
Everything is partisan to some, it's a disease.

It has nothing to do with partisan, it's an irrefutable historic fact. We'd killed all the Viet Cong at that point. We had to stop and wait for them to build a new army to kill Americans

"Another democRAT blah blah blah ...."

Yes hon, it does.

Your desire to rewrite history is dull

Bitching about a political party in america isn't history son.

I was talking about the Vietnam war, you keep bringing up party. I said both LBJ and Nixon fucked up. You're so obsessed with party you hear nothing else

" Another democRAT who should have been hanged on the South Lawn of the WH."

All you pard, all you.
If our objective had been to help the Vietnamese government defeat the communist insurgency. I'm referring to an entirely different scenario than what happened

Like I said, defeating the Viet Cong would of been impossible.

The movement would of lived on as long as the Democratic Republic of Vietnam was stationed in the north. Most south Vietnamese did not want their puppet government. The US military presence did not temper defiance among civilians either.
I'm "uneducated"? LMAO!!! I wrote some of the assessments/ after-action reports during the summer of '68, ya little bookworm.

I am sure your superiors found your little diary entries to be amusing.

To the contrary...my "little diaries" kept line-units from running into ambushes. You don't know shit about combat, Vietnam, or America....so you're wasting time you could be using to huff glue or play house with your boyfriend.
I'd pay a hundred bucks to take you back in time and kick your ass out the door of a Huey with red smoke in the air....and I'd have had to because you'd have been shitting your trousers. And having been a hippie draftee you'd have been shot dead your first day out in injun country. What's tragic is you'd have gotten your platoon mates killed right along with ya.

Alright Rambo.

Go back to reminiscing about the good ol' days when you were the establishments bitch.
I'm "uneducated"? LMAO!!! I wrote some of the assessments/ after-action reports during the summer of '68, ya little bookworm.

I am sure your superiors found your little diary entries to be amusing.

To the contrary...my "little diaries" kept line-units from running into ambushes. You don't know shit about combat, Vietnam, or America....so you're wasting time you could be using to huff glue or play house with your boyfriend.

What a empty fuggin blow hard anonymous poster hissyfit.
If our objective had been to help the Vietnamese government defeat the communist insurgency. I'm referring to an entirely different scenario than what happened

Like I said, defeating the Viet Cong would of been impossible.

The movement would of lived on as long as the Democratic Republic of Vietnam was stationed in the north. Most south Vietnamese did not want their puppet government. The US military presence did not temper defiance among civilians either.

Hilarious! We had considerably more friendly hamlets than Charles had....you're so wrong you're like a comedian soaked in flop-sweat.
To the contrary...my "little diaries" kept line-units from running into ambushes. You don't know shit about combat, Vietnam, or America....so you're wasting time you could be using to huff glue or play house with your boyfriend.

I know a lot about military theory.

Even if you were an officer that commanded units into "battle" (which you probably were not), the Vietnam sandbox was nothing close to modern conventional warfare, which you are completely uneducated about.
What a empty fuggin blow hard anonymous poster hissyfit.

So you're his boyfriend?...it figures.

No homework this evening son?

Go put another rubberband on your ponytail, loser.
To the contrary...my "little diaries" kept line-units from running into ambushes. You don't know shit about combat, Vietnam, or America....so you're wasting time you could be using to huff glue or play house with your boyfriend.

I know a lot about military theory.

Even if you were an officer that commanded units into "battle" (which you probably were not), the Vietnam sandbox was nothing close to modern conventional warfare, which you are completely uneducated about.

To the contrary...my "little diaries" kept line-units from running into ambushes. You don't know shit about combat, Vietnam, or America....so you're wasting time you could be using to huff glue or play house with your boyfriend.

I know a lot about military theory.

Even if you were an officer that commanded units into "battle" (which you probably were not), the Vietnam sandbox was nothing close to modern conventional warfare, which you are completely uneducated about.


Now he's down to emoticons.
The America-haters here delight in trying to make our enemies into tragic figures....they twist facts around until nobody knows what to believe.....Fifth columnists and they don't even know how they're being used.
Don't try to make acts of terrorism worthy. It might work, like our use of terrorism in Japan, but it's never worthy.

It was an act of war.

Then we'd better expect the same at some point, we sure don't avoid war.

It's 5 minutes to midnight.......
Okay I'm done here....the Hiroshima pic is a reminder war isn't a theory or a game...it's the sky over a Hiroshima getting it's just rewards for starting a war with the USA.
Terrorism can work. It sure did there.

Not really....they didn't quit until we nuked Nagasaki and probably still wouldn't have quit if they'd known we only had two A-bombs.
They were going to surrender even before we dropped the bombs, we were just showing off for the Russians. But these two acts of terrorism sealed the deal.


Actually no, dropping those bombs was about the pecking order of world power post the end of the war. For all the blathering on about nuclear war, weaponry, who should be allowed to have and who should not; the US is the only nation ever to use nuclear weapons of this magnatude - and on civilian populations.

And we got the desired effects!! :beer:
Okay I'm done here....the Hiroshima pic is a reminder war isn't a theory or a game...it's the sky over a Hiroshima getting it's just rewards for starting a war with the USA.

And what will ya say when we get ours for starting wars?
It's 5 minutes to midnight.......

And now Barry has given Iran the bomb while the Israelis have over two hundred nuclear missiles aimed at them...It's not 5 minutes to midnight but it's probably not 15 minutes anymore either.
Terrorism can work. It sure did there.

Not really....they didn't quit until we nuked Nagasaki and probably still wouldn't have quit if they'd known we only had two A-bombs.
They were going to surrender even before we dropped the bombs, we were just showing off for the Russians. But these two acts of terrorism sealed the deal.


Actually no, dropping those bombs was about the pecking order of world power post the end of the war. For all the blathering on about nuclear war, weaponry, who should be allowed to have and who should not; the US is the only nation ever to use nuclear weapons of this magnatude - and on civilian populations.

And we got the desired effects!! :beer:

Ha ha, yeah, the Soviets just laid down after that.
It's 5 minutes to midnight.......

And now Barry has given Iran the bomb while the Israelis have over two hundred nuclear missiles aimed at them...It's not 5 minutes to midnight but it's probably not 15 minutes anymore either.

What an ignorant ass. We sold them the technology, and reactors from a company Rumsfeld once sat on the board of directors of. A plan than spanned both Clinton and Bush administrations; as I always say .... utterly bipartisan.

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