Hoaxed:The ‘Illegal Alien Mom with Barefoot Kids’ Photo was a Setup

The illegal mother that was running from the border wall .....yes.....you guessed it! was a lie!

In others words.....just a photo op!

but then.....we all suspected that .....so sorry to break it to y'all:SMILEW~130:

try again DemonRats! try again to fool people!:04:......only to fail once more!


Hoaxed: The 'Illegal Alien Mom with Barefoot Kids' Photo was a Setup - Another Staged #FakeNews Production


Cons are such dupes. :lmao:
The illegal mother that was running from the border wall .....yes.....you guessed it! was a lie!

In others words.....just a photo op!

but then.....we all suspected that .....so sorry to break it to y'all:SMILEW~130:

try again DemonRats! try again to fool people!:04:......only to fail once more!


Hoaxed: The 'Illegal Alien Mom with Barefoot Kids' Photo was a Setup - Another Staged #FakeNews Production

Honestly, first thing I thought when I saw that pic, as a mother: why is that great big girl in a diaper? The article called her a "toddler". That's not a "toddler". Hint: a toddler "toddles" because they're still learning to walk. I knew on sight that girl was AT LEAST three and I was right. I think 3.5. And I get it, traveling, maybe there's not always a bathroom available. But let's not discount too that CNN set the whole thing up with diapers at the ready. Would anyone be surprised?

Of course, lest the Lefties rumble, tear gassing children is still less than ideal, diaper or no diaper. But the mother is trying pass her children through the border ILLEGALLY. She bears the ultimate responsibility, not the US gov't.
The illegal mother that was running from the border wall .....yes.....you guessed it! was a lie!

In others words.....just a photo op!

but then.....we all suspected that .....so sorry to break it to y'all:SMILEW~130:

try again DemonRats! try again to fool people!:04:......only to fail once more!


Hoaxed: The 'Illegal Alien Mom with Barefoot Kids' Photo was a Setup - Another Staged #FakeNews Production


Cons are such dupes. :lmao:

You realize they're been caught basically producing movies and passing it off as "news" before.....right?
Picture is compelling

These people do not seem to be the monsters that Trump is reporting

That is where the fake news is coming from

Human trafficking never looks bad to Dems.

Well look, there's a Lefty in this thread who claimed a whole bunch of us are "amoral". Next stop: subhuman. Next stop: loading us into cattle cars.

So what is human trafficking to them? They don't believe in "made in the image of God". We're just meat bags to them.
The illegal mother that was running from the border wall .....yes.....you guessed it! was a lie!

In others words.....just a photo op!

but then.....we all suspected that .....so sorry to break it to y'all:SMILEW~130:

try again DemonRats! try again to fool people!:04:......only to fail once more!


Hoaxed: The 'Illegal Alien Mom with Barefoot Kids' Photo was a Setup - Another Staged #FakeNews Production

Nothing suggests this picture is being faked. Lots of people are standing around by the wall. But there is a gas canister with gas coming out of it right close to the women and children. She could easily be moving to get away from that gas.

Just because you pretend that CNN are saying something that they're not saying, doesn't make it "fake news".

Trump has said tear gas does not get used on children. There is clearly tear gas in that picture, and there are clearly children in that picture too. Now, even Trump says that tear gas has been used.

So how can Trump say that they used tear gas but no children were caught up in that?

Now, CNN said "One photo shows a mother dragging her children away from the conflict and smoke" which is this photo you're talking about.

Trump denies tear gas was used on child migrants despite pictures, video - CNNPolitics

Is this woman not doing this? CNN doesn't claim it's anything more than the mother moving away from the tear gas. There's clearly tear gas.

So, for the SECOND TIME in a matter of hours, we have right wingers CLAIMING the media is saying something it's not, then shouting "FAKE NEWS" at the media for not saying what they think the media is saying.
Nothing suggests this picture is being faked

Just because you pretend that CNN are saying something that they're not saying, doesn't make it "fake news".

So, for the SECOND TIME in a matter of hours, we have right wingers CLAIMING the media is saying something it's not, then shouting "FAKE NEWS" at the media for not saying what they think the media is saying.

'Fake News' hails directly from our denier 'n chief ,who would like his followers to utilize blind ignorance for brutal truths ,much like dicators insist upon.

Ergo, Fake News becomes their sanctioned default, for every issue they're TOLD to aviod

Nothing suggests this picture is being faked

Just because you pretend that CNN are saying something that they're not saying, doesn't make it "fake news".

So, for the SECOND TIME in a matter of hours, we have right wingers CLAIMING the media is saying something it's not, then shouting "FAKE NEWS" at the media for not saying what they think the media is saying.

'Fake News' hails directly from our denier 'n chief ,who would like his followers to utilize blind ignorance for brutal truths ,much like dicators insist upon.

Ergo, Fake News becomes their sanctioned default, for every issue they're TOLD to aviod


Yes, literally I've seen "fake news" being shout out today twice, and both times it's been misinterpretation of what they're reading, rather than the media lying.
Nothing suggests this picture is being faked

Just because you pretend that CNN are saying something that they're not saying, doesn't make it "fake news".

So, for the SECOND TIME in a matter of hours, we have right wingers CLAIMING the media is saying something it's not, then shouting "FAKE NEWS" at the media for not saying what they think the media is saying.

'Fake News' hails directly from our denier 'n chief ,who would like his followers to utilize blind ignorance for brutal truths ,much like dicators insist upon.

Ergo, Fake News becomes their sanctioned default, for every issue they're TOLD to aviod


Yes, literally I've seen "fake news" being shout out today twice, and both times it's been misinterpretation of what they're reading, rather than the media lying.

These are the same folks who wanted our military to open fire on them

I don't give a fuck whether the picture is staged or real. We don't allow people to rush our fucking borders, this is not how our immigration system works.
then you'd applaude Trumps efforts of aggression , vs denying them DD

plenty of press footage too....
Picture is compelling

These people do not seem to be the monsters that Trump is reporting

That is where the fake news is coming from
They are comitting a HOME INVASIO with you blessing, traitor.

Does a single Democrat believe in national borders or laws?
This is an opinion by a person at the gateway pundit, only a step above infowars on the veracity scale. While he offers what to him his a logical assumption, it is still an assumption, not proof or evidence.

Yes, some pictures are staged but the people running from this teargas attack, (allowed by trump and gaining herself some massive points with trump, pushed by Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen) were not. Only the evangelical, GOP finds joy in this.

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