Hobby Lobby Loses Transgender Bathroom Access Case in Illinois


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
Another win for equality and the good guys.

What in the world is the problem with conservatives? Why do you people have to discriminate against people who aren't like you?

I won't shop at hobby lobby. It's a tacky store filled with tacky junk from china.

Another win for equality and the good guys.

What in the world is the problem with conservatives? Why do you people have to discriminate against people who aren't like you?

I won't shop at hobby lobby. It's a tacky store filled with tacky junk from china.

I won't shop at hobby lobby.


you wont' have to put up with some dude in a dress hiking up his skirt and aiming his dick at a urinal.
Another win for equality and the good guys.

What in the world is the problem with conservatives? Why do you people have to discriminate against people who aren't like you?

I won't shop at hobby lobby. It's a tacky store filled with tacky junk from china.

You're an idiot. Letting grown men into little girls locker rooms is child abuse and not letting them isn't discrimination. If they want to live in fairyland they can, but I'm not going there.
Why do democrats want to accomodate a sub culture and a small one in the US?? It's just pure perversion and coarsening the culture and destroying our kids.

I'm sure people were scratching their heads in ancient babylon and Ahab's antiGod Israel in the day when they were accomodating and encouraging the same perverseness.

** but you know what happened don't you? :wink:
Another win for equality and the good guys.

What in the world is the problem with conservatives? Why do you people have to discriminate against people who aren't like you?

I won't shop at hobby lobby. It's a tacky store filled with tacky junk from china.

"The good guys"

The people who want men to be able to be in a rest room with little girls.

Up is down in America 2021.
Another win for equality and the good guys.

What in the world is the problem with conservatives? Why do you people have to discriminate against people who aren't like you?

I won't shop at hobby lobby. It's a tacky store filled with tacky junk from china.

Oh goodie! So some little girl gets to be stuck in a bathroom with some asshole with hairy legs (and parents just get to hope he doesn't have her pet those hairs) messed up, confused thinking and size 74 heels.

This is not a win for anyone in their right mind. It's a loss for girls and women that have rights too- but horrible creatures such as yourself don't consider those. Doesn't even occur to the shits like you that at best, this is 1000% inappropriate and at worse. there's a possibility of something terrible happening. Even a tiny chance of danger should be enough to never even consider this bullshit.

And who are the "good guys" exactly? Who are those?

This is NOT equality for anyone.
I’m just saying it’s not a big enough deal to make a big deal out of.
Rape is not something that happens a lot in my area. It is extremely rare in my section of the state. So if it happens, is it so rare that we shouldn't make a big deal about it?
Another win for equality and the good guys.

Of course, since we're talking about men who want to be women, the word "guys" is used rather loosely...

What in the world is the problem with conservatives? Why do you people have to discriminate against people who aren't like you?

Hey, I've got no problem with people being gay. Hey, if you're a guy and you wanna' suck dick, have at it. Suck it like the antidote's inside. If you're a girl and wanna' be a carpet muncher, good on ya'; have fun. I have no problem with homosexuals.

But, if you're a guy who "identifies" as a woman, guess what? You're a guy. You may even be a guy with a mental disorder. If you're a guy going through a "transition", well, regardless of how far into your transition you are, until you get a uterus and fallopian tubes you're a guy...

I won't shop at hobby lobby. It's a tacky store filled with tacky junk from china.

Yeah, Wal-Mart's such a superior choice.

I go there occasionally for picture frames. They usually have really good BOGO sales.

I could give a fuck what the owners of Hobby Lobby believe, but I feel strongly that they should be permitted to operate their business as they see fit...
1. it's not discrimination--it's common sense
2. we do not want MEN going into bathrooms with grade school girls/any females/etc
3. why are liberals so stupid??? what's wrong with them?

The courts say you're wrong.

It is discrimination and the courts ruled as such.

It doesn't matter what you think or want.

You can't discriminate someone just because they are different from you and you don't like it.

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