Hillary's team came up with the cover phrase "Marked Classified"

There are multiple incentives, unrelated to national security, to classify. It is easier and safer for busy officials to classify by rote rather than to pause for thought. Classification is a way for officials to enhance their status or protect agencies' turf. It can hide embarrassing facts or evidence of misconduct.
And the beginning of the massive overclassification of documents? You guessed it: the Bushies, who classified the majority of documents pertaining to the Iraq War justifications. Because they were trumped up justifications.
I guess they forgot to mention, State Dept protocol requires even sensitive unclassified information to be handled on secure systems. Which would include any correspondence with any foreign government official or anything that contains personal information on a US citizen.

which again, doesn't really apply here. Paper's article points out that the classification system is largely subjective.

None of which matters because Hillary wasn't the one SENDING the e-mails.
Correct. If I mail cocaine to OKTexas' house, is he guilty? Does he go to jail? No.
Are you claiming that the Bush Financial Crash had absolutely no affect on you financially?

Didn't you hear him. He's the most brilliant financial planner, ever!!! He apparently owned nothing that lost value in 2008, unlike the rest of us who lost stocks, property values and salaries. Because he's like Super Smart and stuff and lives in Texas!!!
Are you claiming that the Bush Financial Crash had absolutely no affect on you financially?

Didn't you hear him. He's the most brilliant financial planner, ever!!! He apparently owned nothing that lost value in 2008, unlike the rest of us who lost stocks, property values and salaries. Because he's like Super Smart and stuff and lives in Texas!!!
Apparently he had no 401k for Bush to tank. Just wads of cash under his California King mattress.
As Secretary of State she herself has authority to classify documents and should be able to recognize sensitive document. If she received emails containing information that would be harmful or embarrassing to the interests of the United States or national security. She shouldn't have kept here server in a bathroom in Denver. She could be forgiven a couple but she had no regard for her country, but only for her own convenience.
Once again you have proven yourself to be nothing but a childish mental midget. I made the decisions to allow myself to retire at age 59 and suddenly in your feeble mind I'm selfish and wait for it

Guys who need to brag about how well they are doing on the internet can't in real life.

You go with that if it makes you sleep better.
Damn, I'm sorry, here I thought you was old enough not to need a nanny anymore. God, how could I have been so mistaken.

Grown ups look to themselves to make their own lives better, not bought and paid for politicians. Now I'm really curious, what do you want to be when you grow up?

I think you miss my point, guy. A president who fucks up the economy is going to have an effect on me no matter how much I prepare.

YOu see, back in 2000, I used to be one of you Right Wing Assholes who said, "Subornation of perjury" and "Obstruction of Justice" and thought Bill Lying about a Blow Job was the worst thing- EVER!!!! I told myself that the fact that I just flipped my house for twice what I paid for it in 1987 and the fact my Salary had doubled since I left the Army was due to my hard work and dedication, not because we managed to keep out of wars and recessions.

And then Dubya got in, and two wars and two recessions later, I had an underwater mortgage on my current home, my 401K was busted, and after my employer illegally fired me after I had a medical issue, I took a 25% cut in pay. IN short, Dubya fucked up, well, everything.

But Gosh Darn, he didn't lie about a blow job. That was the important thing. He lied about why we went into a war with a country that wasn't a treat to us. He lied about his tax cuts for the rich boosting the economy.

I am finally, finally at a point where I've clawed my way back to where I was before Bush fucked it all up, and I've even gotten a little ahead of that. Now all I need to do is make sure one of you guys don't get in there and fuck it all up all over again.

Funny, none of that happened to me. I wonder what the difference is, could it possibly have been I made better decisions? Every point in my life, when things got tough financially, can be traced to a poor decision I made, I learned and moved on. I didn't blame anyone else and today, even in retirement, I don't owe anyone anything.
Are you claiming that the Bush Financial Crash had absolutely no affect on you financially?

Yep, didn't have a mortgage, didn't buy or sell a house, didn't have any stocks, checks just kept on coming. Then I retired in 2010, still no mortgage, no sale of a house, no stocks and the checks just keep on coming.
Who decides which State Dept. emails are classified? Would it be the Secretary of State, by any chance? Or do underlings have more authority?

The agency that originally generated the information.
Say that's the State Department.

Who in the State Department has the ultimate decision as to what is a classified/Top Secret document?

The originating agency, if that is the State Dept, the secretary would have to formally declassify it, before it is transmitted, if it were classified by an underling.
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I guess they forgot to mention, State Dept protocol requires even sensitive unclassified information to be handled on secure systems. Which would include any correspondence with any foreign government official or anything that contains personal information on a US citizen.

which again, doesn't really apply here. Paper's article points out that the classification system is largely subjective.

None of which matters because Hillary wasn't the one SENDING the e-mails.
Correct. If I mail cocaine to OKTexas' house, is he guilty? Does he go to jail? No.

I would if I kept it, didn't report it to authorities and was found out.
Does everybody smell a rat here?

Hillary Clinton: "I never sent emails that were classified"

CIA / FBI: "...refusing to release 22 emails because they're classified as TOP SECRET, NATIONAL SECURITY!"

