Hillary's team came up with the cover phrase "Marked Classified"

White people from Cuba aren't "brown", dude.

Latino's aren't "white people" stupid. How many Cubans are the Democrats running?
34% of Cubans genetically, are 90% Caucasian by blood...(only 15% of Cubans have less than 50% Caucasian blood.)

Cuban indigenous people were completely wiped out by the Spaniards, unlike other Latin American countries, so the mixing of locals and invaders did not occur there...

so yes, many Cubans are ''white'', Caucasian....more so in percentage than many Americans who consider themselves as Caucasian....

Fuck you and your racist viewpoints. No one is 100% any fucking thing... so blow it out your ass, Care4none. You can sit there in your ivory tower and lay claim to "minorities" like you're some kind of champion for their "plight" and call republicans racists for not catering and placating to their special interest but when the tables are turned, we're all one big homogeneous happy family and there are no races! You are a race exploiter! You use race all the time to base policy around and bash your opponent with but then act like sugar won't melt in your mouth when something is pointed out that contradicts your little lie.

Cubans are Latinos. The republicans have two of them among the front-runners for the nomination, along with an African-American. The democrats have two old white people... yet the republicans are portrayed as "racists" by YOUR PARTY! You just proved what a total hypocrite you are when it comes to race. But then, we already knew you were.

Seek mental help. You're having difficulty with keeping your composure....in the calmest of situations...get a grip, for goodness sakes!

I could care less if your masters told you to pass this meme around about republicans being diversified because of having two Hispanics running as candidates... it's a ridiculous topic, as far as I'm concerned and a waste of your time and mine...

I only wanted to inform you that in case you didn't know, Cubans are white/Caucasian....or a good deal of them are....that's all.... and people claiming they are "not white", are simply mistaken.

Carry on having your tantrum like a three year old with a Sailor mouth....
Last edited:
I could care less if your masters told you to pass this meme around about republicans being diversified because of having two Hispanics running as candidates... it's a ridiculous topic, as far as I'm concerned and a waste of your time and mine...

No sweetie, it's three of the top four candidates who are minorities and no one had to tell me that.. it's a simple observable FACT. You're the one who attempted (lamely) to make Latino Cuban-Americans somehow "white people" because their ancestors had sex with white people. If THAT is our criteria, there are no minorities and your party's entire platform sinks into the abyss.

We're not going to stand for a double standard here. You don't get to run around waving the banner as champions of minorities ...but YOU get to decide who is a "real" minority.... and it just so happens to be those who vote for Democrats! Your party is about to be exposed for the racists they are and always have been.
But you said EVERY year we say something based on what happened in the OFF YEAR. When was the OFF YEAR if EVERY year we're saying something?

Guy, I could explain it to you again, and you STILL wouldn't understand.

Again... Ronald Reagan won 49 of 50 states. Including California and New York. Since then, we have not had the option of a TRUE Conservative to vote for so the statistics don't matter.

Reagan won when minorities didn't vote. Minorities vote now. IT was not because people suddenly fell in love with "conservatism", whatever the fuck that is.

Granted Amnesty to 3 million Illegal aliens.
Reformed Medicare and Social Security, raising taxes on both.
Raised Taxes on the Middle Class
Tripled the National Debt.
Appointed two moderates to the Supreme Court
Sold weapons to Terrorist states.

Reagan did "liberal" stuff Obama couldn't do in his wet dreams. He'd be run out of the party as a RINO today. But because he was the only GOP President since Ike who wasn't A COMPLETE FAILURE, you guys have built this myth around him that he embodied all of your virtues. If he were alive today, the guy wouldn't recognize what your movement has become. Neither would Goldwater, for that matter.

And I hate to break this to you but midterm elections are real elections. That's where we elect half of our governmental representatives.

No, they're not. Only about 25% of the electorate participates in off year midterms, that's the problem. When you factor in Gerrymandering, only about 30 house seats are in play.

As for "let's poison the kids" I've never seen any politician run on that... Sounds like something that might appeal to Hillary though... she's into doing things that get people killed. Also sounds like a plan Bern might get behind as a way to reduce the number of hungry mouths to feed. Planned Parenthood might support such an alternative to abortions... As for Republicans, they are typically PRO-LIFE and want to protect kids even in the womb.

