Hillary's team came up with the cover phrase "Marked Classified"

The electoral college is NOT your friend.

Doesn't matter if it's my friend or if I like it or if you don't, to be perfectly honest. It's in the Constitution and if you want to change it.... go for it! I predict you'll fail like you fail at basically everything in life.
So to even have a chance to win, you guys have to run the table with...

Oh yeah... I forgot you morons live in a fucking vacuum where nothing ever changes. I hate to inform you of this but just about every election there are what we call "swing states" and they vary from cycle to cycle. It's when a state was red but then goes blue or blue and then goes red. Not everyone marches in lockstep with your liberal ideology.

So as of right now... Democrats have won ZERO states... Republicans have won ZERO states. We will know on the evening of the first Tuesday in November who will win which states. Assuming you will carry the same exact states as last election is...... wait for it..... MORONIC!
Doesn't matter if it's my friend or if I like it or if you don't, to be perfectly honest. It's in the Constitution and if you want to change it.... go for it! I predict you'll fail like you fail at basically everything in life.

Why do you guys fetishize the Constitution, a basically flawed document that allowed for slavery.

The original concept of the Electoral college was that it would almost always be deadlocked, and Congress would pick the President. Usually the EC isn't a problem because the popular vote is so clear, and presidential candidates who COULD push the issue in close states usually have the good taste NOT to.

When they do, you get things like the "Corrupt Bargain" of 1828, or the Election of 1876, where the South got to end reconstruction early by going along with Hayes over Tilden, or George W. Bush, who fucked up EVERYTHING.

Well, Ronald Reagan won every state but Minnesota as I recall. So there goes your theory.

when Ronald "oops I crapped my pants" Reagan ran, the electorate was 88% white. Today it is only 70% white.

Who gives a flying fuck? You act like there are NO minorities who vote Republican! I hate to break this to you but 3 of the Top 4 candidates in Iowa were MINORITIES! ...And WHO do the Democrats have again? And old white crazy man and an old white woman who should be running for president of her cell block.
Oh yeah... I forgot you morons live in a fucking vacuum where nothing ever changes. I hate to inform you of this but just about every election there are what we call "swing states" and they vary from cycle to cycle. It's when a state was red but then goes blue or blue and then goes red. Not everyone marches in lockstep with your liberal ideology.

So as of right now... Democrats have won ZERO states... Republicans have won ZERO states. We will know on the evening of the first Tuesday in November who will win which states. Assuming you will carry the same exact states as last election is...... wait for it..... MORONIC!

Right, guy. Here's what actually happens. Every year, Republicans talk about how this year, they are going to swing a state like WI or PA because they elect Republican Governors in off years when no one is paying attention, and every year, at the last minute, they give up on those states and concentrate on states they might win.

The reality is, things are changing. White people are declining as a chunk of the electorate, and non-white are growing. And given that you guys have been playing on the racism to try to scare white people every election, you've pretty much shit the bed here.

It's too late to walk back the last 40 years of Welfare Queens and Willie Horton.
Who gives a flying fuck? You act like there are NO minorities who vote Republican! I hate to break this to you but 3 of the Top 4 candidates in Iowa were MINORITIES! ...And WHO do the Democrats have again? And old white crazy man and an old white woman who should be running for president of her cell block.

Guy, rich white guys from Cuba who fled Castro aren't "minorities", and an Uncle Tom who tells white people how shiftless his fellow blacks are don't count, either.

Fact is, the Establishment MIGHT end up forcing Rubio down the throats of your rank and file who don't want him, but most minorities will look at him and vote for Hilary.
Right, guy. Here's what actually happens. Every year, Republicans talk about how this year, they are going to swing a state like WI or PA because they elect Republican Governors in off years when no one is paying attention, and every year, at the last minute, they give up on those states and concentrate on states they might win.

:dunno: Huh? This doesn't even make coherent sense.... So EVERY year Republicans talk about something because something happens in OFF YEARS (Must be years in-between EVERY year).... Are you doing a Bernie Sanders impersonation?

The past several presidential elections, the establishment GOP idiots have nominated their "chosen one" to represent the party and most of the base stayed home.

White people are declining as a chunk of the electorate, and non-white are growing.

Oh, for sure... Hell, we can't even find white people to lead the GOP field anymore... 3/4 of them are minorities. Why are you so hung up on race, Joey? How many black or brown folks are running for the Democratic nomination?

Guy, rich white guys from Cuba who fled Castro aren't "minorities", and an Uncle Tom who tells white people how shiftless his fellow blacks are don't count, either.

Ah, so ONLY the minorities who remain shackled to the plantation of the Democrat master are being counted.... that explains it!
that's why we have the Electoral College. So that when the herd mentality of big city liberals try to shit on fly-over country, there is a way to mitigate the potential damage.

That is....creative.

Yep... The founding fathers were brilliant like that.

You, not so much....

Oh, I think I am pretty brilliant. If I were a founding father, I would have done the same Constitution but I would have left out some of the parts... Like the wall of separation part... like the right to kill your unborn babies part... like the cradle to grave entitlements part.... but other than that, they hit the nail on the head.
Huh? This doesn't even make coherent sense.... So EVERY year Republicans talk about something because something happens in OFF YEARS (Must be years in-between EVERY year).... Are you doing a Bernie Sanders impersonation?

I'm sorry, I keep forgetting you ate paint chips as a child. Okay- one more time, during OFF YEAR MIDTERMS, when most people DON'T VOTE, you guys managed to slip in some kind of mutant like Walker or Snyder (let's poison the kids) or that asshole we got in Illinois who has brought the state to its knees. But every year, when we have the REAL election, that people actually show up for, these guys don't win.

