Hillary’s Uranium One Stockpiles Were Shipped to Europe Contrary to Initial Assurances

A tiny amount compared to 500 metric tons of highly enriched uranium from decommissioned Russian warheads sold to US power plants between 1993 and 2013. But oohhh Clinton.......

Posting debunked far left religious dogma again?

Megatons to Megawatts - Centrus Energy Corp

It was President Bush(41) who spearhead this effort. Sign by President Clinton.

$8 billion program at no cost to taxpayers.

Yes it had to be started by non democrat otherwise it would have been tax payer funded.

So this was a great program and I see the far left tried to use it as a punch line.

But yes the Clintons do have Russian collusion, maybe not because of this!
A tiny amount compared to 500 metric tons of highly enriched uranium from decommissioned Russian warheads sold to US power plants between 1993 and 2013. But oohhh Clinton.......

The Talking Point has been that no uranium AT ALL left the USA.

The fact is that it was they had to have an export license. The practice of sending a small amount to Canada for processing has been going on since before the ownership was transferred. The majority of it come back here. It is still much ado about nothing. Our nuclear plants have to import about 90% of what they use. Furthermore, those mines represent a whopping 4% of what we use in a year. BFD.

Nooononono.....this round about way of doing business was to hide it from Congress. You know just like the FBI under Mueller hid the investigation into bribery and other criminal acts so that this deal could go down.

Hiding AGAIN.

Rather than give Rosatom a direct export license — which would have raised red flags inside a Congress already suspicious of the deal — the NRC in 2012 authorized an amendment to an existing export license for a Paducah, Ky.-based trucking firm called RSB Logistics Services Inc. to simply add Uranium One to the list of clients whose uranium it could move to Canada.

Uranium One deal led to some exports to Europe, memos show
Not sure what's going on here. I think, like the emails, Republicans are just going to go OMG until other people start doing the same

If you took the Gateway Pundit's "facts" over Snopes, you might also. Funny at this point, did not happen as far as actual news sources are concerned. But I will change my post if real news reports on it.
Not sure what's going on here. I think, like the emails, Republicans are just going to go OMG until other people start doing the same

If you took the Gateway Pundit's "facts" over Snopes, you might also. Funny at this point, did not happen as far as actual news sources are concerned. But I will change my post if real news reports on it.

You mean the old Snopes vs the new up to date information coming out?

Silly far left drones still use old Snopes to the new information.
25% of processed yellow cake went to WESTERN Europe and Canada. Bush made a deal with Russians, Obama reintroduced Bush's failed attempt two years after Bush tried and it did not go through Congress:

In 2008, then-President George W. Bush's administration reached a nuclear cooperation agreement with Russia, but the deal was withdrawn from Senate consideration after Russia attacked Georgia.
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AND.....Under the deal, no uranium at U.S. mines can be exported, except for some uranium yellowcake, which was later returned to the United States.

The truth about that 'Clinton’ uranium deal

Trump himself has claimed the case is “Watergate, modern age.”

But there is no evidence Clinton even was informed about this deal. The Treasury Department was the key agency that headed the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States which approved the investment; Clinton did not participate in the CFIUS decision. The deal was also approved by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Ultimately, only the president could have blocked or suspended the arrangement.
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I found Sessions!

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is facing renewed questions over how much he knew about Russian efforts to interfere with the U.S. election, after it was revealed this week that he attended meetings with a Trump campaign adviser who claimed to have extensive contacts with Russians.

Sessions, who as a Republican senator served as a top foreign policy adviser to Donald Trump during his presidential campaign, testified in January that he wasn’t aware of any campaign contacts with Russia. But court documents filed this week by Special CounselRobert Mueller revealed that George Papadopoulos, an unpaid foreign policy adviser, said he had interactions with Russians and was told Moscow had “dirt” on DemocratHillary Clinton.

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Papadopoulos -- who boasted of his Russian connection in at least one meeting Sessions attended -- pleaded guilty to lying about the timing of those contacts, becoming the first person who served on Trump’s campaign to admit to committing a crime.

The revelations revived questions about Sessions’s credibility.
25% of processed yellow cake went to WESTERN Europe and Canada. Bush made a deal with Russians, Obama reintroduced Bush's failed attempt two years after Bush tried and it did not go through Congress:

In 2008, then-President George W. Bush's administration reached a nuclear cooperation agreement with Russia, but the deal was withdrawn from Senate consideration after Russia attacked Georgia.

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