No, politicians don't run on that. They spin it with terms like "Let's reduce government" and "let's get rid of regulations so businesses can create jobs". Except the businesses don't create jobs, they just create toxic wastes that get dumped down in Jesus-Land where you live. And you dumb, shit-eating, bible-thumping inbred fucks keep voting for them.

Latino's aren't "white people" stupid. How many Cubans are the Democrats running?

I'd like to send them all back to Cuba, personally.

We've spent trillions of dollars taking care of sick people... Obama fixed all that with Obamacare! Why are you still whining about sick people? Corporations make profit because that's the objective of a Corporation... dumbass. What do you think they are in business to NOT make profits? This is why I maintain you are too fucking stupid to have EVER been a republican as you CLAIM... you're lying... plain and simple. It's your dishonest little way of trying to fool people but no one is fooled by this.

Wow, guy, it seems like you fool yourself by avoiding the point.

One more time- REST OF THE WORLD- Treats health care as a "right", only spend 8% of GDP on it, everyone gets covered.

United States - Treats health care as a consumer good, spends 17% of GDP on it, have the lowest life expectency in the industrialized world, highest infant mortality in the industrialized world, 62% of bankruptcies are due to medical crisis.

The point is, this is what happens when you let the Corporations run health care. ObamaCare was a case of "Please don't go to single payer, we'll be good", and what we ended up with was RomneyCare on a national scale.
No sweetie, it's three of the top four candidates who are minorities and no one had to tell me that.. it's a simple observable FACT. You're the one who attempted (lamely) to make Latino Cuban-Americans somehow "white people" because their ancestors had sex with white people. If THAT is our criteria, there are no minorities and your party's entire platform sinks into the abyss.

Uh, guy, the Cuban people didn't have sex with white people. The White people came along and totally fucking exterminated them. Then they brought in some black slaves they really didn't intermix with, even when the Communists came along.

Now, you might be on to something that "Latino" is a largely artificial classification, as it could refer to a white person from Cuba, a black person from the Dominican Republican, a Native American person from Mexico or a person of mixed race from Puerto Rico.

However, given the fact we build fences to keep the Mexican out and pay bribes to lure the Cubans in because "Communism Bad", nobody is really getting fooled that Canadian Cruz and Rubio are down with any kind of struggle.
We're not going to stand for a double standard here. You don't get to run around waving the banner as champions of minorities ...but YOU get to decide who is a "real" minority.... and it just so happens to be those who vote for Democrats! Your party is about to be exposed for the racists they are and always have been.

There's no double standard here at all. Cubans consider themselves "White" and most Hispanics think they are "White", too.

Heck, I worked with a Cuban girl who was blonde and whiter than I am. (And I am pretty pasty white).
I could care less if your masters told you to pass this meme around about republicans being diversified because of having two Hispanics running as candidates... it's a ridiculous topic, as far as I'm concerned and a waste of your time and mine...

No sweetie, it's three of the top four candidates who are minorities and no one had to tell me that.. it's a simple observable FACT. You're the one who attempted (lamely) to make Latino Cuban-Americans somehow "white people" because their ancestors had sex with white people. If THAT is our criteria, there are no minorities and your party's entire platform sinks into the abyss.

We're not going to stand for a double standard here. You don't get to run around waving the banner as champions of minorities ...but YOU get to decide who is a "real" minority.... and it just so happens to be those who vote for Democrats! Your party is about to be exposed for the racists they are and always have been.
I could care less about what the Repubs or Dems say or think about being diversified.

I am just telling you, that saying Cruz and Rubio are NOT WHITE, is simply wrong, they are white, white as snow. They may be of Hispanic decent, but they are white.

And since YOU want to keep bringing it up, it is not who your candidates in your Party are that makes your party diversified, it is who the constituents of the Party are, that makes you diversified.
At age 8 you should be smart enough to know to get out of the way when a car is coming at you. I did. Again, you're way off in lala land. Too bad I won't just leave you there. You see, when I say parents letting a small child play close to the road, I'm not talking about 8 year olds. Were you not considered smart enough to avoid the road when you were 8?

I think you are getting a little silly when you are comparing written words to children... that's the point. I'm just pointing out how ridiculous your metaphor is, as the police almost never arrest the parents of children who are HIT by cars, much less the ones who were supposedly playing too close to the street.

