Hispanics Hate Trump

It depends on your answer: Are they here legally?
Against immigration law????
But why are you branded them ALL I mean ALL as murderer criminals and drug dealers, rapist? When my parents have not done any kinds of criminal activity. This in 1930.
Why is that?

Nope. No all crimes are the same.

You can leave an old washing machine in the front yard or not pay your parking ticket and in some states those are considered misdemeanor criminal offenses. Catch out-of-season fish is criminal offense and you will pay fine and maybe end up in jail.

Illegal aliens broke a law by being here illegally, and that is a crime. You might feel offended for using the same word for illegal aliens, murderers, poachers, but sorry, whoever breaks the law is a criminal.
Despite all of that, there will be no mass deportation.

Ever hear of Operation Wetback? Look it up.
This is America sixty years later, and the point is that your ilk will not take us back to that time.

Look snake, we have tens of millions of people in this country illegally, they are taking jobs and benefits from legal american citizens. Something must be done or our country will be destroyed by this invasion.

Many of them are good people, but they need to follow our immigration laws and do it legally.

As to deportations, lets deport the criminals first, the gangbangers, the thugs, the murderers, the rapists. Thats maybe 10% of the total. Then lets identify and register the rest of them, make them pay a fine, and then get in line behind those doing it legally. If they don't pay the fines and get in line, deport them too.

I do not understand the liberal empathy for lawbreakers.
How about if we just enforce the laws currently on the books? How about if we secure the border and control who comes in?

This is not complicated. Enforce the laws.

I totally agree.
The left are using propaganda that pulls on the heart strings to support their ideology of open borders.
Open border polices have been proven to not work.
While the rest of the world has changed that stance, the left in this country won't, they are too blind.

I know of no Liberals who are for completely open borders. Are you sniffing something?

Who used the word completely?

Well, it depends on how you want to define it.

Actually, our treaty with Mexico never demanded a closed border, and there is a reason for this.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Letting them in legally.
Our Constitution says the Government is suppose to protect our borders from invasion.
Not let in hundreds of children coming in illegally by ignoring the laws.
Not letting drug cartels store their drugs in American caves.

Uhm, no. That is not the reason why the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo did not specify closed borders.

Think it through again. Let's see if you can figure this out.
We have 11 no more than 12 mm illegals in the country. We have millions of their citizen children. A wall and a deportation will not happen. Let's get to work on a bill again. Use the Senate bill and go from there.
Against immigration law????
But why are you branded them ALL I mean ALL as murderer criminals and drug dealers, rapist? When my parents have not done any kinds of criminal activity. This in 1930.
Why is that?

Nope. No all crimes are the same.

You can leave an old washing machine in the front yard or not pay your parking ticket and in some states those are considered misdemeanor criminal offenses. Catch out-of-season fish is criminal offense and you will pay fine and maybe end up in jail.

Illegal aliens broke a law by being here illegally, and that is a crime. You might feel offended for using the same word for illegal aliens, murderers, poachers, but sorry, whoever breaks the law is a criminal.
Despite all of that, there will be no mass deportation.

Ever hear of Operation Wetback? Look it up.
This is America sixty years later, and the point is that your ilk will not take us back to that time.

Look snake, we have tens of millions of people in this country illegally, they are taking jobs and benefits from legal american citizens. Something must be done or our country will be destroyed by this invasion.

Many of them are good people, but they need to follow our immigration laws and do it legally.

As to deportations, lets deport the criminals first, the gangbangers, the thugs, the murderers, the rapists. Thats maybe 10% of the total. Then lets identify and register the rest of them, make them pay a fine, and then get in line behind those doing it legally. If they don't pay the fines and get in line, deport them too.

I do not understand the liberal empathy for lawbreakers.
They are liars and crooks and eternally seeking new ways to normalize every form of depravity. Of course they empathize with criminals.
Against immigration law????
But why are you branded them ALL I mean ALL as murderer criminals and drug dealers, rapist? When my parents have not done any kinds of criminal activity. This in 1930.
Why is that?

