
The Japanese Government run by the Army never offered to surrender. .......

And now the spin to try and ignore the facts I have posted over and over.
Japan initiated the war, it's not their fault they couldn't see the future and they were nuked and lost? Too bad it took twice to nuke them before it got it through their thick heads. What does it take to get into yours?

You still haven't answered my question.
Japan started WW2. Unko? Japan was fascist , that isn't a good thing. Japan was Fascist. They killed millions of innocent Chinese and bombed Pearl harbor for their own ends. Hiroshima died for their sins. It was avoidable.

So you ARE claiming the atomic bombs were an act of revenge on behalf of China?
Japan started WW2. Unko? Japan was fascist , that isn't a good thing. Japan was Fascist. They killed millions of innocent Chinese and bombed Pearl harbor for their own ends. Hiroshima died for their sins. It was avoidable.
So you ARE claiming the atomic bombs were an act of revenge on behalf of China?

Why must you twist everything to fit your belief system? The point is Imperial Japan was a ruthless and soulless conqueror and occupier. They had proven themselves capable of unspeakable brutality and there was no reason to believe their nature and methodology was ever going to change. (see: Kamikaze - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Japan started WW2. Unko? Japan was fascist , that isn't a good thing. Japan was Fascist. They killed millions of innocent Chinese and bombed Pearl harbor for their own ends. Hiroshima died for their sins. It was avoidable.

So you ARE claiming the atomic bombs were an act of revenge on behalf of China?
You already asked that question, Are you are having second thoughts? Perhaps perhaps those that died at Hiroshima/Nagasaki died to wash your guilty fascist sins? Japan didn't have any reason to attack the US, either, ya THINK? Maybe perhaps?
Japan started WW2. Unko? Japan was fascist , that isn't a good thing. Japan was Fascist. They killed millions of innocent Chinese and bombed Pearl harbor for their own ends. Hiroshima died for their sins. It was avoidable.

So you ARE claiming the atomic bombs were an act of revenge on behalf of China?
You already asked that question......?

Why won't you answer it?
Japan started WW2. Unko? Japan was fascist , that isn't a good thing. Japan was Fascist. They killed millions of innocent Chinese and bombed Pearl harbor for their own ends. Hiroshima died for their sins. It was avoidable.

So you ARE claiming the atomic bombs were an act of revenge on behalf of China?
Perhaps perhaps those that died at Hiroshima/Nagasaki died to wash your guilty fascist sins? ....


Japan started WW2. Unko? Japan was fascist , that isn't a good thing. Japan was Fascist. They killed millions of innocent Chinese and bombed Pearl harbor for their own ends. Hiroshima died for their sins. It was avoidable.
So you ARE claiming the atomic bombs were an act of revenge on behalf of China?

Why must you twist everything to fit your belief system? The point is Imperial Japan was a ruthless and soulless conqueror and occupier. They had proven themselves capable of unspeakable brutality and there was no reason to believe their nature and methodology was ever going to change. (see: Kamikaze - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Is that an answer to the question she won't?
Did Japan expect to defeat the United States after its attack on Pearl Harbor? If Japan did not expect to defeat the US what were its goals?
Terrorism can work. It sure did there.

Not really....they didn't quit until we nuked Nagasaki and probably still wouldn't have quit if they'd known we only had two A-bombs.
They were going to surrender even before we dropped the bombs, we were just showing off for the Russians. But these two acts of terrorism sealed the deal.


Actually no, dropping those bombs was about the pecking order of world power post the end of the war. For all the blathering on about nuclear war, weaponry, who should be allowed to have and who should not; the US is the only nation ever to use nuclear weapons of this magnatude - and on civilian populations.
Grand Master Troll level obtained.
Did Japan expect to defeat the United States after its attack on Pearl Harbor? If Japan did not expect to defeat the US what were its goals?

Why don't you bother to learn some history before jumping in?
Why must you twist everything to fit your belief system? The point is Imperial Japan was a ruthless and soulless conqueror and occupier. They had proven themselves capable of unspeakable brutality and there was no reason to believe their nature and methodology was ever going to change. (see: Kamikaze - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Is that an answer to the question she won't?

Is that your best response?

It's a question. Why are some of y'all so deathly afraid of a question?
Did Japan expect to defeat the United States after its attack on Pearl Harbor? If Japan did not expect to defeat the US what were its goals?
Neutralize the 7th fleet, finish their expansion of the Pacific for the 2-3 years required to rebuild the fleet, then sue for peace keeping the Pacific.
And they failed because not knowing where our 2 carriers were they played it safe and did not attack again and take out the infrastructure at Pearl. Oil facilities, docks, cranes etc. As a result most of the fleet was sailing again in a month.
Why must you twist everything to fit your belief system? The point is Imperial Japan was a ruthless and soulless conqueror and occupier. They had proven themselves capable of unspeakable brutality and there was no reason to believe their nature and methodology was ever going to change. (see: Kamikaze - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Is that an answer to the question she won't?
Is that your best response?

It's a question. Why are some of y'all so deathly afraid of a question?

I answered your question. Why are you so deathly afraid to answer mine?

Did Japan expect to defeat the United States after its attack on Pearl Harbor? If Japan did not expect to defeat the US what were its goals?
Why don't you bother to learn some history before jumping in?

Weatherman posted a sincere answer to regent's sincere question. Why did you resort to snipping? Why are some of y'all so deathly afraid of a question?
Did Japan expect to defeat the United States after its attack on Pearl Harbor? If Japan did not expect to defeat the US what were its goals?

Why don't you bother to learn some history before jumping in?
So you don't know the answer so I don't know my history. If you defend Japan's entry into the war you should at least know what their goals were. Was it victory over America; just destroy the US fleet, what?
So Japan should not have attacked Pearl Harbor, wouldn't that have been the best way to avoid Hiroshima? So the a bomb on Japan was due to something Japan should not have done?
Did Japan expect to defeat the United States after its attack on Pearl Harbor? If Japan did not expect to defeat the US what were its goals?

Why don't you bother to learn some history before jumping in?
So you don't know the answer so I don't know my history. If you defend Japan's entry into the war you should at least know what their goals were. Was it victory over America; just destroy the US fleet, what?

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