So how about instead of absurd metaphors and analogies, Clinton should go to jail because someone sent her an e-mail without any classification marking on it, and she should have

1) Read it. (Even though apparently she got hundreds of emails a day.)

2) Caught that this information should have been classified.

3) Didn't immediately drop everything and tell people this was classified.


4) The Russians who have no problem hacking into government servers might have hacked into hers if it didn't have state of the art firewalls.

You don't leave your door unlocked in a crime ridden neighborhood and expect not to get robbed. You don't reward stupidity like that. When it's the ones in charge acting that stupid it's proof they shouldn't of been in charge.

Except that you guys didn't present any evidence she left the door "unlocked'. Again, I'm betting you it was probably easier to hack into State's computers (which we know have been hacked) than Hillary's, which probably had state of the art firewall protection because she and Bill have enough money to afford that now and are just paranoid enough to want it.

Oh, by the way, if someone spent 70 million dollars investigating YOUR sex life, you'd probably want really good security, too.

And that's the point, guys. the security around the Clintons is a lot tougher than it is around Bob in the Mail Room at State, who is probably watching porn sites on his computer at work.

No poll taken while it was being crafted and rammed through showed majority support for it, and you seem to have forgotten 2010's historic shellacking of democrats. How disingenuous of you.

NO, i ignore midterms because most Americans don't participate in them. 75% of Americans can't name both of their state's senators. 51% can't name one. simply put, they aren't representative at all. More people voted for democrats for Congress than republicans in 2012, but thanks to Gerrymandering, it didnt' matter.

Equal protection under the law isn't a technicality, and none of Albore's efforts resulted in him moving ahead, so he lost Fla AND the election.

Are you some kind of retard? Point was, Most AMericans DIDN'T vote for Dubya.
Irrelevant, because that wasn't the criteria that elected the president. Still isn't. Again, most Americans didn't want obamadon'tcare either, but they didn't get to vote on it. At the next opportunity, they resoundingly voted against it.

Tell you what, before spouting off on how Hillary's server was PROBABLY secured by state of the art systems, research Platte River Networks and their certification (or lack thereof) to handle classified information.
I could care less if your masters told you to pass this meme around about republicans being diversified because of having two Hispanics running as candidates... it's a ridiculous topic, as far as I'm concerned and a waste of your time and mine...

No sweetie, it's three of the top four candidates who are minorities and no one had to tell me that.. it's a simple observable FACT. You're the one who attempted (lamely) to make Latino Cuban-Americans somehow "white people" because their ancestors had sex with white people. If THAT is our criteria, there are no minorities and your party's entire platform sinks into the abyss.

We're not going to stand for a double standard here. You don't get to run around waving the banner as champions of minorities ...but YOU get to decide who is a "real" minority.... and it just so happens to be those who vote for Democrats! Your party is about to be exposed for the racists they are and always have been.
I could care less about what the Repubs or Dems say or think about being diversified.

I am just telling you, that saying Cruz and Rubio are NOT WHITE, is simply wrong, they are white, white as snow. They may be of Hispanic decent, but they are white.

And since YOU want to keep bringing it up, it is not who your candidates in your Party are that makes your party diversified, it is who the constituents of the Party are, that makes you diversified.
The only diversity that really counts is diversity of thought, and there is very little of that allowed in the democrat party.
I could care less if your masters told you to pass this meme around about republicans being diversified because of having two Hispanics running as candidates... it's a ridiculous topic, as far as I'm concerned and a waste of your time and mine...

No sweetie, it's three of the top four candidates who are minorities and no one had to tell me that.. it's a simple observable FACT. You're the one who attempted (lamely) to make Latino Cuban-Americans somehow "white people" because their ancestors had sex with white people. If THAT is our criteria, there are no minorities and your party's entire platform sinks into the abyss.

We're not going to stand for a double standard here. You don't get to run around waving the banner as champions of minorities ...but YOU get to decide who is a "real" minority.... and it just so happens to be those who vote for Democrats! Your party is about to be exposed for the racists they are and always have been.
I could care less about what the Repubs or Dems say or think about being diversified.

I am just telling you, that saying Cruz and Rubio are NOT WHITE, is simply wrong, they are white, white as snow. They may be of Hispanic decent, but they are white.

