Hoffa! Hoffa! Hoffa!

I think unions did serve an important function at one time, but today they are like a rent controlled apartment. Great if you luck into one, but no great help to the rest of us who have to carry the redistributed load.

There's some truth to that, of course. When unions were in their hayday, unions and union members could be awfully arrogant and selfish, that IS true.

However as the average income of American workers goes down, which is, in some part, thanks to this nation's open war on unionism, this nation will go down with those declining incomes.

Unions can run amuck, just like capital can run amuck.

In both cases it is the people and nation which suffer.

When there's some balance in power, when unions and management understand that it is in both their best interests to find compromise and some balance in sharing the profits, this nation does best.

Sadly, thanks to FREE TRADE, that balance is now so out of Kilter, I seriously doubt this nation will every gain be wha it was during my childhood and early years.

Some other nation, China, p[erhaps, will become the dominant economic power.

And as it does, expect to see that nation share the wealth with its own people.

Because when that wealth is not shared in some reasonable way, that economy won't last long.

I think you are being overtly alarmist..

I do think that Free Trade is a problem. But an equally big problem is that unions themselves are unreasonable.

It should not be impossible to fire a bad employee.

Incidently, the Chinese are not ten feet tall and eat bullets. Most of the country's 1.3 billion people still live in grinding poverty. There is a huge gap between the new gentry who live in the cities and the people who live in poverty.

I equate China to 1789 France. And we all saw how well that worked out.

Now as far as what is a "reasonable" way, that's a matter for employers and employees to work out. If an employee doesn't think he's being fairly compensated, he always has the option of working somewhere else.

The real problem is due to automation, due to efficiencies, etc, we just simply don't have enough jobs for everyone. So there are those of us pulling the wagon and those of us riding in it.
There is no link in THIS post of yours either.
I posted it you responded to it but ignored it It's not my fault you're stupid.

Ok, I"ve taken the time to do a little research on this thread and this is what I found up to the first of any links YOU have posted on this thread:

pg 55...this page
pg 54....4 posts by you, no links
pg 53...3 posts by you, no links
pg 52...no posts by you
pg 51...no posts by you
pg 50...1 post by you, no links
pg 49...no posts by you
pg 48...no posts by you
pg 47...no posts by you
pg 46...3 posts by you, no links
pg 45...1 post by you, a youtube video
pg 44...2 posts by you, no links
pg 43...1 post by you with a link to a post by MarkATL with two other people quoted (not me)...from a thread 534 PAGES long.

How much farther do I have to go back to see this so called "link" of yours that YOU can't even reproduce for us to see?

You've got a week to prove that you proved me wrong. It's not looking good for you....you can't even provide a so called "link".

You were saying?
You know you're a fucking hack you no better than that. You for one when gifford was shot was blaming Palin and her target signs. You are also one of those that have attacked bachman for saying something like what hooffnuts did. So blow it out your ass you fucking hack.

Not seeing those links, little one. Talk is cheap. Show us all those "left got so upset" threads about Bachman and her comments.
All those left hate thread, most were combined into one here's one post from it.

pg 43...1 post by you with a link to a post by MarkATL with two other people quoted (not me)...

Talk about moving the goal post
You said
Show us all those "left got so upset

That whole thread is full of libs getting upset.

Man, has everyone already denounced FAUX for their selective editing in order to assign a different meaning to Hoffa's words than he intended and I'm just late to the party?

If they didn't play the whole damned speech from front to back that's selective editing.

Everyone knows exactly what he was saying.

There was no misunderstanding.
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Fox did edit what was said
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtlNuF74Fz0]Jimmy Hoffa declares War on TeaParty Sons of Bitches; Obama approves - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f65xilSDyso]James Hoffa 'Let's Take These Son of a Bitches Out Video' RightFace.us - YouTube[/ame]

However other media sources have also done it with sarah palin.

Man, has everyone already denounced FAUX for their selective editing in order to assign a different meaning to Hoffa's words than he intended and I'm just late to the party?
I haven't seen any cons denounce Fox for their deception.

As usual, they just make it what they want to hear and run with it.

yeah yeah, we know you all don't care what he said and now you want to DEFECT from the fact that the Obama WAS there when he called the American citizens sons of a bitches.
Man, has everyone already denounced FAUX for their selective editing in order to assign a different meaning to Hoffa's words than he intended and I'm just late to the party?
I haven't seen any cons denounce Fox for their deception.

