Hillary's team came up with the cover phrase "Marked Classified"

Very clever. That's the mantra, isn't it? No emails "marked classified" were on Hillary's private server. Well no shit, because as anyone that has dealt with classified documents can tell you, they are never marked CLASSIFIED. They are marked Proprietary, Confidential, Secret, Top Secret or UNCLASSIFIED. So that's the ridiculous little game of words she is playing. There were no emails marked CLASSIFIED but there were many emails marked TOP SECRET and above. That should be game over, but with the Obama administration, the useless Liberal media, and a complicit Attorney General it's anyone's guess what will happen to her.
The State Dept. said the information was only marked Top Secret after the fact, at a later time, dumbass.

Why are wingnuts so ignorant?
Wingnuts are terrified of another successful Clinton administration.
Wingnuts are terrified of another successful Clinton administration.

Pretending and fantasizing that Hillary's administration will be anything remotely close to her husband's is asinine to say the least. Bill was very much a centrist-populist who coined the term "triangulation" because he knew the best way to govern was to do so from the middle... Hillary is a radical ideologue who will "rule" as a dictator, worse than Obama ever dreamed of.
There are a lot of people who don't pay any attention to politics and are just tuning in for the first time. It's a GOOD thing to educate them. Otherwise, they might fall for the propaganda and actually vote for her.

Guy, if you haven't heard all the baseless things said about the Clintons in the last 20 years, you've been living under a rock and it's probably best if you don't vote, truly.

The thing was, all these claims about the Clintons were investigated and litigated 20 years ago. And do you know what people said, "Wow, I'm really enjoying the nice economy we are having with Bill Clinton in charge!"

I don't care what Hillary has in her e-mail box, and I don't care if she sends out Seal Team Six to whack all Bill's ex-mistresses. I truly don't. I'm not sure why you do.

Here's the best way to pick a president.

Who is going to make MY LIFE better?

If you aren't doing it that way, you are doing it wrong.

Damn, I'm sorry, here I thought you was old enough not to need a nanny anymore. God, how could I have been so mistaken.

Grown ups look to themselves to make their own lives better, not bought and paid for politicians. Now I'm really curious, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Very clever. That's the mantra, isn't it? No emails "marked classified" were on Hillary's private server. Well no shit, because as anyone that has dealt with classified documents can tell you, they are never marked CLASSIFIED. They are marked Proprietary, Confidential, Secret, Top Secret or UNCLASSIFIED. So that's the ridiculous little game of words she is playing. There were no emails marked CLASSIFIED but there were many emails marked TOP SECRET and above. That should be game over, but with the Obama administration, the useless Liberal media, and a complicit Attorney General it's anyone's guess what will happen to her.
The State Dept. said the information was only marked Top Secret after the fact, at a later time, dumbass.

Why are wingnuts so ignorant?

Damn, don't ya just love it when regressivecrats echo talking points, and you try to do it so seriously. :lmao::lmao::lmao:
what do you want to be when you grow up?

:desk: ...A Fascist Dictator!

"I don't care what Hillary has in her e-mail box, and I don't care if she sends out Seal Team Six to whack all Bill's ex-mistresses. I truly don't."

That's really ALL you need to know about Joe.

Most of us want accountability in government at the highest level. We want to know our top level national security information is secure, especially in this day and age. But certain people among us are so steeped in their political koolaid they can't be reasoned with on any level. When you attempt to hold those people accountable they turn into maniacs who are unhinged from reality... that's where Joe is now.
Hillary didn't do anything wrong no matter how much you want to pretend she did.

Apparently the FBI disagrees with you because they are reportedly preparing criminal indictments. We already know just from what has been leaked that she has violated Federal laws. This is unlike previous scandals she can blame off on her underlings, her fingerprints are all over it and she has to be held accountable.

If the FBI had anything, they'd have indicted her by now. The real problem they have is that while SENDING classified information is a technical offense, receiving it probably isn't, particularly if it is n't clearly marked "classified".