Nope. No all crimes are the same.

You can leave an old washing machine in the front yard or not pay your parking ticket and in some states those are considered misdemeanor criminal offenses. Catch out-of-season fish is criminal offense and you will pay fine and maybe end up in jail.

Illegal aliens broke a law by being here illegally, and that is a crime. You might feel offended for using the same word for illegal aliens, murderers, poachers, but sorry, whoever breaks the law is a criminal.
Despite all of that, there will be no mass deportation.

Ever hear of Operation Wetback? Look it up.
This is America sixty years later, and the point is that your ilk will not take us back to that time.

Look snake, we have tens of millions of people in this country illegally, they are taking jobs and benefits from legal american citizens. Something must be done or our country will be destroyed by this invasion.

Many of them are good people, but they need to follow our immigration laws and do it legally.

As to deportations, lets deport the criminals first, the gangbangers, the thugs, the murderers, the rapists. Thats maybe 10% of the total. Then lets identify and register the rest of them, make them pay a fine, and then get in line behind those doing it legally. If they don't pay the fines and get in line, deport them too.

I do not understand the liberal empathy for lawbreakers.

That is because the left are good at using propaganda towards their emotions in order to control them with their ideology.
We have 11 no more than 12 mm illegals in the country. We have millions of their citizen children. A wall and a deportation will not happen. Let's get to work on a bill again. Use the Senate bill and go from there.

No new bill is needed. We have sufficient laws already on the books. What you dems want is amnesty because you see millions of potential dem voters----------and you fricken well know thats what this is really all about.
We have 11 no more than 12 mm illegals in the country. We have millions of their citizen children. A wall and a deportation will not happen. Let's get to work on a bill again. Use the Senate bill and go from there.

No new bill is needed. We have sufficient laws already on the books. What you dems want is amnesty because you see millions of potential dem voters----------and you fricken well know thats what this is really all about.
I am not a dem and your are not GOP. You are a reactionary far right wing xenophobic nativist. We will lose this election to the Dems because of folks like you.
Nope. No all crimes are the same.

You can leave an old washing machine in the front yard or not pay your parking ticket and in some states those are considered misdemeanor criminal offenses. Catch out-of-season fish is criminal offense and you will pay fine and maybe end up in jail.

Illegal aliens broke a law by being here illegally, and that is a crime. You might feel offended for using the same word for illegal aliens, murderers, poachers, but sorry, whoever breaks the law is a criminal.
Despite all of that, there will be no mass deportation.

Ever hear of Operation Wetback? Look it up.
This is America sixty years later, and the point is that your ilk will not take us back to that time.

Look snake, we have tens of millions of people in this country illegally, they are taking jobs and benefits from legal american citizens. Something must be done or our country will be destroyed by this invasion.

Many of them are good people, but they need to follow our immigration laws and do it legally.

As to deportations, lets deport the criminals first, the gangbangers, the thugs, the murderers, the rapists. Thats maybe 10% of the total. Then lets identify and register the rest of them, make them pay a fine, and then get in line behind those doing it legally. If they don't pay the fines and get in line, deport them too. I do not understand the liberal empathy for lawbreakers.
That is because the left are good at using propaganda towards their emotions in order to control them with their ideology.
All political organization use propaganda.
We have 11 no more than 12 mm illegals in the country. We have millions of their citizen children. A wall and a deportation will not happen. Let's get to work on a bill again. Use the Senate bill and go from there.

No new bill is needed. We have sufficient laws already on the books. What you dems want is amnesty because you see millions of potential dem voters----------and you fricken well know thats what this is really all about.
I am not a dem and your are not GOP. You are a reactionary far right wing xenophobic nativist. We will lose this election to the Dems because of folks like you.

File under: GOP infighting is fun!!!
I totally agree.
The left are using propaganda that pulls on the heart strings to support their ideology of open borders.
Open border polices have been proven to not work.
While the rest of the world has changed that stance, the left in this country won't, they are too blind.

