HIV Infections Down by 1/3 in US... Except for Gay Men.

Oh you are so clever.

Still, be safe, minimize risk of contracting HIV. Thus your argument fails.

You and your's "Suggestion" IS Failing and the Data continues to Prove that out.
Noit isn't..

Overwhelmingly Gays are not being "Safe"
I can't control the behavior of others

when 2.5% of the Population is Responsible Directly for 70% of the Spread and Indirectly for another 20+% after 30+ YEARS of Knowing Better.
The only way you will ever get them to stop being gay is to kill them all. Whether you believe them or not, they believe they are born that way. You can't make them stop thinking that.

No matter how many times you post HIV statistics. This hasbeen with us since the beginning of our species, it has been celebrated and despised by billions.

The point is, homosexuality is here to stay. Get used to it or lose sleepor continueto push boulders up hills or what ever makes you feel better.

So enjoy you bloodbath/crying fits/posting HIV Stats because they only entertain you.

Deviancy has always been here...

And your Disease is on the Increase in the Educated First World amongst your kind not the 97.5% who are not Defying their own Natural Design.

"Be Safe" ain't gettin' it done for the Mentally Ill.

Worst thing that happened to you and Society was the APA saying your Defiance and Mental Illness was Normal.


Stop complaining. Let it spread. It's nature's way of cleaning up an aberration.

It appears that a lot of them want HIV.

And that's because they are Mentally Ill and Suicidal by Nature.

They Life Destructive Wreckless Lives even though they are the Highest Paid and Educated people in the US.


Overwhelmingly Gays are not being "Safe" when 2.5% of the Population is Responsible Directly for 70% of the Spread and Indirectly for another 20+% after 30+ YEARS of Knowing Better.

Oh, what the fuck.

Look, mal, you're a fucking braindead homophobic liar.

The only increase is among teen and slightly older boys, a very small number. And it's due to the lack of education, and health monitoring, both programs severely cut by the Republican congress.

As well as older gay males, who most likely don't give a shit,because they've had to live a life dealing with inbred morons like you.

And why do you give a shit? Stay out of the bathhouses and you'll be fine.

But when you do contract AIDS from that big ****** on the other side of the glory hole, just's no longer a death sentence and people are living long, fulfilling lives.
You and your's "Suggestion" IS Failing and the Data continues to Prove that out.
Noit isn't..

I can't control the behavior of others

when 2.5% of the Population is Responsible Directly for 70% of the Spread and Indirectly for another 20+% after 30+ YEARS of Knowing Better.
The only way you will ever get them to stop being gay is to kill them all. Whether you believe them or not, they believe they are born that way. You can't make them stop thinking that.

No matter how many times you post HIV statistics. This hasbeen with us since the beginning of our species, it has been celebrated and despised by billions.

The point is, homosexuality is here to stay. Get used to it or lose sleepor continueto push boulders up hills or what ever makes you feel better.

So enjoy you bloodbath/crying fits/posting HIV Stats because they only entertain you.

Deviancy has always been here...

And your Disease is on the Increase in the Educated First World amongst your kind not the 97.5% who are not Defying their own Natural Design.

"Be Safe" ain't gettin' it done for the Mentally Ill.

Worst thing that happened to you and Society was the APA saying your Defiance and Mental Illness was Normal.


Being safe gets it doneforme and being that I already said that I could not control the behavior of others I can't be held responsible.

Consider it whatever you want. It will never change.
Overwhelmingly Gays are not being "Safe" when 2.5% of the Population is Responsible Directly for 70% of the Spread and Indirectly for another 20+% after 30+ YEARS of Knowing Better.

Oh, what the fuck.

Look, mal, you're a fucking braindead homophobic liar.

The only increase is among teen and slightly older boys, a very small number. And it's due to the lack of education, and health monitoring, both programs severely cut by the Republican congress.

As well as older gay males, who most likely don't give a shit,because they've had to live a life dealing with inbred morons like you.

And why do you give a shit? Stay out of the bathhouses and you'll be fine.

But when you do contract AIDS from that big ****** on the other side of the glory hole, just's no longer a death sentence and people are living long, fulfilling lives.
It's like he thinks he is going to talk people out of being homosexual. What a fool. There are places in this world where they execute homosexuals yet they still exist.

He is just going to get the usual closet cocksuckers that are going to say "yeah fuck those homos". No doubtgreenbean will leave a post faggot thisand faggot that. Katzanddogz alreadyleft his brain dead rhetoric, and silhouette will likely come in and insist his ship isn't sinking while clutching the wheel on the sea floor, the various other fucknuts that post idiotic shit
I will still be who I am, you will still be you homosexuals aren't evergoing to vanish. The beauty behind this all is that we have already won. mal is complaining about something asassured as the sun coming up.
Overwhelmingly Gays are not being "Safe" when 2.5% of the Population is Responsible Directly for 70% of the Spread and Indirectly for another 20+% after 30+ YEARS of Knowing Better.

Oh, what the fuck.

Look, mal, you're a fucking braindead homophobic liar.

The only increase is among teen and slightly older boys, a very small number. And it's due to the lack of education, and health monitoring, both programs severely cut by the Republican congress.

As well as older gay males, who most likely don't give a shit,because they've had to live a life dealing with inbred morons like you.

