
Back to the topic, the Japanese never offered to surrender and never offered after either bomb, what they offered was a cease fire with a return to prewar lines everywhere except China.After the 2nd bomb the Emperor intervened and ordered the surrender and the Japanese Army which ran the Government attempted a coup to stop that.
Back to the topic, the Japanese never offered to surrender and never offered after either bomb, what they offered was a cease fire with a return to prewar lines everywhere except China.After the 2nd bomb the Emperor intervened and ordered the surrender and the Japanese Army which ran the Government attempted a coup to stop that.
And wala, crispy critters.
The Japanese were never going to willingly unconditionally surrender.
They were planning to do so, we just couldn't wait for them if we wanted to show off to the Russians.

Besides the cost in lives of an invasion, we wanted a fast surrender to stop the Russians from occupying more land. Letting them know we were not afraid to use our new toys could also have been a factor in Truman's thinking.

Don't get me wrong I feel for the all the innocent civilians who died in that war. But that really was a different time.
That changes nothing of the fact that it was an unnecessary use of weapons of terror.
Would it have made you feel any better if we had firebombed them instead?
Not really....they didn't quit until we nuked Nagasaki and probably still wouldn't have quit if they'd known we only had two A-bombs.
They were going to surrender even before we dropped the bombs, we were just showing off for the Russians. But these two acts of terrorism sealed the deal.


Actually no, dropping those bombs was about the pecking order of world power post the end of the war. For all the blathering on about nuclear war, weaponry, who should be allowed to have and who should not; the US is the only nation ever to use nuclear weapons of this magnatude - and on civilian populations.

And we got the desired effects!! :beer:

Ha ha, yeah, the Soviets just laid down after that.

The Japanese laid down within the week, as for the Soviets, had traitors not sold us out we would have had the big hammer alone for much longer.
They were going to surrender even before we dropped the bombs, we were just showing off for the Russians. But these two acts of terrorism sealed the deal.


Actually no, dropping those bombs was about the pecking order of world power post the end of the war. For all the blathering on about nuclear war, weaponry, who should be allowed to have and who should not; the US is the only nation ever to use nuclear weapons of this magnatude - and on civilian populations.

And we got the desired effects!! :beer:

Ha ha, yeah, the Soviets just laid down after that.

The Japanese laid down within the week, as for the Soviets, had traitors not sold us out we would have had the big hammer alone for much longer.

Excuses. excuses.
Yes, LBJ murdered a lot of people for nothing. We'd have had it won sooner if he'd ever been committed to winning it

Win what?

Completely eradicate the Viet Cong? Impossible.

Destroy the Democratic Republic of Vietnam? The US was never at war with them.

Build a new sandbox to keep Americans on government payroll and satiate the military-industrial complex? In that case the US military was victorious

You're still arguing the point not in contention. I already agreed we should have stayed out of it rather than do what we did. I was referring to something which completely didn't happen. If our objective had been to help the Vietnamese government defeat the communist insurgency. I'm referring to an entirely different scenario than what happened

We shouldn't have been there period, wrap ya head around that.

They should have been given their freedom after they helped kick out the Japanese in 1945.

But that didn't matter to the boys who were drafted or volunteered. They just wanted to get back home alive I bet.
Yes, LBJ murdered a lot of people for nothing. We'd have had it won sooner if he'd ever been committed to winning it

Win what?

Completely eradicate the Viet Cong? Impossible.

Destroy the Democratic Republic of Vietnam? The US was never at war with them.

Build a new sandbox to keep Americans on government payroll and satiate the military-industrial complex? In that case the US military was victorious

You're still arguing the point not in contention. I already agreed we should have stayed out of it rather than do what we did. I was referring to something which completely didn't happen. If our objective had been to help the Vietnamese government defeat the communist insurgency. I'm referring to an entirely different scenario than what happened

We shouldn't have been there period, wrap ya head around that.

They should have been given their freedom after they helped kick out the Japanese in 1945.

But that didn't matter to the boys who were drafted or volunteered. They just wanted to get back home alive I bet.

