Hoaxed:The ‘Illegal Alien Mom with Barefoot Kids’ Photo was a Setup

This is an opinion by a person at the gateway pundit, only a step above infowars on the veracity scale. While he offers what to him his a logical assumption, it is still an assumption, not proof or evidence.

Yes, some pictures are staged but the people running from this teargas attack, (allowed by trump and gaining herself some massive points with trump, pushed by Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen) were not. Only the evangelical, GOP finds joy in this.

Your harping on evangelicals is irrational. Do you realize how irrational it really is?
then you'd applaude Trumps efforts of aggression , vs denying them DD

plenty of press footage too....

What country allows their borders to be stormed ?
This is an opinion by a person at the gateway pundit, only a step above infowars on the veracity scale. While he offers what to him his a logical assumption, it is still an assumption, not proof or evidence.

Yes, some pictures are staged but the people running from this teargas attack, (allowed by trump and gaining herself some massive points with trump, pushed by Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen) were not. Only the evangelical, GOP finds joy in this.

I mean let me try this with some other groups and see how you like it:

"Only Orthodox Jews find joy in this"

"Only Black United Methodists find joy in this"

"Only Indian Hindus find joy in this"

See how illogical and....really....unhinged this makes you sound?
This is an opinion by a person at the gateway pundit, only a step above infowars on the veracity scale. While he offers what to him his a logical assumption, it is still an assumption, not proof or evidence.

Yes, some pictures are staged but the people running from this teargas attack, (allowed by trump and gaining herself some massive points with trump, pushed by Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen) were not. Only the evangelical, GOP finds joy in this.

No one finds 'JOY' in using teargas, but if you're going to have waves of people trying to ILLEGALLY enter our country, we must take action to stop it.

You know, this thread is just another example of how the left consistently shows that they have no problem with illegal immigration. Leave it to you people and we wouldn't have borders.
Every fucking step of the way you bastards take the opposite side when any efforts are made to stop illegal immigration.
Tear gas is real and the woman is pulling her children away from it

The gas is moving towards the woman and her children and AWAY from those in the background
So why does the woman expose herself and kid to tear gas. Sounds mean

You know, this thread is just another example of how the left consistently shows that they have no problem with illegal immigration

The thread premise is RW denial , every bit as bad as LW denial DD

You really want to get to the root problem?

Why do conservatives celebrate using tear gas against children

It was a movie it was a set up.....did you read my OP????? gezzzz
I laughed at how gullible you are

Must be to quote gateway pundit

Even Fox wouldn’t report the garbage you posted
10 minutes ago Laura Ingraham was all over that fake news picture with the woman and her 2 kiddies. The reason for the tear gas was thugs throwing rocks, bricks and bottles while 200 tried to storm the gates. You can't pooh pooh the videos.
Doesn’t negate it was real tear gas and real children

Why would conservatives claim it is all staged?

Is every conservative as dumb as skye?
Nothing suggests this picture is being faked

Just because you pretend that CNN are saying something that they're not saying, doesn't make it "fake news".

So, for the SECOND TIME in a matter of hours, we have right wingers CLAIMING the media is saying something it's not, then shouting "FAKE NEWS" at the media for not saying what they think the media is saying.

'Fake News' hails directly from our denier 'n chief ,who would like his followers to utilize blind ignorance for brutal truths ,much like dicators insist upon.

Ergo, Fake News becomes their sanctioned default, for every issue they're TOLD to aviod

Our president claims they just grab children who aren’t theirs

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