Hobby Lobby Still Covers Vasectomies And Viagra

SO? Nobody HAS to work there. But, how do you feel about sharia law? Freedom. Oh, the whole gay marriage /rights thing. Who is being forced to accept what here? Islam and Sexual perversion. But if you have a vague inkling that perhaps abortion wrong...and feel motivated to speak your mind and oppose it? I am a secular humanist. Agnostic. I support the Supreme court's ruling in this case, because it supports individual freedom, not imposing on the masses by some fickle intellectuals.

Sorry, Mary. I believe in the Holy Bible. My mother's family came to America in the early 1600s as Presbyterians who were not too popular in one of the North Sea countries, so they migrated here on the Mayflower and landed at Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts. I come from a long line of school marms and Presbyterian ministers as a consequence. My grandfather was a layman leader, but he was devoted to scriptures, and somehow, I inherited his love for and belief in Holy scriptures.

My inkling about abortion being wrong is not vague but based principles taught in the Pentateuch, not to mention St. Paul's letters, and Christ's own distaste for sexual sins, and his forgiveness to those who repented. Since this is not a thread on Religion, but touches on it, that's enough for now. I think Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the light. Not everybody thinks like me, and not even one other person in my high school attended the church I sang in the choir for, so it's rather personal, and this subject is definitely not about me! :)
Hobby Lobby -- now free to drop emergency "morning after" pills and intrauterine devices from its workers' health insurance plans -- has given no indication that it plans to stop helping its male employees obtain erectile dysfunction treatments.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that the craft store chain, owned by evangelical Christians, doesn't have to pay for health care coverage of contraceptives prohibited by its owners' religion.

But pills and pumps that help a man stiffen his penis in preparation for sex are perfectly acceptable.

Evangelical Christians have long argued that life begins at conception, and therefore that medical procedures that disrupt the first stages of pregnancy amount to murder. In the case of Hobby Lobby, this extends to a woman taking pills such as Plan B, Next Choice or Ella, any of which would prevent her ovaries from releasing an egg that could be fertilized after unprotected sex.

Perhaps taking a note from Catholic Church's opposition to sterilization, Hobby Lobby also objected to long-term birth control methods such as IUDs, which can cost women up to $1,000.

But that does not explain why Hobby Lobby doesn't object to covering the cost of its male employees' vasectomies.

MORE: Hobby Lobby Still Covers Vasectomies And Viagra

This seems like extreme hypocrisy to me.
HL objects to killing fertilized eggs...NOT to preventing fertilization!

How twisted can you get?

HL gladly covers 16 types of birth control. They refused to provide 4 types of birth control. They were NOT objecting to birth control....just to abortion!

Get it?
Hobby Lobby -- now free to drop emergency "morning after" pills and intrauterine devices from its workers' health insurance plans -- has given no indication that it plans to stop helping its male employees obtain erectile dysfunction treatments.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that the craft store chain, owned by evangelical Christians, doesn't have to pay for health care coverage of contraceptives prohibited by its owners' religion.

But pills and pumps that help a man stiffen his penis in preparation for sex are perfectly acceptable.

Evangelical Christians have long argued that life begins at conception, and therefore that medical procedures that disrupt the first stages of pregnancy amount to murder. In the case of Hobby Lobby, this extends to a woman taking pills such as Plan B, Next Choice or Ella, any of which would prevent her ovaries from releasing an egg that could be fertilized after unprotected sex.

Perhaps taking a note from Catholic Church's opposition to sterilization, Hobby Lobby also objected to long-term birth control methods such as IUDs, which can cost women up to $1,000.

But that does not explain why Hobby Lobby doesn't object to covering the cost of its male employees' vasectomies.

MORE: Hobby Lobby Still Covers Vasectomies And Viagra

This seems like extreme hypocrisy to me.

Hows this for hypocrisy?

Why don't these Christian zealots have a problem with semen being imprisoned in a man's testicles after having a vasectomy? That's a lot of babies going to waste.

Because unlike you they have a functioning brain.
Hobby Lobby -- now free to drop emergency "morning after" pills and intrauterine devices from its workers' health insurance plans -- has given no indication that it plans to stop helping its male employees obtain erectile dysfunction treatments.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that the craft store chain, owned by evangelical Christians, doesn't have to pay for health care coverage of contraceptives prohibited by its owners' religion.

But pills and pumps that help a man stiffen his penis in preparation for sex are perfectly acceptable.

