Hitchbot robot killed...

Be careful now...

Or what? Seriously, no normal woman goes around saying I'm going to have a fetus

You are correct. They say they're going to have an "abortion"...

well if your mom said that she nailed it :) AHAHAHAHAHAH She shoots......she scooooooores!!!!!!!
Family is off limits

They should learn that, our children are constantly brought into it.

Would you give us some examples?
Be careful now...

Or what? Seriously, no normal woman goes around saying I'm going to have a fetus

You are correct. They say they're going to have an "abortion"...

well if your mom said that she nailed it :) AHAHAHAHAHAH She shoots......she scooooooores!!!!!!!
Family is off limits

They should learn that, our children are constantly brought into it.
My children have never been spoke of unless I brought them up.
That is a rule that we should all be able to live by
Or what? Seriously, no normal woman goes around saying I'm going to have a fetus

You are correct. They say they're going to have an "abortion"...

well if your mom said that she nailed it :) AHAHAHAHAHAH She shoots......she scooooooores!!!!!!!
Family is off limits

They should learn that, our children are constantly brought into it.

Would you give us some examples?

No, I don't save that garbage
Or what? Seriously, no normal woman goes around saying I'm going to have a fetus

You are correct. They say they're going to have an "abortion"...

well if your mom said that she nailed it :) AHAHAHAHAHAH She shoots......she scooooooores!!!!!!!
Family is off limits

They should learn that, our children are constantly brought into it.
My children have never been spoke of unless I brought them up.
That is a rule that we should all be able to live by

Well ours have numerous times.
You people just never can tell when your leg is being pulled..So much rage...So much hate....I would never want to be in your circle of life...
An experimental talking robot was set loose to hitchhike around Canada, Europe, and the United States. It did fine in Canada and Europe. Then it came to the United States. After only two weeks it was vandalized and destroyed.

I'm guessing the NRA will come out and say "this robot should have been armed with an AR-15. Then this type of robot violence wouldn't happen".
"We need MORE armed robots not less." "When robots are armed then criminals think twice before destroying them."

Conservatives everywhere have started fitting their refrigerators with 9mm Glocks.

Hitchhiking Robot HitchBOT That Crossed Canada And Travelled Europe Lasts Only Two Weeks In U.S.

Robot was destroyed in Philadelphia. Many people are also murdered there, but no outrage from liberals on that. And you bring up the NRA because??????

It has nothing to do with them and that was a cheap shot. Fact is that the robot didn't survive some idiots in Philadelphia because they either didn't know what it was or they just demonstrated the usual lack of concern for people and property.

I laugh at how you use this story and manage to stretch the truth to include the NRA, then get pissed when people comment about PP. Fucking hypocrite.

Yeah, biting humor leaves a gash doesn't it. Go see your witch doctor.

You dopes immediately go into frenzied ant mound stepped on, SWARM, SWARM mode. LOL

I mean you are like pavlovian dogs with terminal parvo salivating for any mention of your master ARN. The backwards collective for those who don't think.

Before long robots will rule the planet - and humans will either be slaves or extinct.

SassyIrishLass, post: 11974622, member: 18937"]
I would say that Lakhota has finally jumped the shark, but he did that long ago.

He's truly one of the most VILE posters on USMB.

He's just emotional

Anger and fear are the only two emotions cons have, and they live in both perpetually. 'Cuz' the world is too dang scarwwy'.

Anger and fear are the only two emotions cons have, and they live in both perpetually. 'Cuz' the world is too dang scarwwy'.
Before long robots will rule the planet - and humans will either be slaves or extinct.

I would say that Lakhota has finally jumped the shark, but he did that long ago.

He's truly one of the most VILE posters on USMB.

He's just emotional

Anger and fear are the only two emotions cons have, and they live in both perpetually. 'Cuz' the world is too dang scarwwy'.

Mhm....hate is the left loon emotion
Before long robots will rule the planet - and humans will either be slaves or extinct.

I would say that Lakhota has finally jumped the shark, but he did that long ago.

He's truly one of the most VILE posters on USMB.

He's just emotional

Anger and fear are the only two emotions cons have, and they live in both perpetually. 'Cuz' the world is too dang scarwwy'.

Mhm....hate is the left loon emotion

Don't you hate anyone?
Robot killed (A FUCKING MACHINE) Outrage
Baby aborted (A HUMAN BEING) No big deal

Really creepy how you all justify shit

A fetus ain't a baby, retard.

When a big wig with the PP is pushing around aborted body parts and goes "another baby boy" its a baby. Not a fetus.

Have you ever noticed Lakhota that people like Chelsea Clinton announce she's having a baby not a fetus? Notice no one ever announces that they are pregnant with a fetus?

It's a fucking baby. Deal with it.

Yes, Chelsea was "going" to have a "baby" when she had it. She knew she was going to have it. Are you saying all pregnant women who are seeking abortion refer to the thing in their womb as a "baby"? Bullshit.

"The thing in their womb". Yes they know. And they carry the pain of that decision for the rest of their lives.

I am not condemning them. I understand why many have had to choose to have an abortion and Lakhota I will be one of the first to say please Lord almighty let's make birth control free and the after morning pill free to save any woman from having to make that choice.

But now we are seriously off topic in Politics. Just so you understand though as anti abortion as I am, I understand why many women have had to take that painful road and I fully support prevention.
Before long robots will rule the planet - and humans will either be slaves or extinct.

I would say that Lakhota has finally jumped the shark, but he did that long ago.

He's truly one of the most VILE posters on USMB.

He's just emotional

Anger and fear are the only two emotions cons have, and they live in both perpetually. 'Cuz' the world is too dang scarwwy'.

Mhm....hate is the left loon emotion

You're a left loon? Figures.
Before long robots will rule the planet - and humans will either be slaves or extinct.

I would say that Lakhota has finally jumped the shark, but he did that long ago.

He's truly one of the most VILE posters on USMB.

He's just emotional

Anger and fear are the only two emotions cons have, and they live in both perpetually. 'Cuz' the world is too dang scarwwy'.

Mhm....hate is the left loon emotion

Don't you hate anyone?

Not really, I'm more a live and let live type. Unless something I believe in is threatened. Actually I'm a very nice person.

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