Historical Precedent for use of Deadly Force Against Rioters

Abe Lincoln sent federal troops to New York City to stop riots using deadly force. He also placed Maryland under martial law.

Even more recently, let us not forget, active duty military units were deployed to LA in 1992 to "deal" with the Rodney King riots. Look it up. Also, and good luck finding proof online, active duty Army and their equipment were commandeered by federal law enforcement to take down the Branch Davidians in Waco.
Should have broken out the fire hoses in Minneapolis last Wednesday.
Also, let's not forget about the Whiskey Rebellion and George Washington leading troops into western Pennsylvania. Trump has all the precedent he needs to put the military on the streets of major U.S. cities.
Thanks for continuing to prove that the radical right are historically ignorant. Concerning the New York Draft Riots. Calm began to be restored after it was announced that the draft would be postponed. It had nothing to do with federal troops that arrived on the scene AFTER that announcement and AFTER units of the New York Militia NOT INVOLVED in the war effort. It was the GOVERNOR that sent in the 74th and 65th units of the state militia. It was the GOVERNOR that sent in the 20th Independent Battery of the Volunteer Artillery.

The Whiskey Rebellion? If you had any knowledge of the actions leading up to the Whiskey tax you would be supporting the rebellion and not that jackass Washington. Funny, the most corrupt administration in US History, up until now, was under the wealthiest US president in history, up till now. Seems to me wealth and corruption go hand and hand and that is precisely the background behind the Whiskey Rebellion.

Nope, sorry but using Washington and Lincoln to support activating federal troops for a law enforcement activity is like using Al Capone to support community policing.
Think again. They hated the Currency Act that banned private bank notes and based everything on the Pound Sterling. They had no access to Royal currency because no major banks existed on the frontier and wrecked their inner dependent economy when private notes were taken out of circulation.
Abe Lincoln sent federal troops to New York City to stop riots using deadly force. He also placed Maryland under martial law.
Well in all seriousness, imo your intitial comparison to the draft riots was spot on. Not as you intended, but spot on. In the draft riots, the rioters were rebelling against the draft laws. The point of their violent protest was to not be subject to a valid law. And the local cops were getting the shit kicked out of them.

Conversely, the protestors and even the rioters are not in rebellion or asserting they are not subject to any law.

The better analogy would have been the Rodney King riots, but there the CA governor actually requested federal help, which is hardly the case here.
Abe Lincoln sent federal troops to New York City to stop riots using deadly force. He also placed Maryland under martial law.

Even more recently, let us not forget, active duty military units were deployed to LA in 1992 to "deal" with the Rodney King riots. Look it up. Also, and good luck finding proof online, active duty Army and their equipment were commandeered by federal law enforcement to take down the Branch Davidians in Waco.
I was there as a Marine. They cooled their jet's after Guard and Marines arrived. I know what rioting savages are all about.
The Sylmar earthquake in 1970...looters were shot on sight no questions asked...the looting stopped after the first looter was shot...

looting over an earthquake isn't exactly in the spirit of the boston tea party you old coot
Breaking into private broken and temporarily abandoned homes to take everything people had left is exactly what the spirit of the tea party is....taking stuff that doesn't belong to you...whether you are the king of England or some damn junkie.....you dumb shit....

If you don't see the distinction that says a lot more about you than anything else

I'm not gonna bother explaining because you know

"we can riot but only when i agree with teh cause"

Got it

Same retards who don't mind people flying confederate flags glorifying a ridiculous civil war that had the Union lost both sides would have been irreparably impoverished from.
You don't even know what you are talking about....comparing the Boston tea party to shooting looters????...lets see if you can explain what caused the Boston tea party and why it began when it did....if you take too long I'll know you googled it.....

taxes on tea? ????

what do they think they teach us?

Yea bud i saw a few AP history courses i understand the grievances

Really pissed about british mercantilism sums it up
Pissed about the Royal Proclamation of 1766 that prohibited settlement beyond the Appalachian Mountains. Colonists felt that was what French-Indian War was all about. Westward expansion and pushing the tribes that sided with the French and murdered entire families on the frontier to be pushed off their land.

It was much more the economic system colonists lived under was pissing them off

The bostonians didn't give a shit about the land west of the appalachians much

That was an elite concern

Living under an economic system designed to enrich the British more than Americans wasn't ever going to sit well with us. Facing just about the opposite of free trade.
Elite concern? WTF? The people on the frontier had hard and dangerous lives and were poor. The wealthy of Boston wanted to preserve their merchant business. British government went broke because of French-Indian War and made a series of foolish policy errors that lost them the colonies. Virginia, South Carolina, and Georgia really didn't feel they needed to support the Boston radicals because they had a different economy.