Honestly, its like you clowns learned nothing from Whitewater, where you spent years and years investigating side issues, hoping to roll someone against the Clintons and just ruined a lot of people's lives.
Most of us want accountability in government at the highest level. We want to know our top level national security information is secure, especially in this day and age. But certain people among us are so steeped in their political koolaid they can't be reasoned with on any level. When you attempt to hold those people accountable they turn into maniacs who are unhinged from reality... that's where Joe is now.

Guy, get real. You didn't care when Ollie North sold weapons to the Ayatollah, and you didn't care when Karl Rove outed Valerie Plame. I know you get all upset when people point out hypocrisy and the much worse shit you excuse. If you wanted "accountability", you'd be trying Bush for War Crimes right now.

This is politics, and you know it. You think this is going to be able to do what you can't do at the ballot box.

What I want is someone who isn't going to fuck up the economy during the next fifteen years as I prepare for retirement. That's all I really want. I want someone who isn't going to cause a recession or get us into a war.

Putting stuff in the wrong e-mail server is just not that big of a deal. Especially when 1) The information probably isn't really that sensitive and 2) The government servers, which have gotten hacked thousands of times, aren't really that secure.
Damn, I'm sorry, here I thought you was old enough not to need a nanny anymore. God, how could I have been so mistaken.

Grown ups look to themselves to make their own lives better, not bought and paid for politicians. Now I'm really curious, what do you want to be when you grow up?

I think you miss my point, guy. A president who fucks up the economy is going to have an effect on me no matter how much I prepare.

YOu see, back in 2000, I used to be one of you Right Wing Assholes who said, "Subornation of perjury" and "Obstruction of Justice" and thought Bill Lying about a Blow Job was the worst thing- EVER!!!! I told myself that the fact that I just flipped my house for twice what I paid for it in 1987 and the fact my Salary had doubled since I left the Army was due to my hard work and dedication, not because we managed to keep out of wars and recessions.

And then Dubya got in, and two wars and two recessions later, I had an underwater mortgage on my current home, my 401K was busted, and after my employer illegally fired me after I had a medical issue, I took a 25% cut in pay. IN short, Dubya fucked up, well, everything.

But Gosh Darn, he didn't lie about a blow job. That was the important thing. He lied about why we went into a war with a country that wasn't a treat to us. He lied about his tax cuts for the rich boosting the economy.

I am finally, finally at a point where I've clawed my way back to where I was before Bush fucked it all up, and I've even gotten a little ahead of that. Now all I need to do is make sure one of you guys don't get in there and fuck it all up all over again.
Putting stuff in the wrong e-mail server is just not that big of a deal. Especially when 1) The information probably isn't really that sensitive and 2) The government servers, which have gotten hacked thousands of times, aren't really that secure.
Even by your standards Joey, that's a puny defense.
Pretending and fantasizing that Hillary's administration will be anything remotely close to her husband's is asinine to say the least. Bill was very much a centrist-populist who coined the term "triangulation" because he knew the best way to govern was to do so from the middle... Hillary is a radical ideologue who will "rule" as a dictator, worse than Obama ever dreamed of.

what do you base that on, Boss Hogg? In fact, during her tenure as SOS, Clinton got high marks for her ability to work with Republicans.

Frankly, I'm not seeing Hillary proposing anything all that radical.
Putting stuff in the wrong e-mail server is just not that big of a deal. Especially when 1) The information probably isn't really that sensitive and 2) The government servers, which have gotten hacked thousands of times, aren't really that secure.
Even by your standards Joey, that's a puny defense.

Duly noted you couldn't argue the point. Let me know when you want to argue a point.

Okay, here you go. Tell me why I should give a shit that something a low level bureaucrat marked "Classified" was on an e-mail Hillary received.

Give it a rest. Hillary will not be president. That cow has flown.

Polls show she's leading all the Republicans, who are blowing themselves up.

If your policy is based on how awful the other guy is, and not how good your candidate is, that's a sure fire loser. The only guy on your side I see generating any enthusiasm is Trump, and the Establishment doesn't want him.
If the FBI had anything, they'd have indicted her by now. The real problem they have is that while SENDING classified information is a technical offense, receiving it probably isn't, particularly if it is n't clearly marked "classified".

