Hillary's team came up with the cover phrase "Marked Classified"

There are a lot of people who don't pay any attention to politics and are just tuning in for the first time. It's a GOOD thing to educate them. Otherwise, they might fall for the propaganda and actually vote for her.

Guy, if you haven't heard all the baseless things said about the Clintons in the last 20 years, you've been living under a rock and it's probably best if you don't vote, truly.

The thing was, all these claims about the Clintons were investigated and litigated 20 years ago. And do you know what people said, "Wow, I'm really enjoying the nice economy we are having with Bill Clinton in charge!"

I don't care what Hillary has in her e-mail box, and I don't care if she sends out Seal Team Six to whack all Bill's ex-mistresses. I truly don't. I'm not sure why you do.

Here's the best way to pick a president.

Who is going to make MY LIFE better?

If you aren't doing it that way, you are doing it wrong.
Hillary would not make MY LIFE better, she would make it worse. That's the obvious answer for most of America.
Does everybody smell a rat here?

Hillary Clinton: "I never sent emails that were classified"

CIA / FBI: "...refusing to release 22 emails because they're classified as TOP SECRET, NATIONAL SECURITY!"

You be the judge, did the bitch lie?

Do try to keep up. These are e-mails with information she received, not sent. and the information wasn't classified at the time.

Again, when you got this kind of stuff going on, you know they got nothing.

Received and or sent, it was a crime to do either on a private server.

Oh they have plenty and she will be indicted. Question is will the Obama administration prosecute one of it's own. We already know the answer to that one.
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Very clever. That's the mantra, isn't it? No emails "marked classified" were on Hillary's private server. Well no shit, because as anyone that has dealt with classified documents can tell you, they are never marked CLASSIFIED. They are marked Proprietary, Confidential, Secret, Top Secret or UNCLASSIFIED. So that's the ridiculous little game of words she is playing. There were no emails marked CLASSIFIED but there were many emails marked TOP SECRET and above. That should be game over, but with the Obama administration, the useless Liberal media, and a complicit Attorney General it's anyone's guess what will happen to her.
The State Dept. said the information was only marked Top Secret after the fact, at a later time, dumbass.

Why are wingnuts so ignorant?
Hillary had the authority and responsibility to mark information as top secret. If she handled top secret information and did NOT mark it as such, she was not true to her oath of office and training. It simply doesn't matter when someone else marked it as such. In a related question, I wonder if Hillary's lawyer has sufficient clearance to handle those emails with higher than top secret information?
If the FBI had anything, they'd have indicted her by now. The real problem they have is that while SENDING classified information is a technical offense, receiving it probably isn't, particularly if it is n't clearly marked "classified".

Don't get so impatient Joey, investigations take time to complete. Indictments usually don't come until AFTER the investigation. I can't recall the FBI ever issuing indictments while the investigation was still ongoing... do you have any such examples? No? Didn't think so.

And the thread OP is addressing this "marked classified" line.... nothing is ever "marked classified" so clearly nothing was. That doesn't mean classified material wasn't transmitted... and yes, it doesn't matter if you are sending or receiving it over non-encrypted, non-secured lines where any spy in the world can intercept it or storing it on your personal server away from the oversight of other government authorities. These are things every government employee knows on Day 1. Hillary apparently thought she was above the law, and maybe she is? Maybe we do live in an oligarchy with a ruling class that can make their own laws as they go? We're sure as hell about to find out.
As Sec State, Hillary had the authority and responsibility to mark information as classified. The fact that she did not do so despite the information CLEARLY being of top level secrecy is a classic Clintonian dodge on the order of debating the meaning of the word "is". I believe she deliberately did not do so precisely to have this kind of cover, and her sycophants (you know who you are) are falling right in line.
Very clever. That's the mantra, isn't it? No emails "marked classified" were on Hillary's private server. Well no shit, because as anyone that has dealt with classified documents can tell you, they are never marked CLASSIFIED. They are marked Proprietary, Confidential, Secret, Top Secret or UNCLASSIFIED.

:lmao: That's a fail.

You're comparing corporate classification to government classification. You're an idiot.
Whoa.. how does a rule regarding the handling of confidential material become "outdated" and what bizarre interpretation are you talking about? The "rule" is called a federal law. It hasn't changed or become obsolete and if Congress ever feels it is outdated they can change it. The interpretation of the law is not in question, that's precisely why there is an ongoing FBI investigation. They don't launch those on bizarre interpretations and they also don't do so at the behest of political groups.

Horseshit The FBI has a political agenda just like everyone else in washington. Don't be naive.

Fact is, no one has ever been charged with a crime for doing what you claim Hillary did. So it is a bizarre intrepretation of the rules.

