Hispanic culture vs Black culture, are Dads the main difference?

Hispanics immigrated here wanting to work hard and achieve the American dream.
Blacks are born here wanting everything handed to them and lots of free stuff. ... :cool:

With all due respect, I think that it is fair to say that many African Americans work hard and do not expect any more handouts than do other Americans.

That is one of the negative results of the current Insurrection. Many people think it represents the thinking of all African Americans. It clearly does not. There are African Americans who can think for themselves.
I have lived in Los Angeles since the 1940s.

I think that we should be very careful when we discuss violent crime committed by African Americans and Hispanics.

It is a fact admitted by African American leaders that violent crime committed by an unusually large percentage of their youth continues to be a problem. (Our mayor is deducting some money from the police budget to give to communities of color. He feels that this money will turn things around. I don't think so.)

Do not lump all Hispanics together. The immigrant families are different from the families who have lived here for generations and are American citizens. Some youth from both groups commit more than a little violent crime in the Los Angeles area. Remember, too, that Hispanics outnumber African Americans in the Los Angeles area.
I have lived in Los Angeles since the 1940s.

I think that we should be very careful when we discuss violent crime committed by African Americans and Hispanics.

It is a fact admitted by African American leaders that violent crime committed by an unusually large percentage of their youth continues to be a problem. (Our mayor is deducting some money from the police budget to give to communities of color. He feels that this money will turn things around. I don't think so.)

Do not lump all Hispanics together. The immigrant families are different from the families who have lived here for generations and are American citizens. Some youth from both groups commit more than a little violent crime in the Los Angeles area. Remember, too, that Hispanics outnumber African Americans in the Los Angeles area.
Well yeah when I say 'culture' I am inferring Hispanic or Black culture that has been part of America for decades, not recent groups of illegal aliens that are sometimes drug or human traffickers or gang members.
There are far more Hispanics in America than Blacks yet Blacks commit far more crimes, are involved in far more violent crimes and are much more likely to meet an early violent death. It is possible the primary difference between the two cultures is the lack of strong adult male role models especially Fathers in Black families vs Hispanic families.

Statistically 2/3rds o Hispanic families have a Father in the home. In Black familes only 1/3rd have a Father in the home.

Having lived in Washington DC and then Arizona I have seen quite a lot of both cultures and the differences are very apparent. For example when I went to kids sporting events, the Hispanics often have not only Dad and Mom but the Nanas and Tatas at the games. For the Black kids I would didn't see many Dads at the games only Moms, Grandmas, sisters etc.

Have you seen this?
There are far more Hispanics in America than Blacks yet Blacks commit far more crimes, are involved in far more violent crimes and are much more likely to meet an early violent death. It is possible the primary difference between the two cultures is the lack of strong adult male role models especially Fathers in Black families vs Hispanic families.

Statistically 2/3rds o Hispanic families have a Father in the home. In Black familes only 1/3rd have a Father in the home.

Having lived in Washington DC and then Arizona I have seen quite a lot of both cultures and the differences are very apparent. For example when I went to kids sporting events, the Hispanics often have not only Dad and Mom but the Nanas and Tatas at the games. For the Black kids I would didn't see many Dads at the games only Moms, Grandmas, sisters etc.
How many Hispanics are there in the USA?
Mucho. Lots of mucho.
TRUE they are not as bad as the blacks...however it's like saying the Dodge Neon is a great car...when in comparison to a broken Ford Model A.
Hispanics are highly represented in crime statistics. One reason they may be viewed so positively, is that in many data tables they are STILL listed as white. This tends to muddy the water a bit...STS.

Most Hispanics can be reached spiritually....they tend to be deeply religious even the gang member btw...... The Mexican Cartels...well they're another breed...... I have lived with, worked with and befriended many, many Hispanic people in my life.....they are some of the best people you can meet and be acquainted with. They have a HUGE work ethic and will work around the clock if you let them...will help you out any time you need a hand and look out for your kids if they know who they belong to.......they are just good people in general.

There are far more Hispanics in America than Blacks yet Blacks commit far more crimes, are involved in far more violent crimes and are much more likely to meet an early violent death. It is possible the primary difference between the two cultures is the lack of strong adult male role models especially Fathers in Black families vs Hispanic families.

Statistically 2/3rds o Hispanic families have a Father in the home. In Black familes only 1/3rd have a Father in the home.

Having lived in Washington DC and then Arizona I have seen quite a lot of both cultures and the differences are very apparent. For example when I went to kids sporting events, the Hispanics often have not only Dad and Mom but the Nanas and Tatas at the games. For the Black kids I would didn't see many Dads at the games only Moms, Grandmas, sisters etc.
How many Hispanics are there in the USA?
Mucho. Lots of mucho.

I bet you've noticed you have to press #1 for English.
Between 50 and 80 million illegal aliens alone reside in the USofA.
There are far more Hispanics in America than Blacks yet Blacks commit far more crimes, are involved in far more violent crimes and are much more likely to meet an early violent death. It is possible the primary difference between the two cultures is the lack of strong adult male role models especially Fathers in Black families vs Hispanic families.

