Hoffa! Hoffa! Hoffa!

I couldn't hear you teal'c did you have something to say?

Nope. Just laughing at this point. What else can I do after reading the hyperbole from the right? I mean, seriously, you guys do know that there is a plethora of violent quotes from Tea Party folks, right? I just posted a couple of them. Are you going to faux-outrage over those, or do you only save the faux-outrage for the left?

Which specific comment...post number or permalink the post so I can go read and respond for you.

I probably don't approve of the comments you posted either.

However, tea party idiocy does not excuse this threat of violent war against fellow americans.
Look, I'm not going to argue about socialism and all of that crap with you. It's not because I'm "afraid". It's because I've learned that it's a complete waste of time. Trying to reason with people who are convinced that Obama is a socialist (despite all of the evidence to the contrary) is like trying to reason with birthers. I'll never reach you. You'll never reach me. So don't even try.

As far as the Tea Party quotes go - I never said that those were the best (or the worst in this case); but they are violent quotes from Tea Party leaders. I honestly don't care. I realize that it's supposed ramp up their supporters (just like Hoffa was doing). You can't come on here and criticize Hoffa (not without looking like a hypocrite, that is) when plenty from the Tea Party have used similar rhetoric. In short, spare me.

well ok then.....spare US (conservatives)....you hypocritical liberal sons of bitches......:eusa_whistle:

Spare YOU? We're not the ones here faux-outraging. The OP is conservative and critical of the left. So, please, spare ME.

oh looky.....liberal whine....so typical....

try to look at the bigger picture.....when we conservatives join in the war declared by BO's union leader....PC liberals need to stop WHINING about language...

we have you SONS OF BITCHES in our CROSSHAIRS next election....and we will TAKE YOU OUT....!

ahh that felt good...:cool:
name one example of the tea party leaders using hate speech that is comparable with the foulness your party is vomiting !!:eusa_eh:

Sure thing. Here you go:

Tea Party Nation: The left's killed "a billion people" - David Catanese - POLITICO.com

THIENSVILLE, Wis. -- The founder of Tea Party Nation claimed liberal ideology is responsible for "a billion" deaths over the past century during a raucous rally here Saturday in support of one of the six Republican state senators facing a recall election Tuesday.

"I will tell you ladies and gentlemen, I detest and despise everything the left stands for. How anybody can endorse and embrace an ideology that has killed a billion people in the last century is beyond me," said Tea Party Nation CEO Judson Phillips.

Phillips, who a day prior likened protesters of Gov. Scott Walker to Nazi storm troopers, urged a few hundred tea party supporters to turn out for state Sen. Alberta Darling, who is in a ferocious battle with state Rep. Sandy Pasch to hold onto her suburban Milwaukee seat.

But he wasn't the only speaker to use loaded language to gin up the crowd.

Vince Schmuki, a leader of the Ozaukee Patriot tea party group compared the recall effort to a terrorist attack.

"This is ground zero," said Schmuki. "You remember what the term ground zero means? We have been attacked."

He continued, "Tuesday is going to be the beginning of our takeover. And we're going to follow it up the following week, and then we're going to polish off the enemy in November 2012. Who's with me?"

Sources - Motherjones.com

Grow a brain

So, you can prove that Mother Jones fabricated those quotes? Cool, I'll patiently wait for the arrival of your proof.
I just hope Hoffa and his minions are held accountable when the violence does come. He is clearly inciting violence,therefore he should be held accountable. The man is pitiful and shameful. These are fellow Americans he's advocating hurting. His awful incitement will not be forgotten.

Clutch those pearls any tighter and you might break the strand.
1. Obama is not a socialist 2. The name is Barrack 3. They're not union thugs, they're workers trying make their voices heard in a world where the GOP declared all out war on collective bargaining 4. Plenty of speakers at Tea Party/GOP rallies have used similar, if not worse, language than what was used by Hoffa.
name one example of the tea party leaders using hate speech that is comparable with the foulness your party is vomiting !!:eusa_eh:

Sure thing. Here you go:

Tea Party Nation: The left's killed "a billion people" - David Catanese - POLITICO.com

THIENSVILLE, Wis. -- The founder of Tea Party Nation claimed liberal ideology is responsible for "a billion" deaths over the past century during a raucous rally here Saturday in support of one of the six Republican state senators facing a recall election Tuesday.

"I will tell you ladies and gentlemen, I detest and despise everything the left stands for. How anybody can endorse and embrace an ideology that has killed a billion people in the last century is beyond me," said Tea Party Nation CEO Judson Phillips.

Phillips, who a day prior likened protesters of Gov. Scott Walker to Nazi storm troopers, urged a few hundred tea party supporters to turn out for state Sen. Alberta Darling, who is in a ferocious battle with state Rep. Sandy Pasch to hold onto her suburban Milwaukee seat.

But he wasn't the only speaker to use loaded language to gin up the crowd.

Vince Schmuki, a leader of the Ozaukee Patriot tea party group compared the recall effort to a terrorist attack.

"This is ground zero," said Schmuki. "You remember what the term ground zero means? We have been attacked."

He continued, "Tuesday is going to be the beginning of our takeover. And we're going to follow it up the following week, and then we're going to polish off the enemy in November 2012. Who's with me?"

Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot were all Leftists.

All of histories Greatest Mass Murderers were Leftists.
Killing people for voting is self-defense? :cuckoo:

But he wasn't telling people to vote, he was talking about starting a war and taking people out ravi.

