Hoffa! Hoffa! Hoffa!

I think if you shoot him because he encouraged people to vote you might be in a little bit of trouble.

Not to mention acting totally un-American.

But if Jimmy Hoffa and Barry Obama's thugs shoot "Tea Partiers," well not a problem..

When are the Obamabots planing Kristalnacht? Got a hat picked to match your brown shirt?
It's only gonna get worse.

Obama wants the Tea Party to be the focus of everyone's hatred instead of himself.

He's already a lame-duck. He has nothing left to offer.
That quote didn't come from the rebels in Libya. It was spoken monday by union leader Don Hoffa in Detroit while introducing the president. "Let's take those sons of bitches out". Barry seemed to revel in the revolutionary spirit.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtlNuF74Fz0]Jimmy Hoffa declares War on TeaParty Sons of Bitches; Obama approves - YouTube[/ame]

Sounds like its time to double my ammo stocks.

It's the American Way.
I think if you shoot him because he encouraged people to vote you might be in a little bit of trouble.

Not to mention acting totally un-American.

But if Jimmy Hoffa and Barry Obama's thugs shoot "Tea Partiers," well not a problem..

When are the Obamabots planing Kristalnacht? Got a hat picked to match your brown shirt?

Cool, now telling people to vote is just like destroying Jews.

I hope you people campaign on this. :thup:
Unlike democracy, at the core of socialism you will always find force.....Barry's union thugs fill the bill...

1. Obama is not a socialist 2. The name is Barrack 3. They're not union thugs, they're workers trying make their voices heard in a world where the GOP declared all out war on collective bargaining 4. Plenty of speakers at Tea Party/GOP rallies have used similar, if not worse, language than what was used by Hoffa.
name one example of the tea party leaders using hate speech that is comparable with the foulness your party is vomiting !!:eusa_eh:

Sure thing. Here you go:

Tea Party Nation: The left's killed "a billion people" - David Catanese - POLITICO.com

THIENSVILLE, Wis. -- The founder of Tea Party Nation claimed liberal ideology is responsible for "a billion" deaths over the past century during a raucous rally here Saturday in support of one of the six Republican state senators facing a recall election Tuesday.

"I will tell you ladies and gentlemen, I detest and despise everything the left stands for. How anybody can endorse and embrace an ideology that has killed a billion people in the last century is beyond me," said Tea Party Nation CEO Judson Phillips.

Phillips, who a day prior likened protesters of Gov. Scott Walker to Nazi storm troopers, urged a few hundred tea party supporters to turn out for state Sen. Alberta Darling, who is in a ferocious battle with state Rep. Sandy Pasch to hold onto her suburban Milwaukee seat.

But he wasn't the only speaker to use loaded language to gin up the crowd.

Vince Schmuki, a leader of the Ozaukee Patriot tea party group compared the recall effort to a terrorist attack.

"This is ground zero," said Schmuki. "You remember what the term ground zero means? We have been attacked."

He continued, "Tuesday is going to be the beginning of our takeover. And we're going to follow it up the following week, and then we're going to polish off the enemy in November 2012. Who's with me?"
Who're you going to shoot? :dunno:

Republicans, Democrats, Conservatives, Liberals and Socialists all wear the same uniform in this country... You can't even tell them apart by the color of their collar anymore - how are you going to determine who to shoot?

Don't you figure Obamabots will be wearing crisp, brown shirts with the "O" logo on the shoulder?
Note how these righties have flip flopped on this type of imagery?

How many threads on this site alone did they defend the violent speech that they spewed as harmless right up until and even after A Democratic Rep got shot in the head?
I just hope Hoffa and his minions are held accountable when the violence does come. He is clearly inciting violence,therefore he should be held accountable. The man is pitiful and shameful. These are fellow Americans he's advocating hurting. His awful incitement will not be forgotten.
the tea party has no leaders, they are a loose group of patriots not wanting to be taxed without representation.

or something.

and they love freeeeeeeeedom.


The Tea Partiers are a bunch of anti-abortionists who are trying the old hidden ball trick to advance their otherwise dead in the water agenda.

So why is that dipshit Hoffa scared shitless of them. Hell, innocent women (Sarah Palin) scare you shitless. Why don't you fucking grow a set.