And why do you give a shit? Stay out of the bathhouses and you'll be fine.

But when you do contract AIDS from that big ****** on the other side of the glory hole, just's no longer a death sentence and people are living long, fulfilling lives.

2.5% of the Population is Responsible for 70% of New Infections and that group's numbers are on the rise while the rest of the Population saw a 1/3 DECREASE in Infections.

And of those Infections according to the CDC, they are Qualified as Related to MSM.

Have a nice day AIDSBoi. :thup:

Racist Fuck.


"Among men who have sex with men, unprotected risk behaviors in the presence of high prevalence and unsuppressed viral load may continue to drive HIV transmission," the report said."

It's been over 30 years people... Buttfucking is the most prevalent spreader of the Virus in the US... Even over IV drug users.

The answer seems simple and with 1 in 4 Gay Men in San Fran having HIV, you'd think the Self-Destructive "Nature" would change.

But it doesn't.

Anyone care to guess why it continues to be a Gay Disease in the First World.



Just bring condoms and practice safe sex when you go out cruising, mal.

And don't let any strapping young lad in your backdoor without a rubber.
"Among men who have sex with men, unprotected risk behaviors in the presence of high prevalence and unsuppressed viral load may continue to drive HIV transmission," the report said."

It's been over 30 years people... Buttfucking is the most prevalent spreader of the Virus in the US... Even over IV drug users.

The answer seems simple and with 1 in 4 Gay Men in San Fran having HIV, you'd think the Self-Destructive "Nature" would change.

But it doesn't.

Anyone care to guess why it continues to be a Gay Disease in the First World.



I guess monogamy would lower that number, right? Maybe gay men should be allowed to marry eachother if only for public safety.
"Among men who have sex with men, unprotected risk behaviors in the presence of high prevalence and unsuppressed viral load may continue to drive HIV transmission," the report said."

It's been over 30 years people... Buttfucking is the most prevalent spreader of the Virus in the US... Even over IV drug users.

The answer seems simple and with 1 in 4 Gay Men in San Fran having HIV, you'd think the Self-Destructive "Nature" would change.

But it doesn't.

Anyone care to guess why it continues to be a Gay Disease in the First World.



I guess monogamy would lower that number, right? Maybe gay men should be allowed to marry eachother if only for public safety.

That won't stop the reciprocative nature of the impulse. It will only enrich divorce lawyers. And screw up more kids and contribute to social demise.
"Among men who have sex with men, unprotected risk behaviors in the presence of high prevalence and unsuppressed viral load may continue to drive HIV transmission," the report said."

It's been over 30 years people... Buttfucking is the most prevalent spreader of the Virus in the US... Even over IV drug users.

The answer seems simple and with 1 in 4 Gay Men in San Fran having HIV, you'd think the Self-Destructive "Nature" would change.

But it doesn't.

Anyone care to guess why it continues to be a Gay Disease in the First World.



I guess monogamy would lower that number, right? Maybe gay men should be allowed to marry eachother if only for public safety.

That won't stop the reciprocative nature of the impulse. It will only enrich divorce lawyers. And screw up more kids and contribute to social demise.

Meh, like a quarter of a percent.
"Among men who have sex with men, unprotected risk behaviors in the presence of high prevalence and unsuppressed viral load may continue to drive HIV transmission," the report said."

It's been over 30 years people... Buttfucking is the most prevalent spreader of the Virus in the US... Even over IV drug users.

The answer seems simple and with 1 in 4 Gay Men in San Fran having HIV, you'd think the Self-Destructive "Nature" would change.

But it doesn't.

Anyone care to guess why it continues to be a Gay Disease in the First World.



Just bring condoms and practice safe sex when you go out cruising, mal.

And don't let any strapping young lad in your backdoor without a rubber.

Expire soon.


"Among men who have sex with men, unprotected risk behaviors in the presence of high prevalence and unsuppressed viral load may continue to drive HIV transmission," the report said."

It's been over 30 years people... Buttfucking is the most prevalent spreader of the Virus in the US... Even over IV drug users.

The answer seems simple and with 1 in 4 Gay Men in San Fran having HIV, you'd think the Self-Destructive "Nature" would change.

But it doesn't.

Anyone care to guess why it continues to be a Gay Disease in the First World.



Just bring condoms and practice safe sex when you go out cruising, mal.

And don't let any strapping young lad in your backdoor without a rubber.

Expire soon.


What a nasty little demon your hatred has twisted you into. This is why your side will lose, you betray your own beliefs.

May peace find your wicked little heart.
"Among men who have sex with men, unprotected risk behaviors in the presence of high prevalence and unsuppressed viral load may continue to drive HIV transmission," the report said."

It's been over 30 years people... Buttfucking is the most prevalent spreader of the Virus in the US... Even over IV drug users.

The answer seems simple and with 1 in 4 Gay Men in San Fran having HIV, you'd think the Self-Destructive "Nature" would change.

But it doesn't.

Anyone care to guess why it continues to be a Gay Disease in the First World.



I guess monogamy would lower that number, right? Maybe gay men should be allowed to marry eachother if only for public safety.

That won't stop the reciprocative nature of the impulse. It will only enrich divorce lawyers. And screw up more kids and contribute to social demise.
Nothing will ever make gay people stop being gay.

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