And since YOU want to keep bringing it up, it is not who your candidates in your Party are that makes your party diversified, it is who the constituents of the Party are, that makes you diversified.
The only diversity that really counts is diversity of thought, and there is very little of that allowed in the democrat party.
I could care less if your masters told you to pass this meme around about republicans being diversified because of having two Hispanics running as candidates... it's a ridiculous topic, as far as I'm concerned and a waste of your time and mine...

No sweetie, it's three of the top four candidates who are minorities and no one had to tell me that.. it's a simple observable FACT. You're the one who attempted (lamely) to make Latino Cuban-Americans somehow "white people" because their ancestors had sex with white people. If THAT is our criteria, there are no minorities and your party's entire platform sinks into the abyss.

We're not going to stand for a double standard here. You don't get to run around waving the banner as champions of minorities ...but YOU get to decide who is a "real" minority.... and it just so happens to be those who vote for Democrats! Your party is about to be exposed for the racists they are and always have been.
I could care less about what the Repubs or Dems say or think about being diversified.

I am just telling you, that saying Cruz and Rubio are NOT WHITE, is simply wrong, they are white, white as snow. They may be of Hispanic decent, but they are white.

And since YOU want to keep bringing it up, it is not who your candidates in your Party are that makes your party diversified, it is who the constituents of the Party are, that makes you diversified.
The only diversity that really counts is diversity of thought, and there is very little of that allowed in the democrat party.
At age 8 you should be smart enough to know to get out of the way when a car is coming at you. I did. Again, you're way off in lala land. Too bad I won't just leave you there. You see, when I say parents letting a small child play close to the road, I'm not talking about 8 year olds. Were you not considered smart enough to avoid the road when you were 8?

I think you are getting a little silly when you are comparing written words to children... that's the point. I'm just pointing out how ridiculous your metaphor is, as the police almost never arrest the parents of children who are HIT by cars, much less the ones who were supposedly playing too close to the street.

So how about instead of absurd metaphors and analogies, Clinton should go to jail because someone sent her an e-mail without any classification marking on it, and she should have

1) Read it. (Even though apparently she got hundreds of emails a day.)

2) Caught that this information should have been classified.

3) Didn't immediately drop everything and tell people this was classified.


4) The Russians who have no problem hacking into government servers might have hacked into hers if it didn't have state of the art firewalls.

You don't leave your door unlocked in a crime ridden neighborhood and expect not to get robbed. You don't reward stupidity like that. When it's the ones in charge acting that stupid it's proof they shouldn't of been in charge.

Except that you guys didn't present any evidence she left the door "unlocked'. Again, I'm betting you it was probably easier to hack into State's computers (which we know have been hacked) than Hillary's, which probably had state of the art firewall protection because she and Bill have enough money to afford that now and are just paranoid enough to want it.

Oh, by the way, if someone spent 70 million dollars investigating YOUR sex life, you'd probably want really good security, too.

And that's the point, guys. the security around the Clintons is a lot tougher than it is around Bob in the Mail Room at State, who is probably watching porn sites on his computer at work.

No poll taken while it was being crafted and rammed through showed majority support for it, and you seem to have forgotten 2010's historic shellacking of democrats. How disingenuous of you.

NO, i ignore midterms because most Americans don't participate in them. 75% of Americans can't name both of their state's senators. 51% can't name one. simply put, they aren't representative at all. More people voted for democrats for Congress than republicans in 2012, but thanks to Gerrymandering, it didnt' matter.

Equal protection under the law isn't a technicality, and none of Albore's efforts resulted in him moving ahead, so he lost Fla AND the election.

Are you some kind of retard? Point was, Most AMericans DIDN'T vote for Dubya.
Irrelevant, because that wasn't the criteria that elected the president. Still isn't. Again, most Americans didn't want obamadon'tcare either, but they didn't get to vote on it. At the next opportunity, they resoundingly voted against it.

Tell you what, before spouting off on how Hillary's server was PROBABLY secured by state of the art systems, research Platte River Networks and their certification (or lack thereof) to handle classified information.
well, they did vote on it by REELECTING Obama in 2012.

