Hispanics Hate Trump

'Hispanics Hate Trump' -- No, 'Illegal Hispanics, Violent Criminal Illegal Hispanics, and Socialist Progressive Liberals Hate Trump'

...and when Illegals, Violent Illegal Criminals, and Liberals hate a candidate, you KNOW you have the right candidate running.
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I don't know what a "trumpbot" is..you kids and your namecalling...I DO know that whatever a trumpbot is, it isn't running for president, so who cares what it says....

This is turning out to be the best GOP primary ever. Trump has the MSM hopping mad, outed Fox News as in the tank for the Republican establishment in DC, the Dems are freaking out, and the GOP establishment is completely discombobulated, and none of them can figure out why they have not been able to destroy him for daring talking about issues like illegals. Its simply hilarious watching them flail about.
The Dems are freaking out? Over what, the Trump Blame the Beaners tour? Kiddo, that sells newspapers, that's all...
"beaners"? bigot
Beaners, wetbacks, taco *******, gardener, maid, nanny, or dish-washer, they are well of what you think of them...

Yet it was a liberal recently who made the point that if we deported them who would cut her grass.

Kelly Osborn. but who will clean the people TOILETS.

they don't care about these people so don't let them get away with this fear mongering of how Hispanics hates the Gop/Trump all republicans in the country
Oh for crying out loud what a load of crap. The narrative that poor illegals are just good honest hard working people looking for a job is rubbish. The facts do not fit that talking point. Millions of these illegals are committing crime. Not a few not a small percentage a whole big chunk of them.

I imagine you are baffled looking for an example, fine. Research the $4 billion a year scam (that continues to grow each year) where illegals file fraudulent tax returns claiming fraudulent child tax credits to scam tax refunds in the thousands, even over $10,000. A lot bigger than most American's tax refunds I can tell you that. Its a scam, its illegal for them to claim this credit you have to be a US citizen. $4 billion a year and rising.

These illegals have no problem with breaking our laws, none.
Oh cry me river. Millions of these illegals committing crimes?? Your dreaming and justification of your lunacy. If you a hear an illegal commuting heinous crime you multiply by 20? If you see these people on the streets we should rounded up and put them all in jail. Because according to you millions committed crimes.
From your post... I know you will respond...arrest them all.

Being in this country illegally is a crime. Do you understand that?
No, unlawful presence in the country is not a crime. It is a violation of federal immigration law to remain in the country without legal authorization, but this violation is punishable by civil penalties, not criminal. Chief among these civil penalties is deportation or removal, where an unlawful resident may be detained and removed from the country.

Is Illegal Immigration a Crime? Improper Entry v. Unlawful Presence

you are talking in circles. Do you understand what the word 'illegal' means? an illegal act is a crime, whether its a civil crime or a criminal crime or a misdemeaner or a felony does not change it from being a crime.

entering the USA illegally is a crime, staying here illegally is a crime. Giving birth does not negate the crime of the mother.
A civil offense such as unlawful presence in the country is illegal but it is not considered a crime because it is a violation of civil statue not a criminal statue. People staying in the country with expired visas such as work permits are charged with illegal present. They can't be fined or imprisoned but they can be deported and they can be barred from reentry. These action are not punishment according SCOTUS but are administrative procedures.

Improper Entry is a crime, however it is misdemeanor not a felony. The punishment is is a fine up to $250 and up 6 mos. in jail. However, these penalties are almost always waived because the fines don't get paid and imprisonment serves no purpose.

My point in this discussion is not that illegal immigrants aren't doing anything wrong. If we want these people treated as criminals, which I don't agree with, we need criminal statues and the cases should be tried in a criminal court.

How about if we just enforce the laws currently on the books? How about if we secure the border and control who comes in?

This is not complicated. Enforce the laws.
All agreed that these illegals crossed our borders illegally thus qualified to be called criminals.
Most of these people came here to seek a better life, work hard so they can feed their families. And yes there are those who commit heinous crimes which should be deported.
My parents came here in early 30 without papers from Barcelona. They never not committed any crime except traffic ticket due to old age.
Is that mean my parents are criminals?

It depends on your answer: Are they here legally?
Against immigration law????
But why are you branded them ALL I mean ALL as murderer criminals and drug dealers, rapist? When my parents have not done any kinds of criminal activity. This in 1930.
Why is that?

Nope. No all crimes are the same.

You can leave an old washing machine in the front yard or not pay your parking ticket and in some states those are considered misdemeanor criminal offenses. Catch out-of-season fish is criminal offense and you will pay fine and maybe end up in jail.

