Hmm ... Steve Bannon

Steve Bannon will be ejected from the political arena by the end of:

  • January

  • March

  • June

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... they pretend they didn't support Romney, McCain or Bush Jr.

The support arose because the alternatives were unacceptable, not that they were any great shakes.

Same with Trump, although we have been pleasantly surprised.
The support arose because the alternatives were unacceptable, not that they were any great shakes.
Same with Trump, although we have been pleasantly surprised.

"It is NEXT LEVEL, beyond my comprehension stupidity letting someone like Michael Wolff have unfettered access to the White House, the president and his family. Who exactly on the White House communications team thought this was a good idea? And why do they still have a job?" - Wacky Meghan McCain

I do not think Bannon cares about such things. While I detest the guy, he is smart enough to know this was going to happen, yet he did what he did anyway.

In a few weeks it won't matter what he cares about. He just committed political suicide over a tiff with Don Jr.

It could sink Brietbart as well.

The sinking of Brietbart would be a blessing. But I doubt far right conservatives truely want that anyway.
In a few weeks it won't matter what he cares about. He just committed political suicide over a tiff with Don Jr.

It could sink Brietbart as well.

You underestimate Bannon if you think he will go quietly into the night. Bannon has nothing to lose and can take the whole ship down with him if he chooses to.

He's already lost.

He has lost nothing but the faithful support of the Trump zealots like yourself. Bannon has made himself more relevant today than he has been in his whole life, and that is what he wants. There is nothing that Trump can do to actually hurt him and every time Trump tweets or talks about him, that is a win for Bannon.
This is what every Trump critic hopes for......but for some reason they all end up feeling neglected and abandoned.

Bannon was no Trump critic, he was part of a very small inner circle. There is nothing Trump can do to hurt or harm Bannon, except to maybe just ignore him and what he says...but we all know that Trump is not capable of such an adult like action.
Yep.....he would be more adult if he put the IRS on his ass. :2up:
The release of this was timed by the media to minimize any good the Tax cuts would do. People are gonna see smaller tax bills and hate every bit of it. Course, we won't see anyone refusing to take their tax breaks.
If that were true, they would have waited until the end of Feb. when the cuts start showing up in paychecks. Face it, sometimes Trump just screws himself without any help from the MSM.

Most of the Trump zealots are not well enough informed to know that nothing will show up till later. There was a thread on here yesterday by a Trump zealot about how people will be able to make up their minds by the end of Jan about since they will have a couple pay cycles to see the effect of the cuts....

Yeah.....sure.....whatever. ...
I believe in his haste to field his vendetta he mistakenly drank the hemlock meant for others.

What say you?
MSNBC will give him a job by next week.
He has a lot of spittle flying when he talks about Trump.

Hey Weatherman get ready for Bannon storms ahead.. Gilligan Trump Jr. better hold on to his ass.



The release of this was timed by the media to minimize any good the Tax cuts would do. People are gonna see smaller tax bills and hate every bit of it. Course, we won't see anyone refusing to take their tax breaks.
If that were true, they would have waited until the end of Feb. when the cuts start showing up in paychecks. Face it, sometimes Trump just screws himself without any help from the MSM.
Sorry to let you know, but Bannon is the screw up and Trump is just responding to it after firing him. Why do you trolls make everything about Trump?
Because that's all they can do.
Scream about how fucked up Trump appears to the media.

They are totally deranged.
From the now famous book:

Few people who knew Trump had illusions about him. That was his appeal: He was what he was. Twinkle in his eye, larceny in his soul. Everybody in his rich-guy social circle knew about his wide-ranging ignorance. Early in the campaign, Sam Nunberg was sent to explain the Constitution to the candidate. “I got as far as the Fourth Amendment,” Nunberg recalled, “before his finger is pulling down on his lip and his eyes are rolling back in his head.
Looks like Trump was right to fire him, huh?
Trump didn’t fire Bannon. Is there not a trump lie you don’t believe ?
Bannon quit and even picked the date he would resign the day he was hired.
It’s hilarious how little you know.
I believe in his haste to field his vendetta he mistakenly drank the hemlock meant for others.

What say you?
I find it difficult to give a shit what a Nazi wannabe has to say about a pathological liar and his idiot family.
The release of this was timed by the media to minimize any good the Tax cuts would do. People are gonna see smaller tax bills and hate every bit of it. Course, we won't see anyone refusing to take their tax breaks.
If that were true, they would have waited until the end of Feb. when the cuts start showing up in paychecks. Face it, sometimes Trump just screws himself without any help from the MSM.
Sorry to let you know, but Bannon is the screw up and Trump is just responding to it after firing him. Why do you trolls make everything about Trump?
Because that's all they can do.
Scream about how fucked up Trump appears to the media.

They are totally deranged.
The media? It wasn’t the media that called Trump an idiot, imbecile, dumb as shit incurious, unprepared etc.
it was Trump’s own White House staff.
The release of this was timed by the media to minimize any good the Tax cuts would do. People are gonna see smaller tax bills and hate every bit of it. Course, we won't see anyone refusing to take their tax breaks.
If that were true, they would have waited until the end of Feb. when the cuts start showing up in paychecks. Face it, sometimes Trump just screws himself without any help from the MSM.
Sorry to let you know, but Bannon is the screw up and Trump is just responding to it after firing him. Why do you trolls make everything about Trump?
Because that's all they can do.
Scream about how fucked up Trump appears to the media.

They are totally deranged.
The media? It wasn’t the media that called Trump an idiot, imbecile, dumb as shit incurious, unprepared etc.
it was Trump’s own White House staff.
The agenda pushes on, despite the insignificant ambush
The release of this was timed by the media to minimize any good the Tax cuts would do. People are gonna see smaller tax bills and hate every bit of it. Course, we won't see anyone refusing to take their tax breaks.
If that were true, they would have waited until the end of Feb. when the cuts start showing up in paychecks. Face it, sometimes Trump just screws himself without any help from the MSM.
Sorry to let you know, but Bannon is the screw up and Trump is just responding to it after firing him. Why do you trolls make everything about Trump?
Because that's all they can do.
Scream about how fucked up Trump appears to the media.

They are totally deranged.
The media? It wasn’t the media that called Trump an idiot, imbecile, dumb as shit incurious, unprepared etc.
it was Trump’s own White House staff.
NO it wasn't Bannon doesn't work for Trump, liar.
I believe in his haste to field his vendetta he mistakenly drank the hemlock meant for others.

What say you?
MSNBC will give him a job by next week.
He has a lot of spittle flying when he talks about Trump.

Hey Weatherman get ready for Bannon storms ahead.. Gilligan Trump Jr. better hold on to his ass.



Everyone is laughing.
Now that RUSSIA! has been proven to be fake news it’s onto the next fake news.
From the now famous book:

Few people who knew Trump had illusions about him. That was his appeal: He was what he was. Twinkle in his eye, larceny in his soul. Everybody in his rich-guy social circle knew about his wide-ranging ignorance. Early in the campaign, Sam Nunberg was sent to explain the Constitution to the candidate. “I got as far as the Fourth Amendment,” Nunberg recalled, “before his finger is pulling down on his lip and his eyes are rolling back in his head.
Incredibly damning! Impeach him!

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