HIV Infections Down by 1/3 in US... Except for Gay Men.


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
"Among men who have sex with men, unprotected risk behaviors in the presence of high prevalence and unsuppressed viral load may continue to drive HIV transmission," the report said."

It's been over 30 years people... Buttfucking is the most prevalent spreader of the Virus in the US... Even over IV drug users.

The answer seems simple and with 1 in 4 Gay Men in San Fran having HIV, you'd think the Self-Destructive "Nature" would change.

But it doesn't.

Anyone care to guess why it continues to be a Gay Disease in the First World.


Moral of the story, be safe.

Apparenly there is no "Safe" for 1 in 4 Gay Men in the First World.

After 30 years you would think they would have Figured it out.

97.5% of the Population has and their Rates are dropping... By 1/3 in this recent data.

And still with being only 2.5% of the Population, Gay Men and Gay Men who Inject still account for upwards of 70% of new Infections.

If this was a Plague then there would be about 75 Million Heteros living with HIV right now considering the rate in the Gay Mecca of San Fransisco.

As for Hetero's with HIV, the Women who are getting it are getting it from Men who have Sex with Men mostly, and IV Drug Users after that.

The CDC Qualifies the Hetero Numbers with that Fact.


Safety still protects you. If you dint catch it, you won't have it.

Repeat it all you want... Gay Men's Rates continue Dominate after 30 years and are on the Increase while all others are going down by a 1/3. 2.5% of the Population is Responsible for Spreading 70% of the HIV 30 years after knowing how not to.

You and yours are Mentallly Ill and the APA's Choice to say otherwise 40 years ago is why your Community is Suffering this Plague.


How old is the person in your Avie?...


How old is the person in your Avie?...


Your argument failed now you haveto attack my avatar. Welcome to kindergarten.

It's a picture of me and I am 23 in it go ahead and jack off to it no need to feel guilty.
Thank you Mal for your continuous coverage of AIDS related topics for public awareness..
Safety still protects you. If you dint catch it, you won't have it.

Repeat it all you want... Gay Men's Rates continue Dominate after 30 years and are on the Increase while all others are going down by a 1/3. 2.5% of the Population is Responsible for Spreading 70% of the HIV 30 years after knowing how not to.

You and yours are Mentallly Ill and the APA's Choice to say otherwise 40 years ago is why your Community is Suffering this Plague.



My Argument didn't Fail... I gave you something to run away with... And you did. :rofl:


How old is the person in your Avie?...


Your argument failed now you haveto attack my avatar. Welcome to kindergarten.

It's a picture of me and I am 23 in it go ahead and jack off to it no need to feel guilty.

Pinch your nipples, pull your underarm hair, lick your pits......towels please...
mal is such a pathetic debator. In less than a page I got him to attack me and with reason, nothing more.
Your argument failed now you haveto attack my avatar. Welcome to kindergarten.

It's a picture of me and I am 23 in it go ahead and jack off to it no need to feel guilty.

Pinch your nipples, pull your underarm hair, lick your pits......towels please...
mal is such a pathetic debator. In less than a page I got him to attack me and with reason, nothing more.

You did no such thing... You can Refute Data.

I gave you an out you Statistic waiting to happen.

Stay away from Howey. :thup:


Safety still protects you. If you dint catch it, you won't have it.

Repeat it all you want... Gay Men's Rates continue Dominate after 30 years and are on the Increase while all others are going down by a 1/3. 2.5% of the Population is Responsible for Spreading 70% of the HIV 30 years after knowing how not to.

You and yours are Mentallly Ill and the APA's Choice to say otherwise 40 years ago is why your Community is Suffering this Plague.



My Argument didn't Fail... I gave you something to run away with... And you did. :rofl:


Oh you are so clever.

Still, be safe, minimize risk of contracting HIV. Thus your argument fails.
Repeat it all you want... Gay Men's Rates continue Dominate after 30 years and are on the Increase while all others are going down by a 1/3. 2.5% of the Population is Responsible for Spreading 70% of the HIV 30 years after knowing how not to.

You and yours are Mentallly Ill and the APA's Choice to say otherwise 40 years ago is why your Community is Suffering this Plague.



My Argument didn't Fail... I gave you something to run away with... And you did. :rofl:


Oh you are so clever.

Still, be safe, minimize risk of contracting HIV. Thus your argument fails.

You and your's "Suggestion" IS Failing and the Data continues to Prove that out.

Overwhelmingly Gays are not being "Safe" when 2.5% of the Population is Responsible Directly for 70% of the Spread and Indirectly for another 20+% after 30+ YEARS of Knowing Better.


My Argument didn't Fail... I gave you something to run away with... And you did. :rofl:


Oh you are so clever.

Still, be safe, minimize risk of contracting HIV. Thus your argument fails.

You and your's "Suggestion" IS Failing and the Data continues to Prove that out.
Noit isn't..

Overwhelmingly Gays are not being "Safe"
I can't control the behavior of others

when 2.5% of the Population is Responsible Directly for 70% of the Spread and Indirectly for another 20+% after 30+ YEARS of Knowing Better.
The only way you will ever get them to stop being gay is to kill them all. Whether you believe them or not, they believe they are born that way. You can't make them stop thinking that.

No matter how many times you post HIV statistics. This hasbeen with us since the beginning of our species, it has been celebrated and despised by billions.

The point is, homosexuality is here to stay. Get used to it or lose sleepor continueto push boulders up hills or what ever makes you feel better.

So enjoy you bloodbath/crying fits/posting HIV Stats because they only entertain you.
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