Don't get so impatient Joey, investigations take time to complete. Indictments usually don't come until AFTER the investigation. I can't recall the FBI ever issuing indictments while the investigation was still ongoing... do you have any such examples? No? Didn't think so.

And the thread OP is addressing this "marked classified" line.... nothing is ever "marked classified" so clearly nothing was. That doesn't mean classified material wasn't transmitted... and yes, it doesn't matter if you are sending or receiving it over non-encrypted, non-secured lines where any spy in the world can intercept it or storing it on your personal server away from the oversight of other government authorities. These are things every government employee knows on Day 1. Hillary apparently thought she was above the law, and maybe she is? Maybe we do live in an oligarchy with a ruling class that can make their own laws as they go? We're sure as hell about to find out.
Give it a rest. Hillary will not be president. That cow has flown.

Polls show she's leading all the Republicans, who are blowing themselves up.

If your policy is based on how awful the other guy is, and not how good your candidate is, that's a sure fire loser. The only guy on your side I see generating any enthusiasm is Trump, and the Establishment doesn't want him.
Polls show no such thing. Polls of a year ago showed a Hillary blowout. Today they show a statistical tie with all the prominent Republicans.

You have a fleeting grasp of reality Joey.
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...Republicans, who are blowing themselves up.

You mean our primary campaigning? That's just what political parties have to go through sometimes. We have several "flavors" of Republicans under the Big Tent and they are vying for control of the platform. Unlike your party who are marching firmly in lockstep with Chairman Mao. When the dust settles we will unite behind the candidate who wins because none of us think Hillary should be the next president. Right now it looks ugly... it's been ugly... more ugly that it probably needed to be thanks to Trump, but in the end I think it will be a good thing. We need to go through this and set the right course for our future.
So, if I'm understanding the totality of the wingnut argument, it's that--in order to avoid transparency--she hid her departmental communications in a place where any hacker could expose them for all to see? Have I got that right?
Don't get so impatient Joey, investigations take time to complete. Indictments usually don't come until AFTER the investigation. I can't recall the FBI ever issuing indictments while the investigation was still ongoing... do you have any such examples? No? Didn't think so.

Again, it shouldn't take nearly a year to "investigate" something that is clear cut as you say it is. If it takes a year to determine if a crime was committed, most reasonable people aren't going to think one was.

The real problem here is the FBI is doing what you guys always complain government is doign too much of- trying to look busy. If they had a case, they'd have made it by now.

And the thread OP is addressing this "marked classified" line.... nothing is ever "marked classified" so clearly nothing was. That doesn't mean classified material wasn't transmitted... and yes, it doesn't matter if you are sending or receiving it over non-encrypted, non-secured lines where any spy in the world can intercept it or storing it on your personal server away from the oversight of other government authorities. These are things every government employee knows on Day 1. Hillary apparently thought she was above the law, and maybe she is? Maybe we do live in an oligarchy with a ruling class that can make their own laws as they go? We're sure as hell about to find out.

Or maybe we live in a world where some dickhead tries to make a political case out of a technicality, sensible people tell you to go pound sand.


2016 Me, "Guy, it was only a blow job!"

Same thing here. What is apparent is that a lot of this information was already in the public domain, but the government considers it classified.

This is where the FBI is in kind of a catch 22. They really can't prove the "seriousness' of these supposed breaches without telling us what the information is. Frankly, I don't want to live in a country where the government can accuse you of something and then not tell us exactly what we did wrong.

And what you all forget is that you ARE dealing with the Clintons. Maybe these FBI agents need to go have a talk with Ken Starr about how well they play the game. Then they should wrap up their phony investigation and send her a nice fruit basket.
So, if I'm understanding the totality of the wingnut argument, it's that--in order to avoid transparency--she hid her departmental communications in a place where any hacker could expose them for all to see? Have I got that right?

I don't know why she did what... that hasn't been explained really. It appears she violated several Federal laws in the handling of classified material. The scope of that is undetermined as of now but the FBI is investigating. Her supporters claim this is all a political show but the FBI doesn't generally get involved in political showmanship. There usually has to be some pretty serious things going on for them to launch an investigation.

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