I don't think we've learned all the much from the episode. The power structure did however; no more draft, we do not want the entire nation involved in war, just a fraction, everyone else we want at ball games and at the mall. No more body bags on tv. No more televised broad based dissent and protest. Hide our own atrocities from the public if at all possible, etc.
It's 5 minutes to midnight.......

And now Barry has given Iran the bomb while the Israelis have over two hundred nuclear missiles aimed at them...It's not 5 minutes to midnight but it's probably not 15 minutes anymore either.

Meh, it's just a saying. They have been pushed back by at least a decade or more.

They can make up for what they've lost enriching their own uranium by buying it from the N. Koreans. We haven't stopped anything....just a publicity stunt by our muslim dickhead president.
It's 5 minutes to midnight.......

And now Barry has given Iran the bomb while the Israelis have over two hundred nuclear missiles aimed at them...It's not 5 minutes to midnight but it's probably not 15 minutes anymore either.

Meh, it's just a saying. They have been pushed back by at least a decade or more.

They can make up for what they've lost enriching their own uranium by buying it from the N. Koreans. We haven't stopped anything....just a publicity stunt by our muslim dickhead president.

Again, we sold them reactors from a company Rumsfeld once sat on the board of directors of, a mere 2 years before the "Axis of Evil" remark.
It's 5 minutes to midnight.......

And now Barry has given Iran the bomb while the Israelis have over two hundred nuclear missiles aimed at them...It's not 5 minutes to midnight but it's probably not 15 minutes anymore either.

Meh, it's just a saying. They have been pushed back by at least a decade or more.

They can make up for what they've lost enriching their own uranium by buying it from the N. Koreans. We haven't stopped anything....just a publicity stunt by our muslim dickhead president.

Muslim? I don't even think he's that religious.

It was a deal made with the permanent members of the UNSC and Germany...EU.

But it's almost Beer thirty.....:beer:
The Japanese were never going to willingly unconditionally surrender.
They were planning to do so, we just couldn't wait for them if we wanted to show off to the Russians.

Besides the cost in lives of an invasion, we wanted a fast surrender to stop the Russians from occupying more land. Letting them know we were not afraid to use our new toys could also have been a factor in Truman's thinking.

Don't get me wrong I feel for the all the innocent civilians who died in that war. But that really was a different time.
That changes nothing of the fact that it was an unnecessary use of weapons of terror.
Would it have made you feel any better if we had firebombed them instead?
No. Also designed as a weapon of terror.
It has nothing to do with partisan, it's an irrefutable historic fact. We'd killed all the Viet Cong at that point. We had to stop and wait for them to build a new army to kill Americans

"Another democRAT blah blah blah ...."

Yes hon, it does.

Your desire to rewrite history is dull

Bitching about a political party in america isn't history son.

I was talking about the Vietnam war, you keep bringing up party. I said both LBJ and Nixon fucked up. You're so obsessed with party you hear nothing else

" Another democRAT who should have been hanged on the South Lawn of the WH."

All you pard, all you.

Wrong, I'm not the one who wrote that. So seriously, you went back and found that quote, and you didn't notice Tom Horn said it, not me? How stupid are you?
If our objective had been to help the Vietnamese government defeat the communist insurgency. I'm referring to an entirely different scenario than what happened

Like I said, defeating the Viet Cong would of been impossible.

The movement would of lived on as long as the Democratic Republic of Vietnam was stationed in the north. Most south Vietnamese did not want their puppet government. The US military presence did not temper defiance among civilians either.

Hilarious! We had considerably more friendly hamlets than Charles had....you're so wrong you're like a comedian soaked in flop-sweat.

I wasn't there. But what Onyx says isn't what I hear from the people I know who were. That doesn't mean he's wrong, just that I'm not going to argue something beyond my knowledge. I believe the people I know, but I don't personally know enough to debate it for them. But they thought it turned on us because of the endless war. Had we come in and let the Vietnamese fight it themselves (as they wanted to do) with our support, the war would have been far shorter and far more successful

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