People on the frontier weren't the ones revolting

They were busy surviving ignoring Britain

did you break the site old man? How did you even post with nothing there?

Or is it just bugged?
The leftist trolls are thick in this here thread, ain't? Arguing for arguments sake against all common sense, fact, historical record and truths. I wouldn't feed into their chum, chums. Their bait is boring, gone off, weak. Then again, the cool internet democrat kids these days probably really believe the shit they spout online. I'll be a suck egg mule no less. Stupid really is a fad . . .
Abe Lincoln sent federal troops to New York City to stop riots using deadly force. He also placed Maryland under martial law.
Well in all seriousness, imo your intitial comparison to the draft riots was spot on. Not as you intended, but spot on. In the draft riots, the rioters were rebelling against the draft laws. The point of their violent protest was to not be subject to a valid law. And the local cops were getting the shit kicked out of them.

Conversely, the protestors and even the rioters are not in rebellion or asserting they are not subject to any law.

The better analogy would have been the Rodney King riots, but there the CA governor actually requested federal help, which is hardly the case here.
They are in rebellion and are violating local ordinance s and advocating anarchy. Also, destroying private property.
I am flat out done with Fox news, I'll tune into Carlson, and Dobbs, but that is it! They are carrying the Floyd funeral and it is spectacularly outrageous, you'd think the fucking Mahatma was assassinated, not a junkie felon high on heroin/fentanyl who was passing bad paper! Its a shame the guy was killed, but my sympathy has just run its course, this was a fucking junkie felon who was passing bad paper and then got combative with the cops, this asshole is just as responsible for his death as any of those cops!
I really enjoyed the white woman kneeling on Carlson last night. When your integrity is gone, kneel.
Abe Lincoln sent federal troops to New York City to stop riots using deadly force. He also placed Maryland under martial law.
Well in all seriousness, imo your intitial comparison to the draft riots was spot on. Not as you intended, but spot on. In the draft riots, the rioters were rebelling against the draft laws. The point of their violent protest was to not be subject to a valid law. And the local cops were getting the shit kicked out of them.

Conversely, the protestors and even the rioters are not in rebellion or asserting they are not subject to any law.

The better analogy would have been the Rodney King riots, but there the CA governor actually requested federal help, which is hardly the case here.
They are in rebellion and are violating local ordinance s and advocating anarchy. Also, destroying private property.
spoke with a Deputy on Tuesday where I live and he told me in Illinois I can't defend my property. But he also couldn't tell me what I could do.
Abe Lincoln sent federal troops to New York City to stop riots using deadly force. He also placed Maryland under martial law.
Well in all seriousness, imo your intitial comparison to the draft riots was spot on. Not as you intended, but spot on. In the draft riots, the rioters were rebelling against the draft laws. The point of their violent protest was to not be subject to a valid law. And the local cops were getting the shit kicked out of them.

Conversely, the protestors and even the rioters are not in rebellion or asserting they are not subject to any law.

The better analogy would have been the Rodney King riots, but there the CA governor actually requested federal help, which is hardly the case here.
They are in rebellion and are violating local ordinance s and advocating anarchy. Also, destroying private property.
spoke with a Deputy on Tuesday where I live and he told me in Illinois I can't defend my property.
I am flat out done with Fox news, I'll tune into Carlson, and Dobbs, but that is it! They are carrying the Floyd funeral and it is spectacularly outrageous, you'd think the fucking Mahatma was assassinated, not a junkie felon high on heroin/fentanyl who was passing bad paper! Its a shame the guy was killed, but my sympathy has just run its course, this was a fucking junkie felon who was passing bad paper and then got combative with the cops, this asshole is just as responsible for his death as any of those cops!
I really enjoyed the white woman kneeling on Carlson last night. When your integrity is gone, kneel.

These people who kneel? Their souls are completely sold off, gone, surrendered. I saw that as well. Reminded me of a baptism I witnessed in a river as a child, only that religious ceremony all those years ago united people in peace, fath and community, whereas the kneeling woman looked to me like she was hoping the dude would piss in her mouth.
People's Republic of Illinois is shit blue state. John Locke who heavily influence the Founders said this about private property:
I am flat out done with Fox news, I'll tune into Carlson, and Dobbs, but that is it! They are carrying the Floyd funeral and it is spectacularly outrageous, you'd think the fucking Mahatma was assassinated, not a junkie felon high on heroin/fentanyl who was passing bad paper! Its a shame the guy was killed, but my sympathy has just run its course, this was a fucking junkie felon who was passing bad paper and then got combative with the cops, this asshole is just as responsible for his death as any of those cops!
I really enjoyed the white woman kneeling on Carlson last night. When your integrity is gone, kneel.