Illegal aliens broke a law by being here illegally, and that is a crime. You might feel offended for using the same word for illegal aliens, murderers, poachers, but sorry, whoever breaks the law is a criminal.
Despite all of that, there will be no mass deportation.

Ever hear of Operation Wetback? Look it up.
All agreed that these illegals crossed our borders illegally thus qualified to be called criminals.
Most of these people came here to seek a better life, work hard so they can feed their families. And yes there are those who commit heinous crimes which should be deported.
My parents came here in early 30 without papers from Barcelona. They never not committed any crime except traffic ticket due to old age.
Is that mean my parents are criminals?

It depends on your answer: Are they here legally?
Against immigration law????
But why are you branded them ALL I mean ALL as murderer criminals and drug dealers, rapist? When my parents have not done any kinds of criminal activity. This in 1930.
Why is that?

Nope. No all crimes are the same.

You can leave an old washing machine in the front yard or not pay your parking ticket and in some states those are considered misdemeanor criminal offenses. Catch out-of-season fish is criminal offense and you will pay fine and maybe end up in jail.

Illegal aliens broke a law by being here illegally, and that is a crime. You might feel offended for using the same word for illegal aliens, murderers, poachers, but sorry, whoever breaks the law is a criminal.
Despite all of that, there will be no mass deportation.

Ever hear of Operation Wetback? Look it up.
This is America sixty years later, and the point is that your ilk will not take us back to that time.
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Kelly Osborn. but who will clean the people TOILETS.

they don't care about these people so don't let them get away with this fear mongering of how Hispanics hates the Gop/Trump all republicans in the country

Osborne showed that Progressive Socialist Liberal Elitists want NOTHING to do with illegals, want to stay as far away from them as possible, don't mind them cleaning their toilets but don't want them as neighbors, and don't mind forcing them on the rest of us who they find us beneath them as well but do not want them rubbing elbows with them!

Elitist little snobs like Osborne, who never worked a day in her life for the money mummy and daddy has provided should be forced to clean toilets and wait on others to bring them back to reality.
Oh cry me river. Millions of these illegals committing crimes?? Your dreaming and justification of your lunacy. If you a hear an illegal commuting heinous crime you multiply by 20? If you see these people on the streets we should rounded up and put them all in jail. Because according to you millions committed crimes.
From your post... I know you will respond...arrest them all.

Being in this country illegally is a crime. Do you understand that?
No, unlawful presence in the country is not a crime. It is a violation of federal immigration law to remain in the country without legal authorization, but this violation is punishable by civil penalties, not criminal. Chief among these civil penalties is deportation or removal, where an unlawful resident may be detained and removed from the country.

Is Illegal Immigration a Crime? Improper Entry v. Unlawful Presence

you are talking in circles. Do you understand what the word 'illegal' means? an illegal act is a crime, whether its a civil crime or a criminal crime or a misdemeaner or a felony does not change it from being a crime.

entering the USA illegally is a crime, staying here illegally is a crime. Giving birth does not negate the crime of the mother.
A civil offense such as unlawful presence in the country is illegal but it is not considered a crime because it is a violation of civil statue not a criminal statue. People staying in the country with expired visas such as work permits are charged with illegal present. They can't be fined or imprisoned but they can be deported and they can be barred from reentry. These action are not punishment according SCOTUS but are administrative procedures.

Improper Entry is a crime, however it is misdemeanor not a felony. The punishment is is a fine up to $250 and up 6 mos. in jail. However, these penalties are almost always waived because the fines don't get paid and imprisonment serves no purpose.

My point in this discussion is not that illegal immigrants aren't doing anything wrong. If we want these people treated as criminals, which I don't agree with, we need criminal statues and the cases should be tried in a criminal court.

How about if we just enforce the laws currently on the books? How about if we secure the border and control who comes in?

This is not complicated. Enforce the laws.

I totally agree.
The left are using propaganda that pulls on the heart strings to support their ideology of open borders.
Open border polices have been proven to not work.
While the rest of the world has changed that stance, the left in this country won't, they are too blind.
Being in this country illegally is a crime. Do you understand that?
No, unlawful presence in the country is not a crime. It is a violation of federal immigration law to remain in the country without legal authorization, but this violation is punishable by civil penalties, not criminal. Chief among these civil penalties is deportation or removal, where an unlawful resident may be detained and removed from the country.