I know of no Liberals who are for completely open borders. Are you sniffing something?

Who used the word completely?

Well, it depends on how you want to define it.

Actually, our treaty with Mexico never demanded a closed border, and there is a reason for this.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Letting them in legally.
Our Constitution says the Government is suppose to protect our borders from invasion.
Not let in hundreds of children coming in illegally by ignoring the laws.
Not letting drug cartels store their drugs in American caves.

Uhm, no. That is not the reason why the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo did not specify closed borders.

Think it through again. Let's see if you can figure this out.

That treaty has nothing to do with it.
The Mexican Government worked with the US government to deport them in 1954.
You need to rethink it.
Despite all of that, there will be no mass deportation.

Ever hear of Operation Wetback? Look it up.
This is America sixty years later, and the point is that your ilk will not take us back to that time.

Look snake, we have tens of millions of people in this country illegally, they are taking jobs and benefits from legal american citizens. Something must be done or our country will be destroyed by this invasion.

Many of them are good people, but they need to follow our immigration laws and do it legally.

As to deportations, lets deport the criminals first, the gangbangers, the thugs, the murderers, the rapists. Thats maybe 10% of the total. Then lets identify and register the rest of them, make them pay a fine, and then get in line behind those doing it legally. If they don't pay the fines and get in line, deport them too. I do not understand the liberal empathy for lawbreakers.
That is because the left are good at using propaganda towards their emotions in order to control them with their ideology.
All political organization use propaganda.

Yes and the right and independents has figured it out and are sick of it.
When will the left see it also?
I know of no Liberals who are for completely open borders. Are you sniffing something?

Who used the word completely?

Well, it depends on how you want to define it.

Actually, our treaty with Mexico never demanded a closed border, and there is a reason for this.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Letting them in legally.
Our Constitution says the Government is suppose to protect our borders from invasion.
Not let in hundreds of children coming in illegally by ignoring the laws.
Not letting drug cartels store their drugs in American caves.

Uhm, no. That is not the reason why the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo did not specify closed borders.

Think it through again. Let's see if you can figure this out.

That treaty has nothing to do with it.
The Mexican Government worked with the US government to deport them in 1954.
You need to rethink it.

No. You missed the point, because you are uneducated about this.

The reason why a closed border was NOT specified in the treaty was because, after Mexico's crushing loss in the war in the mid 1800's and the ceding of so much land to us, after the treaty was signed, many, many, many Mexicans suddenly found themselves overnight on OUR side of the border and wanted to go home. The best way to do this was with an open border, where they could pack up their stuff and simply go.

You see, educating yourself just a wee bit can go a long way.

I do not advocate for an open border. But the Righties are missing the real ports of entry for the majority of illegal immigrants who get here, namely via air and seaports on all three coasts.
We have 11 no more than 12 mm illegals in the country. We have millions of their citizen children. A wall and a deportation will not happen. Let's get to work on a bill again. Use the Senate bill and go from there.

prove it.

No one knows how many there are...10 is too many

never mind 30 million.....how's that?
Who used the word completely?

Well, it depends on how you want to define it.

Actually, our treaty with Mexico never demanded a closed border, and there is a reason for this.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Letting them in legally.
Our Constitution says the Government is suppose to protect our borders from invasion.
Not let in hundreds of children coming in illegally by ignoring the laws.
Not letting drug cartels store their drugs in American caves.

Uhm, no. That is not the reason why the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo did not specify closed borders.

Think it through again. Let's see if you can figure this out.

That treaty has nothing to do with it.
The Mexican Government worked with the US government to deport them in 1954.
You need to rethink it.

No. You missed the point, because you are uneducated about this.

The reason why a closed border was NOT specified in the treaty was because, after Mexico's crushing loss in the war in the mid 1800's and the ceding of so much land to us, after the treaty was signed, many, many, many Mexicans suddenly found themselves overnight on OUR side of the border and wanted to go home. The best way to do this was with an open border, where they could pack up their stuff and simply go.

You see, educating yourself just a wee bit can go a long way.

