hmmm..gun crime is going more people own and carry guns....

You show me your link....Bloomberg pledged 50 million dollars....did the NRA match that?
Billc -

Do you know how much money spent in this election....or, for that matter, in any election?
Ok, let's speed things up -

Why don't you know how much money the NRA spend on elections?

Why don't you know how much money the NRA spend on elections?

Do you really need me to explain why you don't know?
Do you know how much money spent in this election....or, for that matter, in any election?

I'll tell you why I don't know...I don't care...I believe in freedom of speech and so how much people or companies spend on getting their ideas out doesn't bother me...of course, in Europe, they don't believe in free speech the way we do....they allow limits on it....their loss....

I like that the NRA spends money to protect my right to keep and bear arms....I also don't care that bloomberg, and steyer and other lefties spend their money to get their ideas out...

You still haven't addressed the fact that on average 1.4 million times a year guns are used to save lives and stop violent crime in the United States....while there are, according to FBI statistics between 8-10 thousand murders a year and about 6-700 accidental guns deaths...

So....1.4 million times guns save lives and stop violent criminals....vs. about 8-10,000 murders, 80% of which are comitted in a few block areas of inner cities controlled by the very party that is the anti gun party....the democrats....

310 million guns in private hands, and only 8-10,000 murders with guns per year....that means that 309,990,000 guns were not used to commit murder in the United States, while close to 1.4 million are used to stop violent criminals and save lives....

I'm not sure why the left is so upset about how much money is spent on elections....I only care when the left tries to limit spending...since that helps keep the greedy, corrupt politicians in office....
Apparently, gun crime is on the decline....anti gunners, you may start weeping now, your strongest tool, dead, innocent men, women and children may be decreasing in number....

Gun Crime Trends In The United States Extrano s Alley a gun blog

Someone came by searching for “gun crime trends in the united states.

I will have a graphic of gun related crimes reported to the FBI after the Uniform Crime Report for 2013 makes its appearance.

However, Table 2 of the Bureau of Justice Statistics National Crime Survey shows gun related crime declined from 427,700 in 2012 to 290,620 in 2013.(pdf)

That is a decline in the victimization rate from 180 to 130 per 100,000 Americans aged 12 years and older. That is a 27.7 percent decline in total gun related crime in one year.

More spectacularly, the CVS’ Table 2 reports there were an estimated 552,040 crimes committed or facilitated with a gun 1n 2006, for a 47.26 percent decline in eight years.

Why? When all else has been eliminated, what remains must be the truth. All else has been eliminated, and the only credible reason for the decline is the purchase of some 73 million new guns in that eight year period.

The factors that should increase violent crime rates such as earlier release, the end of “three strikes,” the declining arrest rates and other factors are more than nullified by the increasing numbers of people arming themselves for their own protection.

This is, of course, the other side of the gun debate that the anti gunners never mention....we have more people buying and carrying guns for protection...and the violent crime rate is going down, not up....

So, once we get control of violent criminal gangs in democrat controlled inner cities...which make up most of our violent crime rate, we will have violent crime levels comparable to Europe....

Without giving up our guns....

This is the argument you are going to use? To begin with, a very big percentage of gun crimes are poor on poor crimes, mostly involving gang members. Secondly, crime as a whole tends to go down when the economy gets better. The economy has been getting much better, so surprise, the crime rate is dropping.
Wrong, it's not dropping in the inner cities and the economy is not "getting much better".

Yes it is dropping in the inner cities, and the economy is getting much better. What planet do you live on?
Crime is down in Canada as well and we've never been a nation where you can own a gun, and even if you are a licensed gun owner, you can't carry it. Carry permits are all but non-existent here.

Crime is down because of demographics, not because of gun ownership. Crimes are mostly committed by the young, and there are fewer young people as a percentage of the population. Older criminals are either in jail or dead. Also, forensics makes it more and more difficult for criminals to get away with their crimes.
Do you know how much money spent in this election....or, for that matter, in any election?

I'll tell you why I don't know...I don't care...I believe in freedom of speech and so how much people or companies spend on getting their ideas out doesn't bother me...of course, in Europe, they don't believe in free speech the way we do....they allow limits on it....their loss....

I like that the NRA spends money to protect my right to keep and bear arms....I also don't care that bloomberg, and steyer and other lefties spend their money to get their ideas out...