I remember you being mad about Palin saying something very similar...where is your outrage now? Wrong party?
There's really no reason to lie, PP.

I agree

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f65xilSDyso&feature=related]James Hoffa 'Let's Take These Son of a Bitches Out Video' RightFace.us - YouTube[/ame]

"blow em away" "at war with them" "take them out"

Yeah no violent rhetoric.
well ok then.....spare US (conservatives)....you hypocritical liberal sons of bitches......:eusa_whistle:

Spare YOU? We're not the ones here faux-outraging. The OP is conservative and critical of the left. So, please, spare ME.

oh looky.....liberal whine....so typical....

try to look at the bigger picture.....when we conservatives join in the war declared by BO's union leader....PC liberals need to stop WHINING about language...

we have you SONS OF BITCHES in our CROSSHAIRS next election....and we will TAKE YOU OUT....!

ahh that felt good...:cool:

Let me get this straight: you're accusing liberals of whining on a thread started by a conservative who is himself whining about Hoffa's speech?:cuckoo: :lol::lol::lol:
Union members getting fired up to vote scares you, apparently. Ok. Whatever.

Boed, just so you know, people like me took that as a serious threat.

I'm going to never leave home unarmed again (not that i usually do but sometimes I have), just in case these thugs come to my place of work or try to impede my freedom or safety in the way that rhetoric said they intended by "fighting me" and "taking me out"

How the fuck are "they" going to find "us" on our lunch breaks?!? We all look alike!! I do not get this line of thinking.

Simple "Hi, i was wondering if this is a union business" via the phone.

its not hard at all is it?
name one example of the tea party leaders using hate speech that is comparable with the foulness your party is vomiting !!:eusa_eh:

Sure thing. Here you go:

Tea Party Nation: The left's killed "a billion people" - David Catanese - POLITICO.com

THIENSVILLE, Wis. -- The founder of Tea Party Nation claimed liberal ideology is responsible for "a billion" deaths over the past century during a raucous rally here Saturday in support of one of the six Republican state senators facing a recall election Tuesday.

"I will tell you ladies and gentlemen, I detest and despise everything the left stands for. How anybody can endorse and embrace an ideology that has killed a billion people in the last century is beyond me," said Tea Party Nation CEO Judson Phillips.

Phillips, who a day prior likened protesters of Gov. Scott Walker to Nazi storm troopers, urged a few hundred tea party supporters to turn out for state Sen. Alberta Darling, who is in a ferocious battle with state Rep. Sandy Pasch to hold onto her suburban Milwaukee seat.

But he wasn't the only speaker to use loaded language to gin up the crowd.

Vince Schmuki, a leader of the Ozaukee Patriot tea party group compared the recall effort to a terrorist attack.

"This is ground zero," said Schmuki. "You remember what the term ground zero means? We have been attacked."

He continued, "Tuesday is going to be the beginning of our takeover. And we're going to follow it up the following week, and then we're going to polish off the enemy in November 2012. Who's with me?"

Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot were all Leftists.

All of histories Greatest Mass Murderers were Leftists.


Put down the Ann Coulter book.
I just hope Hoffa and his minions are held accountable when the violence does come. He is clearly inciting violence,therefore he should be held accountable. The man is pitiful and shameful. These are fellow Americans he's advocating hurting. His awful incitement will not be forgotten.

I hope there isn't any violence.

Even a minor attack by the Brown Shirts could spark a major clash, with the mood of the nation as it is.

Shame on Obama for not condemning ReichMarshal Hoffa and his incendiary demagoguery. Shame on Obama for not calling for cooler heads and civil discord instead of the threats of violence and calls for murder of opposition people from scum like Hoffa.

Try to "take the sons of bitches out" and you will spark a civil war, you worthless fucks.
Funny how they refuse to answer the question.

Ill ask again.

Is this type of speach going to lead to say someone being harmed?

Have you changed your mind and now admitt the violent rethoric of the right caused someone to be harmed in the past?
Note how these righties have flip flopped on this type of imagery?

How many threads on this site alone did they defend the violent speech that they spewed as harmless right up until and even after A Democratic Rep got shot in the head?

no flip flop here but im not your "righties" im just an american who loves his liberty.

I dont like either side saying "take them out" "this is war" "Our army will fight them". Violent agressive rhetoric, espcially after giffords, has no place in the conversation by those in positions of power.

Reactionary promises of protecting ones self and violent rhetoric are not the same btw
But he wasn't telling people to vote, he was talking about starting a war and taking people out ravi.

I remember you being mad about Palin saying something very similar...where is your outrage now? Wrong party?
There's really no reason to lie, PP.

I agree

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f65xilSDyso&feature=related]James Hoffa 'Let's Take These Son of a Bitches Out Video' RightFace.us - YouTube[/ame]

"blow em away" "at war with them" "take them out"

Yeah no violent rhetoric.

Another violent, blood thirsty, Party>Country Leftist. Color me shocked
Funny how they refuse to answer the question.

Ill ask again.

Is this type of speach going to lead to say someone being harmed?

Have you changed your mind and now admitt the violent rethoric of the right caused someone to be harmed in the past?

It could
I haven't changed my mind I didn't like palin's bullseyes and I dont like hoffa's army coming to take people out.
The treasonous and violent Tea Party is afraid of the unions.

How amusing!
Oh Mr. Hoffa,these are your fellow Americans you want to hurt. Hoffa needs to think more before he speaks. Nothing good can come from declaring War on your own people. And i mean nothing.

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