Evangelical Christians have long argued that life begins at conception, and therefore that medical procedures that disrupt the first stages of pregnancy amount to murder. In the case of Hobby Lobby, this extends to a woman taking pills such as Plan B, Next Choice or Ella, any of which would prevent her ovaries from releasing an egg that could be fertilized after unprotected sex.

Perhaps taking a note from Catholic Church's opposition to sterilization, Hobby Lobby also objected to long-term birth control methods such as IUDs, which can cost women up to $1,000.

But that does not explain why Hobby Lobby doesn't object to covering the cost of its male employees' vasectomies.

MORE: Hobby Lobby Still Covers Vasectomies And Viagra

This seems like extreme hypocrisy to me.

Of course it is. They hate women and want to control them.
Hobby Lobby -- now free to drop emergency "morning after" pills and intrauterine devices from its workers' health insurance plans -- has given no indication that it plans to stop helping its male employees obtain erectile dysfunction treatments.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that the craft store chain, owned by evangelical Christians, doesn't have to pay for health care coverage of contraceptives prohibited by its owners' religion.

But pills and pumps that help a man stiffen his penis in preparation for sex are perfectly acceptable.

Evangelical Christians have long argued that life begins at conception, and therefore that medical procedures that disrupt the first stages of pregnancy amount to murder. In the case of Hobby Lobby, this extends to a woman taking pills such as Plan B, Next Choice or Ella, any of which would prevent her ovaries from releasing an egg that could be fertilized after unprotected sex.

Perhaps taking a note from Catholic Church's opposition to sterilization, Hobby Lobby also objected to long-term birth control methods such as IUDs, which can cost women up to $1,000.

But that does not explain why Hobby Lobby doesn't object to covering the cost of its male employees' vasectomies.

MORE: Hobby Lobby Still Covers Vasectomies And Viagra

This seems like extreme hypocrisy to me.
HL objects to killing fertilized eggs...NOT to preventing fertilization!

How twisted can you get?

HL gladly covers 16 types of birth control. They refused to provide 4 types of birth control. They were NOT objecting to birth control....just to abortion!

Get it?

Birth control pills do not cause abortions.
Hobby Lobby -- now free to drop emergency "morning after" pills and intrauterine devices from its workers' health insurance plans -- has given no indication that it plans to stop helping its male employees obtain erectile dysfunction treatments.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that the craft store chain, owned by evangelical Christians, doesn't have to pay for health care coverage of contraceptives prohibited by its owners' religion.

But pills and pumps that help a man stiffen his penis in preparation for sex are perfectly acceptable.

Evangelical Christians have long argued that life begins at conception, and therefore that medical procedures that disrupt the first stages of pregnancy amount to murder. In the case of Hobby Lobby, this extends to a woman taking pills such as Plan B, Next Choice or Ella, any of which would prevent her ovaries from releasing an egg that could be fertilized after unprotected sex.

Perhaps taking a note from Catholic Church's opposition to sterilization, Hobby Lobby also objected to long-term birth control methods such as IUDs, which can cost women up to $1,000.

But that does not explain why Hobby Lobby doesn't object to covering the cost of its male employees' vasectomies.

MORE: Hobby Lobby Still Covers Vasectomies And Viagra

This seems like extreme hypocrisy to me.

Of course it is. They hate women and want to control them.

So you vote for that every time you vote far left, your point?
Hobby Lobby -- now free to drop emergency "morning after" pills and intrauterine devices from its workers' health insurance plans -- has given no indication that it plans to stop helping its male employees obtain erectile dysfunction treatments.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that the craft store chain, owned by evangelical Christians, doesn't have to pay for health care coverage of contraceptives prohibited by its owners' religion.

But pills and pumps that help a man stiffen his penis in preparation for sex are perfectly acceptable.

Evangelical Christians have long argued that life begins at conception, and therefore that medical procedures that disrupt the first stages of pregnancy amount to murder. In the case of Hobby Lobby, this extends to a woman taking pills such as Plan B, Next Choice or Ella, any of which would prevent her ovaries from releasing an egg that could be fertilized after unprotected sex.

Perhaps taking a note from Catholic Church's opposition to sterilization, Hobby Lobby also objected to long-term birth control methods such as IUDs, which can cost women up to $1,000.

But that does not explain why Hobby Lobby doesn't object to covering the cost of its male employees' vasectomies.

MORE: Hobby Lobby Still Covers Vasectomies And Viagra

This seems like extreme hypocrisy to me.
HL objects to killing fertilized eggs...NOT to preventing fertilization!

How twisted can you get?

HL gladly covers 16 types of birth control. They refused to provide 4 types of birth control. They were NOT objecting to birth control....just to abortion!

