Hiring Liberals Was Policy: CDC Employees Made Over 8,000 Political Contributions to PACs Since 2015 — Only 5 Were to Republican Causes

You deserve to live in a country without the means to fight a pandemic.
We already have that dumbass ....

How about we get rid of the CDC and replace it with an organization that is not full of Leftist who are sold out to their beloved CCP and will actually deal with this pandemic.
You mean an organization willing to lie for the president? No thanks. They are at odds with Trump precisely because they just keep contradicting his stupidity and not because they are being negligent or anything like that. You deserve to live in a dictatorship but the rest of us choose the truth.
You mean an organization willing to lie for the president? No thanks. They are at odds with Trump precisely because they just keep contradicting his stupidity and not because they are being negligent or anything like that. You deserve to live in a dictatorship but the rest of us choose the truth.
LMAO @ the Stupid Shit Leftist believe .....
You mean an organization willing to lie for the president? No thanks. They are at odds with Trump precisely because they just keep contradicting his stupidity and not because they are being negligent or anything like that. You deserve to live in a dictatorship but the rest of us choose the truth.
LMAO @ the Stupid Shit Leftist believe .....
You hate the CDC for no other reason than your emperor hates them. Quit being such a tool.
Good. Get him out of office and keep the CDC doing what it does.
We know you Leftist will defend your beloved Chinese Communist Party at all cost.

You guys are way too predictable.
Dumb ass, did anyone bring up the Communist Chinese except you? I am anti-Communist be it Chinese, old Russian, Cuban, Venezuelan or N Korean or otherwise. Do not like strongman dictators either, because I never ever read of one that was actually benevolent in the long run or the short term for that matter.
Dumb ass, did anyone bring up the Communist Chinese except you? I am anti-Communist be it Chinese, old Russian, Cuban, Venezuelan or N Korean or otherwise. Do not like strongman dictators either, because I never ever read of one that was actually benevolent in the long run or the short term for that matter.
That's what all the Useful Idiots say all the while supporting the Left's Communist Agenda ... :rolleyes:
Dumb ass, did anyone bring up the Communist Chinese except you? I am anti-Communist be it Chinese, old Russian, Cuban, Venezuelan or N Korean or otherwise. Do not like strongman dictators either, because I never ever read of one that was actually benevolent in the long run or the short term for that matter.
That's what all the Useful Idiots say all the while supporting the Left's Communist Agenda ... :rolleyes:
Yah, yah, yah, drivel on, kid.
You hate the CDC for no other reason than your emperor hates them. Quit being such a tool.
It's obvious they have been compromised and are playing politics with America's Health.

Wake the hell up ....
Have you actually been listening to Emperor Jackass? Quit it, at least on the pandemic. He has zero foresight. He's trying to wing it on the pandemic and been wrong every damned time.
I wonder why so few conservative types applied to work at a science based agency tasked with helping people? The question answers itself.
What part of it's a politically driven organization did you miss?
Not a hint of political bias until Trump wanted them to start bullshitting America.

Did you not understand the story?
With a propaganda piece all you need to understand is the intent.
I wonder why so few conservative types applied to work at a science based agency tasked with helping people? The question answers itself.
What part of it's a politically driven organization did you miss?
Not a hint of political bias until Trump wanted them to start bullshitting America.

Did you not understand the story?
With a propaganda piece all you need to understand is the intent.

I know, everything that doesn't reinforce your vary left and narrow viewpoint is propaganda.
That bubble does not serve you well
I wonder why so few conservative types applied to work at a science based agency tasked with helping people? The question answers itself.
What part of it's a politically driven organization did you miss?
Not a hint of political bias until Trump wanted them to start bullshitting America.

Did you not understand the story?
With a propaganda piece all you need to understand is the intent.

I know, everything that doesn't reinforce your vary left and narrow viewpoint is propaganda.
That bubble does not serve you well
I read the shit you read, you ignore what I read. Who lives in a bubble?
You hate the CDC for no other reason than your emperor hates them. Quit being such a tool.
It's obvious they have been compromised and are playing politics with America's Health.

