
: The Cabinet Meeting over the Reply to the Four Powers (August 13)
Source: Gaimusho [Ministry of Foreign Affairs], ed., Shusen Shiroku [Historical Record of the End of the War] (Tokyo: Hokuyosha, 1977-1978), vol. 5, 27-35 [Translated by Toshihiro Higuchi]

The Byrnes Note did not break the stalemate at the cabinet level. An account of the cabinet debates on August 13 prepared by Director of Information Toshiro Shimomura showed the same divisions as before with Anami and a few other ministers continuing to argue that the Allies threatened the kokutai and that setting the four conditions (no occupation, etc.) did not mean that the war would continue. Nevertheless, Anami argued, “We are still left with some power to fight.” Suzuki, who was working quietly with the peace party, declared that the Allied terms were acceptable because they gave a “dim hope in the dark” of preserving the emperor. At the end of the meeting, he announced that he would report to Hirohito and ask him to make another “Sacred Judgment”. Meanwhile, junior Army officers plotted a coup to thwart the plans for surrender.[52]

The Atomic Bomb and the End of World War II: A Collection of Primary Sources
"In an article reprinted in 1947 by Reader's Digest, Brigadier General Bonner Fellers (in charge of psychological warfare on MacArthur's wartime staff and subsequently MacArthur's military secretary in Tokyo) stated:

  • Obviously . . . the atomic bomb neither induced the Emperor's decision to surrender nor had any effect on the ultimate outcome of the war." (See p. 352, Chapter 28)

  • Colonel Charles "Tick" Bonesteel, 1945 chief of the War Department Operations Division Policy Section, subsequently recalled in a military history interview: "[T]he poor damn Japanese were putting feelers out by the ton so to speak, through Russia. . . ." (See p. 359, Chapter 28)

  • Brigadier Gen. Carter W. Clarke, the officer in charge of preparing MAGIC intercepted cable summaries in 1945, stated in a 1959 interview:

    we brought them [the Japanese] down to an abject surrender through the accelerated sinking of their merchant marine and hunger alone, and when we didn't need to do it, and we knew we didn't need to do it, and they knew that we knew we didn't need to do it, we used them as an experiment for two atomic bombs. (See p. 359, Chapter 28)"

    MILITARY VIEWS About Dropping the Atomic Bomb

And what was the military view on the necessity of attacking Pearl Harbor, to begin with? Was THAT necessary? Does Japan hash that decision over and over again? Or do they just lament getting their asses kicked? I am not seeing too many "authorities" decrying Japan initiated allied involvement period. Oh no,instead, Japan were poor little victims. Really? How does that work?

You're saying the annihilation of hundreds of thousands of civilians was an act of revenge? Can you document that?
You don't understand the full scope of WW2, do you? .....

Yes, I do. Now answer my question.

And what was the military view on the necessity of attacking Pearl Harbor, to begin with? Was THAT necessary? Does Japan hash that decision over and over again? Or do they just lament getting their asses kicked? I am not seeing too many "authorities" decrying Japan initiated allied involvement period. Oh no,instead, Japan were poor little victims. Really? How does that work?

You're saying the annihilation of hundreds of thousands of civilians was an act of revenge? Can you document that?
You don't understand the full scope of WW2, do you? .....

Yes, I do. Now answer my question.

Well what? According to you an offer of a Cease fire and return to before the war start lines is a surrender. And then you claim we should have been willing to sacrifice 1 million troops and millions of Japanese civilians invading instead of ending the war.
And what was the military view on the necessity of attacking Pearl Harbor, to begin with? Was THAT necessary? Does Japan hash that decision over and over again? Or do they just lament getting their asses kicked? I am not seeing too many "authorities" decrying Japan initiated allied involvement period. Oh no,instead, Japan were poor little victims. Really? How does that work?

You're saying the annihilation of hundreds of thousands of civilians was an act of revenge? Can you document that?
You don't understand the full scope of WW2, do you? .....

Yes, I do. Now answer my question.

Well what? ....

Wasn't talking to you. Remove your nose and take a walk.
And what was the military view on the necessity of attacking Pearl Harbor, to begin with? Was THAT necessary? Does Japan hash that decision over and over again? Or do they just lament getting their asses kicked? I am not seeing too many "authorities" decrying Japan initiated allied involvement period. Oh no,instead, Japan were poor little victims. Really? How does that work?

You're saying the annihilation of hundreds of thousands of civilians was an act of revenge? Can you document that?
You don't understand the full scope of WW2, do you? .....

Yes, I do. Now answer my question.

According to you an offer of a Cease fire and return to before the war start lines is a surrender. ..

And what was the military view on the necessity of attacking Pearl Harbor, to begin with? Was THAT necessary? Does Japan hash that decision over and over again? Or do they just lament getting their asses kicked? I am not seeing too many "authorities" decrying Japan initiated allied involvement period. Oh no,instead, Japan were poor little victims. Really? How does that work?

You're saying the annihilation of hundreds of thousands of civilians was an act of revenge? Can you document that?
You don't understand the full scope of WW2, do you? .....

Yes, I do. Now answer my question.

....you claim we should have been willing to sacrifice 1 million troops and millions of Japanese civilians invading instead of ending the war.

Another lie. Have some self respect.
The Japanese Government run by the Army never offered to surrender. They had 4 demands none of which were a surrender. Only the overruling by the Emperor changed that and then the Army tried to stage a Coup to stop that. Even after 2 Atomic bombs and the declaration of war by the Soviet Union the Japanese Army refused to surrender and when forced to by the Emperor tried a coup to stop that.
Unko can't wrap his head around this issue. He's so caught up in this Japanese/minority culture milieu he lost historical references and common sense.
The Japanese Government run by the Army never offered to surrender. They had 4 demands none of which were a surrender. Only the overruling by the Emperor changed that and then the Army tried to stage a Coup to stop that. Even after 2 Atomic bombs and the declaration of war by the Soviet Union the Japanese Army refused to surrender and when forced to by the Emperor tried a coup to stop that.

fuckers brought a knife to a gunfight
fuckers brought a knife to a gunfight

What a remarkably stupid thing to say. I know you wanted to sound all "Rambo, John J" when you posted that, but it would hardly be foolish to bring a knife before the gun was invented.
The Japanese Government run by the Army never offered to surrender. .......

And now the spin to try and ignore the facts I have posted over and over.
Japan initiated the war, it's not their fault they couldn't see the future and they were nuked and lost? Too bad it took twice to nuke them before it got it through their thick heads. What does it take to get into yours?
Japan started WW2. Unko? Japan was fascist , that isn't a good thing. Japan was Fascist. They killed millions of innocent Chinese and bombed Pearl harbor for their own ends. Hiroshima died for their sins. It was avoidable.
The Japanese Government run by the Army never offered to surrender. .......
And now the spin to try and ignore the facts I have posted over and over.

What facts? You've posted the opinions of a few military guys who, perhaps for their own personal reasons (or perhaps due to age or infirmity), engaged in historical revision of the strange kind. The Japanese continued to build weapons and plan not just a bloody defense of the home islands, but offense attacks as well (I-400-class submarine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

As much as these Monday Morning Q-backs tried to promote themselves as in-the-loop players, they may well have been posing for book deals and tours or simply disgruntled former employees. You know ... lining their pockets or getting revenge.

The bottom line? Japan's will to continue (or quit) was not carved in stone and broadcast on Tokyo Radio by Tokyo Rose. There was no way any American administration could risk a resurgence of Japan's will or capacity to stay in the game and your desperately shrill efforts to rewrite history are both obvious and shameful.

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