Zone1 Historic Catholic church still standing after Maui wildfires

This was a miracle in my opinion. Everything around the church was destroyed.
Had to answer your own statement? Well, it's not the only Church that was spared. Here is one of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints churches that is standing as well.

The key is that what are various churches doing to help the victims? Here is a statement by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on August 12th, 2023:
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on the Hawaiian island of Maui are joining neighbors and friends in offering comfort and service in the wake of the deadly wildfires. Five Latter-day Saints died in the fires — four of them from the same family.
Latter-day Saints in Maui are assisting charitable organizations in the recovery. Two meetinghouses in the Kahului and Kahului West Stakes are serving as temporary shelters with water, hot meals and other necessities — all available for anyone, regardless of religious affiliation. Church members are also delivering baby formula, canned food, propane, gasoline and other critical supplies to people in need.
Latter-day Saint families are opening their homes to people displaced by the wildfires. In addition, Church leaders are actively working to secure alternate shelter options.
Supplies from the bishops’ storehouse in Honolulu are en route to Maui. Additional support from Church headquarters will arrive in the coming days.
Yeah, nevermind the 100 people that died, children that will now be in foster care, families that lost literally everything they had... But lets praise god because one fucking building is still standing. Good grief :rolleyes:
Yeah, nevermind the 100 people that died, children that will now be in foster care, families that lost literally everything they had... But lets praise god because one fucking building is still standing. Good grief :rolleyes:
Which has nothing to do with the subject. Try staying on topic once in awhile.
Which has nothing to do with the subject. Try staying on topic once in awhile.
Awww, did you get triggered by reality, snowflake? And hwo awful you are making yourself sound?
Your OP is about the church still standing and divine intervention. Which is what my post is about. Please learn to read before responding to me again :thup:
Awww, did you get triggered by reality, snowflake? And hwo awful you are making yourself sound?
Your OP is about the church still standing and divine intervention. Which is what my post is about. Please learn to read before responding to me again :thup:
If all you want to do is troll please go somewhere else and let the adults talk.
If all you want to do is troll please go somewhere else and let the adults talk.
Cant read, nor can you differentiate what a "troll" is. Lol
I can think you are acting despicable and it not be trolling, sir. I know that hurts your feelz. They seem to be all over the place.
How you praise god for him intervening while saving a building while letting people die and shit. That aint right.
Cant read, nor can you differentiate what a "troll" is. Lol
I can think you are acting despicable and it not be trolling, sir. I know that hurts your feelz. They seem to be all over the place.
How you praise god for him intervening while saving a building while letting people die and shit. That aint right.
Some people are going to die and some are going to live. That is the way life is. Now go play in traffic with the rest of the kiddies.

But there is no God, right?

Thanks for sharing this great story, Blaster


We can all be thankful that structure held firm and remains intact, regardless of our views on religion.

Miracle, so be it!!!

GLAD the structure beat the foreign "fire grass" that came from???
Some people are going to die and some are going to live. That is the way life is. Now go play in traffic with the rest of the kiddies.
People will die but praise jesus he saved a fucking building! :rofl:
Youre a fuckin joke bro
This could be considered a miracle. This is absolutely incredible.

Secular buildings are in rubble. Jesus' Church is standing unscathed. The message here is breathtaking and unmistakable. Truth stands. Lies crumble. God's Church survives while the godless world is destroyed. Righteous people are preserved, while the godless perish.
Yeah, nevermind the 100 people that died, children that will now be in foster care, families that lost literally everything they had... But lets praise god because one fucking building is still standing. Good grief :rolleyes:

It's a sign of hope in a disastrous situation. Take the hope - not the despair.
People will die but praise jesus he saved a fucking building! :rofl:
Youre a fuckin joke bro

When a firefighter was in the world trade center on 9/11 it broke down. High above him he saw a little light and he climbed over this mass of rubble and came out like a little mouse into a new world of light in the midst of a dusty darkness. Then he understood he had survived. He never understood why he - why not others. But is it important to understand? He survived. And no one is able to fall deeper than in the hand of god.


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