Hmm ... Steve Bannon

Steve Bannon will be ejected from the political arena by the end of:

  • January

  • March

  • June

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From the now famous book:

Few people who knew Trump had illusions about him. That was his appeal: He was what he was. Twinkle in his eye, larceny in his soul. Everybody in his rich-guy social circle knew about his wide-ranging ignorance. Early in the campaign, Sam Nunberg was sent to explain the Constitution to the candidate. “I got as far as the Fourth Amendment,” Nunberg recalled, “before his finger is pulling down on his lip and his eyes are rolling back in his head.
Incredibly damning! Impeach him!
Not ONE qualification for holding the highest seat in the land not one The mind of a child
From the now famous book:

Few people who knew Trump had illusions about him. That was his appeal: He was what he was. Twinkle in his eye, larceny in his soul. Everybody in his rich-guy social circle knew about his wide-ranging ignorance. Early in the campaign, Sam Nunberg was sent to explain the Constitution to the candidate. “I got as far as the Fourth Amendment,” Nunberg recalled, “before his finger is pulling down on his lip and his eyes are rolling back in his head.
Incredibly damning! Impeach him!
Not ONE qualification for holding the highest seat in the land not one The mind of a child
Yep, leftist hate an outsider destroying their insider good ol boys club. They long for the days of the community organizer.
From the now famous book:

Few people who knew Trump had illusions about him. That was his appeal: He was what he was. Twinkle in his eye, larceny in his soul. Everybody in his rich-guy social circle knew about his wide-ranging ignorance. Early in the campaign, Sam Nunberg was sent to explain the Constitution to the candidate. “I got as far as the Fourth Amendment,” Nunberg recalled, “before his finger is pulling down on his lip and his eyes are rolling back in his head.
Incredibly damning! Impeach him!
Not ONE qualification for holding the highest seat in the land not one The mind of a child
Question for all NON republicans Do you think they'd vote for Ivanka dumb as a brick Kushner for President?
From the now famous book:

Few people who knew Trump had illusions about him. That was his appeal: He was what he was. Twinkle in his eye, larceny in his soul. Everybody in his rich-guy social circle knew about his wide-ranging ignorance. Early in the campaign, Sam Nunberg was sent to explain the Constitution to the candidate. “I got as far as the Fourth Amendment,” Nunberg recalled, “before his finger is pulling down on his lip and his eyes are rolling back in his head.
Incredibly damning! Impeach him!
Not ONE qualification for holding the highest seat in the land not one The mind of a child
Yep, leftist hate an outsider destroying their insider good ol boys club. They long for the days of the community organizer.
Ivanka for president ?? lol lol lol
I believe in his haste to field his vendetta he mistakenly drank the hemlock meant for others.

What say you?
billy, I never really saw what his agenda was, beyond personal power. I understand a view that both parties have sold workers to asia and Wall St, that we've bled ourselves literally and financially to protect others who neither appreciate our sacrifice nor reciprocate, that academic institutions view their own interests as superior or the same to students, and that we discriminate against white public school kids to somehow make up for some imagined sin that people committed over a hundred years ago. But Trump and his family are Wall Street, they do nothing for workers, nor public school kids, and they've never made a sacrifice for anyone in their GD lives. So why Bannon was ever entertwined with the Oranguton and his idiot brood is something I never understood ... beyond Trump really doesn't like people from other countries or people who aren't white.
I believe in his haste to field his vendetta he mistakenly drank the hemlock meant for others.

What say you?
billy, I never really saw what his agenda was, beyond personal power. I understand a view that both parties have sold workers to asia and Wall St, that we've bled ourselves literally and financially to protect others who neither appreciate our sacrifice nor reciprocate, that academic institutions view their own interests as superior or the same to students, and that we discriminate against white public school kids to somehow make up for some imagined sin that people committed over a hundred years ago. But Trump and his family are Wall Street, they do nothing for workers, nor public school kids, and they've never made a sacrifice for anyone in their GD lives. So why Bannon was ever entertwined with the Oranguton and his idiot brood is something I never understood ... beyond Trump really doesn't like people from other countries or people who aren't white.
This is not RUSSIA Trump can't stop publication of the book
Bannon is like a Trump with brains.

