hmmm..gun crime is going more people own and carry guns....

BigReb -

No one ever suggested that you would do the killing - only that you would accept the killing.

Please try to respond to what I post, and only what I post.
BigReb -

No one ever suggested that you would do the killing - only that you would accept the killing.

Please try to respond to what I post, and only what I post.
You are a lying sack of shit with a short term memory

I pray Bigeb IS the exception. I don't know many Americans who would accept killing anyone who disagrees with their politics.
BigReb -

No, I am not lying, and no, I do not have memory loss. I can, however, read properly.

You said that you would accept liberals being killed. That is exactly what I said, i.e. "who would accept killing".

What word are you struggling to understand?
BigReb -

No, I am not lying, and no, I do not have memory loss. I can, however, read properly.

You said that you would accept liberals being killed. That is exactly what I said, i.e. "who would accept killing".

What word are you struggling to understand?
Stupid here's what you said maybe you didn't or don't comprehend what your wrote
I pray Bigeb IS the exception. I don't know many Americans who would accept killing anyone who disagrees with their politics.
BigReb -

I don't think it's a difficult question - would you accept liberals being killed, or not?

Chicken shit.
BigReb -

I don't think it's a difficult question - would you accept liberals being killed, or not?
Stop it you have become very irrelevant because of your dishonesty It was your claim that I said something when I didn't got caught twisting what I said and now expect me to answer your question? GO FUCK YOURSELF.IS MY ANSWER.
Big Derp....he didn't say you wanted to personally kill all liberals. He said that you accept killing all liberals. It's English. The language you claim to share with us liberals. You know the people you hope all die.

Do you hope that someone kills me, Derp? I'm a liberal.
Big Derp....he didn't say you wanted to personally kill all liberals. He said that you accept killing all liberals. It's English. The language you claim to share with us liberals. You know the people you hope all die.

Do you hope that someone kills me, Derp? I'm a liberal.
LITTLE DERPPY I know exactly what he said you are known for your lack of comprehension skills but do keep proving how bad you are.
Not since 1959 have the gun grabbers been as unpopular.

The got crushed at the polls this past week....Im still laughing in fact!!!:banana:
Big Reb -

What I said, and what I meant, is that you would accept liberals being killed. This is what you said, afterall.

I am sorry if you misinterpreted my post, or found it difficult to understand.
Well, openly pro gun candidates won....the Republican Party, which is the pro 2nd Amendment party won being anti gun didn't help the democrats....even with all the money anti gun people put into the campaigns this year....
Apparently, gun crime is on the decline....anti gunners, you may start weeping now, your strongest tool, dead, innocent men, women and children may be decreasing in number....

Gun Crime Trends In The United States Extrano s Alley a gun blog

Someone came by searching for “gun crime trends in the united states.

I will have a graphic of gun related crimes reported to the FBI after the Uniform Crime Report for 2013 makes its appearance.

However, Table 2 of the Bureau of Justice Statistics National Crime Survey shows gun related crime declined from 427,700 in 2012 to 290,620 in 2013.(pdf)

That is a decline in the victimization rate from 180 to 130 per 100,000 Americans aged 12 years and older. That is a 27.7 percent decline in total gun related crime in one year.

More spectacularly, the CVS’ Table 2 reports there were an estimated 552,040 crimes committed or facilitated with a gun 1n 2006, for a 47.26 percent decline in eight years.

Why? When all else has been eliminated, what remains must be the truth. All else has been eliminated, and the only credible reason for the decline is the purchase of some 73 million new guns in that eight year period.

The factors that should increase violent crime rates such as earlier release, the end of “three strikes,” the declining arrest rates and other factors are more than nullified by the increasing numbers of people arming themselves for their own protection.

This is, of course, the other side of the gun debate that the anti gunners never mention....we have more people buying and carrying guns for protection...and the violent crime rate is going down, not up....

So, once we get control of violent criminal gangs in democrat controlled inner cities...which make up most of our violent crime rate, we will have violent crime levels comparable to Europe....

Without giving up our guns....

Come on now, we all know crime reduction is due to the glorious benefits of abortion on demand.
even with all the money anti gun people put into the campaigns this year....

How much money did the NRA spend on these elections?

Compare the two figures....what does that tell you?

I do think this is an absolutely key point, so did check your figures carelly before posting!!
As opposed to the Trial lawyers...anti gun, the teachers unions...anti gun, Michael bloomberg...anti gun, hollywood, anti do realize that more money and more groups who are anti gun give far more to anti gun candidates right?

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