Get it?

Birth control pills do not cause abortions.

Nor did you read and understand what they were talking about instead went right to the propaganda comment.
Hobby Lobby -- now free to drop emergency "morning after" pills and intrauterine devices from its workers' health insurance plans -- has given no indication that it plans to stop helping its male employees obtain erectile dysfunction treatments.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that the craft store chain, owned by evangelical Christians, doesn't have to pay for health care coverage of contraceptives prohibited by its owners' religion.

But pills and pumps that help a man stiffen his penis in preparation for sex are perfectly acceptable.

Evangelical Christians have long argued that life begins at conception, and therefore that medical procedures that disrupt the first stages of pregnancy amount to murder. In the case of Hobby Lobby, this extends to a woman taking pills such as Plan B, Next Choice or Ella, any of which would prevent her ovaries from releasing an egg that could be fertilized after unprotected sex.

Perhaps taking a note from Catholic Church's opposition to sterilization, Hobby Lobby also objected to long-term birth control methods such as IUDs, which can cost women up to $1,000.

But that does not explain why Hobby Lobby doesn't object to covering the cost of its male employees' vasectomies.

MORE: Hobby Lobby Still Covers Vasectomies And Viagra

This seems like extreme hypocrisy to me.
HL objects to killing fertilized eggs...NOT to preventing fertilization!

How twisted can you get?

HL gladly covers 16 types of birth control. They refused to provide 4 types of birth control. They were NOT objecting to birth control....just to abortion!

Get it?

But what about the businesses/organizations who do object to all birth control? Are you saying that unlike Hobby Lobby, they don't have a case as well?

The consensus position by the Right around here that it's only the so-called abortifacient birth control measures that they object to is a fraud;

I guarantee you they will almost unanimously support the right of companies to deny ALL birth control coverage when we see a court case like that come along.

So quit lying.
The Hobby Lobby ruling is getting the silver screen treatment from former Pennsylvania senator and GOP presidential hopeful Rick Santorum, his production company revealed Monday on the heels of the contentious Supreme Court decision.

The Hobby Lobby Case Is Already Becoming A Movie, Thanks To Rick Santorum

Holy shit...

Please nominate Rick Santorum in 2016.

Are you upset because you take little blue pills and shoot blanks?
Does a woman ever have an unwanted pregnancy from a man on Viagra who couldn't otherwise have an erection?

Penis envy. Lol those women can still get their birth control, and if the want they can still buy the other four. Why would someone take a pill that kills a fertilized egg in their body anyway? Women in America today, have become baby killers, and the excuse is choice.
Hobby Lobby -- now free to drop emergency "morning after" pills and intrauterine devices from its workers' health insurance plans -- has given no indication that it plans to stop helping its male employees obtain erectile dysfunction treatments.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that the craft store chain, owned by evangelical Christians, doesn't have to pay for health care coverage of contraceptives prohibited by its owners' religion.

But pills and pumps that help a man stiffen his penis in preparation for sex are perfectly acceptable.

Evangelical Christians have long argued that life begins at conception, and therefore that medical procedures that disrupt the first stages of pregnancy amount to murder. In the case of Hobby Lobby, this extends to a woman taking pills such as Plan B, Next Choice or Ella, any of which would prevent her ovaries from releasing an egg that could be fertilized after unprotected sex.

Perhaps taking a note from Catholic Church's opposition to sterilization, Hobby Lobby also objected to long-term birth control methods such as IUDs, which can cost women up to $1,000.

But that does not explain why Hobby Lobby doesn't object to covering the cost of its male employees' vasectomies.

MORE: Hobby Lobby Still Covers Vasectomies And Viagra

This seems like extreme hypocrisy to me.
I would suggest liberal women not work at Hobby Lobby and opt to work at an uber-lib work place like Ben and Jerry's. Problem solved.
Does a woman ever have an unwanted pregnancy from a man on Viagra who couldn't otherwise have an erection?

Perhaps she should have had him use a condom. Why exactly do you pretend like she is an unwilling victim in your hypothetical scenario? Or that either of them should be allowed to avoid responsibility for the life they've created?
Does a woman ever have an unwanted pregnancy from a man on Viagra who couldn't otherwise have an erection?

Perhaps she should have had him use a condom. Why exactly do you pretend like she is an unwilling victim in your hypothetical scenario? Or that either of them should be allowed to avoid responsibility for the life they've created?

Domestic Violence is something ignorant people like you ought to research. You post things about issues you don't know a damn thing about and regularly make a fool of yourself.

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