I do not advocate for an open border. But the Righties are missing the real ports of entry for the majority of illegal immigrants who get here, namely via air and seaports on all three coasts.
unfounded opinion backed up with vague, inaccurate historical references...
won't work.
Actually a well founded discussion by Stat dismissed by someone who does not think well. One, the illegals are not being deported. Two, birthrigh citizenship will not end. Third, the two parties need to sit down and work on a bill.
Actually a well founded discussion by Stat dismissed by someone who does not think well. One, the illegals are not being deported. Two, birthrigh citizenship will not end. Third, the two parties need to sit down and work on a bill.

you better brace yourself, then....
Who used the word completely?

Well, it depends on how you want to define it.

Actually, our treaty with Mexico never demanded a closed border, and there is a reason for this.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Letting them in legally.
Our Constitution says the Government is suppose to protect our borders from invasion.
Not let in hundreds of children coming in illegally by ignoring the laws.
Not letting drug cartels store their drugs in American caves.

Uhm, no. That is not the reason why the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo did not specify closed borders.

Think it through again. Let's see if you can figure this out.

That treaty has nothing to do with it.
The Mexican Government worked with the US government to deport them in 1954.
You need to rethink it.

No. You missed the point, because you are uneducated about this.

The reason why a closed border was NOT specified in the treaty was because, after Mexico's crushing loss in the war in the mid 1800's and the ceding of so much land to us, after the treaty was signed, many, many, many Mexicans suddenly found themselves overnight on OUR side of the border and wanted to go home. The best way to do this was with an open border, where they could pack up their stuff and simply go.

You see, educating yourself just a wee bit can go a long way.

I do not advocate for an open border. But the Righties are missing the real ports of entry for the majority of illegal immigrants who get here, namely via air and seaports on all three coasts.

You are the one not educated.
90% choose to remain in the new USA land.
10% wanted to go back to Mexico.
Totally different situation than what is happening today.
That has nothing to do with today, too many are here illegally, whether it be crossing the borders or overstaying their visas.
It has nothing to do with newly purchased land back then.
Well, it depends on how you want to define it.

Actually, our treaty with Mexico never demanded a closed border, and there is a reason for this.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Letting them in legally.
Our Constitution says the Government is suppose to protect our borders from invasion.
Not let in hundreds of children coming in illegally by ignoring the laws.
Not letting drug cartels store their drugs in American caves.

Uhm, no. That is not the reason why the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo did not specify closed borders.

Think it through again. Let's see if you can figure this out.

That treaty has nothing to do with it.
The Mexican Government worked with the US government to deport them in 1954.
You need to rethink it.

No. You missed the point, because you are uneducated about this.

The reason why a closed border was NOT specified in the treaty was because, after Mexico's crushing loss in the war in the mid 1800's and the ceding of so much land to us, after the treaty was signed, many, many, many Mexicans suddenly found themselves overnight on OUR side of the border and wanted to go home. The best way to do this was with an open border, where they could pack up their stuff and simply go.

You see, educating yourself just a wee bit can go a long way.

I do not advocate for an open border. But the Righties are missing the real ports of entry for the majority of illegal immigrants who get here, namely via air and seaports on all three coasts.

You are the one not educated.
90% choose to remain in the new USA land.
10% wanted to go back to Mexico.
Totally different situation than what is happening today.
That has nothing to do with today, too many are here illegally, whether it be crossing the borders or overstaying their visas.
It has nothing to do with newly purchased land back then.

every time their bankrupt ideas and logic get's shot down with facts, they retreat to the standard fallback position of talking about the past.
"It has nothing to do with newly purchased land back then", and thank you for a smart statement. Maybe Rota and the others will stop talking about the past.

We deal with what we have now. More than 11 mm illegals, millions of birth right citizens, and the need to control immigration.

One, the illegals most of them are not going "home" because they are home.

Two, the birthright citizens and most of the other legal Hispanics are going to vote against anyone who talks deportations and walls.

So, Three, lets set down and talk reform.

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