Hmmm....Mexico has extreme gun control, but 30% of guns sold to Mexican government go missing....wanna guess who gets them?

I said:

I don't recall saying that government can be held legally responsible if somebody is killed by gun.

I simply said that government must be held responsible for stopping the slaughter .......................etc.[/quote}

Are you so dismally ingorant that you actually don't understand the difference in the two?

I understand you are forcing the word "responsible" into leftist sillytalk.


Government must be held responsible for enacting laws to stop the slaugher by guns.

Is government's "responsibility" fulfilled by mere enactment of laws without any duty to enforce them?

Government's responsibility has been fulfilled many times over.

Is government's "responsibility" fulfilled by mere enactment of laws without any duty to enforce them?
No, but you still haven't understood what I've said. But to the new point you're trying to raise, there are likely laws that prohibit the police from murdering black men on the street with their guns, and many instances where the laws against doing so aren't enforced. As we have come to agree, America is immersed in a slaughter by gun.

But to return to that which I said:

I don't recall saying that government can be held legally responsible if somebody is killed by gun.

I simply said that government must be held responsible for stopping the slaughter .......................etc.[/quote}

Do you understand the difference in those two sentences?
No, but you still haven't understood what I've said. But to the new point you're trying to raise, there are likely laws that prohibit the police from murdering black men on the street with their guns, and many instances where the laws against doing so aren't enforced. As we have come to agree, America is immersed in a slaughter by gun.

But to return to that which I said:
LOL police are not murdering black men in the street.
LOL police are not murdering black men in the street.
In fact it can't be ignored but we could turn to the new topic of 'defunding the police' as the appropriate topic that makes the point better than our departure from the 'guns' question.
. But to the new point you're trying to raise, there are likely laws that prohibit the police from murdering black men on the street with their guns, and many instances where the laws against doing so aren't enforced.
"Many instances"?
Such as?
You brought it up now cant substantiate your claim?
Chances are I might try with you at least, when you take it to the appropriate topic.
The suggestion being the murder of black men by police on America's streets.
Not the 2A.
Quote me there so I won't miss the notification.
Chances are I might try with you at least, when you take it to the appropriate topic.
The suggestion being the murder of black men by police on America's streets.
And you cannot demonstrate this actually happens.
2021 blacks killed by police. Full List of Black People Killed By Police in 2021

the article does not list the reason for the shooting but as in MOST police shootings the large majority were justified.

from the article

[Black people continue to be disproportionately impacted by police violence, the data shows. Black people account for 27 percent of those killed by police in 2021 (of those whose race is known), despite making up 13 percent of the U.S. population.]

this fails to mention that 37 percent of all violent crimes are committed by blacks so at 27 percent shot they are under represented according to crimes.

From the article

[Black people are three times more likely to be killed by police, yet 1.3 times more likely to be unarmed compared to white people, according to MPV.]

Again fails to mention that blacks are 3 times more likely to be committing a violent crime then whites. And it fails to mention that blacks have a tendency to disobey cops when stopped, to resist and fight with cops.
I already told you I am against it too. It is an attempt to get registration so that eventually the Government can confiscate all legal firearms. And you claiming that makes us against background checks is a lie we support the current laws.
Only two countries in the world have confiscated all firearms. The vast majority just have sensible rules/laws/regulations. That's why America is high on the list for gun incidents.

Rules/laws,/regulations don't stop gun incidents, they reduce them, just like rules/laws/regulations with vehicles. Without these, the likes of the UK, Australia, New Zealand etc.. would have dreadful gun stats like America.
Only two countries in the world have confiscated all firearms. The vast majority just have sensible rules/laws/regulations. That's why America is high on the list for gun incidents.
Please demonstrate the necessary relationship between the laws in the UK, NZ, OZ etc, and their lower (than US) rates of gun-related violence.

Alright, if you won't take it to the appropriate thread, I'll address all that here.
the article does not list the reason for the shooting but as in MOST police shootings the large majority were justified.
Yes, there are justified shooting and perhaps even most? But here's something that speaks directly to the point. In Canada the police carry guns, as do police in America, and so we may need to look at the number of police shooting in both countries, per capita, to determine the answer on 'shooting being justified. As well as some other considerations that may answer the question.
from the article

[Black people continue to be disproportionately impacted by police violence, the data shows. Black people account for 27 percent of those killed by police in 2021 (of those whose race is known), despite making up 13 percent of the U.S. population.]

this fails to mention that 37 percent of all violent crimes are committed by blacks so at 27 percent shot they are under represented according to crimes.
You could be right. Blacks in America are guilty of more crime per capita than whites in America. We need to examine the reasons for that. I'll begin by suggesting that black crime and behaviour has been created by whites refusing equality. Or, if you don't accept that then maybe you can offer another reason(s)?
Bad people in America requires police lethal action more than in Canada?
From the article

[Black people are three times more likely to be killed by police, yet 1.3 times more likely to be unarmed compared to white people, according to MPV.]

Again fails to mention that blacks are 3 times more likely to be committing a violent crime then whites. And it fails to mention that blacks have a tendency to disobey cops when stopped, to resist and fight with cops.
I'll accept your answer as possibly correct, with cautious reservations.

But you have granted me the original premise on black men being shot dead (murdered?) on the streets more often than whites. In fairness you have offered some possible reasons and some possible justifications why that is true.

I've said many times that America has a race problem and that's something different from the racism problem. Do you understand what that means? If so then it can only add validation the points on which we agree. (agree with my certain reservations)

It's an issue that requires much more thought and discussion. Are you capable and willing?

edit: Here's a quick look at police shooting rates in Canada.
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Please demonstrate the necessary relationship between the laws in the UK, NZ, OZ etc, and their lower (than US) rates of gun-related violence.
Does that mean you feel gun regulation and low gun incidents to be a coincidence in the UK, Australia, New Zealand etc..? Amazing.
Alright, if you won't take it to the appropriate thread, I'll address all that here.

Yes, there are justified shooting and perhaps even most? But here's something that speaks directly to the point. In Canada the police carry guns, as do police in America, and so we may need to look at the number of police shooting in both countries, per capita, to determine the answer on 'shooting being justified. As well as some other considerations that may answer the question.
# of shootings per capita does nothing to determine if the shootings, in general or specifically, are justified or not.
Violent crime in the US is, per capita, higher than that in Canada; the natural result is the police in the US will shoot more people.
You could be right. Blacks in America are guilty of more crime per capita than whites in America. We need to examine the reasons for that. I'll begin by suggesting that black crime and behaviour has been created by whites refusing equality.
I can't disagree with this until yu make an honest effort to demonstrare it to be true.
Does that mean you feel gun regulation...
It means I want you to demonstrate the necessary relationship between the laws in the UK, NZ, OZ etc, and their lower (than US) rates of gun-related violence.
It's -your- claim; the onus is on you to support it.

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