Hobby Lobby Still Covers Vasectomies And Viagra


A man can get a vasectomy and a woman can get her tubes tied, both covered by Hobby Lobby's health insurance.

That is comparing apples to apples, Lakhota.
No response?

Why does Lakhota avoid my post? It's a fair statement and relevant to his thread. He must need to run from reality to continue with his drivel.

A man can get a vasectomy and a woman can get her tubes tied, both covered by Hobby Lobby's health insurance.

That is comparing apples to apples, Lakhota.
No response?

Why does Lakhota avoid my post? It's a fair statement and relevant to his thread. He must need to run from reality to continue with his drivel.

Mostly because you're an asshole.
wow, do they think all this whining is going to change SUPREME COURTS MIND?

ugly losers

waaaa we didn't get our waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy

A man can get a vasectomy and a woman can get her tubes tied, both covered by Hobby Lobby's health insurance.

That is comparing apples to apples, Lakhota.
No response?

Why does Lakhota avoid my post? It's a fair statement and relevant to his thread. He must need to run from reality to continue with his drivel.

Mostly because you're an asshole.

Maybe because I handed you your ass and you have nothing?

You posted your premise and I showed you the flaw in your premise. Just own up that you were wrong and I was right. But, calling me a name.....well.....that's just childish at best.
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It is looking more and more as if Junk Warehouse, i.e., Hobby Lobby, cares not about the unborn, unless it hits their pocketbook:

These companies include Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, which makes Plan B and ParaGard, a copper IUD, and Actavis ACT +0.43%, which makes a generic version of Plan B and distributes Ella. Other holdings in the mutual funds selected by Hobby Lobby include Pfizer PFE +1.35%, the maker of Cytotec and Prostin E2, which are used to induce abortions; Bayer , which manufactures the hormonal IUDs Skyla and Mirena; AstraZeneca AZN +0.66%, which has an Indian subsidiary that manufactures Prostodin, Cerviprime, and Partocin, three drugs commonly used in abortions; and Forest Laboratories, which makes Cervidil, a drug used to induce abortions. Several funds in the Hobby Lobby retirement plan also invested in Aetna AET +1.21% and Humana, two health insurance companies that cover surgical abortions, abortion drugs, and emergency contraception in many of the health care policies they sell.

When added up, the nine funds holding the stated investments involve three-quarters of Hobby Lobby’s 401(k) assets.

Hobby Lobby -- now free to drop emergency "morning after" pills and intrauterine devices from its workers' health insurance plans -- has given no indication that it plans to stop helping its male employees obtain erectile dysfunction treatments.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that the craft store chain, owned by evangelical Christians, doesn't have to pay for health care coverage of contraceptives prohibited by its owners' religion.

But pills and pumps that help a man stiffen his penis in preparation for sex are perfectly acceptable.

Evangelical Christians have long argued that life begins at conception, and therefore that medical procedures that disrupt the first stages of pregnancy amount to murder. In the case of Hobby Lobby, this extends to a woman taking pills such as Plan B, Next Choice or Ella, any of which would prevent her ovaries from releasing an egg that could be fertilized after unprotected sex.

Perhaps taking a note from Catholic Church's opposition to sterilization, Hobby Lobby also objected to long-term birth control methods such as IUDs, which can cost women up to $1,000.

But that does not explain why Hobby Lobby doesn't object to covering the cost of its male employees' vasectomies.

MORE: Hobby Lobby Still Covers Vasectomies And Viagra

This seems like extreme hypocrisy to me.

I really don't care about this. It's not that big of an issue, and the fact is women can still purchase their own birth control; they'll just have to pay for it. What I am curious to see though, is whether the cost savings on premiums will be passed on to the insured employees or if companies that choose not to offer this coverage keep the savings for the company. Not offering this coverage from insurance plans will reduce the cost of those plans. Is Hobby Lobby going to pass those savings on to its employees or not?
This is the really scary part of the Supreme Court Hobby Lobby decision:

'Hobby Lobby' Is Just the Beginning: A Flood of Corporate Religious Objections Is Coming

From the New YorkDAILY News, not a bastion of liberal thought:

After the decision, the Obama administration can enact regulations guaranteeing that Hobby Lobby’s employees receive coverage. After all, the government has said that it is cheaper for insurers to provide contraception for free than to cover costs associated with unwanted or accidental pregnancies.

Yet even if that is true, the court’s reasoning today is “startling” and even “radical,” as Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg says in her dissent.

First, the court gives no principled reason why large publicly-traded companies could not bring similar claims for religious freedom exemptions from economic regulations.

What if a company objects to the minimum wage, or to employment discrimination laws? The court says that such challenges are unlikely as a practical matter, but it provides no legal bulwark against them.

Second, the court says that the government can be required to pay for any costs that may result from a religious freedom claim — at taxpayer expense. True, the cost of providing coverage to employees in this case may not be prohibitive, if the government’s accounting is right.

Junk Warehouse seems to want to APPEAR Christian, while expdiancy is the true "belief". Plastic trees, fake flowers, clay pots, toys and candy; a higher priced WalMart Super Store. Most of this stuff you can buy at Home Depot, easier, and probably cheaper. While bookstore chains in the US suffer, Mega Junk stores are making money:(
well, you can do like the people who didn't want this pos ObamaCare and try and have it REPEALED

smearing hobby lobby or anyone else isn't going to do you any good

or as you told us, IT'S THE LAW deal with it
oh go smoke a peace pipe

no one cares about your whining

keep your peckers in your pants and you women put an aspirin between your knees and we won't need to worry about this

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Junk warehouse sells enough plastic, paper and cheaply made toys to pay $25 an hour; shop Michaels, for quality arts & crafts.

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