Wake the hell up ....
Have you actually been listening to Emperor Jackass? Quit it, at least on the pandemic. He has zero foresight. He's trying to wing it on the pandemic and been wrong every damned time.
What has he got so wrong? He seems to be doing at least as well as these so called experts.

Remember when stopped travel from China and that was racist because the WHO said it wasn’t necessary and it’s racist but later the dems starting saying he should have done it sooner?

Remember when Fauci said we didn’t need masks then later was all LOL! JK! We lied so you wouldn’t run out and buy all the masks. But seriously this time you can trust us you have to wear masks. Or people will die now. But not before. That was fine.

And then there was a huge panic because people were protesting government lock downs as being draconian and the left was all holy shit! You can’t do that people will die! And then there were riots and looting and shit and the democrats were all like hey man that’s cool because protesting draconian government is patriotic and shit. And we’re like but aren’t gatherings of people dangerous and the left said fuck that man that’s racist.

And now the left is yelling if we don’t wear masks you’re killing people but then the lefts rioters are actually killing people but it’s ok because... well it’s racist to point that out.

So where was Trump so wrong again?
This is another reason why Trump should cut off funding to them. Everything that happened under Obama has turned to rot.

Why one can hardly be surprised, now, can they? Trust the CDC! Trust the CDC! All you need to do is listen to the left every time to know what they are up to. Like every other agency, as soon as you get two of them in, they join like viruses to start hiring more (always under some "equal" or "fairness" act) like themselves while excluding anyone who doesn't fit their agenda to work for them. Pretty soon they run the place. Trump has said it a thousand times: Leftist scum only exist and survive like a germ taking over the body and killing all the healthy cells.
I wonder why so few conservative types applied to work at a science based agency tasked with helping people? The question answers itself.
What part of it's a politically driven organization did you miss?
Not a hint of political bias until Trump wanted them to start bullshitting America.

Did you not understand the story?
With a propaganda piece all you need to understand is the intent.

I know, everything that doesn't reinforce your vary left and narrow viewpoint is propaganda.
That bubble does not serve you well
I read the shit you read, you ignore what I read. Who lives in a bubble?
You do. You just admitted you read everything which is a lie, because if you actually read the good stuff and understood it, you couldn't possibly reject the all of it to only reguritate the pap of the likes of CNN and the NYT, which is the greatest bubble of them all. To live outside a bubble is to have the good enough sense to be able to be selective and only bother with the stuff worthwhile and not rubbish in the first place. That's what you are: a garbage eater. You prefer it like the maggots.
Lets keep the CDC and cut off funding to trump after November.
What funding would that be?

You mean his presidential salary?

He already donates that genius ....
Good. Get him out of office and keep the CDC doing what it does.
That's it: get the one person out of office fighting for the people to keep in the band of lying scum you put in place who manufacture fake data and political agendas to influence elections. That makes you a traitorous piece of trash.
Lets keep the CDC and cut off funding to trump after November.
What funding would that be?

You mean his presidential salary?

He already donates that genius ....
Good. Get him out of office and keep the CDC doing what it does.
That's it: get the one person out of office fighting for the people to keep in the band of lying scum you put in place who manufacture fake data and political agendas to influence elections. That makes you a traitorous piece of trash.
Makes you blinded by the neon god you made.
The CDC is another government organization that has been compromised by the Left.

Of course it should be dismantled.
You deserve to live in a country without the means to fight a pandemic.
A "pandemic?" A "pandemic?" Let me tell you what your "pandemic" is: IT IS 6 PEOPLE.

Anyone with brains enough to sit down and do the math and quit listening to all this talk of "cases," quickly realizes that what Covid-19 comes down to is an average number of deaths per state of 17 people per day. For THAT, we have train-wrecked the entire country.

Now let's put that into perspective with the last flu season of 2017-2018. It was considered a worse than usual flu season with upwards of up to 80,000 people dead of it. Do you know what that comes down to over a presumed 5 month season? Eleven (11) people.

I don't even remember ever hearing about it in the news at the time.

That is what this "pandemic" is. An extra 6 people per month.

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