Is Illegal Immigration a Crime? Improper Entry v. Unlawful Presence

you are talking in circles. Do you understand what the word 'illegal' means? an illegal act is a crime, whether its a civil crime or a criminal crime or a misdemeaner or a felony does not change it from being a crime.

entering the USA illegally is a crime, staying here illegally is a crime. Giving birth does not negate the crime of the mother.
A civil offense such as unlawful presence in the country is illegal but it is not considered a crime because it is a violation of civil statue not a criminal statue. People staying in the country with expired visas such as work permits are charged with illegal present. They can't be fined or imprisoned but they can be deported and they can be barred from reentry. These action are not punishment according SCOTUS but are administrative procedures.

Improper Entry is a crime, however it is misdemeanor not a felony. The punishment is is a fine up to $250 and up 6 mos. in jail. However, these penalties are almost always waived because the fines don't get paid and imprisonment serves no purpose.

My point in this discussion is not that illegal immigrants aren't doing anything wrong. If we want these people treated as criminals, which I don't agree with, we need criminal statues and the cases should be tried in a criminal court.

How about if we just enforce the laws currently on the books? How about if we secure the border and control who comes in?

This is not complicated. Enforce the laws.

I totally agree.
The left are using propaganda that pulls on the heart strings to support their ideology of open borders.
Open border polices have been proven to not work.
While the rest of the world has changed that stance, the left in this country won't, they are too blind.

I know of no Liberals who are for completely open borders. Are you sniffing something?
No, unlawful presence in the country is not a crime. It is a violation of federal immigration law to remain in the country without legal authorization, but this violation is punishable by civil penalties, not criminal. Chief among these civil penalties is deportation or removal, where an unlawful resident may be detained and removed from the country.

Is Illegal Immigration a Crime? Improper Entry v. Unlawful Presence

you are talking in circles. Do you understand what the word 'illegal' means? an illegal act is a crime, whether its a civil crime or a criminal crime or a misdemeaner or a felony does not change it from being a crime.

entering the USA illegally is a crime, staying here illegally is a crime. Giving birth does not negate the crime of the mother.
A civil offense such as unlawful presence in the country is illegal but it is not considered a crime because it is a violation of civil statue not a criminal statue. People staying in the country with expired visas such as work permits are charged with illegal present. They can't be fined or imprisoned but they can be deported and they can be barred from reentry. These action are not punishment according SCOTUS but are administrative procedures.

Improper Entry is a crime, however it is misdemeanor not a felony. The punishment is is a fine up to $250 and up 6 mos. in jail. However, these penalties are almost always waived because the fines don't get paid and imprisonment serves no purpose.

My point in this discussion is not that illegal immigrants aren't doing anything wrong. If we want these people treated as criminals, which I don't agree with, we need criminal statues and the cases should be tried in a criminal court.

How about if we just enforce the laws currently on the books? How about if we secure the border and control who comes in?

This is not complicated. Enforce the laws.

I totally agree.
The left are using propaganda that pulls on the heart strings to support their ideology of open borders.
Open border polices have been proven to not work.
While the rest of the world has changed that stance, the left in this country won't, they are too blind.

I know of no Liberals who are for completely open borders. Are you sniffing something?

Who used the word completely?
The United States is one of the only countries, thanks to bleeding heart liberal socialist progressives, that have an open border, does not try to contol it, and who does not require voter ID. Mexico, for example, who is allowing their people to flood into the US (because we are stupid / ruled by stupid people) has an aggressive Immigration policy, is not CHARGING Americans to enter their country, and has a strict voter ID policy.

So basically the US has become a 3rd world nation in many ways compared to Mexico, the nation that is taking radical advantage of our moronic leaders and our insane failed policies.

If you were a country and your neighbor was willing to ignorantly provide a large portion of your people with free medical care, welfare, social security, unemployment, and food stamps, was allowing millions of dollars to flow back into your country, and allowed you to get rid of many of your criminal population by allowing them to flow into their country....wouldn't YOU welcome that as well. You really can't blame Mexico for our leaders' stupidity!
"that have an open border" is a lie

"does not try to contol it" is a lie

"and who does not require voter ID" is a lie

Are you in home or parochial school 7th grade believing what you are being told by your teacher?
'I know of no Liberals who are for completely open borders. Are you sniffing something?'

If you are for a President who refuses to enforce existing Immigration Laws, then you support open borders.

If you support a President and policies that result in BPAs standing idle, watching illegals climb fences and walking right past them and not being able to do anything about it, then you support open borders.

If you support a President who has and contnues to engage in Human Trafficking by bringing in illegals and releasing them into communities without informing local / state agencies...when this President has disobeyed court orders to do this, has been found guilty of contempt of court and is in jeopardy of being found in Contempt of court AGAIN - yet does not care...then you support Open Borders.

