
Why must you twist everything to fit your belief system? The point is Imperial Japan was a ruthless and soulless conqueror and occupier. They had proven themselves capable of unspeakable brutality and there was no reason to believe their nature and methodology was ever going to change. (see: Kamikaze - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Is that an answer to the question she won't?
Is that your best response?

It's a question. Why are some of y'all so deathly afraid of a question?

I answered your question. Why are you so deathly afraid to answer mine?.....

What question?
The Japanese Government run by the Army never offered to surrender. .......

And now the spin to try and ignore the facts I have posted over and over.
Japan initiated the war, it's not their fault they couldn't see the future and they were nuked and lost? Too bad it took twice to nuke them before it got it through their thick heads. What does it take to get into yours?

You still haven't answered my question.
I am here. Japan started WW2 . Japan killed millions of innocent non combatants in the process, and took 4 years and countless lives to stop them. Japan was the antagonist, the bad guys here. And they got their comeuppance . They got their asses kicked. Karma. Pearl harbor=Hiroshima. Get over it.
Unko: Are you going to start excusing Germany invading Czechoslovakia and then invading Russia and excusing putting Jews in ovens of war crimes? You realize Japan was aligned with NAZI Germany and fascist Italy, Japan wasn't some poor poor witto victim that suddenly got nuked out of the blue. Are you that naive to think Japan was poor little victim here?
The Japanese Government run by the Army never offered to surrender. .......

And now the spin to try and ignore the facts I have posted over and over.
Japan initiated the war, it's not their fault they couldn't see the future and they were nuked and lost? Too bad it took twice to nuke them before it got it through their thick heads. What does it take to get into yours?

You still haven't answered my question.
I am here. Japan started WW2 . Japan killed millions of innocent non combatants in the process, and took 4 years and countless lives to stop them. Japan was the antagonist, the bad guys here. And they got their comeuppance . They got their asses kicked. Karma. Pearl harbor=Hiroshima. Get over it.

So you ARE claiming it was an act of revenge?
Unko: Are you going to start excusing Germany invading Czechoslovakia and then invading Russia and excusing putting Jews in ovens of war crimes? ....?

Your straw man is embarrassed to be a part of that post.
Japan was the antagonist, the bad guys here. And they got their comeuppance . They got their asses kicked. Karma. Pearl harbor=Hiroshima. Get over it.
So you ARE claiming it was an act of revenge?

Certainly some felt (and feel) justice was served ... that the Japanese got what they had coming to them. If it makes you feel superior to call their sentiment vengeful, you go right ahead. I consider the 2 big bombs to have been an act of mercy. As has been conclusively proven here, there is way more evidence that Japan had no intention of quitting the war than the revisionist pap you've spewed, and the nightly fire-bombing of Japanese cities was slowly devastating (and starving) the civilian population. Ending the war quickly - and without the massive death toll an invasion would have generated - was an act of mercy.

Move on, Unk.
Japan was the antagonist, the bad guys here. And they got their comeuppance . They got their asses kicked. Karma. Pearl harbor=Hiroshima. Get over it.
So you ARE claiming it was an act of revenge?

Certainly some felt (and feel) justice was served ... that the Japanese got what they had coming to them. If it makes you feel superior to call their sentiment vengeful, you go right ahead. ...

Was it an act of revenge, yes or no?
Japan was the antagonist, the bad guys here. And they got their comeuppance . They got their asses kicked. Karma. Pearl harbor=Hiroshima. Get over it.
So you ARE claiming it was an act of revenge?

Certainly some felt (and feel) justice was served ... that the Japanese got what they had coming to them. If it makes you feel superior to call their sentiment vengeful, you go right ahead. ...

Was it an act of revenge, yes or no?
Explain slowly for us slow ones how now 71 years later the answer to that question from someone that wasn't even born when the bombs were dropped matters?
Japan was the antagonist, the bad guys here. And they got their comeuppance . They got their asses kicked. Karma. Pearl harbor=Hiroshima. Get over it.
So you ARE claiming it was an act of revenge?

Certainly some felt (and feel) justice was served ... that the Japanese got what they had coming to them. If it makes you feel superior to call their sentiment vengeful, you go right ahead. I consider the 2 big bombs to have been an act of mercy. As has been conclusively proven here, there is way more evidence that Japan had no intention of quitting the war than the revisionist pap you've spewed, and the nightly fire-bombing of Japanese cities was slowly devastating (and starving) the civilian population. Ending the war quickly - and without the massive death toll an invasion would have generated - was an act of mercy.

Move on, Unk.
Japan was the antagonist, the bad guys here. And they got their comeuppance . They got their asses kicked. Karma. Pearl harbor=Hiroshima. Get over it.
So you ARE claiming it was an act of revenge?

Certainly some felt (and feel) justice was served ... that the Japanese got what they had coming to them. If it makes you feel superior to call their sentiment vengeful, you go right ahead. ...

Was it an act of revenge, yes or no?
Explain slowly for us slow ones how now 71 years later the answer to that question from someone that wasn't even born when the bombs were dropped matters?

So, all study of history is illegitimate in your book?
..... I consider the 2 big bombs to have been an act of mercy......

Incinerating hundreds of thousands of civilians is "mercy" to you? Is that how morally bankrupt you are? You would feel the same way if the tables were turned?
Japan was the antagonist, the bad guys here. And they got their comeuppance . They got their asses kicked. Karma. Pearl harbor=Hiroshima. Get over it.
So you ARE claiming it was an act of revenge?
...As has been conclusively proven here, there is way more evidence that Japan had no intention of quitting the war than the revisionist pap you've spewed, and the nightly fire-bombing of Japanese cities was slowly devastating (and starving) the civilian population. Ending the war quickly - and without the massive death toll an invasion would have generated - was an act of mercy...
Was it an act of revenge, yes or no?

Clearly I believe it was not revenge but rather an act of mercy that probably saved hundreds of thousands of lives. Twist that answer to mean anything you choose.

So, all study of history is illegitimate in your book?

That's lame Unk, and a sign your argument is also. I neither said nor inferred (though you do seem to be twisting everything to fit your narrative) that "all study of history is illegitimate..." Instead I not only said but proved earlier in this thread that your POV is not supported by facts.

..... I consider the 2 big bombs to have been an act of mercy......

Incinerating hundreds of thousands of civilians is "mercy" to you? Is that how morally bankrupt you are? You would feel the same way if the tables were turned?

Once more for the terminally dense: the use of 2 atomic bombs shortened the war saving hundreds of thousands, perhaps a million lives. The fire-bombing that was devastating Japanese cities and civilians may have doomed the same numbers as did the big bombs but not with the shock and awe necessary to cause Japan to surrender.

So what kind of heartless poster would have preferred the war (and casualties) continue for an extra year or two? What kind of bankrupt soul are you anyway?

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