You be the judge, did the bitch lie?
Does everybody smell a rat here?

Hillary Clinton: "I never sent emails that were classified"

CIA / FBI: "...refusing to release 22 emails because they're classified as TOP SECRET, NATIONAL SECURITY!"

You be the judge, did the bitch lie?

You don't understand... it doesn't matter. People like JoeB are going to vote for Hillary no matter if she sent out Seal Team 6 to whack Bill's bimbos. And he used to be a Republican... so you can imagine what the true died-in-the-wools feel about her... it's a wonder they've not started naming stuff after her yet.
Does everybody smell a rat here?

Hillary Clinton: "I never sent emails that were classified"

CIA / FBI: "...refusing to release 22 emails because they're classified as TOP SECRET, NATIONAL SECURITY!"

You be the judge, did the bitch lie?

Do try to keep up. These are e-mails with information she received, not sent. and the information wasn't classified at the time.

Again, when you got this kind of stuff going on, you know they got nothing.
You don't understand... it doesn't matter. People like JoeB are going to vote for Hillary no matter if she sent out Seal Team 6 to whack Bill's bimbos. And he used to be a Republican... so you can imagine what the true died-in-the-wools feel about her... it's a wonder they've not started naming stuff after her yet.

Well, you COULD try nominating guys who aren't crazy and put adjectives in front of the word Rape in order to rationalize their crazy abortion views or otherwise try to fuck over working people.

You could try that.

But, no, please tell me that I should be REALLY CONCERNED Hillary got e-mails with information she was authorized to see.
You don't understand... it doesn't matter. People like JoeB are going to vote for Hillary no matter if she sent out Seal Team 6 to whack Bill's bimbos. And he used to be a Republican... so you can imagine what the true died-in-the-wools feel about her... it's a wonder they've not started naming stuff after her yet.

Well, you COULD try nominating guys who aren't crazy and put adjectives in front of the word Rape in order to rationalize their crazy abortion views or otherwise try to fuck over working people.

You could try that.

But, no, please tell me that I should be REALLY CONCERNED Hillary got e-mails with information she was authorized to see.

Shit s0n..........gotta admit, your post totals are getting impressive.:2up: In August you were breaking 50,000 and now at 70,000. Dang........took me 6 years to get to 20K........you do 20K in less than 6 months!!!:beer:

They have a term called "hyperpartisan". You need a new category s0n ( and a good SSRO ):spinner:
PS....to people thinking the bimbo is going to be indicted, you are wasting your time. The fix was in from day 1.......it'd be a better bet that Bill would come out and admit he gave all those women a poke. Anyway......we want this woman in......shes old and tired............she's got months to screw up with a couple of public bitch moments to up the unfavorables even more.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
You don't understand... it doesn't matter. People like JoeB are going to vote for Hillary no matter if she sent out Seal Team 6 to whack Bill's bimbos. And he used to be a Republican... so you can imagine what the true died-in-the-wools feel about her... it's a wonder they've not started naming stuff after her yet.

Well, you COULD try nominating guys who aren't crazy and put adjectives in front of the word Rape in order to rationalize their crazy abortion views or otherwise try to fuck over working people.

You could try that.

But, no, please tell me that I should be REALLY CONCERNED Hillary got e-mails with information she was authorized to see.

Yes... We could nominate a radical left wing wack job but they're all either trying to be the DNC pick or supporting one of the whack jobs running. After we eliminate the crazy people and those who are exciting as watching paint dry, we're left with the 17 GOP candidates. None of them are under FBI investigation.

The issue is not whether Hillary was authorized to see classified materials.
Yes... We could nominate a radical left wing wack job but they're all either trying to be the DNC pick or supporting one of the whack jobs running. After we eliminate the crazy people and those who are exciting as watching paint dry, we're left with the 17 GOP candidates. None of them are under FBI investigation.

The issue is not whether Hillary was authorized to see classified materials.

No, the issue is whether you guys can drum up a fake issue using a bizarre interpretation of outdated record keeping rules because your side has let your process get hijacked by a Reality TV Rodeo Clown with Malignant Narcissism. (Seriously, what kind of guy wants to put his name on everything in 50 foot letters!)

But you are hoping that if you say, "FBI investigation" enough times, people will ignore that your process has devolved into farce...

...whether you guys can drum up a fake issue using a bizarre interpretation of outdated record keeping rules...

Whoa.. how does a rule regarding the handling of confidential material become "outdated" and what bizarre interpretation are you talking about? The "rule" is called a federal law. It hasn't changed or become obsolete and if Congress ever feels it is outdated they can change it. The interpretation of the law is not in question, that's precisely why there is an ongoing FBI investigation. They don't launch those on bizarre interpretations and they also don't do so at the behest of political groups.

I have the feeling, if Hillary were a Republican, running for president or not, you'd be demanding she be held accountable. You would have demanded a special prosecutor by now. Mounting a serious campaign for president would have been ludicrous for a republican in this situation. Look what happened to Tom DeLay?

But since this is about Hillary... there you sit, by yourself, after-school on the bleachers crying your eyes out.... brooding and emoting about those cool kids who rejected you. At least that's how I pictured you when I read your little bleat.

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