Statistically 2/3rds o Hispanic families have a Father in the home. In Black familes only 1/3rd have a Father in the home.

Having lived in Washington DC and then Arizona I have seen quite a lot of both cultures and the differences are very apparent. For example when I went to kids sporting events, the Hispanics often have not only Dad and Mom but the Nanas and Tatas at the games. For the Black kids I would didn't see many Dads at the games only Moms, Grandmas, sisters etc.
How many Hispanics are there in the USA?
Mucho. Lots of mucho.

I bet you've noticed you have to press #1 for English.
Between 50 and 80 million illegal aliens alone reside in the USofA.
Yeah, let los illegal a-holeos do some work and press uno if they wanna play phone call. Our phones. Our rules. Go home if you don’t like it.
TRUE they are not as bad as the blacks...however it's like saying the Dodge Neon is a great car...when in comparison to a broken Ford Model A.
Hispanics are highly represented in crime statistics. One reason they may be viewed so positively, is that in many data tables they are STILL listed as white. This tends to muddy the water a bit...STS.

Most Hispanics can be reached spiritually....they tend to be deeply religious even the gang member btw...... The Mexican Cartels...well they're another breed...... I have lived with, worked with and befriended many, many Hispanic people in my life.....they are some of the best people you can meet and be acquainted with. They have a HUGE work ethic and will work around the clock if you let them...will help you out any time you need a hand and look out for your kids if they know who they belong to.......they are just good people in general.

Whatever...your attitude exhibits an acquiescence that has, in part led us here. The SAME people and culture who kill 48, 000 fellow Mexicans per year...are here. Borders, language, and culture.
There are far more Hispanics in America than Blacks yet Blacks commit far more crimes, are involved in far more violent crimes and are much more likely to meet an early violent death. It is possible the primary difference between the two cultures is the lack of strong adult male role models especially Fathers in Black families vs Hispanic families.

Statistically 2/3rds o Hispanic families have a Father in the home. In Black familes only 1/3rd have a Father in the home.

Having lived in Washington DC and then Arizona I have seen quite a lot of both cultures and the differences are very apparent. For example when I went to kids sporting events, the Hispanics often have not only Dad and Mom but the Nanas and Tatas at the games. For the Black kids I would didn't see many Dads at the games only Moms, Grandmas, sisters etc.
How many Hispanics are there in the USA?
Mucho. Lots of mucho.

I bet you've noticed you have to press #1 for English.
Between 50 and 80 million illegal aliens alone reside in the USofA.
Yeah, let los illegal a-holeos do some work and press uno if they wanna play phone call. Our phones. Our rules. Go home if you don’t like it.

It stops being America's rules when Democrats gain power.
There are far more Hispanics in America than Blacks yet Blacks commit far more crimes, are involved in far more violent crimes and are much more likely to meet an early violent death. It is possible the primary difference between the two cultures is the lack of strong adult male role models especially Fathers in Black families vs Hispanic families.

Statistically 2/3rds o Hispanic families have a Father in the home. In Black familes only 1/3rd have a Father in the home.

Having lived in Washington DC and then Arizona I have seen quite a lot of both cultures and the differences are very apparent. For example when I went to kids sporting events, the Hispanics often have not only Dad and Mom but the Nanas and Tatas at the games. For the Black kids I would didn't see many Dads at the games only Moms, Grandmas, sisters etc.
How many Hispanics are there in the USA?
Mucho. Lots of mucho.

I bet you've noticed you have to press #1 for English.
Between 50 and 80 million illegal aliens alone reside in the USofA.
Yeah, let los illegal a-holeos do some work and press uno if they wanna play phone call. Our phones. Our rules. Go home if you don’t like it.

It stops being America's rules when Democrats gain power.
Hardly so since the Democrats in power are part of America's rules.
There are far more Hispanics in America than Blacks yet Blacks commit far more crimes, are involved in far more violent crimes and are much more likely to meet an early violent death. It is possible the primary difference between the two cultures is the lack of strong adult male role models especially Fathers in Black families vs Hispanic families.

Statistically 2/3rds o Hispanic families have a Father in the home. In Black familes only 1/3rd have a Father in the home.

Having lived in Washington DC and then Arizona I have seen quite a lot of both cultures and the differences are very apparent. For example when I went to kids sporting events, the Hispanics often have not only Dad and Mom but the Nanas and Tatas at the games. For the Black kids I would didn't see many Dads at the games only Moms, Grandmas, sisters etc.
How many Hispanics are there in the USA?
Mucho. Lots of mucho.

I bet you've noticed you have to press #1 for English.
Between 50 and 80 million illegal aliens alone reside in the USofA.
usted habla español?
Hispanics have some african blood in them
I probably do, too. I had a great-great-great-grandmother who was black African, and worked as a babysitter or governess for a wealthy white family in Finland. They beat her and she escaped across the Baltic Sea to Estonia. She may have taught Finnish there, since her grammar was so impeccably correct because of her previous employment in Finland — although that was probably not exactly a willing job reference.

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