The ONLY assured way to eliminate Obamacare was to put in a Republican as President that would not veto the repeal.
I could care less if your masters told you to pass this meme around about republicans being diversified because of having two Hispanics running as candidates... it's a ridiculous topic, as far as I'm concerned and a waste of your time and mine...

No sweetie, it's three of the top four candidates who are minorities and no one had to tell me that.. it's a simple observable FACT. You're the one who attempted (lamely) to make Latino Cuban-Americans somehow "white people" because their ancestors had sex with white people. If THAT is our criteria, there are no minorities and your party's entire platform sinks into the abyss.

We're not going to stand for a double standard here. You don't get to run around waving the banner as champions of minorities ...but YOU get to decide who is a "real" minority.... and it just so happens to be those who vote for Democrats! Your party is about to be exposed for the racists they are and always have been.
I could care less about what the Repubs or Dems say or think about being diversified.

I am just telling you, that saying Cruz and Rubio are NOT WHITE, is simply wrong, they are white, white as snow. They may be of Hispanic decent, but they are white.

And since YOU want to keep bringing it up, it is not who your candidates in your Party are that makes your party diversified, it is who the constituents of the Party are, that makes you diversified.
You can't choose your constituents, you can choose your candidates. You can only be blamed for those things you actually control.
Irrelevant, because that wasn't the criteria that elected the president. Still isn't. Again, most Americans didn't want obamadon'tcare either, but they didn't get to vote on it. At the next opportunity, they resoundingly voted against it.

Really, when did this happen. A bunch of senate races in Jesus Land is not a referendum.

2012 was the only national election we had on the issue- and you lost.

Tell you what, before spouting off on how Hillary's server was PROBABLY secured by state of the art systems, research Platte River Networks and their certification (or lack thereof) to handle classified information.

So what? Frankly given how often the government system is hacked, and how rarely private sector ones are.... I'd say their criteria isn't particularly good.
I could care less if your masters told you to pass this meme around about republicans being diversified because of having two Hispanics running as candidates... it's a ridiculous topic, as far as I'm concerned and a waste of your time and mine...

No sweetie, it's three of the top four candidates who are minorities and no one had to tell me that.. it's a simple observable FACT. You're the one who attempted (lamely) to make Latino Cuban-Americans somehow "white people" because their ancestors had sex with white people. If THAT is our criteria, there are no minorities and your party's entire platform sinks into the abyss.

We're not going to stand for a double standard here. You don't get to run around waving the banner as champions of minorities ...but YOU get to decide who is a "real" minority.... and it just so happens to be those who vote for Democrats! Your party is about to be exposed for the racists they are and always have been.
I could care less about what the Repubs or Dems say or think about being diversified.

I am just telling you, that saying Cruz and Rubio are NOT WHITE, is simply wrong, they are white, white as snow. They may be of Hispanic decent, but they are white.

And since YOU want to keep bringing it up, it is not who your candidates in your Party are that makes your party diversified, it is who the constituents of the Party are, that makes you diversified.
You can't choose your constituents, you can choose your candidates. You can only be blamed for those things you actually control.
good point.

but choosing your candidates and what they stand for, is a major part of choosing your constituents...
I could care less if your masters told you to pass this meme around about republicans being diversified because of having two Hispanics running as candidates... it's a ridiculous topic, as far as I'm concerned and a waste of your time and mine...

No sweetie, it's three of the top four candidates who are minorities and no one had to tell me that.. it's a simple observable FACT. You're the one who attempted (lamely) to make Latino Cuban-Americans somehow "white people" because their ancestors had sex with white people. If THAT is our criteria, there are no minorities and your party's entire platform sinks into the abyss.

We're not going to stand for a double standard here. You don't get to run around waving the banner as champions of minorities ...but YOU get to decide who is a "real" minority.... and it just so happens to be those who vote for Democrats! Your party is about to be exposed for the racists they are and always have been.
I could care less about what the Repubs or Dems say or think about being diversified.

I am just telling you, that saying Cruz and Rubio are NOT WHITE, is simply wrong, they are white, white as snow. They may be of Hispanic decent, but they are white.

And since YOU want to keep bringing it up, it is not who your candidates in your Party are that makes your party diversified, it is who the constituents of the Party are, that makes you diversified.
You can't choose your constituents, you can choose your candidates. You can only be blamed for those things you actually control.
good point.

but choosing your candidates and what they stand for, is a major part of choosing your constituents...
Lets see the Republican candidates; 2 hispanics, a white guy married to a hispanic who panders to hispanics, and a black guy.