These people who kneel? Their souls are completely sold off, gone, surrendered. I saw that as well. Reminded me of a baptism I witnessed in a river as a child, only that religious ceremony all those years ago united people in peace, fath and community, whereas the kneeling woman looked to me like she was hoping the dude would piss in her mouth.
Jim Jones
I am flat out done with Fox news, I'll tune into Carlson, and Dobbs, but that is it! They are carrying the Floyd funeral and it is spectacularly outrageous, you'd think the fucking Mahatma was assassinated, not a junkie felon high on heroin/fentanyl who was passing bad paper! Its a shame the guy was killed, but my sympathy has just run its course, this was a fucking junkie felon who was passing bad paper and then got combative with the cops, this asshole is just as responsible for his death as any of those cops!
I really enjoyed the white woman kneeling on Carlson last night. When your integrity is gone, kneel.

These people who kneel? Their souls are completely sold off, gone, surrendered. I saw that as well. Reminded me of a baptism I witnessed in a river as a child, only that religious ceremony all those years ago united people in peace, fath and community, whereas the kneeling woman looked to me like she was hoping the dude would piss in her mouth.
Jim Jones

THANK you.
I am flat out done with Fox news, I'll tune into Carlson, and Dobbs, but that is it! They are carrying the Floyd funeral and it is spectacularly outrageous, you'd think the fucking Mahatma was assassinated, not a junkie felon high on heroin/fentanyl who was passing bad paper! Its a shame the guy was killed, but my sympathy has just run its course, this was a fucking junkie felon who was passing bad paper and then got combative with the cops, this asshole is just as responsible for his death as any of those cops!
Fuck Floyd...he was a piece of shit. Will media carry the funeral of police killed during the riots?
No one is defending the murder of police. People are defending the murder of Floyd.
I am flat out done with Fox news, I'll tune into Carlson, and Dobbs, but that is it! They are carrying the Floyd funeral and it is spectacularly outrageous, you'd think the fucking Mahatma was assassinated, not a junkie felon high on heroin/fentanyl who was passing bad paper! Its a shame the guy was killed, but my sympathy has just run its course, this was a fucking junkie felon who was passing bad paper and then got combative with the cops, this asshole is just as responsible for his death as any of those cops!
Fuck Floyd...he was a piece of shit. Will media carry the funeral of police killed during the riots?
No one is defending the murder of police. People are defending the murder of Floyd.
My ass. These people have already been murdering police and advocate for it. Floyd should have cooperated and not tried to assault law enforcement and he might be alive today. His own fault. How is mob rule and rioting somehow protesting what happened to Floyd?
I am flat out done with Fox news, I'll tune into Carlson, and Dobbs, but that is it! They are carrying the Floyd funeral and it is spectacularly outrageous, you'd think the fucking Mahatma was assassinated, not a junkie felon high on heroin/fentanyl who was passing bad paper! Its a shame the guy was killed, but my sympathy has just run its course, this was a fucking junkie felon who was passing bad paper and then got combative with the cops, this asshole is just as responsible for his death as any of those cops!
Fuck Floyd...he was a piece of shit. Will media carry the funeral of police killed during the riots?
No one is defending the murder of police. People are defending the murder of Floyd.
My ass. These people have already been murdering police and advocate for it. Floyd should have cooperated and not tried to assault law enforcement and he might be alive today. His own fault. How is mob rule and rioting somehow protesting what happened to Floyd?
Right? Mob rule, do as they say or we’re thrashing cities
I am flat out done with Fox news, I'll tune into Carlson, and Dobbs, but that is it! They are carrying the Floyd funeral and it is spectacularly outrageous, you'd think the fucking Mahatma was assassinated, not a junkie felon high on heroin/fentanyl who was passing bad paper! Its a shame the guy was killed, but my sympathy has just run its course, this was a fucking junkie felon who was passing bad paper and then got combative with the cops, this asshole is just as responsible for his death as any of those cops!
Fuck Floyd...he was a piece of shit. Will media carry the funeral of police killed during the riots?
No one is defending the murder of police. People are defending the murder of Floyd.
My ass. These people have already been murdering police and advocate for it. Floyd should have cooperated and not tried to assault law enforcement and he might be alive today. His own fault. How is mob rule and rioting somehow protesting what happened to Floyd?
No one is advocating murder of police. You’re lying to justify a violent fantasy.

Floyd never tried to assault law enforcement. Their lives were never in danger. The only one in danger was Floyd. There was no sense in his murder. Zero.
Abe Lincoln sent federal troops to New York City to stop riots using deadly force. He also placed Maryland under martial law.

Maybe you missed the part about "in time of war"

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