I have the feeling, if Hillary were a Republican, running for president or not, you'd be demanding she be held accountable. You would have demanded a special prosecutor by now. Mounting a serious campaign for president would have been ludicrous for a republican in this situation. Look what happened to Tom DeLay?

I said at the time I thought what happened to Tom Delay was wrong. That was a local politician abusing the process. I also thought that what was done to Scooter Libby was wrong. So you'd be wrong on this claim. In general, I don't think the judicial system should be "politics by other means"
As Sec State, Hillary had the authority and responsibility to mark information as classified. The fact that she did not do so despite the information CLEARLY being of top level secrecy is a classic Clintonian dodge on the order of debating the meaning of the word "is". I believe she deliberately did not do so precisely to have this kind of cover, and her sycophants (you know who you are) are falling right in line.

Yeah, you see, I'm just not seeing the big deal here. Neither will most people who aren't splenetic Hillary Haters.

It's like when you wingnuts (and I was one at the time) screamed "SUBORNATION OF PERJURY!!!" at the tops of your lungs and sensible people said, "Dude, it was only a blow job!"

Dude, it's only an e-mail.
Received and or sent, it was a crime to do either on a private server.

Oh they have plenty and she will be indicted. Question is will the Obama administration prosecute one of it's own. We already know the answer to that one.

If there was something that WAS actually criminal, they would.

So one more time, can you cite a case of someone being prosecuted for getting- not sending - but getting an e-mail with sensitive info on it?

Hillary would not make MY LIFE better, she would make it worse. That's the obvious answer for most of America.


Frankly, I would LOVE to have the Clinton economy back. 3% unemployment rates, surpluses, peace, prosperity. I think that would make all of our lives better.
As Sec State, Hillary had the authority and responsibility to mark information as classified. The fact that she did not do so despite the information CLEARLY being of top level secrecy is a classic Clintonian dodge on the order of debating the meaning of the word "is". I believe she deliberately did not do so precisely to have this kind of cover, and her sycophants (you know who you are) are falling right in line.

Yeah, you see, I'm just not seeing the big deal here. Neither will most people who aren't splenetic Hillary Haters.

It's like when you wingnuts (and I was one at the time) screamed "SUBORNATION OF PERJURY!!!" at the tops of your lungs and sensible people said, "Dude, it was only a blow job!"

Dude, it's only an e-mail.
Until Iran learns when our satellites are watching their nuke facilities and they learn the identities of the agents we have on the ground. But hey, it's only an email...
Hillary would not make MY LIFE better, she would make it worse. That's the obvious answer for most of America.


Frankly, I would LOVE to have the Clinton economy back. 3% unemployment rates, surpluses, peace, prosperity. I think that would make all of our lives better.
As long as we get the Newt Gingrich Congress with it.
Until Iran learns when our satellites are watching their nuke facilities and they learn the identities of the agents we have on the ground. But hey, it's only an email...

1) Assumes that information was in the e-mails she got.
2) Assumes the Iranians actually hacked her e-mails
3) Assumes that the government lacks the ability to change the times when key sites are under Satellite surveillance
4) Assumes the Iranians are actually trying to get a bomb, because honestly, the Jews have been claiming that shit for 25 years now.
5) Assumes the Iranians couldn't get that same date by hacking into government servers, which are hacked about a million times a year.

Sooooo a whole lot of assumption there. Not a whole lot of evidence. ANd given your side's LONG record of crying wolf, I'm not inclined to break out the wolf-hunting gear.
As long as we get the Newt Gingrich Congress with it.

This would be the Newt Gingrich whose own caucus turned on him, and whose Presidential Candidate wanted nothing to do with him. The one who became so toxic all a Democratic candidate had to do was put a picture of his Republican opponent having a drink with Newt.
Until Iran learns when our satellites are watching their nuke facilities and they learn the identities of the agents we have on the ground. But hey, it's only an email...

1) Assumes that information was in the e-mails she got.
2) Assumes the Iranians actually hacked her e-mails
3) Assumes that the government lacks the ability to change the times when key sites are under Satellite surveillance
4) Assumes the Iranians are actually trying to get a bomb, because honestly, the Jews have been claiming that shit for 25 years now.
5) Assumes the Iranians couldn't get that same date by hacking into government servers, which are hacked about a million times a year.

Sooooo a whole lot of assumption there. Not a whole lot of evidence. ANd given your side's LONG record of crying wolf, I'm not inclined to break out the wolf-hunting gear.
The point, which you seem to avoid, is that "it's only an email" is ludicrous. When it comes to national security, it simply doesn't matter if we were fortunate enough that her server was NOT hacked. What is important is the fact that she was careless with very secret information. There's a convicted pedophile living in your neighborhood, but somebody forgot to update the registry so you have no idea. Hey, it's only a clerical error...
As long as we get the Newt Gingrich Congress with it.