On the Democrat side; two old white people.
I could care less if your masters told you to pass this meme around about republicans being diversified because of having two Hispanics running as candidates... it's a ridiculous topic, as far as I'm concerned and a waste of your time and mine...

No sweetie, it's three of the top four candidates who are minorities and no one had to tell me that.. it's a simple observable FACT. You're the one who attempted (lamely) to make Latino Cuban-Americans somehow "white people" because their ancestors had sex with white people. If THAT is our criteria, there are no minorities and your party's entire platform sinks into the abyss.

We're not going to stand for a double standard here. You don't get to run around waving the banner as champions of minorities ...but YOU get to decide who is a "real" minority.... and it just so happens to be those who vote for Democrats! Your party is about to be exposed for the racists they are and always have been.
I could care less about what the Repubs or Dems say or think about being diversified.

I am just telling you, that saying Cruz and Rubio are NOT WHITE, is simply wrong, they are white, white as snow. They may be of Hispanic decent, but they are white.

And since YOU want to keep bringing it up, it is not who your candidates in your Party are that makes your party diversified, it is who the constituents of the Party are, that makes you diversified.
You can't choose your constituents, you can choose your candidates. You can only be blamed for those things you actually control.
good point.

but choosing your candidates and what they stand for, is a major part of choosing your constituents...
Lets see the Republican candidates; 2 hispanics, a white guy married to a hispanic who panders to hispanics, and a black guy.

On the Democrat side; two old white people.

3 out of 20 candidates, not bad! please, give yourself a pat on the back, as you feel you deserve!

you seem to think that a person's nationality, 2 Cuban Americans, A Black man, and a man married to a Mexican American is a reason for Hispanics to vote for you

who supports those two old white people on the Democratic ticket?

A diversified constituency....

Something Republicans have always had a hard time acquiring because the Republican candidates, regardless of skin color / race, don't represent with their political stances, the majority of constituents of color, or the Hispanics....

It's your policies, the diversified constituency rejects, not the persons of color or race that your party puts up as candidates.....

you would think they would learn from this/realize this....and instead of finding candidates of color or race to run thinking this will solve everything, they would simply work on their political stances and policies that blacks, Hispanics, etc could support.
Two......old....white....people. Sure, they understand Hispanics and blacks. They have hired a few in their lives. :rolleyes:
No sweetie, it's three of the top four candidates who are minorities and no one had to tell me that.. it's a simple observable FACT. You're the one who attempted (lamely) to make Latino Cuban-Americans somehow "white people" because their ancestors had sex with white people. If THAT is our criteria, there are no minorities and your party's entire platform sinks into the abyss.

We're not going to stand for a double standard here. You don't get to run around waving the banner as champions of minorities ...but YOU get to decide who is a "real" minority.... and it just so happens to be those who vote for Democrats! Your party is about to be exposed for the racists they are and always have been.
I could care less about what the Repubs or Dems say or think about being diversified.

I am just telling you, that saying Cruz and Rubio are NOT WHITE, is simply wrong, they are white, white as snow. They may be of Hispanic decent, but they are white.

And since YOU want to keep bringing it up, it is not who your candidates in your Party are that makes your party diversified, it is who the constituents of the Party are, that makes you diversified.
You can't choose your constituents, you can choose your candidates. You can only be blamed for those things you actually control.
good point.

but choosing your candidates and what they stand for, is a major part of choosing your constituents...
Lets see the Republican candidates; 2 hispanics, a white guy married to a hispanic who panders to hispanics, and a black guy.

On the Democrat side; two old white people.

3 out of 20 candidates, not bad! please, give yourself a pat on the back, as you feel you deserve!

you seem to think that a person's nationality, 2 Cuban Americans, A Black man, and a man married to a Mexican American is a reason for Hispanics to vote for you

who supports those two old white people on the Democratic ticket?

A diversified constituency....

Something Republicans have always had a hard time acquiring because the Republican candidates, regardless of skin color / race, don't represent with their political stances, the majority of constituents of color, or the Hispanics....