Personally, I'd abolish midterms. Elect EVERYTHING for four years. President, Congress, Senate. Then shit would get done.

The past several presidential elections, the establishment GOP idiots have nominated their "chosen one" to represent the party and most of the base stayed home.

Uh, guy, you keep peddling this shit, but the fact is, Romney got more votes than any Republican except for Dubya Stupid. There is not some wealth of Republicans or conservatives who "stay home".

In fact, during the 2014 midterms, Romney got more votes in the states that flipped than the candidate who won a senate seat.

No, guy, there aren't these base voters that don't show up for you. THere are just the rest of us who realize when you nominate crazy people who put adjectives in front of the word rape and think they are wearing magic underpants, you are going to lose if people are paying attention.

No, this is what someone needs to tell you idiot liberals... there is no Health Care Santa, there is no Education Santa. Bern and Hill are not Santa.

Uh, guy, we spend MORE on health care than any other nation on earth. It's just that most of it is going into corporate profits and not taking care of sick people. While the US spends 17% of it's GDP on health care, most industrialized nations- those kookie 'socialists', spend about 8%. They live longer, less of their babies die in infancy, and they are generally healthier.

Oh, for sure... Hell, we can't even find white people to lead the GOP field anymore... 3/4 of them are minorities. Why are you so hung up on race, Joey? How many black or brown folks are running for the Democratic nomination?

White people from Cuba aren't "brown", dude.

Ah, so ONLY the minorities who remain shackled to the plantation of the Democrat master are being counted.... that explains it!

Wow, you think that kind of rhetoric impresses people, guy?

Let's talk about Ben Carson...


So much for Uncle Tom Carson.

For the Cubans... If we treated Mexicans the way we treat Cubans, who we practically BRIBED to flee here, Mexico would be empty right now.

So of course, Most Mexicans and Puerto Ricans will look at Cruz and Rubio and shrug and still vote for Hillary.
I'm sorry, I keep forgetting you ate paint chips as a child. Okay- one more time, during OFF YEAR MIDTERMS, when most people DON'T VOTE, you guys managed to slip in some kind of mutant like Walker or Snyder (let's poison the kids) or that asshole we got in Illinois who has brought the state to its knees. But every year, when we have the REAL election, that people actually show up for, these guys don't win.

But you said EVERY year we say something based on what happened in the OFF YEAR. When was the OFF YEAR if EVERY year we're saying something?

Did you MEAN to say.. .Every FOUR years we say something based on what happened TWO years before in what is called "MID TERM" (middle of 4 years) elections? Because, that would have made coherent sense... although you have no statistics to support it.

Again... Ronald Reagan won 49 of 50 states. Including California and New York. Since then, we have not had the option of a TRUE Conservative to vote for so the statistics don't matter.

And I hate to break this to you but midterm elections are real elections. That's where we elect half of our governmental representatives.

As for "let's poison the kids" I've never seen any politician run on that... Sounds like something that might appeal to Hillary though... she's into doing things that get people killed. Also sounds like a plan Bern might get behind as a way to reduce the number of hungry mouths to feed. Planned Parenthood might support such an alternative to abortions... As for Republicans, they are typically PRO-LIFE and want to protect kids even in the womb.
Uh, guy, we spend MORE on health care than any other nation on earth. It's just that most of it is going into corporate profits and not taking care of sick people.

We've spent trillions of dollars taking care of sick people... Obama fixed all that with Obamacare! Why are you still whining about sick people? Corporations make profit because that's the objective of a Corporation... dumbass. What do you think they are in business to NOT make profits? This is why I maintain you are too fucking stupid to have EVER been a republican as you CLAIM... you're lying... plain and simple. It's your dishonest little way of trying to fool people but no one is fooled by this.
White people from Cuba aren't "brown", dude.

Latino's aren't "white people" stupid. How many Cubans are the Democrats running?
34% of Cubans genetically, are 90% Caucasian by blood...(only 15% of Cubans have less than 50% Caucasian blood.)

Cuban indigenous people were completely wiped out by the Spaniards, unlike other Latin American countries, so the mixing of locals and invaders did not occur there...

so yes, many Cubans are ''white'', Caucasian....more so in percentage than many Americans who consider themselves as Caucasian....
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White people from Cuba aren't "brown", dude.

Latino's aren't "white people" stupid. How many Cubans are the Democrats running?
34% of Cubans genetically, are 90% Caucasian by blood...(only 15% of Cubans have less than 50% Caucasian blood.)

Cuban indigenous people were completely wiped out by the Spaniards, unlike other Latin American countries, so the mixing of locals and invaders did not occur there...

so yes, many Cubans are ''white'', Caucasian....more so in percentage than many Americans who consider themselves as Caucasian....

Fuck you and your racist viewpoints. No one is 100% any fucking thing... so blow it out your ass, Care4none. You can sit there in your ivory tower and lay claim to "minorities" like you're some kind of champion for their "plight" and call republicans racists for not catering and placating to their special interest but when the tables are turned, we're all one big homogeneous happy family and there are no races! You are a race exploiter! You use race all the time to base policy around and bash your opponent with but then act like sugar won't melt in your mouth when something is pointed out that contradicts your little lie.

Cubans are Latinos. The republicans have two of them among the front-runners for the nomination, along with an African-American. The democrats have two old white people... yet the republicans are portrayed as "racists" by YOUR PARTY! You just proved what a total hypocrite you are when it comes to race. But then, we already knew you were.

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