I think he is just trying to save himself. It is highly unlikely Breitbart has not received financial and strategic aid (telling them what stories to run and so on, perhaps even sending them fully written stories) when he was at their head.
Bannon is like a Trump with brains.

I think he is just trying to save himself. It is highly unlikely Breitbart has not received financial and strategic aid (telling them what stories to run and so on, perhaps even sending them fully written stories) when he was at their head.
I think there is a lot for Mueller to look at, and that there being such a miasma of shenanigans surrounding all of Trump's behavior and dealings is the reason why he is taking so much time. Mueller is reputed to be very thorough.

If Trump didn't have something to hide, he wouldn't be trying to discredit the investigation by undermining Mueller and the FBI. Bannon is just one of the problems Trump has, a very serious problem. Trump is desperately trying to discredit Wolff's book, trying to keep it from being published, and trying to stiffle Bannon. He must be very, very afraid.

lock him up.png
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Bannon is like a Trump with brains.

I think he is just trying to save himself. It is highly unlikely Breitbart has not received financial and strategic aid (telling them what stories to run and so on, perhaps even sending them fully written stories) when he was at their head.
I think there is a lot for Mueller to look at, and that there being such a miasma of shenanigans surrounding all of Trump's behavior and dealings is the reason why he is taking so much time. Mueller is reputed to be very thorough.

If Trump didn't have something to hide, he wouldn't be trying to discredit the investigation by undermining Mueller and the FBI. Bannon is just one of the problems Trump has, a very serious problem. Trump is desperately trying to discredit Wolff's book, trying to keep it from being published, and trying to stiffle Bannon. He must be very, very afraid.

View attachment 169611
It is being said that trumps mental fitness is in question That his lawyers are just trying to placate a raging madman with threatening lawsuits against books publishers
CNN has just reported that Wolff was given a regular pass to be in the White House over the past year talking to staffers and putting together material for his book. It's not some tabloid fantasy as the press secretary is saying. It's a book about Trump's first year and Wolff was allowed in the White House and allowed to talk with people in order to write the book. Now they don't like what it says and are trying to discredit him and block the book.
I believe in his haste to field his vendetta he mistakenly drank the hemlock meant for others.

What say you?
MSNBC will give him a job by next week.
He has a lot of spittle flying when he talks about Trump.

Hey Weatherman get ready for Bannon storms ahead.. Gilligan Trump Jr. better hold on to his ass.



Everyone is laughing.
Now that RUSSIA! has been proven to be fake news it’s onto the next fake news.

Show me a link on it proven to be fake news..a neutral site ok.

CNN has just reported that Wolff was given a regular pass to be in the White House over the past year talking to staffers and putting together material for his book. It's not some tabloid fantasy as the press secretary is saying. It's a book about Trump's first year and Wolff was allowed in the White House and allowed to talk with people in order to write the book. Now they don't like what it says and are trying to discredit him and block the book.
Be very careful Esmeralda ,"",,Mine is bigger and more powerful than yours """ I'm gonna miss the idiot
I believe in his haste to field his vendetta he mistakenly drank the hemlock meant for others.

What say you?
MSNBC will give him a job by next week.
He has a lot of spittle flying when he talks about Trump.

Hey Weatherman get ready for Bannon storms ahead.. Gilligan Trump Jr. better hold on to his ass.



Everyone is laughing.
Now that RUSSIA! has been proven to be fake news it’s onto the next fake news.

Show me a link on it proven to be fake news..a neutral site ok.

narrow that one down some. these days the RUSSIA narrative is all over the map.
I believe in his haste to field his vendetta he mistakenly drank the hemlock meant for others.

What say you?
MSNBC will give him a job by next week.
He has a lot of spittle flying when he talks about Trump.

Hey Weatherman get ready for Bannon storms ahead.. Gilligan Trump Jr. better hold on to his ass.



Everyone is laughing.
Now that RUSSIA! has been proven to be fake news it’s onto the next fake news.

Show me a link on it proven to be fake news..a neutral site ok.

narrow that one down some. these days the RUSSIA narrative is all over the map.

I agree.


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