It's your policies, the diversified constituency rejects, not the persons of color or race that your party puts up as candidates.....

you would think they would learn from this/realize this....and instead of finding candidates of color or race to run thinking this will solve everything, they would simply work on their political stances and policies that blacks, Hispanics, etc could support.
The poor support those who promise them everything and give them nothing.
At age 8 you should be smart enough to know to get out of the way when a car is coming at you. I did. Again, you're way off in lala land. Too bad I won't just leave you there. You see, when I say parents letting a small child play close to the road, I'm not talking about 8 year olds. Were you not considered smart enough to avoid the road when you were 8?

I think you are getting a little silly when you are comparing written words to children... that's the point. I'm just pointing out how ridiculous your metaphor is, as the police almost never arrest the parents of children who are HIT by cars, much less the ones who were supposedly playing too close to the street.

So how about instead of absurd metaphors and analogies, Clinton should go to jail because someone sent her an e-mail without any classification marking on it, and she should have

1) Read it. (Even though apparently she got hundreds of emails a day.)

2) Caught that this information should have been classified.

3) Didn't immediately drop everything and tell people this was classified.


4) The Russians who have no problem hacking into government servers might have hacked into hers if it didn't have state of the art firewalls.

You don't leave your door unlocked in a crime ridden neighborhood and expect not to get robbed. You don't reward stupidity like that. When it's the ones in charge acting that stupid it's proof they shouldn't of been in charge.

Except that you guys didn't present any evidence she left the door "unlocked'. Again, I'm betting you it was probably easier to hack into State's computers (which we know have been hacked) than Hillary's, which probably had state of the art firewall protection because she and Bill have enough money to afford that now and are just paranoid enough to want it.

Oh, by the way, if someone spent 70 million dollars investigating YOUR sex life, you'd probably want really good security, too.

And that's the point, guys. the security around the Clintons is a lot tougher than it is around Bob in the Mail Room at State, who is probably watching porn sites on his computer at work.

No poll taken while it was being crafted and rammed through showed majority support for it, and you seem to have forgotten 2010's historic shellacking of democrats. How disingenuous of you.

NO, i ignore midterms because most Americans don't participate in them. 75% of Americans can't name both of their state's senators. 51% can't name one. simply put, they aren't representative at all. More people voted for democrats for Congress than republicans in 2012, but thanks to Gerrymandering, it didnt' matter.

Equal protection under the law isn't a technicality, and none of Albore's efforts resulted in him moving ahead, so he lost Fla AND the election.

Are you some kind of retard? Point was, Most AMericans DIDN'T vote for Dubya.
Irrelevant, because that wasn't the criteria that elected the president. Still isn't. Again, most Americans didn't want obamadon'tcare either, but they didn't get to vote on it. At the next opportunity, they resoundingly voted against it.

Tell you what, before spouting off on how Hillary's server was PROBABLY secured by state of the art systems, research Platte River Networks and their certification (or lack thereof) to handle classified information.
well, they did vote on it by REELECTING Obama in 2012.

The ONLY assured way to eliminate Obamacare was to put in a Republican as President that would not veto the repeal.
The people voted to repeal obamadon'tcare in 2010. When the new Republican majority wouldn't use the power of the purse to defund it, the people rightly saw it as a betrayal. Republicans keep promising to do things that the people want, then reneg when they get in power. That's a big problem for them.
Irrelevant, because that wasn't the criteria that elected the president. Still isn't. Again, most Americans didn't want obamadon'tcare either, but they didn't get to vote on it. At the next opportunity, they resoundingly voted against it.

Really, when did this happen. A bunch of senate races in Jesus Land is not a referendum.

2012 was the only national election we had on the issue- and you lost.

Please post polls showing overwhelming support for obamadon'tcare when it was passed.

Tell you what, before spouting off on how Hillary's server was PROBABLY secured by state of the art systems, research Platte River Networks and their certification (or lack thereof) to handle classified information.

So what? Frankly given how often the government system is hacked, and how rarely private sector ones are.... I'd say their criteria isn't particularly good.
IOW, verifiable facts dispute your stance, so you're guessing. Which is it, you know Platte River wasn't certified to handle classified information and don't want to admit it, or you didn't look it up because you knew it would counter your claims?

Again, she wouldn't be in this mess had she simply used the resources provided for the Secretary of State to use.

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