Which, of course, is why we are the ones referring to guns and getting ammo. :eusa_whistle:
1. Obama is not a socialist 2. The name is Barrack 3. They're not union thugs, they're workers trying make their voices heard in a world where the GOP declared all out war on collective bargaining 4. Plenty of speakers at Tea Party/GOP rallies have used similar, if not worse, language than what was used by Hoffa.
name one example of the tea party leaders using hate speech that is comparable with the foulness your party is vomiting !!:eusa_eh:

Sure thing. Here you go:

Tea Party Nation: The left's killed "a billion people" - David Catanese - POLITICO.com

THIENSVILLE, Wis. -- The founder of Tea Party Nation claimed liberal ideology is responsible for "a billion" deaths over the past century during a raucous rally here Saturday in support of one of the six Republican state senators facing a recall election Tuesday.

"I will tell you ladies and gentlemen, I detest and despise everything the left stands for. How anybody can endorse and embrace an ideology that has killed a billion people in the last century is beyond me," said Tea Party Nation CEO Judson Phillips.

Phillips, who a day prior likened protesters of Gov. Scott Walker to Nazi storm troopers, urged a few hundred tea party supporters to turn out for state Sen. Alberta Darling, who is in a ferocious battle with state Rep. Sandy Pasch to hold onto her suburban Milwaukee seat.

But he wasn't the only speaker to use loaded language to gin up the crowd.

Vince Schmuki, a leader of the Ozaukee Patriot tea party group compared the recall effort to a terrorist attack.

"This is ground zero," said Schmuki. "You remember what the term ground zero means? We have been attacked."

He continued, "Tuesday is going to be the beginning of our takeover. And we're going to follow it up the following week, and then we're going to polish off the enemy in November 2012. Who's with me?"

Sources - Motherjones.com

Grow a brain
I just hope Hoffa and his minions are held accountable when the violence does come. He is clearly inciting violence,therefore he should be held accountable. The man is pitiful and shameful. These are fellow Americans he's advocating hurting. His awful incitement will not be forgotten.

I agree. His coments have woken the sleeping giant. I don't see Obama out there condeming what said either. You think a Leader would step in and you know, lead.

Where is he? On vacation again?
1. Obama is not a socialist

Obama is a fascist, but fascism is a form of socialism, a command economy where the state controls the means of production.

None of which describes the Obama administration.

2. The name is Barrack

He went by Barry for 24 years. Barry is absolutely his name.

He went by Barry at one time. He doesn't anymore. It is not his name.

They're not thugs

And water is NOT wet.....

Right, al union members are lawless thugs :lol::lol::lol:

they're workers trying make their voices heard in a world where the GOP declared all out war on collective bargaining

The nation is bankrupt, unions are the main reason.

:lol::lol::lol: What? Unions are the main cause of the nation's economic problems? I'm sure you have proof, right? :cuckoo:

4. Plenty of speakers at Tea Party/GOP rallies have used similar, if not worse, language than what was used by Hoffa.


Bullshit? Too bad for you, the facts are not on your side.I've already posted this about 4 times. You must have missed it. Here you go:
Tea Party Nation: The left's killed "a billion people" - David Catanese - POLITICO.com

THIENSVILLE, Wis. -- The founder of Tea Party Nation claimed liberal ideology is responsible for "a billion" deaths over the past century during a raucous rally here Saturday in support of one of the six Republican state senators facing a recall election Tuesday.

"I will tell you ladies and gentlemen, I detest and despise everything the left stands for. How anybody can endorse and embrace an ideology that has killed a billion people in the last century is beyond me," said Tea Party Nation CEO Judson Phillips.

Phillips, who a day prior likened protesters of Gov. Scott Walker to Nazi storm troopers, urged a few hundred tea party supporters to turn out for state Sen. Alberta Darling, who is in a ferocious battle with state Rep. Sandy Pasch to hold onto her suburban Milwaukee seat.

But he wasn't the only speaker to use loaded language to gin up the crowd.

Vince Schmuki, a leader of the Ozaukee Patriot tea party group compared the recall effort to a terrorist attack.

"This is ground zero," said Schmuki. "You remember what the term ground zero means? We have been attacked."

He continued, "Tuesday is going to be the beginning of our takeover. And we're going to follow it up the following week, and then we're going to polish off the enemy in November 2012. Who's with me?"
so you are officially on record as standy by " let's take the sons of bitches out" as being acceptable civil rhetoric.. got it.

Are you good with crosshairs or reload?

were you good when the dems used targets on a map of opponents?

Take em out in the election, or do you have a five word concentration span- and he was talking about ALL Pubs...etc etc. The Tea Party has Alzheimers, and the greedy mega rich who run the GOP ARE SOBS...

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