You still haven't addressed the fact that on average 1.4 million times a year guns are used to save lives and stop violent crime in the United States....while there are, according to FBI statistics between 8-10 thousand murders a year and about 6-700 accidental guns deaths...

So....1.4 million times guns save lives and stop violent criminals....vs. about 8-10,000 murders, 80% of which are comitted in a few block areas of inner cities controlled by the very party that is the anti gun party....the democrats....

310 million guns in private hands, and only 8-10,000 murders with guns per year....that means that 309,990,000 guns were not used to commit murder in the United States, while close to 1.4 million are used to stop violent criminals and save lives....

I'm not sure why the left is so upset about how much money is spent on elections....I only care when the left tries to limit spending...since that helps keep the greedy, corrupt politicians in office....

This may come as a huge shock to you but there freedom of speech throughout Europe and North America, but even in the US, there are limits on what you can say. You can't slander someone without consequences. You can't threaten someone either. And just try to tell people how great it is to have sex with children and see how fast they come for you. Free speech only pertains to your right to criticize the government.
Crime is down in Canada as well and we've never been a nation where you can own a gun, and even if you are a licensed gun owner, you can't carry it. Carry permits are all but non-existent here.

Did the guy who murdered that soldier, you know the soldier with the rifle but no bullets, and then went on to invade the parliament building....he seems to have "owned" a gun, and he seemed to be "carrying" it when he attacked....and did he have a license for that gun?
Yes the guy did have a gun. That's one mentally ill asshole on a shooting spree. There have been 9 such shooting sprees in Canada since 1966. Would you care to compare that to the number of shooting sprees in the US for the same period?

In Canada we say that only the cops and the criminals have handguns. This makes it easier for the cops to get gangbangers and other hoodlums off the street because they will be sent to prison for simply possessing a handgun.

I also note that not once when a spree killer goes on a rampage in a public place in the US has said killer been brought down by a regular citizen with a gun.

Gun ownership rights make it easier for criminals to get guns and to carry them with impunity. But it doesn't reduce crime or make people safer. That's an NRA myth.
Yes the guy did have a gun. That's one mentally ill asshole on a shooting spree. There have been 9 such shooting sprees in Canada since 1966. Would you care to compare that to the number of shooting sprees in the US for the same period?

In Canada we say that only the cops and the criminals have handguns. This makes it easier for the cops to get gangbangers and other hoodlums off the street because they will be sent to prison for simply possessing a handgun.

I also note that not once when a spree killer goes on a rampage in a public place in the US has said killer been brought down by a regular citizen with a gun.

Gun ownership rights make it easier for criminals to get guns and to carry them with impunity. But it doesn't reduce crime or make people safer. That's an NRA myth.

I also note that not once when a spree killer goes on a rampage in a public place in the US has said killer been brought down by a regular citizen with a gun.

happens all the time

Terror at Southwest Side Movie Theater, as Gunman, Patron Shot in Lobby

Terror at Southwest Side Movie Theater as Gunman Patron Shot in Lobby News Radio 1200 WOAI
also note that not once when a spree killer goes on a rampage in a public place in the US has said killer been brought down by a regular citizen with a gun.

Actually, you are very wrong on this...It happens, but most of the shootings occur in legally created victim gun free zones....where victims are not allowed to carry guns for protection....of course, that doesn't stop the killers.... the killing in Canada....what did it take to stop the killer....someone with a gun....had someone been by that soldier, you know, the one who had no bullets, then the killer might not have even left that area to go on to the Parliament building....where a good person with a gun had to stop him...

And notice....your political class was well protected by guns....weren't fact, your prime minister had a separate security team....with guns....right? But law abiding Canadians don't have that special team, do they?

un ownership rights make it easier for criminals to get guns and to carry them with impunity. But it doesn't reduce crime or make people safer. That's an NRA myth.

Actually, you are wrong on this as well....the famous study by John Lott showed that when states adopted concealed carry, their violent crime rate went down....and on average, guns are used by good people to save lives and stop crime 1.4 million times a year, possibly higher, and that is from 19 different studies on the subject conducted over a 40 year period....
There have been 9 such shooting sprees in Canada since 1966.

It must be nice to have fewer nuts than we do....but if your nut cases will have more mass public shootings...because obviously, if this guy could get a gun, other nut jobs in your country can too.....but sadly, no one will be able to stop him until a police officer arrives....minutes for the killer to kill unchecked by good people on the scene armed with hand guns.....
There have been 9 such shooting sprees in Canada since 1966.

