know why she did what... that hasn't been explained really. It appears she violated several Federal laws in the handling of classified material. The scope of that is undetermined as of now but the FBI is investigating. Her supporters claim this is all a political show but the FBI doesn't generally get involved in political showmanship. There usually has to be some pretty serious things going on for them to launch an investigation.

I understand that mishandling state secrets is a serious allegation. And I realize that serious allegations have to be investigated. But what hasn't yet materialized is any concrete evidence that state secrets were mishandled. Until there is, the case against her will have to rely on innuendo. As it is now.

You only need to ask a few questions.
1. Did she have a server that was not certified to handle classified information?
2. Did she have classified information on that server?
3. Did she allow access to that information to people who didn't have the proper clearances?
4. Was the server stored in areas not certified for the storage of classified information?

If the answer to any of these is yes, she broke the law. It's just that simple. We know from what's been released so far, the answer to all of them is yes.

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