As usual, they just make it what they want to hear and run with it.

yeah yeah, we know you all don't care what he said and now you want to DEFECT from the fact that the Obama WAS there when he called the American citizens sons of a bitches.
No. Get it right. He called incumbent congressfolk sons of bitches.

And that's what they are.

Every last one of them.
Man, has everyone already denounced FAUX for their selective editing in order to assign a different meaning to Hoffa's words than he intended and I'm just late to the party?
I haven't seen any cons denounce Fox for their deception.

As usual, they just make it what they want to hear and run with it.

yeah yeah, we know you all don't care what he said and now you want to DEFECT from the fact that the Obama WAS there when he called the American citizens sons of a bitches.

Well, Obama called the same folks "Tea-Baggers" so I can't see any difference.

Both of them are assholes.

I figure to introduce an asshole to the crowd they needed a flamboyant asshole, so Hoffa fit the bill.
I haven't seen any cons denounce Fox for their deception.

As usual, they just make it what they want to hear and run with it.

yeah yeah, we know you all don't care what he said and now you want to DEFECT from the fact that the Obama WAS there when he called the American citizens sons of a bitches.
No. Get it right. He called incumbent congressfolk sons of bitches.

And that's what they are.

Every last one of them.

well apparently the people who voted in the November elections didn't think so, and by the looks of the Obama's approvals the people are pretty much saying just what party they think are the sons of a bitches..:lol:
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Jimmy stood on the stage with Barry and told the Country "this is your army and we are ready to march to take out those sons of bitches". For the first time in history the president went along with a promise of anarchy and murder. God help us if this guy gets another four years.
According to the dishonestly edited FOX quote in red, but the part FOX left out in black calls repeatedly for VOTING the SOBs out!!! There is nothing "murderous" about voting! :asshole:

We have to keep an eye on the battle we face — a war on workers. And you see it everywhere there is the Tea Party. And you know there is only one way to beat and win that war.
The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what, they’ve got a war, they’ve got a war with us and there is only going to be one winner. It is going to be the workers of Michigan and America – we are going to win that war. All the way.
But it starts with your involvement, it starts with next November. We’ve got a bunch of people there that don’t’ want the president to succeed, and they are called the Tea Party – the people who don’t want him to do anything right and he is working hard for us.
President Obama is frustrated by what’s going on. Well, guess what, we’ve got the vote. And the answer to what we say is, we remember in November. We will beat the Tea Party and give this country back to workers and America. We can do it together.”
We’ve also got to talk about jobs. I get so tired about people who …(inaudible) these big corporations that send our jobs to Mexico, they send our jobs to China, and they’ve got the audacity to say ‘where are the jobs?’
Well I’ve got news for you. It’s time to bring those jobs back to America and bring America back to work. That’s what we’ve got to do.
We are going to hear from President Obama in a few minutes, and I am so glad that he has come to Michigan because this is where he sees the real America. He looks out on this army of people and you know what I say? President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. President Obama, we want one thing: Jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs…(The crowd joins the chant.)
That’s what we are going to tell America…..When he sees what we are doing here, he will be inspired, but he needs help. And you know what? Everybody here has got a vote. If we go back, we keep the eye on the prize, lets take these sons-of-bitches out and give America back to America where we belong.”

It seems you had no problem with those edited interviews with Sarah Palin, why the change?
It seems you can't deny FOX's dishonest editing, but rather then condemn them you try to defend them by making up crap about me in a desperate attempt to change the subject.
Thank you.
According to the dishonestly edited FOX quote in red, but the part FOX left out in black calls repeatedly for VOTING the SOBs out!!! There is nothing "murderous" about voting! :asshole:

It seems you had no problem with those edited interviews with Sarah Palin, why the change?
It seems you can't deny FOX's dishonest editing, but rather then condemn them you try to defend them by making up crap about me in a desperate attempt to change the subject.
Thank you.

. I HEARD HOFFA with my own ears calling us Sons of A BITCHES and then Obama going onstage and telling him he is proud of him. so you can play the fox news fox news fox news BS till your hearts content. NOBODY CARE ABOUT IT.
It seems you had no problem with those edited interviews with Sarah Palin, why the change?
It seems you can't deny FOX's dishonest editing, but rather then condemn them you try to defend them by making up crap about me in a desperate attempt to change the subject.
Thank you.