If you support a President who openly declares he will support and protect cities that illegally provide safe haven to violent criminal illegals who prey on US citizens...a President who created an Un-Constitutional 'right' for illegals ONLY that consists of no criminal charges or convictions for any crime less than a Felony....who is currently running a 'catch and release' policy regarding multiple FELONY-conviction violent illegals who continue to rape, kidnap, attack, and murder US citizens, then you are for open borders...

...and everything this nation stands against!
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Even the EU who had rules of how to run their ideology of open borders has had some of the countries stop and reverse it.
Only a few like Germany is still being stupid.
you are talking in circles. Do you understand what the word 'illegal' means? an illegal act is a crime, whether its a civil crime or a criminal crime or a misdemeaner or a felony does not change it from being a crime.

entering the USA illegally is a crime, staying here illegally is a crime. Giving birth does not negate the crime of the mother.
A civil offense such as unlawful presence in the country is illegal but it is not considered a crime because it is a violation of civil statue not a criminal statue. People staying in the country with expired visas such as work permits are charged with illegal present. They can't be fined or imprisoned but they can be deported and they can be barred from reentry. These action are not punishment according SCOTUS but are administrative procedures.

Improper Entry is a crime, however it is misdemeanor not a felony. The punishment is is a fine up to $250 and up 6 mos. in jail. However, these penalties are almost always waived because the fines don't get paid and imprisonment serves no purpose.

My point in this discussion is not that illegal immigrants aren't doing anything wrong. If we want these people treated as criminals, which I don't agree with, we need criminal statues and the cases should be tried in a criminal court.

How about if we just enforce the laws currently on the books? How about if we secure the border and control who comes in?

This is not complicated. Enforce the laws.

I totally agree.
The left are using propaganda that pulls on the heart strings to support their ideology of open borders.
Open border polices have been proven to not work.
While the rest of the world has changed that stance, the left in this country won't, they are too blind.

I know of no Liberals who are for completely open borders. Are you sniffing something?

Who used the word completely?

Well, it depends on how you want to define it.

Actually, our treaty with Mexico never demanded a closed border, and there is a reason for this.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
'I know of no Liberals who are for completely open borders. Are you sniffing something?'

If you are for a President who refuses to enforce existing Immigration Laws, then you support open borders.

If you support a President and policies that result in BPAs standing idle, watching illegals climb fences and walking right past them and not being able to do anything about it, then you support open borders.

If you support a President who has and contnues to negage in Human Trafficking by bringing in illegals and releasing them into communities without informing local / state agencies...when this President has disobeyed court orders to do this, has been found guilty of contempt of court and is in jeopardy of being found in Contempt of court AGAIN - yet does not care...then you support Open Borders.

If you support a President who openly declares he will support and protect cities that illegally provide safe haven to violent criminal illegals who prey on US citizens...a President who created an Un-Constitutional 'right' for illegals ONLY that consists of no criminal charges or convictions for any crime less than a Felony....who is currently running a 'catch and release' policy regarding multiple FELONY-conviction violent illegals who continue to rape, kidnap, attack, and murder US citizens, then you are for open borders...

...and everything this nation stands against!

Nice rant.
This President
- has engaged in human trafficking to bring illegals into the US against existing Immigration policy
- refuses to enforce existing Immigration Law
- defends cities that violate US law and provides safe haven to violent illegals


Mexico requires voter IDs while Liberals Obama refuses to allow them. Obama even went to Africa and helped them set up their own voter ID system...but opposes it back at home. Last election a woman bragged how she voted for Obama 6 times to help him win. After she was arrested Obama sent Atty General Eric Holder to drop the charges against her....

-- Does NOT Require Voter ID

Jake Starkey, get your head out of CNN's / Obama's / the DNC's rear and join us in the REAL WORLD.
'I know of no Liberals who are for completely open borders. Are you sniffing something?'

If you are for a President who refuses to enforce existing Immigration Laws, then you support open borders.

If you support a President and policies that result in BPAs standing idle, watching illegals climb fences and walking right past them and not being able to do anything about it, then you support open borders.

If you support a President who has and contnues to negage in Human Trafficking by bringing in illegals and releasing them into communities without informing local / state agencies...when this President has disobeyed court orders to do this, has been found guilty of contempt of court and is in jeopardy of being found in Contempt of court AGAIN - yet does not care...then you support Open Borders.