It must be nice to have fewer nuts than we do....but if your nut cases will have more mass public shootings...because obviously, if this guy could get a gun, other nut jobs in your country can too.....but sadly, no one will be able to stop him until a police officer arrives....minutes for the killer to kill unchecked by good people on the scene armed with hand guns.....

The easy availability of guns have given the US the highest murder rate in First World nations. The murder rate in Canada is 1.5 per 100,000 of population. It's 4.7 per 100,000 in the US. And it can reasonably be argued that our murder rate is as high as it is because of our proximity to the US. Hand guns are regularly smuggled across the border and are more readily accessible in Canada than other countries.

The US keeps producing studies which show how guns keep you safer but the crime and murder statistics tell another story. Compared to other First World countries, the US has much higher rates of murder and violent crime. But keep cranking out those studies that say guns keep you safe so you can feel better about the mess you've made.

Sadly, the US will never get rid of its guns. Even if there was political will to ban handguns, and the entire population agreed to disarm, there are too many guns. You're stuck with them.
The easy availability of guns have given the US the highest murder rate in First World nations.
The murder rate in Canada is 1.5 per 100,000 of population
300,000,000 guns in the US.
8855 gun related murders. (2012)
99.997% of guns in the are US NOT used to commit murder.

10.548.000 gun in Canada
529 gun related murders (2011)
99.995% of guns in Canada are NOT used to commit murder.

Thus... any given gun in Canada is more likely to be used to commit murder than any given gun in the US.

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There have been 9 such shooting sprees in Canada since 1966.

It must be nice to have fewer nuts than we do....but if your nut cases will have more mass public shootings...because obviously, if this guy could get a gun, other nut jobs in your country can too.....but sadly, no one will be able to stop him until a police officer arrives....minutes for the killer to kill unchecked by good people on the scene armed with hand guns.....

The easy availability of guns have given the US the highest murder rate in First World nations. The murder rate in Canada is 1.5 per 100,000 of population. It's 4.7 per 100,000 in the US. And it can reasonably be argued that our murder rate is as high as it is because of our proximity to the US. Hand guns are regularly smuggled across the border and are more readily accessible in Canada than other countries.

The US keeps producing studies which show how guns keep you safer but the crime and murder statistics tell another story. Compared to other First World countries, the US has much higher rates of murder and violent crime. But keep cranking out those studies that say guns keep you safe so you can feel better about the mess you've made.

Sadly, the US will never get rid of its guns. Even if there was political will to ban handguns, and the entire population agreed to disarm, there are too many guns. You're stuck with them.

The US keeps producing studies which show how guns keep you safer but the crime and murder statistics tell another story.

No, the research keeps producing the truth....there are on average 9-10,000 murders each year here in the States....each year....on average, guns are used 1.4 million times to stop a violent crime or to save a life....that is from 19 different studies on the subject, done by separate researchers, from both the private sector, and government research, from those who are neutral on the topic of guns and self defense and those who are opposed to guns, and they were done over a period of 40 years....

They weren't produced, they were researched...

So....if what you say is what you believe, then those 1.4 million times that crimes were stopped and lives saved...should have gone the other way....meaning....the criminal should have been successful at brutally raping, robbing, stabbing, beating or murdering those people....that is what you believe should have happened....right?

So, to be clear....

A woman is about to be brutally raped in Canada....her attacker is using one of these weapons...a knife, a club, a gun, his order to accomplish the rape...

Tell you think this woman should be allowed to have a gun to stop the rape....yes or no...?

See, that is the other side of the equation that is never given full weight by the anti gunners....take away guns...and you create even more vicitms....see Britain....they have less gun crime but more violent crime....
The easy availability of guns have given the US the highest murder rate in First World nations.
The murder rate in Canada is 1.5 per 100,000 of population
300,000,000 guns in the US.
8855 gun related murders. (2012)
99.997% of guns in the are US NOT used to commit murder.

10.548.000 gun in Canada
529 gun related murders (2011)
99.995% of guns in Canada are NOT used to commit murder.

Thus... any given gun in Canada is more likely to be used to commit murder than any given gun in the US.


There weren't 529 gun murders in Canada in 2011. There were 598 homicides in total in 2011, of which only 174 victims were killed by a gun. A knife or other cutting tool was the most common weapon used. Knives or similar tools were used in 35% of all Canadian homicides in 2011, which is around 210.

Homicide in Canada 2011

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