This would be the Newt Gingrich whose own caucus turned on him, and whose Presidential Candidate wanted nothing to do with him. The one who became so toxic all a Democratic candidate had to do was put a picture of his Republican opponent having a drink with Newt.
Hey, you wanted the winning combination, right? Or did you think that Bubba worked in a vacuum?
The point, which you seem to avoid, is that "it's only an email" is ludicrous. When it comes to national security, it simply doesn't matter if we were fortunate enough that her server was NOT hacked. What is important is the fact that she was careless with very secret information. There's a convicted pedophile living in your neighborhood, but somebody forgot to update the registry so you have no idea. Hey, it's only a clerical error...

I think you suck at the whole analogy thing. The real problem with those registries is they make no distinction between real pedophiles and some guy who had sex with his 15 year old girlfriend when he was 18, or the guy who got drunk and urinated on Auntie Grace's flower bed.

Similarly, the whole "Marked Classified" thing doesn't make a distinction between the super-top Secret program to find out about North Korea's Nukes and the New York Times story about a drone strike in Pakistan that everyone knew happened, but is still considered classified years after the event.

First and foremost, there's no evidence she was hacked, unlike government servers which are hacked thousands of times a year.
Hey, you wanted the winning combination, right? Or did you think that Bubba worked in a vacuum?

I don't necessarily think Gingrich contributed that much. Most Republicans consider his 1995 shutdown of hte government to be a fucking disaster for them politically.
The point, which you seem to avoid, is that "it's only an email" is ludicrous. When it comes to national security, it simply doesn't matter if we were fortunate enough that her server was NOT hacked. What is important is the fact that she was careless with very secret information. There's a convicted pedophile living in your neighborhood, but somebody forgot to update the registry so you have no idea. Hey, it's only a clerical error...

I think you suck at the whole analogy thing. The real problem with those registries is they make no distinction between real pedophiles and some guy who had sex with his 15 year old girlfriend when he was 18, or the guy who got drunk and urinated on Auntie Grace's flower bed.

Similarly, the whole "Marked Classified" thing doesn't make a distinction between the super-top Secret program to find out about North Korea's Nukes and the New York Times story about a drone strike in Pakistan that everyone knew happened, but is still considered classified years after the event.

Interesting, given that there are emails that will not be released in any form because their information is so sensitive. You're not doing a very good job defending her, you know.

First and foremost, there's no evidence she was hacked, unlike government servers which are hacked thousands of times a year.
Whether she was hacked or not has absolutely zero impact on her carelessness with classified information. That's the bottom line. You might as well say a parent who lets their child play in the road is doing nothing wrong as long as the child doesn't get hurt.
Hey, you wanted the winning combination, right? Or did you think that Bubba worked in a vacuum?

I don't necessarily think Gingrich contributed that much. Most Republicans consider his 1995 shutdown of hte government to be a fucking disaster for them politically.
The Contract With America revitalized the Republican brand, gave them the House for the first time in decades and gave them ammunition to corral the worst of Bubba's impulses. Bubba also had something today's democrats simply do not have, and that is the ability to compromise.
Interesting, given that there are emails that will not be released in any form because their information is so sensitive. You're not doing a very good job defending her, you know.

Well, I am to people who can read and comprehend English. GO back and read what I said, and then have your Home School Instructor help you with the big words, Cleetus

Again, the only "Evidence" we have that these were really "secret" materials is that the Intelligence Community is saying so. "Trust us, this is really secret stuff".

Whether she was hacked or not has absolutely zero impact on her carelessness with classified information. That's the bottom line. You might as well say a parent who lets their child play in the road is doing nothing wrong as long as the child doesn't get hurt.

Well, first you'd have to prove the kid was actually playing in the road. I haven't seen that evidence yet. Not "I saw little Billy Playing in the road and even though he denies he was, you are just going to have to take my word for it!"

Did they not explain to you how analogies worked in Home School?

The Contract With America revitalized the Republican brand, gave them the House for the first time in decades and gave them ammunition to corral the worst of Bubba's impulses. Bubba also had something today's democrats simply do not have, and that is the ability to compromise.

Well, no, not really. The Contract with America mostly didn't pass, at least not the important parts. they didn't get the Balance Budget Amendment or Term limits, which were the two top items the Contract called for. The Line Item veto was ruled unconstitutional. The government shutdown failed and probably cost Bob Dole any chance of winning.

Contract with America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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