If you support a President who openly declares he will support and protect cities that illegally provide safe haven to violent criminal illegals who prey on US citizens...a President who created an Un-Constitutional 'right' for illegals ONLY that consists of no criminal charges or convictions for any crime less than a Felony....who is currently running a 'catch and release' policy regarding multiple FELONY-conviction violent illegals who continue to rape, kidnap, attack, and murder US citizens, then you are for open borders...

...and everything this nation stands against!

Nice rant.

That is the truth not a rant.
It depends on your answer: Are they here legally?
Against immigration law????
But why are you branded them ALL I mean ALL as murderer criminals and drug dealers, rapist? When my parents have not done any kinds of criminal activity. This in 1930.
Why is that?

Nope. No all crimes are the same.

You can leave an old washing machine in the front yard or not pay your parking ticket and in some states those are considered misdemeanor criminal offenses. Catch out-of-season fish is criminal offense and you will pay fine and maybe end up in jail.

Illegal aliens broke a law by being here illegally, and that is a crime. You might feel offended for using the same word for illegal aliens, murderers, poachers, but sorry, whoever breaks the law is a criminal.
Despite all of that, there will be no mass deportation.

Ever hear of Operation Wetback? Look it up.
This is America sixty years later, and the point is that your ilk will not take us back to that time.

time travel isn't possible
No, unlawful presence in the country is not a crime. It is a violation of federal immigration law to remain in the country without legal authorization, but this violation is punishable by civil penalties, not criminal. Chief among these civil penalties is deportation or removal, where an unlawful resident may be detained and removed from the country.

Is Illegal Immigration a Crime? Improper Entry v. Unlawful Presence

you are talking in circles. Do you understand what the word 'illegal' means? an illegal act is a crime, whether its a civil crime or a criminal crime or a misdemeaner or a felony does not change it from being a crime.

entering the USA illegally is a crime, staying here illegally is a crime. Giving birth does not negate the crime of the mother.
A civil offense such as unlawful presence in the country is illegal but it is not considered a crime because it is a violation of civil statue not a criminal statue. People staying in the country with expired visas such as work permits are charged with illegal present. They can't be fined or imprisoned but they can be deported and they can be barred from reentry. These action are not punishment according SCOTUS but are administrative procedures.

Improper Entry is a crime, however it is misdemeanor not a felony. The punishment is is a fine up to $250 and up 6 mos. in jail. However, these penalties are almost always waived because the fines don't get paid and imprisonment serves no purpose.

My point in this discussion is not that illegal immigrants aren't doing anything wrong. If we want these people treated as criminals, which I don't agree with, we need criminal statues and the cases should be tried in a criminal court.

How about if we just enforce the laws currently on the books? How about if we secure the border and control who comes in?

This is not complicated. Enforce the laws.

I totally agree.
The left are using propaganda that pulls on the heart strings to support their ideology of open borders.
Open border polices have been proven to not work.
While the rest of the world has changed that stance, the left in this country won't, they are too blind.

I know of no Liberals who are for completely open borders. Are you sniffing something?

word games is what liberals are good at....they pretend they're "enforcing" our laws as thousands cross every day and nothing is done about it except chatter....then obama is quietly colonizing parts of the u.s. with somalians and syrians and who knows what other 3rd world peasants......
A civil offense such as unlawful presence in the country is illegal but it is not considered a crime because it is a violation of civil statue not a criminal statue. People staying in the country with expired visas such as work permits are charged with illegal present. They can't be fined or imprisoned but they can be deported and they can be barred from reentry. These action are not punishment according SCOTUS but are administrative procedures.

Improper Entry is a crime, however it is misdemeanor not a felony. The punishment is is a fine up to $250 and up 6 mos. in jail. However, these penalties are almost always waived because the fines don't get paid and imprisonment serves no purpose.

My point in this discussion is not that illegal immigrants aren't doing anything wrong. If we want these people treated as criminals, which I don't agree with, we need criminal statues and the cases should be tried in a criminal court.

How about if we just enforce the laws currently on the books? How about if we secure the border and control who comes in?

This is not complicated. Enforce the laws.

I totally agree.
The left are using propaganda that pulls on the heart strings to support their ideology of open borders.
Open border polices have been proven to not work.
While the rest of the world has changed that stance, the left in this country won't, they are too blind.

I know of no Liberals who are for completely open borders. Are you sniffing something?

Who used the word completely?

Well, it depends on how you want to define it.

Actually, our treaty with Mexico never demanded a closed border, and there is a reason for this.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Letting them in legally.
Our Constitution says the Government is suppose to protect our borders from invasion.
Not let in hundreds of children coming in illegally by ignoring the laws.
Not letting drug cartels store their drugs in American caves.

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