“His Socialism is Too Far Left to Deal With”..

The People don't want the Socialists/Progressives. This will become even more evident in a couple years when they get the real boot. These recent Elections are only the beginning. The Socialists/Progressives still control the Senate and White House. So there is much more work to be done. Victory cannot be declared until the Senate & White House are taken back. Lets hope this happens.
It is perplexing to me that Obama gets labeled "too far left". Me and my liberal friends are appalled at his first two years in office and not because he's "too far left", "left", or "anywhere near left". It seems to me he is Republican Lite if anything. He panders to the Republicans, the corporations, and takes "consensus building" to a ridiculous extreme. How is any of that "too far left"?

Hey, in this forum, moderate Republicans are considered left wing extremists.
I would say that forcing citizens to buy health insurance and confiscating private property for redistribution to those that have not earned it, is a socialist/progressive notion.

Mandating insurance sounds alot like corporate fascism. The public option would have been more socialistic. Western society is socialist. We have been redistributing funds through the progressive tax system for, well since they started income taxes.
We have now run out of other peoples money.
The denial of individual property rights for some collective good is evil and puts everyone's property rights in jeopardy. The idea that a mans life and his work do not belong to him is slavery.
Sorry, I vote for freedom.

Pseudo-conservatives do not believe in individual property rights!

From 2005.

The Supreme Court ruled yesterday that local governments may force property owners to sell out and make way for private economic development when officials decide it would benefit the public, even if the property is not blighted and the new project's success is not guaranteed.

The 5 to 4 ruling provided the strong affirmation that state and local governments had sought for their increasing use of eminent domain for urban revitalization, especially in the Northeast, where many city centers have decayed and the suburban land supply is dwindling.

Opponents, including property-rights activists and advocates for elderly and low-income urban residents, argued that forcibly shifting land from one private owner to another, even with fair compensation, violates the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution, which prohibits the taking of property by government except for "public use."

Supreme Court Ruled Against Constitution: Eminent Domain-But Remember George Bush Was For Taking People's Homes
that's really funny...

because the rightwingnuts at fauxnews are such a good gauge of anything...

aside from roger lying about socialsm... but whatever.

you rightwingnut freaks don't care what's true anyway. :thup:

by the way, I think the average IQ is 90... I hope the president doesn't think like "average" people.
that's really funny...

because the rightwingnuts at fauxnews are such a good gauge of anything...

aside from roger lying about socialsm... but whatever.

you rightwingnut freaks don't care what's true anyway. :thup:

by the way, I think the average IQ is 90... I hope the president doesn't think like "average" people.
Average citizens don't have the advantage of using a teleprompter during the IQ test.
And we already know that progressives/socialists think they are smart enough to dispose of other peoples property/lives.
No surprises here.
I love it when people say Obama is too far left. :lol:
Why do you think the far left is not happy with him?
Is Code Pink throwing around buckets of blood at his speeches, I missed it.:cool:

I wouldn't be surprised if they did.

When calls Obama far left or a socialist, it is a big indicator to me, that they don't know what they are talking about.
Is Code Pink throwing around buckets of blood at his speeches, I missed it.:cool:

I wouldn't be surprised if they did.

When calls Obama far left or a socialist, it is a big indicator to me, that they don't know what they are talking about.
Define socialism.
In reality socialism is an altruistic, planned market system, built upon the principle of the welfare state, it is run by an elite corporate and bureaucratic class, which is in turn is appointed by a democratically elected corrupt political class.

In reality America's system is a false free-market system of high taxation, built upon the principle of the welfare state, it is run by an elite corporate and bureaucratic class, which is in turn is appointed by a democratically elected corrupt political class.
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I wouldn't be surprised if they did.

When calls Obama far left or a socialist, it is a big indicator to me, that they don't know what they are talking about.
Define socialism.
In reality socialism is an altruistic, planned market system of high taxation, built upon the principle of the welfare state, it is run by an elite corporate and bureaucratic class, which is in turn is appointed by a democratically elected political class.

In reality America's system is a false free-market system of high taxation, built upon the principle of the welfare state, it is run by an elite corporate and bureaucratic class, which is in turn is appointed by a democratically elected political class.

That definition is incorrect. And I think it's self-serving because you want to make a point. But at least you tried.
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Define socialism.
In reality socialism is an altruistic, planned market system of high taxation, built upon the principle of the welfare state, it is run by an elite corporate and bureaucratic class, which is in turn is appointed by a democratically elected political class.

In reality America's system is a false free-market system of high taxation, built upon the principle of the welfare state, it is run by an elite corporate and bureaucratic class, which is in turn is appointed by a democratically elected political class.

I disagree. And I think that's a self-serving "definition" because you want to make a point. But at least you tried.
What? That both share a welfare state, high taxation, and an elite corporate and bureaucratic class, which is in turn is appointed by a democratically elected political class. Hardly self-serving, more like 100% true, unless you are suggesting that there are no class divisions in society under modern socialism?
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So you think his trip was successful?
For some reason, that doesn't surprise me.

It was unsucecssful, certainly, but why? It seems to me, it was unsuccessful because the world's leaders are fearful of a currency war developing, not because of Obama's "socialism".
because US policy managed to sweat international dissent without sanctions of any kind, the same way china's and the rest of the world's growing economies have, i dont think the trip has been the failure that people make it out to be.

i see there as being people who hang off the words of fox news media outlets and the like to understand what has happened in asia, and those folks are left with the impression that a G20 is supposed to be something different than it is. the G8 and G20 has always been about europe (severally plus unified) trying to maintain influence over the rest of the world's economies. the US has always been the opposition. nevertheless, you get them siding with french and german positions on the matter, flashing their misplaced allegiances.

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