. I HEARD HOFFA with my own ears calling us Sons of A BITCHES and then Obama going onstage and telling him he is proud of him. so you can play the fox news fox news fox news BS till your hearts content. NOBODY CARE ABOUT IT.

Lighten up Steph

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDa1W9CE7L8&feature=related]Nasareth - Son Of A Bitch Official Version - YouTube[/ame]

I am a very mean son of a bitch
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It seems you had no problem with those edited interviews with Sarah Palin, why the change?
It seems you can't deny FOX's dishonest editing, but rather then condemn them you try to defend them by making up crap about me in a desperate attempt to change the subject.
Thank you.

. I HEARD HOFFA with my own ears calling us Sons of A BITCHES and then Obama going onstage and telling him he is proud of him. so you can play the fox news fox news fox news BS till your hearts content. NOBODY CARE ABOUT IT.

Obama won election by attempting to change his spots.

He had to fool everyone into thinking he wasn't what he is.

Now that the spots are clear to everyone they want to say that what we're seeing isn't real.

We'll see if they can trick enough people the second time.

Man, has everyone already denounced FAUX for their selective editing in order to assign a different meaning to Hoffa's words than he intended and I'm just late to the party?

If they didn't play the whole damned speech from front to back that's selective editing.

Everyone knows exactly what he was saying.

There was no misunderstanding.
But only when they hear the unedited clip with the repeated references to VOTING the SOBs out. FOX cut those parts out deliberately to make SUCKERS out of fools like you.

Here is the whole quote with the pieces FOX cobbled together in red and the edited out parts in black.

We have to keep an eye on the battle we face — a war on workers. And you see it everywhere there is the Tea Party. And you know there is only one way to beat and win that war.
The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what, they’ve got a war, they’ve got a war with us and there is only going to be one winner. It is going to be the workers of Michigan and America – we are going to win that war. All the way.
But it starts with your involvement, it starts with next November. We’ve got a bunch of people there that don’t’ want the president to succeed, and they are called the Tea Party – the people who don’t want him to do anything right and he is working hard for us.
President Obama is frustrated by what’s going on. Well, guess what, we’ve got the vote. And the answer to what we say is, we remember in November. We will beat the Tea Party and give this country back to workers and America. We can do it together.”
We’ve also got to talk about jobs. I get so tired about people who …(inaudible) these big corporations that send our jobs to Mexico, they send our jobs to China, and they’ve got the audacity to say ‘where are the jobs?’
Well I’ve got news for you. It’s time to bring those jobs back to America and bring America back to work. That’s what we’ve got to do.
We are going to hear from President Obama in a few minutes, and I am so glad that he has come to Michigan because this is where he sees the real America. He looks out on this army of people and you know what I say? President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. President Obama, we want one thing: Jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs…(The crowd joins the chant.)
That’s what we are going to tell America…..When he sees what we are doing here, he will be inspired, but he needs help. And you know what? Everybody here has got a vote. If we go back, we keep the eye on the prize, lets take these sons-of-bitches out and give America back to America where we belong.”
It seems you can't deny FOX's dishonest editing, but rather then condemn them you try to defend them by making up crap about me in a desperate attempt to change the subject.
Thank you.

. I HEARD HOFFA with my own ears calling us Sons of A BITCHES and then Obama going onstage and telling him he is proud of him. so you can play the fox news fox news fox news BS till your hearts content. NOBODY CARE ABOUT IT.

Obama won election by attempting to change his spots.

He had to fool everyone into thinking he wasn't what he is.

Now that the spots are clear to everyone they want to say that what we're seeing isn't real.

We'll see if they can trick enough people the second time.

He did indeed. But I don't see a LOT of these same people who voted for the fraud to get suckered a SECOND time. Most people I know don't take kindly to being played for a fool.
I haven't seen any cons denounce Fox for their deception.

As usual, they just make it what they want to hear and run with it.

yeah yeah, we know you all don't care what he said and now you want to DEFECT from the fact that the Obama WAS there when he called the American citizens sons of a bitches.

Well, Obama called the same folks "Tea-Baggers" so I can't see any difference.

Both of them are assholes.

I figure to introduce an asshole to the crowd they needed a flamboyant asshole, so Hoffa fit the bill.
And those same Teabaggers called themselves Teabaggers. They even sell "PROUD TO BE A TEABAGGER" buttons at their demonstrations!!!!

This is yet another example of the false outrage of the Right. They're "proud" that they are Teabaggers, but if someone shows respect for their chosen nickname they play the perpetual VICTIM.


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